(function(scope){ 'use strict'; function F(arity, fun, wrapper) { wrapper.a = arity; wrapper.f = fun; return wrapper; } function F2(fun) { return F(2, fun, function(a) { return function(b) { return fun(a,b); }; }) } function F3(fun) { return F(3, fun, function(a) { return function(b) { return function(c) { return fun(a, b, c); }; }; }); } function F4(fun) { return F(4, fun, function(a) { return function(b) { return function(c) { return function(d) { return fun(a, b, c, d); }; }; }; }); } function F5(fun) { return F(5, fun, function(a) { return function(b) { return function(c) { return function(d) { return function(e) { return fun(a, b, c, d, e); }; }; }; }; }); } function F6(fun) { return F(6, fun, function(a) { return function(b) { return function(c) { return function(d) { return function(e) { return function(f) { return fun(a, b, c, d, e, f); }; }; }; }; }; }); } function F7(fun) { return F(7, fun, function(a) { return function(b) { return function(c) { return function(d) { return function(e) { return function(f) { return function(g) { return fun(a, b, c, d, e, f, g); }; }; }; }; }; }; }); } function F8(fun) { return F(8, fun, function(a) { return function(b) { return function(c) { return function(d) { return function(e) { return function(f) { return function(g) { return function(h) { return fun(a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h); }; }; }; }; }; }; }; }); } function F9(fun) { return F(9, fun, function(a) { return function(b) { return function(c) { return function(d) { return function(e) { return function(f) { return function(g) { return function(h) { return function(i) { return fun(a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i); }; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; }); } function A2(fun, a, b) { return fun.a === 2 ? fun.f(a, b) : fun(a)(b); } function A3(fun, a, b, c) { return fun.a === 3 ? fun.f(a, b, c) : fun(a)(b)(c); } function A4(fun, a, b, c, d) { return fun.a === 4 ? fun.f(a, b, c, d) : fun(a)(b)(c)(d); } function A5(fun, a, b, c, d, e) { return fun.a === 5 ? fun.f(a, b, c, d, e) : fun(a)(b)(c)(d)(e); } function A6(fun, a, b, c, d, e, f) { return fun.a === 6 ? fun.f(a, b, c, d, e, f) : fun(a)(b)(c)(d)(e)(f); } function A7(fun, a, b, c, d, e, f, g) { return fun.a === 7 ? fun.f(a, b, c, d, e, f, g) : fun(a)(b)(c)(d)(e)(f)(g); } function A8(fun, a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h) { return fun.a === 8 ? fun.f(a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h) : fun(a)(b)(c)(d)(e)(f)(g)(h); } function A9(fun, a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i) { return fun.a === 9 ? fun.f(a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i) : fun(a)(b)(c)(d)(e)(f)(g)(h)(i); } console.warn('Compiled in DEV mode. Follow the advice at https://elm-lang.org/0.19.1/optimize for better performance and smaller assets.'); // EQUALITY function _Utils_eq(x, y) { for ( var pair, stack = [], isEqual = _Utils_eqHelp(x, y, 0, stack); isEqual && (pair = stack.pop()); isEqual = _Utils_eqHelp(pair.a, pair.b, 0, stack) ) {} return isEqual; } function _Utils_eqHelp(x, y, depth, stack) { if (depth > 100) { stack.push(_Utils_Tuple2(x,y)); return true; } if (x === y) { return true; } if (typeof x !== 'object' || x === null || y === null) { typeof x === 'function' && _Debug_crash(5); return false; } /**/ if (x.$ === 'Set_elm_builtin') { x = $elm$core$Set$toList(x); y = $elm$core$Set$toList(y); } if (x.$ === 'RBNode_elm_builtin' || x.$ === 'RBEmpty_elm_builtin') { x = $elm$core$Dict$toList(x); y = $elm$core$Dict$toList(y); } //*/ /**_UNUSED/ if (x.$ < 0) { x = $elm$core$Dict$toList(x); y = $elm$core$Dict$toList(y); } //*/ for (var key in x) { if (!_Utils_eqHelp(x[key], y[key], depth + 1, stack)) { return false; } } return true; } var _Utils_equal = F2(_Utils_eq); var _Utils_notEqual = F2(function(a, b) { return !_Utils_eq(a,b); }); // COMPARISONS // Code in Generate/JavaScript.hs, Basics.js, and List.js depends on // the particular integer values assigned to LT, EQ, and GT. function _Utils_cmp(x, y, ord) { if (typeof x !== 'object') { return x === y ? /*EQ*/ 0 : x < y ? /*LT*/ -1 : /*GT*/ 1; } /**/ if (x instanceof String) { var a = x.valueOf(); var b = y.valueOf(); return a === b ? 0 : a < b ? -1 : 1; } //*/ /**_UNUSED/ if (typeof x.$ === 'undefined') //*/ /**/ if (x.$[0] === '#') //*/ { return (ord = _Utils_cmp(x.a, y.a)) ? ord : (ord = _Utils_cmp(x.b, y.b)) ? ord : _Utils_cmp(x.c, y.c); } // traverse conses until end of a list or a mismatch for (; x.b && y.b && !(ord = _Utils_cmp(x.a, y.a)); x = x.b, y = y.b) {} // WHILE_CONSES return ord || (x.b ? /*GT*/ 1 : y.b ? /*LT*/ -1 : /*EQ*/ 0); } var _Utils_lt = F2(function(a, b) { return _Utils_cmp(a, b) < 0; }); var _Utils_le = F2(function(a, b) { return _Utils_cmp(a, b) < 1; }); var _Utils_gt = F2(function(a, b) { return _Utils_cmp(a, b) > 0; }); var _Utils_ge = F2(function(a, b) { return _Utils_cmp(a, b) >= 0; }); var _Utils_compare = F2(function(x, y) { var n = _Utils_cmp(x, y); return n < 0 ? $elm$core$Basics$LT : n ? $elm$core$Basics$GT : $elm$core$Basics$EQ; }); // COMMON VALUES var _Utils_Tuple0_UNUSED = 0; var _Utils_Tuple0 = { $: '#0' }; function _Utils_Tuple2_UNUSED(a, b) { return { a: a, b: b }; } function _Utils_Tuple2(a, b) { return { $: '#2', a: a, b: b }; } function _Utils_Tuple3_UNUSED(a, b, c) { return { a: a, b: b, c: c }; } function _Utils_Tuple3(a, b, c) { return { $: '#3', a: a, b: b, c: c }; } function _Utils_chr_UNUSED(c) { return c; } function _Utils_chr(c) { return new String(c); } // RECORDS function _Utils_update(oldRecord, updatedFields) { var newRecord = {}; for (var key in oldRecord) { newRecord[key] = oldRecord[key]; } for (var key in updatedFields) { newRecord[key] = updatedFields[key]; } return newRecord; } // APPEND var _Utils_append = F2(_Utils_ap); function _Utils_ap(xs, ys) { // append Strings if (typeof xs === 'string') { return xs + ys; } // append Lists if (!xs.b) { return ys; } var root = _List_Cons(xs.a, ys); xs = xs.b for (var curr = root; xs.b; xs = xs.b) // WHILE_CONS { curr = curr.b = _List_Cons(xs.a, ys); } return root; } var _List_Nil_UNUSED = { $: 0 }; var _List_Nil = { $: '[]' }; function _List_Cons_UNUSED(hd, tl) { return { $: 1, a: hd, b: tl }; } function _List_Cons(hd, tl) { return { $: '::', a: hd, b: tl }; } var _List_cons = F2(_List_Cons); function _List_fromArray(arr) { var out = _List_Nil; for (var i = arr.length; i--; ) { out = _List_Cons(arr[i], out); } return out; } function _List_toArray(xs) { for (var out = []; xs.b; xs = xs.b) // WHILE_CONS { out.push(xs.a); } return out; } var _List_map2 = F3(function(f, xs, ys) { for (var arr = []; xs.b && ys.b; xs = xs.b, ys = ys.b) // WHILE_CONSES { arr.push(A2(f, xs.a, ys.a)); } return _List_fromArray(arr); }); var _List_map3 = F4(function(f, xs, ys, zs) { for (var arr = []; xs.b && ys.b && zs.b; xs = xs.b, ys = ys.b, zs = zs.b) // WHILE_CONSES { arr.push(A3(f, xs.a, ys.a, zs.a)); } return _List_fromArray(arr); }); var _List_map4 = F5(function(f, ws, xs, ys, zs) { for (var arr = []; ws.b && xs.b && ys.b && zs.b; ws = ws.b, xs = xs.b, ys = ys.b, zs = zs.b) // WHILE_CONSES { arr.push(A4(f, ws.a, xs.a, ys.a, zs.a)); } return _List_fromArray(arr); }); var _List_map5 = F6(function(f, vs, ws, xs, ys, zs) { for (var arr = []; vs.b && ws.b && xs.b && ys.b && zs.b; vs = vs.b, ws = ws.b, xs = xs.b, ys = ys.b, zs = zs.b) // WHILE_CONSES { arr.push(A5(f, vs.a, ws.a, xs.a, ys.a, zs.a)); } return _List_fromArray(arr); }); var _List_sortBy = F2(function(f, xs) { return _List_fromArray(_List_toArray(xs).sort(function(a, b) { return _Utils_cmp(f(a), f(b)); })); }); var _List_sortWith = F2(function(f, xs) { return _List_fromArray(_List_toArray(xs).sort(function(a, b) { var ord = A2(f, a, b); return ord === $elm$core$Basics$EQ ? 0 : ord === $elm$core$Basics$LT ? -1 : 1; })); }); var _JsArray_empty = []; function _JsArray_singleton(value) { return [value]; } function _JsArray_length(array) { return array.length; } var _JsArray_initialize = F3(function(size, offset, func) { var result = new Array(size); for (var i = 0; i < size; i++) { result[i] = func(offset + i); } return result; }); var _JsArray_initializeFromList = F2(function (max, ls) { var result = new Array(max); for (var i = 0; i < max && ls.b; i++) { result[i] = ls.a; ls = ls.b; } result.length = i; return _Utils_Tuple2(result, ls); }); var _JsArray_unsafeGet = F2(function(index, array) { return array[index]; }); var _JsArray_unsafeSet = F3(function(index, value, array) { var length = array.length; var result = new Array(length); for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) { result[i] = array[i]; } result[index] = value; return result; }); var _JsArray_push = F2(function(value, array) { var length = array.length; var result = new Array(length + 1); for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) { result[i] = array[i]; } result[length] = value; return result; }); var _JsArray_foldl = F3(function(func, acc, array) { var length = array.length; for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) { acc = A2(func, array[i], acc); } return acc; }); var _JsArray_foldr = F3(function(func, acc, array) { for (var i = array.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { acc = A2(func, array[i], acc); } return acc; }); var _JsArray_map = F2(function(func, array) { var length = array.length; var result = new Array(length); for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) { result[i] = func(array[i]); } return result; }); var _JsArray_indexedMap = F3(function(func, offset, array) { var length = array.length; var result = new Array(length); for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) { result[i] = A2(func, offset + i, array[i]); } return result; }); var _JsArray_slice = F3(function(from, to, array) { return array.slice(from, to); }); var _JsArray_appendN = F3(function(n, dest, source) { var destLen = dest.length; var itemsToCopy = n - destLen; if (itemsToCopy > source.length) { itemsToCopy = source.length; } var size = destLen + itemsToCopy; var result = new Array(size); for (var i = 0; i < destLen; i++) { result[i] = dest[i]; } for (var i = 0; i < itemsToCopy; i++) { result[i + destLen] = source[i]; } return result; }); // LOG var _Debug_log_UNUSED = F2(function(tag, value) { return value; }); var _Debug_log = F2(function(tag, value) { console.log(tag + ': ' + _Debug_toString(value)); return value; }); // TODOS function _Debug_todo(moduleName, region) { return function(message) { _Debug_crash(8, moduleName, region, message); }; } function _Debug_todoCase(moduleName, region, value) { return function(message) { _Debug_crash(9, moduleName, region, value, message); }; } // TO STRING function _Debug_toString_UNUSED(value) { return ''; } function _Debug_toString(value) { return _Debug_toAnsiString(false, value); } function _Debug_toAnsiString(ansi, value) { if (typeof value === 'function') { return _Debug_internalColor(ansi, ''); } if (typeof value === 'boolean') { return _Debug_ctorColor(ansi, value ? 'True' : 'False'); } if (typeof value === 'number') { return _Debug_numberColor(ansi, value + ''); } if (value instanceof String) { return _Debug_charColor(ansi, "'" + _Debug_addSlashes(value, true) + "'"); } if (typeof value === 'string') { return _Debug_stringColor(ansi, '"' + _Debug_addSlashes(value, false) + '"'); } if (typeof value === 'object' && '$' in value) { var tag = value.$; if (typeof tag === 'number') { return _Debug_internalColor(ansi, ''); } if (tag[0] === '#') { var output = []; for (var k in value) { if (k === '$') continue; output.push(_Debug_toAnsiString(ansi, value[k])); } return '(' + output.join(',') + ')'; } if (tag === 'Set_elm_builtin') { return _Debug_ctorColor(ansi, 'Set') + _Debug_fadeColor(ansi, '.fromList') + ' ' + _Debug_toAnsiString(ansi, $elm$core$Set$toList(value)); } if (tag === 'RBNode_elm_builtin' || tag === 'RBEmpty_elm_builtin') { return _Debug_ctorColor(ansi, 'Dict') + _Debug_fadeColor(ansi, '.fromList') + ' ' + _Debug_toAnsiString(ansi, $elm$core$Dict$toList(value)); } if (tag === 'Array_elm_builtin') { return _Debug_ctorColor(ansi, 'Array') + _Debug_fadeColor(ansi, '.fromList') + ' ' + _Debug_toAnsiString(ansi, $elm$core$Array$toList(value)); } if (tag === '::' || tag === '[]') { var output = '['; value.b && (output += _Debug_toAnsiString(ansi, value.a), value = value.b) for (; value.b; value = value.b) // WHILE_CONS { output += ',' + _Debug_toAnsiString(ansi, value.a); } return output + ']'; } var output = ''; for (var i in value) { if (i === '$') continue; var str = _Debug_toAnsiString(ansi, value[i]); var c0 = str[0]; var parenless = c0 === '{' || c0 === '(' || c0 === '[' || c0 === '<' || c0 === '"' || str.indexOf(' ') < 0; output += ' ' + (parenless ? str : '(' + str + ')'); } return _Debug_ctorColor(ansi, tag) + output; } if (typeof DataView === 'function' && value instanceof DataView) { return _Debug_stringColor(ansi, '<' + value.byteLength + ' bytes>'); } if (typeof File === 'function' && value instanceof File) { return _Debug_internalColor(ansi, '<' + value.name + '>'); } if (typeof value === 'object') { var output = []; for (var key in value) { var field = key[0] === '_' ? key.slice(1) : key; output.push(_Debug_fadeColor(ansi, field) + ' = ' + _Debug_toAnsiString(ansi, value[key])); } if (output.length === 0) { return '{}'; } return '{ ' + output.join(', ') + ' }'; } return _Debug_internalColor(ansi, ''); } function _Debug_addSlashes(str, isChar) { var s = str .replace(/\\/g, '\\\\') .replace(/\n/g, '\\n') .replace(/\t/g, '\\t') .replace(/\r/g, '\\r') .replace(/\v/g, '\\v') .replace(/\0/g, '\\0'); if (isChar) { return s.replace(/\'/g, '\\\''); } else { return s.replace(/\"/g, '\\"'); } } function _Debug_ctorColor(ansi, string) { return ansi ? '\x1b[96m' + string + '\x1b[0m' : string; } function _Debug_numberColor(ansi, string) { return ansi ? '\x1b[95m' + string + '\x1b[0m' : string; } function _Debug_stringColor(ansi, string) { return ansi ? '\x1b[93m' + string + '\x1b[0m' : string; } function _Debug_charColor(ansi, string) { return ansi ? '\x1b[92m' + string + '\x1b[0m' : string; } function _Debug_fadeColor(ansi, string) { return ansi ? '\x1b[37m' + string + '\x1b[0m' : string; } function _Debug_internalColor(ansi, string) { return ansi ? '\x1b[94m' + string + '\x1b[0m' : string; } function _Debug_toHexDigit(n) { return String.fromCharCode(n < 10 ? 48 + n : 55 + n); } // CRASH function _Debug_crash_UNUSED(identifier) { throw new Error('https://github.com/elm/core/blob/1.0.0/hints/' + identifier + '.md'); } function _Debug_crash(identifier, fact1, fact2, fact3, fact4) { switch(identifier) { case 0: throw new Error('What node should I take over? In JavaScript I need something like:\n\n Elm.Main.init({\n node: document.getElementById("elm-node")\n })\n\nYou need to do this with any Browser.sandbox or Browser.element program.'); case 1: throw new Error('Browser.application programs cannot handle URLs like this:\n\n ' + document.location.href + '\n\nWhat is the root? The root of your file system? Try looking at this program with `elm reactor` or some other server.'); case 2: var jsonErrorString = fact1; throw new Error('Problem with the flags given to your Elm program on initialization.\n\n' + jsonErrorString); case 3: var portName = fact1; throw new Error('There can only be one port named `' + portName + '`, but your program has multiple.'); case 4: var portName = fact1; var problem = fact2; throw new Error('Trying to send an unexpected type of value through port `' + portName + '`:\n' + problem); case 5: throw new Error('Trying to use `(==)` on functions.\nThere is no way to know if functions are "the same" in the Elm sense.\nRead more about this at https://package.elm-lang.org/packages/elm/core/latest/Basics#== which describes why it is this way and what the better version will look like.'); case 6: var moduleName = fact1; throw new Error('Your page is loading multiple Elm scripts with a module named ' + moduleName + '. Maybe a duplicate script is getting loaded accidentally? If not, rename one of them so I know which is which!'); case 8: var moduleName = fact1; var region = fact2; var message = fact3; throw new Error('TODO in module `' + moduleName + '` ' + _Debug_regionToString(region) + '\n\n' + message); case 9: var moduleName = fact1; var region = fact2; var value = fact3; var message = fact4; throw new Error( 'TODO in module `' + moduleName + '` from the `case` expression ' + _Debug_regionToString(region) + '\n\nIt received the following value:\n\n ' + _Debug_toString(value).replace('\n', '\n ') + '\n\nBut the branch that handles it says:\n\n ' + message.replace('\n', '\n ') ); case 10: throw new Error('Bug in https://github.com/elm/virtual-dom/issues'); case 11: throw new Error('Cannot perform mod 0. Division by zero error.'); } } function _Debug_regionToString(region) { if (region.start.line === region.end.line) { return 'on line ' + region.start.line; } return 'on lines ' + region.start.line + ' through ' + region.end.line; } // MATH var _Basics_add = F2(function(a, b) { return a + b; }); var _Basics_sub = F2(function(a, b) { return a - b; }); var _Basics_mul = F2(function(a, b) { return a * b; }); var _Basics_fdiv = F2(function(a, b) { return a / b; }); var _Basics_idiv = F2(function(a, b) { return (a / b) | 0; }); var _Basics_pow = F2(Math.pow); var _Basics_remainderBy = F2(function(b, a) { return a % b; }); // https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/research/wp-content/uploads/2016/02/divmodnote-letter.pdf var _Basics_modBy = F2(function(modulus, x) { var answer = x % modulus; return modulus === 0 ? _Debug_crash(11) : ((answer > 0 && modulus < 0) || (answer < 0 && modulus > 0)) ? answer + modulus : answer; }); // TRIGONOMETRY var _Basics_pi = Math.PI; var _Basics_e = Math.E; var _Basics_cos = Math.cos; var _Basics_sin = Math.sin; var _Basics_tan = Math.tan; var _Basics_acos = Math.acos; var _Basics_asin = Math.asin; var _Basics_atan = Math.atan; var _Basics_atan2 = F2(Math.atan2); // MORE MATH function _Basics_toFloat(x) { return x; } function _Basics_truncate(n) { return n | 0; } function _Basics_isInfinite(n) { return n === Infinity || n === -Infinity; } var _Basics_ceiling = Math.ceil; var _Basics_floor = Math.floor; var _Basics_round = Math.round; var _Basics_sqrt = Math.sqrt; var _Basics_log = Math.log; var _Basics_isNaN = isNaN; // BOOLEANS function _Basics_not(bool) { return !bool; } var _Basics_and = F2(function(a, b) { return a && b; }); var _Basics_or = F2(function(a, b) { return a || b; }); var _Basics_xor = F2(function(a, b) { return a !== b; }); var _String_cons = F2(function(chr, str) { return chr + str; }); function _String_uncons(string) { var word = string.charCodeAt(0); return word ? $elm$core$Maybe$Just( 0xD800 <= word && word <= 0xDBFF ? _Utils_Tuple2(_Utils_chr(string[0] + string[1]), string.slice(2)) : _Utils_Tuple2(_Utils_chr(string[0]), string.slice(1)) ) : $elm$core$Maybe$Nothing; } var _String_append = F2(function(a, b) { return a + b; }); function _String_length(str) { return str.length; } var _String_map = F2(function(func, string) { var len = string.length; var array = new Array(len); var i = 0; while (i < len) { var word = string.charCodeAt(i); if (0xD800 <= word && word <= 0xDBFF) { array[i] = func(_Utils_chr(string[i] + string[i+1])); i += 2; continue; } array[i] = func(_Utils_chr(string[i])); i++; } return array.join(''); }); var _String_filter = F2(function(isGood, str) { var arr = []; var len = str.length; var i = 0; while (i < len) { var char = str[i]; var word = str.charCodeAt(i); i++; if (0xD800 <= word && word <= 0xDBFF) { char += str[i]; i++; } if (isGood(_Utils_chr(char))) { arr.push(char); } } return arr.join(''); }); function _String_reverse(str) { var len = str.length; var arr = new Array(len); var i = 0; while (i < len) { var word = str.charCodeAt(i); if (0xD800 <= word && word <= 0xDBFF) { arr[len - i] = str[i + 1]; i++; arr[len - i] = str[i - 1]; i++; } else { arr[len - i] = str[i]; i++; } } return arr.join(''); } var _String_foldl = F3(function(func, state, string) { var len = string.length; var i = 0; while (i < len) { var char = string[i]; var word = string.charCodeAt(i); i++; if (0xD800 <= word && word <= 0xDBFF) { char += string[i]; i++; } state = A2(func, _Utils_chr(char), state); } return state; }); var _String_foldr = F3(function(func, state, string) { var i = string.length; while (i--) { var char = string[i]; var word = string.charCodeAt(i); if (0xDC00 <= word && word <= 0xDFFF) { i--; char = string[i] + char; } state = A2(func, _Utils_chr(char), state); } return state; }); var _String_split = F2(function(sep, str) { return str.split(sep); }); var _String_join = F2(function(sep, strs) { return strs.join(sep); }); var _String_slice = F3(function(start, end, str) { return str.slice(start, end); }); function _String_trim(str) { return str.trim(); } function _String_trimLeft(str) { return str.replace(/^\s+/, ''); } function _String_trimRight(str) { return str.replace(/\s+$/, ''); } function _String_words(str) { return _List_fromArray(str.trim().split(/\s+/g)); } function _String_lines(str) { return _List_fromArray(str.split(/\r\n|\r|\n/g)); } function _String_toUpper(str) { return str.toUpperCase(); } function _String_toLower(str) { return str.toLowerCase(); } var _String_any = F2(function(isGood, string) { var i = string.length; while (i--) { var char = string[i]; var word = string.charCodeAt(i); if (0xDC00 <= word && word <= 0xDFFF) { i--; char = string[i] + char; } if (isGood(_Utils_chr(char))) { return true; } } return false; }); var _String_all = F2(function(isGood, string) { var i = string.length; while (i--) { var char = string[i]; var word = string.charCodeAt(i); if (0xDC00 <= word && word <= 0xDFFF) { i--; char = string[i] + char; } if (!isGood(_Utils_chr(char))) { return false; } } return true; }); var _String_contains = F2(function(sub, str) { return str.indexOf(sub) > -1; }); var _String_startsWith = F2(function(sub, str) { return str.indexOf(sub) === 0; }); var _String_endsWith = F2(function(sub, str) { return str.length >= sub.length && str.lastIndexOf(sub) === str.length - sub.length; }); var _String_indexes = F2(function(sub, str) { var subLen = sub.length; if (subLen < 1) { return _List_Nil; } var i = 0; var is = []; while ((i = str.indexOf(sub, i)) > -1) { is.push(i); i = i + subLen; } return _List_fromArray(is); }); // TO STRING function _String_fromNumber(number) { return number + ''; } // INT CONVERSIONS function _String_toInt(str) { var total = 0; var code0 = str.charCodeAt(0); var start = code0 == 0x2B /* + */ || code0 == 0x2D /* - */ ? 1 : 0; for (var i = start; i < str.length; ++i) { var code = str.charCodeAt(i); if (code < 0x30 || 0x39 < code) { return $elm$core$Maybe$Nothing; } total = 10 * total + code - 0x30; } return i == start ? $elm$core$Maybe$Nothing : $elm$core$Maybe$Just(code0 == 0x2D ? -total : total); } // FLOAT CONVERSIONS function _String_toFloat(s) { // check if it is a hex, octal, or binary number if (s.length === 0 || /[\sxbo]/.test(s)) { return $elm$core$Maybe$Nothing; } var n = +s; // faster isNaN check return n === n ? $elm$core$Maybe$Just(n) : $elm$core$Maybe$Nothing; } function _String_fromList(chars) { return _List_toArray(chars).join(''); } function _Char_toCode(char) { var code = char.charCodeAt(0); if (0xD800 <= code && code <= 0xDBFF) { return (code - 0xD800) * 0x400 + char.charCodeAt(1) - 0xDC00 + 0x10000 } return code; } function _Char_fromCode(code) { return _Utils_chr( (code < 0 || 0x10FFFF < code) ? '\uFFFD' : (code <= 0xFFFF) ? String.fromCharCode(code) : (code -= 0x10000, String.fromCharCode(Math.floor(code / 0x400) + 0xD800, code % 0x400 + 0xDC00) ) ); } function _Char_toUpper(char) { return _Utils_chr(char.toUpperCase()); } function _Char_toLower(char) { return _Utils_chr(char.toLowerCase()); } function _Char_toLocaleUpper(char) { return _Utils_chr(char.toLocaleUpperCase()); } function _Char_toLocaleLower(char) { return _Utils_chr(char.toLocaleLowerCase()); } /**/ function _Json_errorToString(error) { return $elm$json$Json$Decode$errorToString(error); } //*/ // CORE DECODERS function _Json_succeed(msg) { return { $: 0, a: msg }; } function _Json_fail(msg) { return { $: 1, a: msg }; } function _Json_decodePrim(decoder) { return { $: 2, b: decoder }; } var _Json_decodeInt = _Json_decodePrim(function(value) { return (typeof value !== 'number') ? _Json_expecting('an INT', value) : (-2147483647 < value && value < 2147483647 && (value | 0) === value) ? $elm$core$Result$Ok(value) : (isFinite(value) && !(value % 1)) ? $elm$core$Result$Ok(value) : _Json_expecting('an INT', value); }); var _Json_decodeBool = _Json_decodePrim(function(value) { return (typeof value === 'boolean') ? $elm$core$Result$Ok(value) : _Json_expecting('a BOOL', value); }); var _Json_decodeFloat = _Json_decodePrim(function(value) { return (typeof value === 'number') ? $elm$core$Result$Ok(value) : _Json_expecting('a FLOAT', value); }); var _Json_decodeValue = _Json_decodePrim(function(value) { return $elm$core$Result$Ok(_Json_wrap(value)); }); var _Json_decodeString = _Json_decodePrim(function(value) { return (typeof value === 'string') ? $elm$core$Result$Ok(value) : (value instanceof String) ? $elm$core$Result$Ok(value + '') : _Json_expecting('a STRING', value); }); function _Json_decodeList(decoder) { return { $: 3, b: decoder }; } function _Json_decodeArray(decoder) { return { $: 4, b: decoder }; } function _Json_decodeNull(value) { return { $: 5, c: value }; } var _Json_decodeField = F2(function(field, decoder) { return { $: 6, d: field, b: decoder }; }); var _Json_decodeIndex = F2(function(index, decoder) { return { $: 7, e: index, b: decoder }; }); function _Json_decodeKeyValuePairs(decoder) { return { $: 8, b: decoder }; } function _Json_mapMany(f, decoders) { return { $: 9, f: f, g: decoders }; } var _Json_andThen = F2(function(callback, decoder) { return { $: 10, b: decoder, h: callback }; }); function _Json_oneOf(decoders) { return { $: 11, g: decoders }; } // DECODING OBJECTS var _Json_map1 = F2(function(f, d1) { return _Json_mapMany(f, [d1]); }); var _Json_map2 = F3(function(f, d1, d2) { return _Json_mapMany(f, [d1, d2]); }); var _Json_map3 = F4(function(f, d1, d2, d3) { return _Json_mapMany(f, [d1, d2, d3]); }); var _Json_map4 = F5(function(f, d1, d2, d3, d4) { return _Json_mapMany(f, [d1, d2, d3, d4]); }); var _Json_map5 = F6(function(f, d1, d2, d3, d4, d5) { return _Json_mapMany(f, [d1, d2, d3, d4, d5]); }); var _Json_map6 = F7(function(f, d1, d2, d3, d4, d5, d6) { return _Json_mapMany(f, [d1, d2, d3, d4, d5, d6]); }); var _Json_map7 = F8(function(f, d1, d2, d3, d4, d5, d6, d7) { return _Json_mapMany(f, [d1, d2, d3, d4, d5, d6, d7]); }); var _Json_map8 = F9(function(f, d1, d2, d3, d4, d5, d6, d7, d8) { return _Json_mapMany(f, [d1, d2, d3, d4, d5, d6, d7, d8]); }); // DECODE var _Json_runOnString = F2(function(decoder, string) { try { var value = JSON.parse(string); return _Json_runHelp(decoder, value); } catch (e) { return $elm$core$Result$Err(A2($elm$json$Json$Decode$Failure, 'This is not valid JSON! ' + e.message, _Json_wrap(string))); } }); var _Json_run = F2(function(decoder, value) { return _Json_runHelp(decoder, _Json_unwrap(value)); }); function _Json_runHelp(decoder, value) { switch (decoder.$) { case 2: return decoder.b(value); case 5: return (value === null) ? $elm$core$Result$Ok(decoder.c) : _Json_expecting('null', value); case 3: if (!_Json_isArray(value)) { return _Json_expecting('a LIST', value); } return _Json_runArrayDecoder(decoder.b, value, _List_fromArray); case 4: if (!_Json_isArray(value)) { return _Json_expecting('an ARRAY', value); } return _Json_runArrayDecoder(decoder.b, value, _Json_toElmArray); case 6: var field = decoder.d; if (typeof value !== 'object' || value === null || !(field in value)) { return _Json_expecting('an OBJECT with a field named `' + field + '`', value); } var result = _Json_runHelp(decoder.b, value[field]); return ($elm$core$Result$isOk(result)) ? result : $elm$core$Result$Err(A2($elm$json$Json$Decode$Field, field, result.a)); case 7: var index = decoder.e; if (!_Json_isArray(value)) { return _Json_expecting('an ARRAY', value); } if (index >= value.length) { return _Json_expecting('a LONGER array. Need index ' + index + ' but only see ' + value.length + ' entries', value); } var result = _Json_runHelp(decoder.b, value[index]); return ($elm$core$Result$isOk(result)) ? result : $elm$core$Result$Err(A2($elm$json$Json$Decode$Index, index, result.a)); case 8: if (typeof value !== 'object' || value === null || _Json_isArray(value)) { return _Json_expecting('an OBJECT', value); } var keyValuePairs = _List_Nil; // TODO test perf of Object.keys and switch when support is good enough for (var key in value) { if (value.hasOwnProperty(key)) { var result = _Json_runHelp(decoder.b, value[key]); if (!$elm$core$Result$isOk(result)) { return $elm$core$Result$Err(A2($elm$json$Json$Decode$Field, key, result.a)); } keyValuePairs = _List_Cons(_Utils_Tuple2(key, result.a), keyValuePairs); } } return $elm$core$Result$Ok($elm$core$List$reverse(keyValuePairs)); case 9: var answer = decoder.f; var decoders = decoder.g; for (var i = 0; i < decoders.length; i++) { var result = _Json_runHelp(decoders[i], value); if (!$elm$core$Result$isOk(result)) { return result; } answer = answer(result.a); } return $elm$core$Result$Ok(answer); case 10: var result = _Json_runHelp(decoder.b, value); return (!$elm$core$Result$isOk(result)) ? result : _Json_runHelp(decoder.h(result.a), value); case 11: var errors = _List_Nil; for (var temp = decoder.g; temp.b; temp = temp.b) // WHILE_CONS { var result = _Json_runHelp(temp.a, value); if ($elm$core$Result$isOk(result)) { return result; } errors = _List_Cons(result.a, errors); } return $elm$core$Result$Err($elm$json$Json$Decode$OneOf($elm$core$List$reverse(errors))); case 1: return $elm$core$Result$Err(A2($elm$json$Json$Decode$Failure, decoder.a, _Json_wrap(value))); case 0: return $elm$core$Result$Ok(decoder.a); } } function _Json_runArrayDecoder(decoder, value, toElmValue) { var len = value.length; var array = new Array(len); for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) { var result = _Json_runHelp(decoder, value[i]); if (!$elm$core$Result$isOk(result)) { return $elm$core$Result$Err(A2($elm$json$Json$Decode$Index, i, result.a)); } array[i] = result.a; } return $elm$core$Result$Ok(toElmValue(array)); } function _Json_isArray(value) { return Array.isArray(value) || (typeof FileList !== 'undefined' && value instanceof FileList); } function _Json_toElmArray(array) { return A2($elm$core$Array$initialize, array.length, function(i) { return array[i]; }); } function _Json_expecting(type, value) { return $elm$core$Result$Err(A2($elm$json$Json$Decode$Failure, 'Expecting ' + type, _Json_wrap(value))); } // EQUALITY function _Json_equality(x, y) { if (x === y) { return true; } if (x.$ !== y.$) { return false; } switch (x.$) { case 0: case 1: return x.a === y.a; case 2: return x.b === y.b; case 5: return x.c === y.c; case 3: case 4: case 8: return _Json_equality(x.b, y.b); case 6: return x.d === y.d && _Json_equality(x.b, y.b); case 7: return x.e === y.e && _Json_equality(x.b, y.b); case 9: return x.f === y.f && _Json_listEquality(x.g, y.g); case 10: return x.h === y.h && _Json_equality(x.b, y.b); case 11: return _Json_listEquality(x.g, y.g); } } function _Json_listEquality(aDecoders, bDecoders) { var len = aDecoders.length; if (len !== bDecoders.length) { return false; } for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) { if (!_Json_equality(aDecoders[i], bDecoders[i])) { return false; } } return true; } // ENCODE var _Json_encode = F2(function(indentLevel, value) { return JSON.stringify(_Json_unwrap(value), null, indentLevel) + ''; }); function _Json_wrap(value) { return { $: 0, a: value }; } function _Json_unwrap(value) { return value.a; } function _Json_wrap_UNUSED(value) { return value; } function _Json_unwrap_UNUSED(value) { return value; } function _Json_emptyArray() { return []; } function _Json_emptyObject() { return {}; } var _Json_addField = F3(function(key, value, object) { object[key] = _Json_unwrap(value); return object; }); function _Json_addEntry(func) { return F2(function(entry, array) { array.push(_Json_unwrap(func(entry))); return array; }); } var _Json_encodeNull = _Json_wrap(null); // TASKS function _Scheduler_succeed(value) { return { $: 0, a: value }; } function _Scheduler_fail(error) { return { $: 1, a: error }; } function _Scheduler_binding(callback) { return { $: 2, b: callback, c: null }; } var _Scheduler_andThen = F2(function(callback, task) { return { $: 3, b: callback, d: task }; }); var _Scheduler_onError = F2(function(callback, task) { return { $: 4, b: callback, d: task }; }); function _Scheduler_receive(callback) { return { $: 5, b: callback }; } // PROCESSES var _Scheduler_guid = 0; function _Scheduler_rawSpawn(task) { var proc = { $: 0, e: _Scheduler_guid++, f: task, g: null, h: [] }; _Scheduler_enqueue(proc); return proc; } function _Scheduler_spawn(task) { return _Scheduler_binding(function(callback) { callback(_Scheduler_succeed(_Scheduler_rawSpawn(task))); }); } function _Scheduler_rawSend(proc, msg) { proc.h.push(msg); _Scheduler_enqueue(proc); } var _Scheduler_send = F2(function(proc, msg) { return _Scheduler_binding(function(callback) { _Scheduler_rawSend(proc, msg); callback(_Scheduler_succeed(_Utils_Tuple0)); }); }); function _Scheduler_kill(proc) { return _Scheduler_binding(function(callback) { var task = proc.f; if (task.$ === 2 && task.c) { task.c(); } proc.f = null; callback(_Scheduler_succeed(_Utils_Tuple0)); }); } /* STEP PROCESSES type alias Process = { $ : tag , id : unique_id , root : Task , stack : null | { $: SUCCEED | FAIL, a: callback, b: stack } , mailbox : [msg] } */ var _Scheduler_working = false; var _Scheduler_queue = []; function _Scheduler_enqueue(proc) { _Scheduler_queue.push(proc); if (_Scheduler_working) { return; } _Scheduler_working = true; while (proc = _Scheduler_queue.shift()) { _Scheduler_step(proc); } _Scheduler_working = false; } function _Scheduler_step(proc) { while (proc.f) { var rootTag = proc.f.$; if (rootTag === 0 || rootTag === 1) { while (proc.g && proc.g.$ !== rootTag) { proc.g = proc.g.i; } if (!proc.g) { return; } proc.f = proc.g.b(proc.f.a); proc.g = proc.g.i; } else if (rootTag === 2) { proc.f.c = proc.f.b(function(newRoot) { proc.f = newRoot; _Scheduler_enqueue(proc); }); return; } else if (rootTag === 5) { if (proc.h.length === 0) { return; } proc.f = proc.f.b(proc.h.shift()); } else // if (rootTag === 3 || rootTag === 4) { proc.g = { $: rootTag === 3 ? 0 : 1, b: proc.f.b, i: proc.g }; proc.f = proc.f.d; } } } function _Process_sleep(time) { return _Scheduler_binding(function(callback) { var id = setTimeout(function() { callback(_Scheduler_succeed(_Utils_Tuple0)); }, time); return function() { clearTimeout(id); }; }); } // PROGRAMS var _Platform_worker = F4(function(impl, flagDecoder, debugMetadata, args) { return _Platform_initialize( flagDecoder, args, impl.init, impl.update, impl.subscriptions, function() { return function() {} } ); }); // INITIALIZE A PROGRAM function _Platform_initialize(flagDecoder, args, init, update, subscriptions, stepperBuilder) { var result = A2(_Json_run, flagDecoder, _Json_wrap(args ? args['flags'] : undefined)); $elm$core$Result$isOk(result) || _Debug_crash(2 /**/, _Json_errorToString(result.a) /**/); var managers = {}; result = init(result.a); var model = result.a; var stepper = stepperBuilder(sendToApp, model); var ports = _Platform_setupEffects(managers, sendToApp); function sendToApp(msg, viewMetadata) { result = A2(update, msg, model); stepper(model = result.a, viewMetadata); _Platform_dispatchEffects(managers, result.b, subscriptions(model)); } _Platform_dispatchEffects(managers, result.b, subscriptions(model)); return ports ? { ports: ports } : {}; } // TRACK PRELOADS // // This is used by code in elm/browser and elm/http // to register any HTTP requests that are triggered by init. // var _Platform_preload; function _Platform_registerPreload(url) { _Platform_preload.add(url); } // EFFECT MANAGERS var _Platform_effectManagers = {}; function _Platform_setupEffects(managers, sendToApp) { var ports; // setup all necessary effect managers for (var key in _Platform_effectManagers) { var manager = _Platform_effectManagers[key]; if (manager.a) { ports = ports || {}; ports[key] = manager.a(key, sendToApp); } managers[key] = _Platform_instantiateManager(manager, sendToApp); } return ports; } function _Platform_createManager(init, onEffects, onSelfMsg, cmdMap, subMap) { return { b: init, c: onEffects, d: onSelfMsg, e: cmdMap, f: subMap }; } function _Platform_instantiateManager(info, sendToApp) { var router = { g: sendToApp, h: undefined }; var onEffects = info.c; var onSelfMsg = info.d; var cmdMap = info.e; var subMap = info.f; function loop(state) { return A2(_Scheduler_andThen, loop, _Scheduler_receive(function(msg) { var value = msg.a; if (msg.$ === 0) { return A3(onSelfMsg, router, value, state); } return cmdMap && subMap ? A4(onEffects, router, value.i, value.j, state) : A3(onEffects, router, cmdMap ? value.i : value.j, state); })); } return router.h = _Scheduler_rawSpawn(A2(_Scheduler_andThen, loop, info.b)); } // ROUTING var _Platform_sendToApp = F2(function(router, msg) { return _Scheduler_binding(function(callback) { router.g(msg); callback(_Scheduler_succeed(_Utils_Tuple0)); }); }); var _Platform_sendToSelf = F2(function(router, msg) { return A2(_Scheduler_send, router.h, { $: 0, a: msg }); }); // BAGS function _Platform_leaf(home) { return function(value) { return { $: 1, k: home, l: value }; }; } function _Platform_batch(list) { return { $: 2, m: list }; } var _Platform_map = F2(function(tagger, bag) { return { $: 3, n: tagger, o: bag } }); // PIPE BAGS INTO EFFECT MANAGERS function _Platform_dispatchEffects(managers, cmdBag, subBag) { var effectsDict = {}; _Platform_gatherEffects(true, cmdBag, effectsDict, null); _Platform_gatherEffects(false, subBag, effectsDict, null); for (var home in managers) { _Scheduler_rawSend(managers[home], { $: 'fx', a: effectsDict[home] || { i: _List_Nil, j: _List_Nil } }); } } function _Platform_gatherEffects(isCmd, bag, effectsDict, taggers) { switch (bag.$) { case 1: var home = bag.k; var effect = _Platform_toEffect(isCmd, home, taggers, bag.l); effectsDict[home] = _Platform_insert(isCmd, effect, effectsDict[home]); return; case 2: for (var list = bag.m; list.b; list = list.b) // WHILE_CONS { _Platform_gatherEffects(isCmd, list.a, effectsDict, taggers); } return; case 3: _Platform_gatherEffects(isCmd, bag.o, effectsDict, { p: bag.n, q: taggers }); return; } } function _Platform_toEffect(isCmd, home, taggers, value) { function applyTaggers(x) { for (var temp = taggers; temp; temp = temp.q) { x = temp.p(x); } return x; } var map = isCmd ? _Platform_effectManagers[home].e : _Platform_effectManagers[home].f; return A2(map, applyTaggers, value) } function _Platform_insert(isCmd, newEffect, effects) { effects = effects || { i: _List_Nil, j: _List_Nil }; isCmd ? (effects.i = _List_Cons(newEffect, effects.i)) : (effects.j = _List_Cons(newEffect, effects.j)); return effects; } // PORTS function _Platform_checkPortName(name) { if (_Platform_effectManagers[name]) { _Debug_crash(3, name) } } // OUTGOING PORTS function _Platform_outgoingPort(name, converter) { _Platform_checkPortName(name); _Platform_effectManagers[name] = { e: _Platform_outgoingPortMap, r: converter, a: _Platform_setupOutgoingPort }; return _Platform_leaf(name); } var _Platform_outgoingPortMap = F2(function(tagger, value) { return value; }); function _Platform_setupOutgoingPort(name) { var subs = []; var converter = _Platform_effectManagers[name].r; // CREATE MANAGER var init = _Process_sleep(0); _Platform_effectManagers[name].b = init; _Platform_effectManagers[name].c = F3(function(router, cmdList, state) { for ( ; cmdList.b; cmdList = cmdList.b) // WHILE_CONS { // grab a separate reference to subs in case unsubscribe is called var currentSubs = subs; var value = _Json_unwrap(converter(cmdList.a)); for (var i = 0; i < currentSubs.length; i++) { currentSubs[i](value); } } return init; }); // PUBLIC API function subscribe(callback) { subs.push(callback); } function unsubscribe(callback) { // copy subs into a new array in case unsubscribe is called within a // subscribed callback subs = subs.slice(); var index = subs.indexOf(callback); if (index >= 0) { subs.splice(index, 1); } } return { subscribe: subscribe, unsubscribe: unsubscribe }; } // INCOMING PORTS function _Platform_incomingPort(name, converter) { _Platform_checkPortName(name); _Platform_effectManagers[name] = { f: _Platform_incomingPortMap, r: converter, a: _Platform_setupIncomingPort }; return _Platform_leaf(name); } var _Platform_incomingPortMap = F2(function(tagger, finalTagger) { return function(value) { return tagger(finalTagger(value)); }; }); function _Platform_setupIncomingPort(name, sendToApp) { var subs = _List_Nil; var converter = _Platform_effectManagers[name].r; // CREATE MANAGER var init = _Scheduler_succeed(null); _Platform_effectManagers[name].b = init; _Platform_effectManagers[name].c = F3(function(router, subList, state) { subs = subList; return init; }); // PUBLIC API function send(incomingValue) { var result = A2(_Json_run, converter, _Json_wrap(incomingValue)); $elm$core$Result$isOk(result) || _Debug_crash(4, name, result.a); var value = result.a; for (var temp = subs; temp.b; temp = temp.b) // WHILE_CONS { sendToApp(temp.a(value)); } } return { send: send }; } // EXPORT ELM MODULES // // Have DEBUG and PROD versions so that we can (1) give nicer errors in // debug mode and (2) not pay for the bits needed for that in prod mode. // function _Platform_export_UNUSED(exports) { scope['Elm'] ? _Platform_mergeExportsProd(scope['Elm'], exports) : scope['Elm'] = exports; } function _Platform_mergeExportsProd(obj, exports) { for (var name in exports) { (name in obj) ? (name == 'init') ? _Debug_crash(6) : _Platform_mergeExportsProd(obj[name], exports[name]) : (obj[name] = exports[name]); } } function _Platform_export(exports) { scope['Elm'] ? _Platform_mergeExportsDebug('Elm', scope['Elm'], exports) : scope['Elm'] = exports; } function _Platform_mergeExportsDebug(moduleName, obj, exports) { for (var name in exports) { (name in obj) ? (name == 'init') ? _Debug_crash(6, moduleName) : _Platform_mergeExportsDebug(moduleName + '.' + name, obj[name], exports[name]) : (obj[name] = exports[name]); } } // HELPERS var _VirtualDom_divertHrefToApp; var _VirtualDom_doc = typeof document !== 'undefined' ? document : {}; function _VirtualDom_appendChild(parent, child) { parent.appendChild(child); } var _VirtualDom_init = F4(function(virtualNode, flagDecoder, debugMetadata, args) { // NOTE: this function needs _Platform_export available to work /**_UNUSED/ var node = args['node']; //*/ /**/ var node = args && args['node'] ? args['node'] : _Debug_crash(0); //*/ node.parentNode.replaceChild( _VirtualDom_render(virtualNode, function() {}), node ); return {}; }); // TEXT function _VirtualDom_text(string) { return { $: 0, a: string }; } // NODE var _VirtualDom_nodeNS = F2(function(namespace, tag) { return F2(function(factList, kidList) { for (var kids = [], descendantsCount = 0; kidList.b; kidList = kidList.b) // WHILE_CONS { var kid = kidList.a; descendantsCount += (kid.b || 0); kids.push(kid); } descendantsCount += kids.length; return { $: 1, c: tag, d: _VirtualDom_organizeFacts(factList), e: kids, f: namespace, b: descendantsCount }; }); }); var _VirtualDom_node = _VirtualDom_nodeNS(undefined); // KEYED NODE var _VirtualDom_keyedNodeNS = F2(function(namespace, tag) { return F2(function(factList, kidList) { for (var kids = [], descendantsCount = 0; kidList.b; kidList = kidList.b) // WHILE_CONS { var kid = kidList.a; descendantsCount += (kid.b.b || 0); kids.push(kid); } descendantsCount += kids.length; return { $: 2, c: tag, d: _VirtualDom_organizeFacts(factList), e: kids, f: namespace, b: descendantsCount }; }); }); var _VirtualDom_keyedNode = _VirtualDom_keyedNodeNS(undefined); // CUSTOM function _VirtualDom_custom(factList, model, render, diff) { return { $: 3, d: _VirtualDom_organizeFacts(factList), g: model, h: render, i: diff }; } // MAP var _VirtualDom_map = F2(function(tagger, node) { return { $: 4, j: tagger, k: node, b: 1 + (node.b || 0) }; }); // LAZY function _VirtualDom_thunk(refs, thunk) { return { $: 5, l: refs, m: thunk, k: undefined }; } var _VirtualDom_lazy = F2(function(func, a) { return _VirtualDom_thunk([func, a], function() { return func(a); }); }); var _VirtualDom_lazy2 = F3(function(func, a, b) { return _VirtualDom_thunk([func, a, b], function() { return A2(func, a, b); }); }); var _VirtualDom_lazy3 = F4(function(func, a, b, c) { return _VirtualDom_thunk([func, a, b, c], function() { return A3(func, a, b, c); }); }); var _VirtualDom_lazy4 = F5(function(func, a, b, c, d) { return _VirtualDom_thunk([func, a, b, c, d], function() { return A4(func, a, b, c, d); }); }); var _VirtualDom_lazy5 = F6(function(func, a, b, c, d, e) { return _VirtualDom_thunk([func, a, b, c, d, e], function() { return A5(func, a, b, c, d, e); }); }); var _VirtualDom_lazy6 = F7(function(func, a, b, c, d, e, f) { return _VirtualDom_thunk([func, a, b, c, d, e, f], function() { return A6(func, a, b, c, d, e, f); }); }); var _VirtualDom_lazy7 = F8(function(func, a, b, c, d, e, f, g) { return _VirtualDom_thunk([func, a, b, c, d, e, f, g], function() { return A7(func, a, b, c, d, e, f, g); }); }); var _VirtualDom_lazy8 = F9(function(func, a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h) { return _VirtualDom_thunk([func, a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h], function() { return A8(func, a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h); }); }); // FACTS var _VirtualDom_on = F2(function(key, handler) { return { $: 'a0', n: key, o: handler }; }); var _VirtualDom_style = F2(function(key, value) { return { $: 'a1', n: key, o: value }; }); var _VirtualDom_property = F2(function(key, value) { return { $: 'a2', n: key, o: value }; }); var _VirtualDom_attribute = F2(function(key, value) { return { $: 'a3', n: key, o: value }; }); var _VirtualDom_attributeNS = F3(function(namespace, key, value) { return { $: 'a4', n: key, o: { f: namespace, o: value } }; }); // XSS ATTACK VECTOR CHECKS function _VirtualDom_noScript(tag) { return tag == 'script' ? 'p' : tag; } function _VirtualDom_noOnOrFormAction(key) { return /^(on|formAction$)/i.test(key) ? 'data-' + key : key; } function _VirtualDom_noInnerHtmlOrFormAction(key) { return key == 'innerHTML' || key == 'formAction' ? 'data-' + key : key; } function _VirtualDom_noJavaScriptUri_UNUSED(value) { return /^javascript:/i.test(value.replace(/\s/g,'')) ? '' : value; } function _VirtualDom_noJavaScriptUri(value) { return /^javascript:/i.test(value.replace(/\s/g,'')) ? 'javascript:alert("This is an XSS vector. Please use ports or web components instead.")' : value; } function _VirtualDom_noJavaScriptOrHtmlUri_UNUSED(value) { return /^\s*(javascript:|data:text\/html)/i.test(value) ? '' : value; } function _VirtualDom_noJavaScriptOrHtmlUri(value) { return /^\s*(javascript:|data:text\/html)/i.test(value) ? 'javascript:alert("This is an XSS vector. Please use ports or web components instead.")' : value; } // MAP FACTS var _VirtualDom_mapAttribute = F2(function(func, attr) { return (attr.$ === 'a0') ? A2(_VirtualDom_on, attr.n, _VirtualDom_mapHandler(func, attr.o)) : attr; }); function _VirtualDom_mapHandler(func, handler) { var tag = $elm$virtual_dom$VirtualDom$toHandlerInt(handler); // 0 = Normal // 1 = MayStopPropagation // 2 = MayPreventDefault // 3 = Custom return { $: handler.$, a: !tag ? A2($elm$json$Json$Decode$map, func, handler.a) : A3($elm$json$Json$Decode$map2, tag < 3 ? _VirtualDom_mapEventTuple : _VirtualDom_mapEventRecord, $elm$json$Json$Decode$succeed(func), handler.a ) }; } var _VirtualDom_mapEventTuple = F2(function(func, tuple) { return _Utils_Tuple2(func(tuple.a), tuple.b); }); var _VirtualDom_mapEventRecord = F2(function(func, record) { return { message: func(record.message), stopPropagation: record.stopPropagation, preventDefault: record.preventDefault } }); // ORGANIZE FACTS function _VirtualDom_organizeFacts(factList) { for (var facts = {}; factList.b; factList = factList.b) // WHILE_CONS { var entry = factList.a; var tag = entry.$; var key = entry.n; var value = entry.o; if (tag === 'a2') { (key === 'className') ? _VirtualDom_addClass(facts, key, _Json_unwrap(value)) : facts[key] = _Json_unwrap(value); continue; } var subFacts = facts[tag] || (facts[tag] = {}); (tag === 'a3' && key === 'class') ? _VirtualDom_addClass(subFacts, key, value) : subFacts[key] = value; } return facts; } function _VirtualDom_addClass(object, key, newClass) { var classes = object[key]; object[key] = classes ? classes + ' ' + newClass : newClass; } // RENDER function _VirtualDom_render(vNode, eventNode) { var tag = vNode.$; if (tag === 5) { return _VirtualDom_render(vNode.k || (vNode.k = vNode.m()), eventNode); } if (tag === 0) { return _VirtualDom_doc.createTextNode(vNode.a); } if (tag === 4) { var subNode = vNode.k; var tagger = vNode.j; while (subNode.$ === 4) { typeof tagger !== 'object' ? tagger = [tagger, subNode.j] : tagger.push(subNode.j); subNode = subNode.k; } var subEventRoot = { j: tagger, p: eventNode }; var domNode = _VirtualDom_render(subNode, subEventRoot); domNode.elm_event_node_ref = subEventRoot; return domNode; } if (tag === 3) { var domNode = vNode.h(vNode.g); _VirtualDom_applyFacts(domNode, eventNode, vNode.d); return domNode; } // at this point `tag` must be 1 or 2 var domNode = vNode.f ? _VirtualDom_doc.createElementNS(vNode.f, vNode.c) : _VirtualDom_doc.createElement(vNode.c); if (_VirtualDom_divertHrefToApp && vNode.c == 'a') { domNode.addEventListener('click', _VirtualDom_divertHrefToApp(domNode)); } _VirtualDom_applyFacts(domNode, eventNode, vNode.d); for (var kids = vNode.e, i = 0; i < kids.length; i++) { _VirtualDom_appendChild(domNode, _VirtualDom_render(tag === 1 ? kids[i] : kids[i].b, eventNode)); } return domNode; } // APPLY FACTS function _VirtualDom_applyFacts(domNode, eventNode, facts) { for (var key in facts) { var value = facts[key]; key === 'a1' ? _VirtualDom_applyStyles(domNode, value) : key === 'a0' ? _VirtualDom_applyEvents(domNode, eventNode, value) : key === 'a3' ? _VirtualDom_applyAttrs(domNode, value) : key === 'a4' ? _VirtualDom_applyAttrsNS(domNode, value) : ((key !== 'value' && key !== 'checked') || domNode[key] !== value) && (domNode[key] = value); } } // APPLY STYLES function _VirtualDom_applyStyles(domNode, styles) { var domNodeStyle = domNode.style; for (var key in styles) { domNodeStyle[key] = styles[key]; } } // APPLY ATTRS function _VirtualDom_applyAttrs(domNode, attrs) { for (var key in attrs) { var value = attrs[key]; typeof value !== 'undefined' ? domNode.setAttribute(key, value) : domNode.removeAttribute(key); } } // APPLY NAMESPACED ATTRS function _VirtualDom_applyAttrsNS(domNode, nsAttrs) { for (var key in nsAttrs) { var pair = nsAttrs[key]; var namespace = pair.f; var value = pair.o; typeof value !== 'undefined' ? domNode.setAttributeNS(namespace, key, value) : domNode.removeAttributeNS(namespace, key); } } // APPLY EVENTS function _VirtualDom_applyEvents(domNode, eventNode, events) { var allCallbacks = domNode.elmFs || (domNode.elmFs = {}); for (var key in events) { var newHandler = events[key]; var oldCallback = allCallbacks[key]; if (!newHandler) { domNode.removeEventListener(key, oldCallback); allCallbacks[key] = undefined; continue; } if (oldCallback) { var oldHandler = oldCallback.q; if (oldHandler.$ === newHandler.$) { oldCallback.q = newHandler; continue; } domNode.removeEventListener(key, oldCallback); } oldCallback = _VirtualDom_makeCallback(eventNode, newHandler); domNode.addEventListener(key, oldCallback, _VirtualDom_passiveSupported && { passive: $elm$virtual_dom$VirtualDom$toHandlerInt(newHandler) < 2 } ); allCallbacks[key] = oldCallback; } } // PASSIVE EVENTS var _VirtualDom_passiveSupported; try { window.addEventListener('t', null, Object.defineProperty({}, 'passive', { get: function() { _VirtualDom_passiveSupported = true; } })); } catch(e) {} // EVENT HANDLERS function _VirtualDom_makeCallback(eventNode, initialHandler) { function callback(event) { var handler = callback.q; var result = _Json_runHelp(handler.a, event); if (!$elm$core$Result$isOk(result)) { return; } var tag = $elm$virtual_dom$VirtualDom$toHandlerInt(handler); // 0 = Normal // 1 = MayStopPropagation // 2 = MayPreventDefault // 3 = Custom var value = result.a; var message = !tag ? value : tag < 3 ? value.a : value.message; var stopPropagation = tag == 1 ? value.b : tag == 3 && value.stopPropagation; var currentEventNode = ( stopPropagation && event.stopPropagation(), (tag == 2 ? value.b : tag == 3 && value.preventDefault) && event.preventDefault(), eventNode ); var tagger; var i; while (tagger = currentEventNode.j) { if (typeof tagger == 'function') { message = tagger(message); } else { for (var i = tagger.length; i--; ) { message = tagger[i](message); } } currentEventNode = currentEventNode.p; } currentEventNode(message, stopPropagation); // stopPropagation implies isSync } callback.q = initialHandler; return callback; } function _VirtualDom_equalEvents(x, y) { return x.$ == y.$ && _Json_equality(x.a, y.a); } // DIFF // TODO: Should we do patches like in iOS? // // type Patch // = At Int Patch // | Batch (List Patch) // | Change ... // // How could it not be better? // function _VirtualDom_diff(x, y) { var patches = []; _VirtualDom_diffHelp(x, y, patches, 0); return patches; } function _VirtualDom_pushPatch(patches, type, index, data) { var patch = { $: type, r: index, s: data, t: undefined, u: undefined }; patches.push(patch); return patch; } function _VirtualDom_diffHelp(x, y, patches, index) { if (x === y) { return; } var xType = x.$; var yType = y.$; // Bail if you run into different types of nodes. Implies that the // structure has changed significantly and it's not worth a diff. if (xType !== yType) { if (xType === 1 && yType === 2) { y = _VirtualDom_dekey(y); yType = 1; } else { _VirtualDom_pushPatch(patches, 0, index, y); return; } } // Now we know that both nodes are the same $. switch (yType) { case 5: var xRefs = x.l; var yRefs = y.l; var i = xRefs.length; var same = i === yRefs.length; while (same && i--) { same = xRefs[i] === yRefs[i]; } if (same) { y.k = x.k; return; } y.k = y.m(); var subPatches = []; _VirtualDom_diffHelp(x.k, y.k, subPatches, 0); subPatches.length > 0 && _VirtualDom_pushPatch(patches, 1, index, subPatches); return; case 4: // gather nested taggers var xTaggers = x.j; var yTaggers = y.j; var nesting = false; var xSubNode = x.k; while (xSubNode.$ === 4) { nesting = true; typeof xTaggers !== 'object' ? xTaggers = [xTaggers, xSubNode.j] : xTaggers.push(xSubNode.j); xSubNode = xSubNode.k; } var ySubNode = y.k; while (ySubNode.$ === 4) { nesting = true; typeof yTaggers !== 'object' ? yTaggers = [yTaggers, ySubNode.j] : yTaggers.push(ySubNode.j); ySubNode = ySubNode.k; } // Just bail if different numbers of taggers. This implies the // structure of the virtual DOM has changed. if (nesting && xTaggers.length !== yTaggers.length) { _VirtualDom_pushPatch(patches, 0, index, y); return; } // check if taggers are "the same" if (nesting ? !_VirtualDom_pairwiseRefEqual(xTaggers, yTaggers) : xTaggers !== yTaggers) { _VirtualDom_pushPatch(patches, 2, index, yTaggers); } // diff everything below the taggers _VirtualDom_diffHelp(xSubNode, ySubNode, patches, index + 1); return; case 0: if (x.a !== y.a) { _VirtualDom_pushPatch(patches, 3, index, y.a); } return; case 1: _VirtualDom_diffNodes(x, y, patches, index, _VirtualDom_diffKids); return; case 2: _VirtualDom_diffNodes(x, y, patches, index, _VirtualDom_diffKeyedKids); return; case 3: if (x.h !== y.h) { _VirtualDom_pushPatch(patches, 0, index, y); return; } var factsDiff = _VirtualDom_diffFacts(x.d, y.d); factsDiff && _VirtualDom_pushPatch(patches, 4, index, factsDiff); var patch = y.i(x.g, y.g); patch && _VirtualDom_pushPatch(patches, 5, index, patch); return; } } // assumes the incoming arrays are the same length function _VirtualDom_pairwiseRefEqual(as, bs) { for (var i = 0; i < as.length; i++) { if (as[i] !== bs[i]) { return false; } } return true; } function _VirtualDom_diffNodes(x, y, patches, index, diffKids) { // Bail if obvious indicators have changed. Implies more serious // structural changes such that it's not worth it to diff. if (x.c !== y.c || x.f !== y.f) { _VirtualDom_pushPatch(patches, 0, index, y); return; } var factsDiff = _VirtualDom_diffFacts(x.d, y.d); factsDiff && _VirtualDom_pushPatch(patches, 4, index, factsDiff); diffKids(x, y, patches, index); } // DIFF FACTS // TODO Instead of creating a new diff object, it's possible to just test if // there *is* a diff. During the actual patch, do the diff again and make the // modifications directly. This way, there's no new allocations. Worth it? function _VirtualDom_diffFacts(x, y, category) { var diff; // look for changes and removals for (var xKey in x) { if (xKey === 'a1' || xKey === 'a0' || xKey === 'a3' || xKey === 'a4') { var subDiff = _VirtualDom_diffFacts(x[xKey], y[xKey] || {}, xKey); if (subDiff) { diff = diff || {}; diff[xKey] = subDiff; } continue; } // remove if not in the new facts if (!(xKey in y)) { diff = diff || {}; diff[xKey] = !category ? (typeof x[xKey] === 'string' ? '' : null) : (category === 'a1') ? '' : (category === 'a0' || category === 'a3') ? undefined : { f: x[xKey].f, o: undefined }; continue; } var xValue = x[xKey]; var yValue = y[xKey]; // reference equal, so don't worry about it if (xValue === yValue && xKey !== 'value' && xKey !== 'checked' || category === 'a0' && _VirtualDom_equalEvents(xValue, yValue)) { continue; } diff = diff || {}; diff[xKey] = yValue; } // add new stuff for (var yKey in y) { if (!(yKey in x)) { diff = diff || {}; diff[yKey] = y[yKey]; } } return diff; } // DIFF KIDS function _VirtualDom_diffKids(xParent, yParent, patches, index) { var xKids = xParent.e; var yKids = yParent.e; var xLen = xKids.length; var yLen = yKids.length; // FIGURE OUT IF THERE ARE INSERTS OR REMOVALS if (xLen > yLen) { _VirtualDom_pushPatch(patches, 6, index, { v: yLen, i: xLen - yLen }); } else if (xLen < yLen) { _VirtualDom_pushPatch(patches, 7, index, { v: xLen, e: yKids }); } // PAIRWISE DIFF EVERYTHING ELSE for (var minLen = xLen < yLen ? xLen : yLen, i = 0; i < minLen; i++) { var xKid = xKids[i]; _VirtualDom_diffHelp(xKid, yKids[i], patches, ++index); index += xKid.b || 0; } } // KEYED DIFF function _VirtualDom_diffKeyedKids(xParent, yParent, patches, rootIndex) { var localPatches = []; var changes = {}; // Dict String Entry var inserts = []; // Array { index : Int, entry : Entry } // type Entry = { tag : String, vnode : VNode, index : Int, data : _ } var xKids = xParent.e; var yKids = yParent.e; var xLen = xKids.length; var yLen = yKids.length; var xIndex = 0; var yIndex = 0; var index = rootIndex; while (xIndex < xLen && yIndex < yLen) { var x = xKids[xIndex]; var y = yKids[yIndex]; var xKey = x.a; var yKey = y.a; var xNode = x.b; var yNode = y.b; var newMatch = undefined; var oldMatch = undefined; // check if keys match if (xKey === yKey) { index++; _VirtualDom_diffHelp(xNode, yNode, localPatches, index); index += xNode.b || 0; xIndex++; yIndex++; continue; } // look ahead 1 to detect insertions and removals. var xNext = xKids[xIndex + 1]; var yNext = yKids[yIndex + 1]; if (xNext) { var xNextKey = xNext.a; var xNextNode = xNext.b; oldMatch = yKey === xNextKey; } if (yNext) { var yNextKey = yNext.a; var yNextNode = yNext.b; newMatch = xKey === yNextKey; } // swap x and y if (newMatch && oldMatch) { index++; _VirtualDom_diffHelp(xNode, yNextNode, localPatches, index); _VirtualDom_insertNode(changes, localPatches, xKey, yNode, yIndex, inserts); index += xNode.b || 0; index++; _VirtualDom_removeNode(changes, localPatches, xKey, xNextNode, index); index += xNextNode.b || 0; xIndex += 2; yIndex += 2; continue; } // insert y if (newMatch) { index++; _VirtualDom_insertNode(changes, localPatches, yKey, yNode, yIndex, inserts); _VirtualDom_diffHelp(xNode, yNextNode, localPatches, index); index += xNode.b || 0; xIndex += 1; yIndex += 2; continue; } // remove x if (oldMatch) { index++; _VirtualDom_removeNode(changes, localPatches, xKey, xNode, index); index += xNode.b || 0; index++; _VirtualDom_diffHelp(xNextNode, yNode, localPatches, index); index += xNextNode.b || 0; xIndex += 2; yIndex += 1; continue; } // remove x, insert y if (xNext && xNextKey === yNextKey) { index++; _VirtualDom_removeNode(changes, localPatches, xKey, xNode, index); _VirtualDom_insertNode(changes, localPatches, yKey, yNode, yIndex, inserts); index += xNode.b || 0; index++; _VirtualDom_diffHelp(xNextNode, yNextNode, localPatches, index); index += xNextNode.b || 0; xIndex += 2; yIndex += 2; continue; } break; } // eat up any remaining nodes with removeNode and insertNode while (xIndex < xLen) { index++; var x = xKids[xIndex]; var xNode = x.b; _VirtualDom_removeNode(changes, localPatches, x.a, xNode, index); index += xNode.b || 0; xIndex++; } while (yIndex < yLen) { var endInserts = endInserts || []; var y = yKids[yIndex]; _VirtualDom_insertNode(changes, localPatches, y.a, y.b, undefined, endInserts); yIndex++; } if (localPatches.length > 0 || inserts.length > 0 || endInserts) { _VirtualDom_pushPatch(patches, 8, rootIndex, { w: localPatches, x: inserts, y: endInserts }); } } // CHANGES FROM KEYED DIFF var _VirtualDom_POSTFIX = '_elmW6BL'; function _VirtualDom_insertNode(changes, localPatches, key, vnode, yIndex, inserts) { var entry = changes[key]; // never seen this key before if (!entry) { entry = { c: 0, z: vnode, r: yIndex, s: undefined }; inserts.push({ r: yIndex, A: entry }); changes[key] = entry; return; } // this key was removed earlier, a match! if (entry.c === 1) { inserts.push({ r: yIndex, A: entry }); entry.c = 2; var subPatches = []; _VirtualDom_diffHelp(entry.z, vnode, subPatches, entry.r); entry.r = yIndex; entry.s.s = { w: subPatches, A: entry }; return; } // this key has already been inserted or moved, a duplicate! _VirtualDom_insertNode(changes, localPatches, key + _VirtualDom_POSTFIX, vnode, yIndex, inserts); } function _VirtualDom_removeNode(changes, localPatches, key, vnode, index) { var entry = changes[key]; // never seen this key before if (!entry) { var patch = _VirtualDom_pushPatch(localPatches, 9, index, undefined); changes[key] = { c: 1, z: vnode, r: index, s: patch }; return; } // this key was inserted earlier, a match! if (entry.c === 0) { entry.c = 2; var subPatches = []; _VirtualDom_diffHelp(vnode, entry.z, subPatches, index); _VirtualDom_pushPatch(localPatches, 9, index, { w: subPatches, A: entry }); return; } // this key has already been removed or moved, a duplicate! _VirtualDom_removeNode(changes, localPatches, key + _VirtualDom_POSTFIX, vnode, index); } // ADD DOM NODES // // Each DOM node has an "index" assigned in order of traversal. It is important // to minimize our crawl over the actual DOM, so these indexes (along with the // descendantsCount of virtual nodes) let us skip touching entire subtrees of // the DOM if we know there are no patches there. function _VirtualDom_addDomNodes(domNode, vNode, patches, eventNode) { _VirtualDom_addDomNodesHelp(domNode, vNode, patches, 0, 0, vNode.b, eventNode); } // assumes `patches` is non-empty and indexes increase monotonically. function _VirtualDom_addDomNodesHelp(domNode, vNode, patches, i, low, high, eventNode) { var patch = patches[i]; var index = patch.r; while (index === low) { var patchType = patch.$; if (patchType === 1) { _VirtualDom_addDomNodes(domNode, vNode.k, patch.s, eventNode); } else if (patchType === 8) { patch.t = domNode; patch.u = eventNode; var subPatches = patch.s.w; if (subPatches.length > 0) { _VirtualDom_addDomNodesHelp(domNode, vNode, subPatches, 0, low, high, eventNode); } } else if (patchType === 9) { patch.t = domNode; patch.u = eventNode; var data = patch.s; if (data) { data.A.s = domNode; var subPatches = data.w; if (subPatches.length > 0) { _VirtualDom_addDomNodesHelp(domNode, vNode, subPatches, 0, low, high, eventNode); } } } else { patch.t = domNode; patch.u = eventNode; } i++; if (!(patch = patches[i]) || (index = patch.r) > high) { return i; } } var tag = vNode.$; if (tag === 4) { var subNode = vNode.k; while (subNode.$ === 4) { subNode = subNode.k; } return _VirtualDom_addDomNodesHelp(domNode, subNode, patches, i, low + 1, high, domNode.elm_event_node_ref); } // tag must be 1 or 2 at this point var vKids = vNode.e; var childNodes = domNode.childNodes; for (var j = 0; j < vKids.length; j++) { low++; var vKid = tag === 1 ? vKids[j] : vKids[j].b; var nextLow = low + (vKid.b || 0); if (low <= index && index <= nextLow) { i = _VirtualDom_addDomNodesHelp(childNodes[j], vKid, patches, i, low, nextLow, eventNode); if (!(patch = patches[i]) || (index = patch.r) > high) { return i; } } low = nextLow; } return i; } // APPLY PATCHES function _VirtualDom_applyPatches(rootDomNode, oldVirtualNode, patches, eventNode) { if (patches.length === 0) { return rootDomNode; } _VirtualDom_addDomNodes(rootDomNode, oldVirtualNode, patches, eventNode); return _VirtualDom_applyPatchesHelp(rootDomNode, patches); } function _VirtualDom_applyPatchesHelp(rootDomNode, patches) { for (var i = 0; i < patches.length; i++) { var patch = patches[i]; var localDomNode = patch.t var newNode = _VirtualDom_applyPatch(localDomNode, patch); if (localDomNode === rootDomNode) { rootDomNode = newNode; } } return rootDomNode; } function _VirtualDom_applyPatch(domNode, patch) { switch (patch.$) { case 0: return _VirtualDom_applyPatchRedraw(domNode, patch.s, patch.u); case 4: _VirtualDom_applyFacts(domNode, patch.u, patch.s); return domNode; case 3: domNode.replaceData(0, domNode.length, patch.s); return domNode; case 1: return _VirtualDom_applyPatchesHelp(domNode, patch.s); case 2: if (domNode.elm_event_node_ref) { domNode.elm_event_node_ref.j = patch.s; } else { domNode.elm_event_node_ref = { j: patch.s, p: patch.u }; } return domNode; case 6: var data = patch.s; for (var i = 0; i < data.i; i++) { domNode.removeChild(domNode.childNodes[data.v]); } return domNode; case 7: var data = patch.s; var kids = data.e; var i = data.v; var theEnd = domNode.childNodes[i]; for (; i < kids.length; i++) { domNode.insertBefore(_VirtualDom_render(kids[i], patch.u), theEnd); } return domNode; case 9: var data = patch.s; if (!data) { domNode.parentNode.removeChild(domNode); return domNode; } var entry = data.A; if (typeof entry.r !== 'undefined') { domNode.parentNode.removeChild(domNode); } entry.s = _VirtualDom_applyPatchesHelp(domNode, data.w); return domNode; case 8: return _VirtualDom_applyPatchReorder(domNode, patch); case 5: return patch.s(domNode); default: _Debug_crash(10); // 'Ran into an unknown patch!' } } function _VirtualDom_applyPatchRedraw(domNode, vNode, eventNode) { var parentNode = domNode.parentNode; var newNode = _VirtualDom_render(vNode, eventNode); if (!newNode.elm_event_node_ref) { newNode.elm_event_node_ref = domNode.elm_event_node_ref; } if (parentNode && newNode !== domNode) { parentNode.replaceChild(newNode, domNode); } return newNode; } function _VirtualDom_applyPatchReorder(domNode, patch) { var data = patch.s; // remove end inserts var frag = _VirtualDom_applyPatchReorderEndInsertsHelp(data.y, patch); // removals domNode = _VirtualDom_applyPatchesHelp(domNode, data.w); // inserts var inserts = data.x; for (var i = 0; i < inserts.length; i++) { var insert = inserts[i]; var entry = insert.A; var node = entry.c === 2 ? entry.s : _VirtualDom_render(entry.z, patch.u); domNode.insertBefore(node, domNode.childNodes[insert.r]); } // add end inserts if (frag) { _VirtualDom_appendChild(domNode, frag); } return domNode; } function _VirtualDom_applyPatchReorderEndInsertsHelp(endInserts, patch) { if (!endInserts) { return; } var frag = _VirtualDom_doc.createDocumentFragment(); for (var i = 0; i < endInserts.length; i++) { var insert = endInserts[i]; var entry = insert.A; _VirtualDom_appendChild(frag, entry.c === 2 ? entry.s : _VirtualDom_render(entry.z, patch.u) ); } return frag; } function _VirtualDom_virtualize(node) { // TEXT NODES if (node.nodeType === 3) { return _VirtualDom_text(node.textContent); } // WEIRD NODES if (node.nodeType !== 1) { return _VirtualDom_text(''); } // ELEMENT NODES var attrList = _List_Nil; var attrs = node.attributes; for (var i = attrs.length; i--; ) { var attr = attrs[i]; var name = attr.name; var value = attr.value; attrList = _List_Cons( A2(_VirtualDom_attribute, name, value), attrList ); } var tag = node.tagName.toLowerCase(); var kidList = _List_Nil; var kids = node.childNodes; for (var i = kids.length; i--; ) { kidList = _List_Cons(_VirtualDom_virtualize(kids[i]), kidList); } return A3(_VirtualDom_node, tag, attrList, kidList); } function _VirtualDom_dekey(keyedNode) { var keyedKids = keyedNode.e; var len = keyedKids.length; var kids = new Array(len); for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) { kids[i] = keyedKids[i].b; } return { $: 1, c: keyedNode.c, d: keyedNode.d, e: kids, f: keyedNode.f, b: keyedNode.b }; } // ELEMENT var _Debugger_element; var _Browser_element = _Debugger_element || F4(function(impl, flagDecoder, debugMetadata, args) { return _Platform_initialize( flagDecoder, args, impl.init, impl.update, impl.subscriptions, function(sendToApp, initialModel) { var view = impl.view; /**_UNUSED/ var domNode = args['node']; //*/ /**/ var domNode = args && args['node'] ? args['node'] : _Debug_crash(0); //*/ var currNode = _VirtualDom_virtualize(domNode); return _Browser_makeAnimator(initialModel, function(model) { var nextNode = view(model); var patches = _VirtualDom_diff(currNode, nextNode); domNode = _VirtualDom_applyPatches(domNode, currNode, patches, sendToApp); currNode = nextNode; }); } ); }); // DOCUMENT var _Debugger_document; var _Browser_document = _Debugger_document || F4(function(impl, flagDecoder, debugMetadata, args) { return _Platform_initialize( flagDecoder, args, impl.init, impl.update, impl.subscriptions, function(sendToApp, initialModel) { var divertHrefToApp = impl.setup && impl.setup(sendToApp) var view = impl.view; var title = _VirtualDom_doc.title; var bodyNode = _VirtualDom_doc.body; var currNode = _VirtualDom_virtualize(bodyNode); return _Browser_makeAnimator(initialModel, function(model) { _VirtualDom_divertHrefToApp = divertHrefToApp; var doc = view(model); var nextNode = _VirtualDom_node('body')(_List_Nil)(doc.body); var patches = _VirtualDom_diff(currNode, nextNode); bodyNode = _VirtualDom_applyPatches(bodyNode, currNode, patches, sendToApp); currNode = nextNode; _VirtualDom_divertHrefToApp = 0; (title !== doc.title) && (_VirtualDom_doc.title = title = doc.title); }); } ); }); // ANIMATION var _Browser_cancelAnimationFrame = typeof cancelAnimationFrame !== 'undefined' ? cancelAnimationFrame : function(id) { clearTimeout(id); }; var _Browser_requestAnimationFrame = typeof requestAnimationFrame !== 'undefined' ? requestAnimationFrame : function(callback) { return setTimeout(callback, 1000 / 60); }; function _Browser_makeAnimator(model, draw) { draw(model); var state = 0; function updateIfNeeded() { state = state === 1 ? 0 : ( _Browser_requestAnimationFrame(updateIfNeeded), draw(model), 1 ); } return function(nextModel, isSync) { model = nextModel; isSync ? ( draw(model), state === 2 && (state = 1) ) : ( state === 0 && _Browser_requestAnimationFrame(updateIfNeeded), state = 2 ); }; } // APPLICATION function _Browser_application(impl) { var onUrlChange = impl.onUrlChange; var onUrlRequest = impl.onUrlRequest; var key = function() { key.a(onUrlChange(_Browser_getUrl())); }; return _Browser_document({ setup: function(sendToApp) { key.a = sendToApp; _Browser_window.addEventListener('popstate', key); _Browser_window.navigator.userAgent.indexOf('Trident') < 0 || _Browser_window.addEventListener('hashchange', key); return F2(function(domNode, event) { if (!event.ctrlKey && !event.metaKey && !event.shiftKey && event.button < 1 && !domNode.target && !domNode.hasAttribute('download')) { event.preventDefault(); var href = domNode.href; var curr = _Browser_getUrl(); var next = $elm$url$Url$fromString(href).a; sendToApp(onUrlRequest( (next && curr.protocol === next.protocol && curr.host === next.host && curr.port_.a === next.port_.a ) ? $elm$browser$Browser$Internal(next) : $elm$browser$Browser$External(href) )); } }); }, init: function(flags) { return A3(impl.init, flags, _Browser_getUrl(), key); }, view: impl.view, update: impl.update, subscriptions: impl.subscriptions }); } function _Browser_getUrl() { return $elm$url$Url$fromString(_VirtualDom_doc.location.href).a || _Debug_crash(1); } var _Browser_go = F2(function(key, n) { return A2($elm$core$Task$perform, $elm$core$Basics$never, _Scheduler_binding(function() { n && history.go(n); key(); })); }); var _Browser_pushUrl = F2(function(key, url) { return A2($elm$core$Task$perform, $elm$core$Basics$never, _Scheduler_binding(function() { history.pushState({}, '', url); key(); })); }); var _Browser_replaceUrl = F2(function(key, url) { return A2($elm$core$Task$perform, $elm$core$Basics$never, _Scheduler_binding(function() { history.replaceState({}, '', url); key(); })); }); // GLOBAL EVENTS var _Browser_fakeNode = { addEventListener: function() {}, removeEventListener: function() {} }; var _Browser_doc = typeof document !== 'undefined' ? document : _Browser_fakeNode; var _Browser_window = typeof window !== 'undefined' ? window : _Browser_fakeNode; var _Browser_on = F3(function(node, eventName, sendToSelf) { return _Scheduler_spawn(_Scheduler_binding(function(callback) { function handler(event) { _Scheduler_rawSpawn(sendToSelf(event)); } node.addEventListener(eventName, handler, _VirtualDom_passiveSupported && { passive: true }); return function() { node.removeEventListener(eventName, handler); }; })); }); var _Browser_decodeEvent = F2(function(decoder, event) { var result = _Json_runHelp(decoder, event); return $elm$core$Result$isOk(result) ? $elm$core$Maybe$Just(result.a) : $elm$core$Maybe$Nothing; }); // PAGE VISIBILITY function _Browser_visibilityInfo() { return (typeof _VirtualDom_doc.hidden !== 'undefined') ? { hidden: 'hidden', change: 'visibilitychange' } : (typeof _VirtualDom_doc.mozHidden !== 'undefined') ? { hidden: 'mozHidden', change: 'mozvisibilitychange' } : (typeof _VirtualDom_doc.msHidden !== 'undefined') ? { hidden: 'msHidden', change: 'msvisibilitychange' } : (typeof _VirtualDom_doc.webkitHidden !== 'undefined') ? { hidden: 'webkitHidden', change: 'webkitvisibilitychange' } : { hidden: 'hidden', change: 'visibilitychange' }; } // ANIMATION FRAMES function _Browser_rAF() { return _Scheduler_binding(function(callback) { var id = _Browser_requestAnimationFrame(function() { callback(_Scheduler_succeed(Date.now())); }); return function() { _Browser_cancelAnimationFrame(id); }; }); } function _Browser_now() { return _Scheduler_binding(function(callback) { callback(_Scheduler_succeed(Date.now())); }); } // DOM STUFF function _Browser_withNode(id, doStuff) { return _Scheduler_binding(function(callback) { _Browser_requestAnimationFrame(function() { var node = document.getElementById(id); callback(node ? _Scheduler_succeed(doStuff(node)) : _Scheduler_fail($elm$browser$Browser$Dom$NotFound(id)) ); }); }); } function _Browser_withWindow(doStuff) { return _Scheduler_binding(function(callback) { _Browser_requestAnimationFrame(function() { callback(_Scheduler_succeed(doStuff())); }); }); } // FOCUS and BLUR var _Browser_call = F2(function(functionName, id) { return _Browser_withNode(id, function(node) { node[functionName](); return _Utils_Tuple0; }); }); // WINDOW VIEWPORT function _Browser_getViewport() { return { scene: _Browser_getScene(), viewport: { x: _Browser_window.pageXOffset, y: _Browser_window.pageYOffset, width: _Browser_doc.documentElement.clientWidth, height: _Browser_doc.documentElement.clientHeight } }; } function _Browser_getScene() { var body = _Browser_doc.body; var elem = _Browser_doc.documentElement; return { width: Math.max(body.scrollWidth, body.offsetWidth, elem.scrollWidth, elem.offsetWidth, elem.clientWidth), height: Math.max(body.scrollHeight, body.offsetHeight, elem.scrollHeight, elem.offsetHeight, elem.clientHeight) }; } var _Browser_setViewport = F2(function(x, y) { return _Browser_withWindow(function() { _Browser_window.scroll(x, y); return _Utils_Tuple0; }); }); // ELEMENT VIEWPORT function _Browser_getViewportOf(id) { return _Browser_withNode(id, function(node) { return { scene: { width: node.scrollWidth, height: node.scrollHeight }, viewport: { x: node.scrollLeft, y: node.scrollTop, width: node.clientWidth, height: node.clientHeight } }; }); } var _Browser_setViewportOf = F3(function(id, x, y) { return _Browser_withNode(id, function(node) { node.scrollLeft = x; node.scrollTop = y; return _Utils_Tuple0; }); }); // ELEMENT function _Browser_getElement(id) { return _Browser_withNode(id, function(node) { var rect = node.getBoundingClientRect(); var x = _Browser_window.pageXOffset; var y = _Browser_window.pageYOffset; return { scene: _Browser_getScene(), viewport: { x: x, y: y, width: _Browser_doc.documentElement.clientWidth, height: _Browser_doc.documentElement.clientHeight }, element: { x: x + rect.left, y: y + rect.top, width: rect.width, height: rect.height } }; }); } // LOAD and RELOAD function _Browser_reload(skipCache) { return A2($elm$core$Task$perform, $elm$core$Basics$never, _Scheduler_binding(function(callback) { _VirtualDom_doc.location.reload(skipCache); })); } function _Browser_load(url) { return A2($elm$core$Task$perform, $elm$core$Basics$never, _Scheduler_binding(function(callback) { try { _Browser_window.location = url; } catch(err) { // Only Firefox can throw a NS_ERROR_MALFORMED_URI exception here. // Other browsers reload the page, so let's be consistent about that. _VirtualDom_doc.location.reload(false); } })); } // SEND REQUEST var _Http_toTask = F3(function(router, toTask, request) { return _Scheduler_binding(function(callback) { function done(response) { callback(toTask(request.expect.a(response))); } var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest(); xhr.addEventListener('error', function() { done($elm$http$Http$NetworkError_); }); xhr.addEventListener('timeout', function() { done($elm$http$Http$Timeout_); }); xhr.addEventListener('load', function() { done(_Http_toResponse(request.expect.b, xhr)); }); $elm$core$Maybe$isJust(request.tracker) && _Http_track(router, xhr, request.tracker.a); try { xhr.open(request.method, request.url, true); } catch (e) { return done($elm$http$Http$BadUrl_(request.url)); } _Http_configureRequest(xhr, request); request.body.a && xhr.setRequestHeader('Content-Type', request.body.a); xhr.send(request.body.b); return function() { xhr.c = true; xhr.abort(); }; }); }); // CONFIGURE function _Http_configureRequest(xhr, request) { for (var headers = request.headers; headers.b; headers = headers.b) // WHILE_CONS { xhr.setRequestHeader(headers.a.a, headers.a.b); } xhr.timeout = request.timeout.a || 0; xhr.responseType = request.expect.d; xhr.withCredentials = request.allowCookiesFromOtherDomains; } // RESPONSES function _Http_toResponse(toBody, xhr) { return A2( 200 <= xhr.status && xhr.status < 300 ? $elm$http$Http$GoodStatus_ : $elm$http$Http$BadStatus_, _Http_toMetadata(xhr), toBody(xhr.response) ); } // METADATA function _Http_toMetadata(xhr) { return { url: xhr.responseURL, statusCode: xhr.status, statusText: xhr.statusText, headers: _Http_parseHeaders(xhr.getAllResponseHeaders()) }; } // HEADERS function _Http_parseHeaders(rawHeaders) { if (!rawHeaders) { return $elm$core$Dict$empty; } var headers = $elm$core$Dict$empty; var headerPairs = rawHeaders.split('\r\n'); for (var i = headerPairs.length; i--; ) { var headerPair = headerPairs[i]; var index = headerPair.indexOf(': '); if (index > 0) { var key = headerPair.substring(0, index); var value = headerPair.substring(index + 2); headers = A3($elm$core$Dict$update, key, function(oldValue) { return $elm$core$Maybe$Just($elm$core$Maybe$isJust(oldValue) ? value + ', ' + oldValue.a : value ); }, headers); } } return headers; } // EXPECT var _Http_expect = F3(function(type, toBody, toValue) { return { $: 0, d: type, b: toBody, a: toValue }; }); var _Http_mapExpect = F2(function(func, expect) { return { $: 0, d: expect.d, b: expect.b, a: function(x) { return func(expect.a(x)); } }; }); function _Http_toDataView(arrayBuffer) { return new DataView(arrayBuffer); } // BODY and PARTS var _Http_emptyBody = { $: 0 }; var _Http_pair = F2(function(a, b) { return { $: 0, a: a, b: b }; }); function _Http_toFormData(parts) { for (var formData = new FormData(); parts.b; parts = parts.b) // WHILE_CONS { var part = parts.a; formData.append(part.a, part.b); } return formData; } var _Http_bytesToBlob = F2(function(mime, bytes) { return new Blob([bytes], { type: mime }); }); // PROGRESS function _Http_track(router, xhr, tracker) { // TODO check out lengthComputable on loadstart event xhr.upload.addEventListener('progress', function(event) { if (xhr.c) { return; } _Scheduler_rawSpawn(A2($elm$core$Platform$sendToSelf, router, _Utils_Tuple2(tracker, $elm$http$Http$Sending({ sent: event.loaded, size: event.total })))); }); xhr.addEventListener('progress', function(event) { if (xhr.c) { return; } _Scheduler_rawSpawn(A2($elm$core$Platform$sendToSelf, router, _Utils_Tuple2(tracker, $elm$http$Http$Receiving({ received: event.loaded, size: event.lengthComputable ? $elm$core$Maybe$Just(event.total) : $elm$core$Maybe$Nothing })))); }); } var _Bitwise_and = F2(function(a, b) { return a & b; }); var _Bitwise_or = F2(function(a, b) { return a | b; }); var _Bitwise_xor = F2(function(a, b) { return a ^ b; }); function _Bitwise_complement(a) { return ~a; }; var _Bitwise_shiftLeftBy = F2(function(offset, a) { return a << offset; }); var _Bitwise_shiftRightBy = F2(function(offset, a) { return a >> offset; }); var _Bitwise_shiftRightZfBy = F2(function(offset, a) { return a >>> offset; }); function _Url_percentEncode(string) { return encodeURIComponent(string); } function _Url_percentDecode(string) { try { return $elm$core$Maybe$Just(decodeURIComponent(string)); } catch (e) { return $elm$core$Maybe$Nothing; } } function _Time_now(millisToPosix) { return _Scheduler_binding(function(callback) { callback(_Scheduler_succeed(millisToPosix(Date.now()))); }); } var _Time_setInterval = F2(function(interval, task) { return _Scheduler_binding(function(callback) { var id = setInterval(function() { _Scheduler_rawSpawn(task); }, interval); return function() { clearInterval(id); }; }); }); function _Time_here() { return _Scheduler_binding(function(callback) { callback(_Scheduler_succeed( A2($elm$time$Time$customZone, -(new Date().getTimezoneOffset()), _List_Nil) )); }); } function _Time_getZoneName() { return _Scheduler_binding(function(callback) { try { var name = $elm$time$Time$Name(Intl.DateTimeFormat().resolvedOptions().timeZone); } catch (e) { var name = $elm$time$Time$Offset(new Date().getTimezoneOffset()); } callback(_Scheduler_succeed(name)); }); } // CREATE var _Regex_never = /.^/; var _Regex_fromStringWith = F2(function(options, string) { var flags = 'g'; if (options.multiline) { flags += 'm'; } if (options.caseInsensitive) { flags += 'i'; } try { return $elm$core$Maybe$Just(new RegExp(string, flags)); } catch(error) { return $elm$core$Maybe$Nothing; } }); // USE var _Regex_contains = F2(function(re, string) { return string.match(re) !== null; }); var _Regex_findAtMost = F3(function(n, re, str) { var out = []; var number = 0; var string = str; var lastIndex = re.lastIndex; var prevLastIndex = -1; var result; while (number++ < n && (result = re.exec(string))) { if (prevLastIndex == re.lastIndex) break; var i = result.length - 1; var subs = new Array(i); while (i > 0) { var submatch = result[i]; subs[--i] = submatch ? $elm$core$Maybe$Just(submatch) : $elm$core$Maybe$Nothing; } out.push(A4($elm$regex$Regex$Match, result[0], result.index, number, _List_fromArray(subs))); prevLastIndex = re.lastIndex; } re.lastIndex = lastIndex; return _List_fromArray(out); }); var _Regex_replaceAtMost = F4(function(n, re, replacer, string) { var count = 0; function jsReplacer(match) { if (count++ >= n) { return match; } var i = arguments.length - 3; var submatches = new Array(i); while (i > 0) { var submatch = arguments[i]; submatches[--i] = submatch ? $elm$core$Maybe$Just(submatch) : $elm$core$Maybe$Nothing; } return replacer(A4($elm$regex$Regex$Match, match, arguments[arguments.length - 2], count, _List_fromArray(submatches))); } return string.replace(re, jsReplacer); }); var _Regex_splitAtMost = F3(function(n, re, str) { var string = str; var out = []; var start = re.lastIndex; var restoreLastIndex = re.lastIndex; while (n--) { var result = re.exec(string); if (!result) break; out.push(string.slice(start, result.index)); start = re.lastIndex; } out.push(string.slice(start)); re.lastIndex = restoreLastIndex; return _List_fromArray(out); }); var _Regex_infinity = Infinity; var $author$project$Main$LinkClicked = function (a) { return {$: 'LinkClicked', a: a}; }; var $author$project$Main$UrlChanged = function (a) { return {$: 'UrlChanged', a: a}; }; var $elm$core$Basics$EQ = {$: 'EQ'}; var $elm$core$Basics$GT = {$: 'GT'}; var $elm$core$Basics$LT = {$: 'LT'}; var $elm$core$List$cons = _List_cons; var $elm$core$Dict$foldr = F3( function (func, acc, t) { foldr: while (true) { if (t.$ === 'RBEmpty_elm_builtin') { return acc; } else { var key = t.b; var value = t.c; var left = t.d; var right = t.e; var $temp$func = func, $temp$acc = A3( func, key, value, A3($elm$core$Dict$foldr, func, acc, right)), $temp$t = left; func = $temp$func; acc = $temp$acc; t = $temp$t; continue foldr; } } }); var $elm$core$Dict$toList = function (dict) { return A3( $elm$core$Dict$foldr, F3( function (key, value, list) { return A2( $elm$core$List$cons, _Utils_Tuple2(key, value), list); }), _List_Nil, dict); }; var $elm$core$Dict$keys = function (dict) { return A3( $elm$core$Dict$foldr, F3( function (key, value, keyList) { return A2($elm$core$List$cons, key, keyList); }), _List_Nil, dict); }; var $elm$core$Set$toList = function (_v0) { var dict = _v0.a; return $elm$core$Dict$keys(dict); }; var $elm$core$Elm$JsArray$foldr = _JsArray_foldr; var $elm$core$Array$foldr = F3( function (func, baseCase, _v0) { var tree = _v0.c; var tail = _v0.d; var helper = F2( function (node, acc) { if (node.$ === 'SubTree') { var subTree = node.a; return A3($elm$core$Elm$JsArray$foldr, helper, acc, subTree); } else { var values = node.a; return A3($elm$core$Elm$JsArray$foldr, func, acc, values); } }); return A3( $elm$core$Elm$JsArray$foldr, helper, A3($elm$core$Elm$JsArray$foldr, func, baseCase, tail), tree); }); var $elm$core$Array$toList = function (array) { return A3($elm$core$Array$foldr, $elm$core$List$cons, _List_Nil, array); }; var $elm$core$Result$Err = function (a) { return {$: 'Err', a: a}; }; var $elm$json$Json$Decode$Failure = F2( function (a, b) { return {$: 'Failure', a: a, b: b}; }); var $elm$json$Json$Decode$Field = F2( function (a, b) { return {$: 'Field', a: a, b: b}; }); var $elm$json$Json$Decode$Index = F2( function (a, b) { return {$: 'Index', a: a, b: b}; }); var $elm$core$Result$Ok = function (a) { return {$: 'Ok', a: a}; }; var $elm$json$Json$Decode$OneOf = function (a) { return {$: 'OneOf', a: a}; }; var $elm$core$Basics$False = {$: 'False'}; var $elm$core$Basics$add = _Basics_add; var $elm$core$Maybe$Just = function (a) { return {$: 'Just', a: a}; }; var $elm$core$Maybe$Nothing = {$: 'Nothing'}; var $elm$core$String$all = _String_all; var $elm$core$Basics$and = _Basics_and; var $elm$core$Basics$append = _Utils_append; var $elm$json$Json$Encode$encode = _Json_encode; var $elm$core$String$fromInt = _String_fromNumber; var $elm$core$String$join = F2( function (sep, chunks) { return A2( _String_join, sep, _List_toArray(chunks)); }); var $elm$core$String$split = F2( function (sep, string) { return _List_fromArray( A2(_String_split, sep, string)); }); var $elm$json$Json$Decode$indent = function (str) { return A2( $elm$core$String$join, '\n ', A2($elm$core$String$split, '\n', str)); }; var $elm$core$List$foldl = F3( function (func, acc, list) { foldl: while (true) { if (!list.b) { return acc; } else { var x = list.a; var xs = list.b; var $temp$func = func, $temp$acc = A2(func, x, acc), $temp$list = xs; func = $temp$func; acc = $temp$acc; list = $temp$list; continue foldl; } } }); var $elm$core$List$length = function (xs) { return A3( $elm$core$List$foldl, F2( function (_v0, i) { return i + 1; }), 0, xs); }; var $elm$core$List$map2 = _List_map2; var $elm$core$Basics$le = _Utils_le; var $elm$core$Basics$sub = _Basics_sub; var $elm$core$List$rangeHelp = F3( function (lo, hi, list) { rangeHelp: while (true) { if (_Utils_cmp(lo, hi) < 1) { var $temp$lo = lo, $temp$hi = hi - 1, $temp$list = A2($elm$core$List$cons, hi, list); lo = $temp$lo; hi = $temp$hi; list = $temp$list; continue rangeHelp; } else { return list; } } }); var $elm$core$List$range = F2( function (lo, hi) { return A3($elm$core$List$rangeHelp, lo, hi, _List_Nil); }); var $elm$core$List$indexedMap = F2( function (f, xs) { return A3( $elm$core$List$map2, f, A2( $elm$core$List$range, 0, $elm$core$List$length(xs) - 1), xs); }); var $elm$core$Char$toCode = _Char_toCode; var $elm$core$Char$isLower = function (_char) { var code = $elm$core$Char$toCode(_char); return (97 <= code) && (code <= 122); }; var $elm$core$Char$isUpper = function (_char) { var code = $elm$core$Char$toCode(_char); return (code <= 90) && (65 <= code); }; var $elm$core$Basics$or = _Basics_or; var $elm$core$Char$isAlpha = function (_char) { return $elm$core$Char$isLower(_char) || $elm$core$Char$isUpper(_char); }; var $elm$core$Char$isDigit = function (_char) { var code = $elm$core$Char$toCode(_char); return (code <= 57) && (48 <= code); }; var $elm$core$Char$isAlphaNum = function (_char) { return $elm$core$Char$isLower(_char) || ($elm$core$Char$isUpper(_char) || $elm$core$Char$isDigit(_char)); }; var $elm$core$List$reverse = function (list) { return A3($elm$core$List$foldl, $elm$core$List$cons, _List_Nil, list); }; var $elm$core$String$uncons = _String_uncons; var $elm$json$Json$Decode$errorOneOf = F2( function (i, error) { return '\n\n(' + ($elm$core$String$fromInt(i + 1) + (') ' + $elm$json$Json$Decode$indent( $elm$json$Json$Decode$errorToString(error)))); }); var $elm$json$Json$Decode$errorToString = function (error) { return A2($elm$json$Json$Decode$errorToStringHelp, error, _List_Nil); }; var $elm$json$Json$Decode$errorToStringHelp = F2( function (error, context) { errorToStringHelp: while (true) { switch (error.$) { case 'Field': var f = error.a; var err = error.b; var isSimple = function () { var _v1 = $elm$core$String$uncons(f); if (_v1.$ === 'Nothing') { return false; } else { var _v2 = _v1.a; var _char = _v2.a; var rest = _v2.b; return $elm$core$Char$isAlpha(_char) && A2($elm$core$String$all, $elm$core$Char$isAlphaNum, rest); } }(); var fieldName = isSimple ? ('.' + f) : ('[\'' + (f + '\']')); var $temp$error = err, $temp$context = A2($elm$core$List$cons, fieldName, context); error = $temp$error; context = $temp$context; continue errorToStringHelp; case 'Index': var i = error.a; var err = error.b; var indexName = '[' + ($elm$core$String$fromInt(i) + ']'); var $temp$error = err, $temp$context = A2($elm$core$List$cons, indexName, context); error = $temp$error; context = $temp$context; continue errorToStringHelp; case 'OneOf': var errors = error.a; if (!errors.b) { return 'Ran into a Json.Decode.oneOf with no possibilities' + function () { if (!context.b) { return '!'; } else { return ' at json' + A2( $elm$core$String$join, '', $elm$core$List$reverse(context)); } }(); } else { if (!errors.b.b) { var err = errors.a; var $temp$error = err, $temp$context = context; error = $temp$error; context = $temp$context; continue errorToStringHelp; } else { var starter = function () { if (!context.b) { return 'Json.Decode.oneOf'; } else { return 'The Json.Decode.oneOf at json' + A2( $elm$core$String$join, '', $elm$core$List$reverse(context)); } }(); var introduction = starter + (' failed in the following ' + ($elm$core$String$fromInt( $elm$core$List$length(errors)) + ' ways:')); return A2( $elm$core$String$join, '\n\n', A2( $elm$core$List$cons, introduction, A2($elm$core$List$indexedMap, $elm$json$Json$Decode$errorOneOf, errors))); } } default: var msg = error.a; var json = error.b; var introduction = function () { if (!context.b) { return 'Problem with the given value:\n\n'; } else { return 'Problem with the value at json' + (A2( $elm$core$String$join, '', $elm$core$List$reverse(context)) + ':\n\n '); } }(); return introduction + ($elm$json$Json$Decode$indent( A2($elm$json$Json$Encode$encode, 4, json)) + ('\n\n' + msg)); } } }); var $elm$core$Array$branchFactor = 32; var $elm$core$Array$Array_elm_builtin = F4( function (a, b, c, d) { return {$: 'Array_elm_builtin', a: a, b: b, c: c, d: d}; }); var $elm$core$Elm$JsArray$empty = _JsArray_empty; var $elm$core$Basics$ceiling = _Basics_ceiling; var $elm$core$Basics$fdiv = _Basics_fdiv; var $elm$core$Basics$logBase = F2( function (base, number) { return _Basics_log(number) / _Basics_log(base); }); var $elm$core$Basics$toFloat = _Basics_toFloat; var $elm$core$Array$shiftStep = $elm$core$Basics$ceiling( A2($elm$core$Basics$logBase, 2, $elm$core$Array$branchFactor)); var $elm$core$Array$empty = A4($elm$core$Array$Array_elm_builtin, 0, $elm$core$Array$shiftStep, $elm$core$Elm$JsArray$empty, $elm$core$Elm$JsArray$empty); var $elm$core$Elm$JsArray$initialize = _JsArray_initialize; var $elm$core$Array$Leaf = function (a) { return {$: 'Leaf', a: a}; }; var $elm$core$Basics$apL = F2( function (f, x) { return f(x); }); var $elm$core$Basics$apR = F2( function (x, f) { return f(x); }); var $elm$core$Basics$eq = _Utils_equal; var $elm$core$Basics$floor = _Basics_floor; var $elm$core$Elm$JsArray$length = _JsArray_length; var $elm$core$Basics$gt = _Utils_gt; var $elm$core$Basics$max = F2( function (x, y) { return (_Utils_cmp(x, y) > 0) ? x : y; }); var $elm$core$Basics$mul = _Basics_mul; var $elm$core$Array$SubTree = function (a) { return {$: 'SubTree', a: a}; }; var $elm$core$Elm$JsArray$initializeFromList = _JsArray_initializeFromList; var $elm$core$Array$compressNodes = F2( function (nodes, acc) { compressNodes: while (true) { var _v0 = A2($elm$core$Elm$JsArray$initializeFromList, $elm$core$Array$branchFactor, nodes); var node = _v0.a; var remainingNodes = _v0.b; var newAcc = A2( $elm$core$List$cons, $elm$core$Array$SubTree(node), acc); if (!remainingNodes.b) { return $elm$core$List$reverse(newAcc); } else { var $temp$nodes = remainingNodes, $temp$acc = newAcc; nodes = $temp$nodes; acc = $temp$acc; continue compressNodes; } } }); var $elm$core$Tuple$first = function (_v0) { var x = _v0.a; return x; }; var $elm$core$Array$treeFromBuilder = F2( function (nodeList, nodeListSize) { treeFromBuilder: while (true) { var newNodeSize = $elm$core$Basics$ceiling(nodeListSize / $elm$core$Array$branchFactor); if (newNodeSize === 1) { return A2($elm$core$Elm$JsArray$initializeFromList, $elm$core$Array$branchFactor, nodeList).a; } else { var $temp$nodeList = A2($elm$core$Array$compressNodes, nodeList, _List_Nil), $temp$nodeListSize = newNodeSize; nodeList = $temp$nodeList; nodeListSize = $temp$nodeListSize; continue treeFromBuilder; } } }); var $elm$core$Array$builderToArray = F2( function (reverseNodeList, builder) { if (!builder.nodeListSize) { return A4( $elm$core$Array$Array_elm_builtin, $elm$core$Elm$JsArray$length(builder.tail), $elm$core$Array$shiftStep, $elm$core$Elm$JsArray$empty, builder.tail); } else { var treeLen = builder.nodeListSize * $elm$core$Array$branchFactor; var depth = $elm$core$Basics$floor( A2($elm$core$Basics$logBase, $elm$core$Array$branchFactor, treeLen - 1)); var correctNodeList = reverseNodeList ? $elm$core$List$reverse(builder.nodeList) : builder.nodeList; var tree = A2($elm$core$Array$treeFromBuilder, correctNodeList, builder.nodeListSize); return A4( $elm$core$Array$Array_elm_builtin, $elm$core$Elm$JsArray$length(builder.tail) + treeLen, A2($elm$core$Basics$max, 5, depth * $elm$core$Array$shiftStep), tree, builder.tail); } }); var $elm$core$Basics$idiv = _Basics_idiv; var $elm$core$Basics$lt = _Utils_lt; var $elm$core$Array$initializeHelp = F5( function (fn, fromIndex, len, nodeList, tail) { initializeHelp: while (true) { if (fromIndex < 0) { return A2( $elm$core$Array$builderToArray, false, {nodeList: nodeList, nodeListSize: (len / $elm$core$Array$branchFactor) | 0, tail: tail}); } else { var leaf = $elm$core$Array$Leaf( A3($elm$core$Elm$JsArray$initialize, $elm$core$Array$branchFactor, fromIndex, fn)); var $temp$fn = fn, $temp$fromIndex = fromIndex - $elm$core$Array$branchFactor, $temp$len = len, $temp$nodeList = A2($elm$core$List$cons, leaf, nodeList), $temp$tail = tail; fn = $temp$fn; fromIndex = $temp$fromIndex; len = $temp$len; nodeList = $temp$nodeList; tail = $temp$tail; continue initializeHelp; } } }); var $elm$core$Basics$remainderBy = _Basics_remainderBy; var $elm$core$Array$initialize = F2( function (len, fn) { if (len <= 0) { return $elm$core$Array$empty; } else { var tailLen = len % $elm$core$Array$branchFactor; var tail = A3($elm$core$Elm$JsArray$initialize, tailLen, len - tailLen, fn); var initialFromIndex = (len - tailLen) - $elm$core$Array$branchFactor; return A5($elm$core$Array$initializeHelp, fn, initialFromIndex, len, _List_Nil, tail); } }); var $elm$core$Basics$True = {$: 'True'}; var $elm$core$Result$isOk = function (result) { if (result.$ === 'Ok') { return true; } else { return false; } }; var $elm$json$Json$Decode$map = _Json_map1; var $elm$json$Json$Decode$map2 = _Json_map2; var $elm$json$Json$Decode$succeed = _Json_succeed; var $elm$virtual_dom$VirtualDom$toHandlerInt = function (handler) { switch (handler.$) { case 'Normal': return 0; case 'MayStopPropagation': return 1; case 'MayPreventDefault': return 2; default: return 3; } }; var $elm$browser$Browser$External = function (a) { return {$: 'External', a: a}; }; var $elm$browser$Browser$Internal = function (a) { return {$: 'Internal', a: a}; }; var $elm$core$Basics$identity = function (x) { return x; }; var $elm$browser$Browser$Dom$NotFound = function (a) { return {$: 'NotFound', a: a}; }; var $elm$url$Url$Http = {$: 'Http'}; var $elm$url$Url$Https = {$: 'Https'}; var $elm$url$Url$Url = F6( function (protocol, host, port_, path, query, fragment) { return {fragment: fragment, host: host, path: path, port_: port_, protocol: protocol, query: query}; }); var $elm$core$String$contains = _String_contains; var $elm$core$String$length = _String_length; var $elm$core$String$slice = _String_slice; var $elm$core$String$dropLeft = F2( function (n, string) { return (n < 1) ? string : A3( $elm$core$String$slice, n, $elm$core$String$length(string), string); }); var $elm$core$String$indexes = _String_indexes; var $elm$core$String$isEmpty = function (string) { return string === ''; }; var $elm$core$String$left = F2( function (n, string) { return (n < 1) ? '' : A3($elm$core$String$slice, 0, n, string); }); var $elm$core$String$toInt = _String_toInt; var $elm$url$Url$chompBeforePath = F5( function (protocol, path, params, frag, str) { if ($elm$core$String$isEmpty(str) || A2($elm$core$String$contains, '@', str)) { return $elm$core$Maybe$Nothing; } else { var _v0 = A2($elm$core$String$indexes, ':', str); if (!_v0.b) { return $elm$core$Maybe$Just( A6($elm$url$Url$Url, protocol, str, $elm$core$Maybe$Nothing, path, params, frag)); } else { if (!_v0.b.b) { var i = _v0.a; var _v1 = $elm$core$String$toInt( A2($elm$core$String$dropLeft, i + 1, str)); if (_v1.$ === 'Nothing') { return $elm$core$Maybe$Nothing; } else { var port_ = _v1; return $elm$core$Maybe$Just( A6( $elm$url$Url$Url, protocol, A2($elm$core$String$left, i, str), port_, path, params, frag)); } } else { return $elm$core$Maybe$Nothing; } } } }); var $elm$url$Url$chompBeforeQuery = F4( function (protocol, params, frag, str) { if ($elm$core$String$isEmpty(str)) { return $elm$core$Maybe$Nothing; } else { var _v0 = A2($elm$core$String$indexes, '/', str); if (!_v0.b) { return A5($elm$url$Url$chompBeforePath, protocol, '/', params, frag, str); } else { var i = _v0.a; return A5( $elm$url$Url$chompBeforePath, protocol, A2($elm$core$String$dropLeft, i, str), params, frag, A2($elm$core$String$left, i, str)); } } }); var $elm$url$Url$chompBeforeFragment = F3( function (protocol, frag, str) { if ($elm$core$String$isEmpty(str)) { return $elm$core$Maybe$Nothing; } else { var _v0 = A2($elm$core$String$indexes, '?', str); if (!_v0.b) { return A4($elm$url$Url$chompBeforeQuery, protocol, $elm$core$Maybe$Nothing, frag, str); } else { var i = _v0.a; return A4( $elm$url$Url$chompBeforeQuery, protocol, $elm$core$Maybe$Just( A2($elm$core$String$dropLeft, i + 1, str)), frag, A2($elm$core$String$left, i, str)); } } }); var $elm$url$Url$chompAfterProtocol = F2( function (protocol, str) { if ($elm$core$String$isEmpty(str)) { return $elm$core$Maybe$Nothing; } else { var _v0 = A2($elm$core$String$indexes, '#', str); if (!_v0.b) { return A3($elm$url$Url$chompBeforeFragment, protocol, $elm$core$Maybe$Nothing, str); } else { var i = _v0.a; return A3( $elm$url$Url$chompBeforeFragment, protocol, $elm$core$Maybe$Just( A2($elm$core$String$dropLeft, i + 1, str)), A2($elm$core$String$left, i, str)); } } }); var $elm$core$String$startsWith = _String_startsWith; var $elm$url$Url$fromString = function (str) { return A2($elm$core$String$startsWith, 'http://', str) ? A2( $elm$url$Url$chompAfterProtocol, $elm$url$Url$Http, A2($elm$core$String$dropLeft, 7, str)) : (A2($elm$core$String$startsWith, 'https://', str) ? A2( $elm$url$Url$chompAfterProtocol, $elm$url$Url$Https, A2($elm$core$String$dropLeft, 8, str)) : $elm$core$Maybe$Nothing); }; var $elm$core$Basics$never = function (_v0) { never: while (true) { var nvr = _v0.a; var $temp$_v0 = nvr; _v0 = $temp$_v0; continue never; } }; var $elm$core$Task$Perform = function (a) { return {$: 'Perform', a: a}; }; var $elm$core$Task$succeed = _Scheduler_succeed; var $elm$core$Task$init = $elm$core$Task$succeed(_Utils_Tuple0); var $elm$core$List$foldrHelper = F4( function (fn, acc, ctr, ls) { if (!ls.b) { return acc; } else { var a = ls.a; var r1 = ls.b; if (!r1.b) { return A2(fn, a, acc); } else { var b = r1.a; var r2 = r1.b; if (!r2.b) { return A2( fn, a, A2(fn, b, acc)); } else { var c = r2.a; var r3 = r2.b; if (!r3.b) { return A2( fn, a, A2( fn, b, A2(fn, c, acc))); } else { var d = r3.a; var r4 = r3.b; var res = (ctr > 500) ? A3( $elm$core$List$foldl, fn, acc, $elm$core$List$reverse(r4)) : A4($elm$core$List$foldrHelper, fn, acc, ctr + 1, r4); return A2( fn, a, A2( fn, b, A2( fn, c, A2(fn, d, res)))); } } } } }); var $elm$core$List$foldr = F3( function (fn, acc, ls) { return A4($elm$core$List$foldrHelper, fn, acc, 0, ls); }); var $elm$core$List$map = F2( function (f, xs) { return A3( $elm$core$List$foldr, F2( function (x, acc) { return A2( $elm$core$List$cons, f(x), acc); }), _List_Nil, xs); }); var $elm$core$Task$andThen = _Scheduler_andThen; var $elm$core$Task$map = F2( function (func, taskA) { return A2( $elm$core$Task$andThen, function (a) { return $elm$core$Task$succeed( func(a)); }, taskA); }); var $elm$core$Task$map2 = F3( function (func, taskA, taskB) { return A2( $elm$core$Task$andThen, function (a) { return A2( $elm$core$Task$andThen, function (b) { return $elm$core$Task$succeed( A2(func, a, b)); }, taskB); }, taskA); }); var $elm$core$Task$sequence = function (tasks) { return A3( $elm$core$List$foldr, $elm$core$Task$map2($elm$core$List$cons), $elm$core$Task$succeed(_List_Nil), tasks); }; var $elm$core$Platform$sendToApp = _Platform_sendToApp; var $elm$core$Task$spawnCmd = F2( function (router, _v0) { var task = _v0.a; return _Scheduler_spawn( A2( $elm$core$Task$andThen, $elm$core$Platform$sendToApp(router), task)); }); var $elm$core$Task$onEffects = F3( function (router, commands, state) { return A2( $elm$core$Task$map, function (_v0) { return _Utils_Tuple0; }, $elm$core$Task$sequence( A2( $elm$core$List$map, $elm$core$Task$spawnCmd(router), commands))); }); var $elm$core$Task$onSelfMsg = F3( function (_v0, _v1, _v2) { return $elm$core$Task$succeed(_Utils_Tuple0); }); var $elm$core$Task$cmdMap = F2( function (tagger, _v0) { var task = _v0.a; return $elm$core$Task$Perform( A2($elm$core$Task$map, tagger, task)); }); _Platform_effectManagers['Task'] = _Platform_createManager($elm$core$Task$init, $elm$core$Task$onEffects, $elm$core$Task$onSelfMsg, $elm$core$Task$cmdMap); var $elm$core$Task$command = _Platform_leaf('Task'); var $elm$core$Task$perform = F2( function (toMessage, task) { return $elm$core$Task$command( $elm$core$Task$Perform( A2($elm$core$Task$map, toMessage, task))); }); var $elm$browser$Browser$application = _Browser_application; var $author$project$Main$ApiMsg = function (a) { return {$: 'ApiMsg', a: a}; }; var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Desktop = {$: 'Desktop'}; var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Device = F2( function (_class, orientation) { return {_class: _class, orientation: orientation}; }); var $author$project$Main$GotViewPort = function (a) { return {$: 'GotViewPort', a: a}; }; var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Portrait = {$: 'Portrait'}; var $elm$core$Platform$Cmd$batch = _Platform_batch; var $author$project$Api$ListedLinks = function (a) { return {$: 'ListedLinks', a: a}; }; var $elm$json$Json$Decode$decodeString = _Json_runOnString; var $elm$http$Http$BadStatus_ = F2( function (a, b) { return {$: 'BadStatus_', a: a, b: b}; }); var $elm$http$Http$BadUrl_ = function (a) { return {$: 'BadUrl_', a: a}; }; var $elm$http$Http$GoodStatus_ = F2( function (a, b) { return {$: 'GoodStatus_', a: a, b: b}; }); var $elm$http$Http$NetworkError_ = {$: 'NetworkError_'}; var $elm$http$Http$Receiving = function (a) { return {$: 'Receiving', a: a}; }; var $elm$http$Http$Sending = function (a) { return {$: 'Sending', a: a}; }; var $elm$http$Http$Timeout_ = {$: 'Timeout_'}; var $elm$core$Dict$RBEmpty_elm_builtin = {$: 'RBEmpty_elm_builtin'}; var $elm$core$Dict$empty = $elm$core$Dict$RBEmpty_elm_builtin; var $elm$core$Maybe$isJust = function (maybe) { if (maybe.$ === 'Just') { return true; } else { return false; } }; var $elm$core$Platform$sendToSelf = _Platform_sendToSelf; var $elm$core$Basics$compare = _Utils_compare; var $elm$core$Dict$get = F2( function (targetKey, dict) { get: while (true) { if (dict.$ === 'RBEmpty_elm_builtin') { return $elm$core$Maybe$Nothing; } else { var key = dict.b; var value = dict.c; var left = dict.d; var right = dict.e; var _v1 = A2($elm$core$Basics$compare, targetKey, key); switch (_v1.$) { case 'LT': var $temp$targetKey = targetKey, $temp$dict = left; targetKey = $temp$targetKey; dict = $temp$dict; continue get; case 'EQ': return $elm$core$Maybe$Just(value); default: var $temp$targetKey = targetKey, $temp$dict = right; targetKey = $temp$targetKey; dict = $temp$dict; continue get; } } } }); var $elm$core$Dict$Black = {$: 'Black'}; var $elm$core$Dict$RBNode_elm_builtin = F5( function (a, b, c, d, e) { return {$: 'RBNode_elm_builtin', a: a, b: b, c: c, d: d, e: e}; }); var $elm$core$Dict$Red = {$: 'Red'}; var $elm$core$Dict$balance = F5( function (color, key, value, left, right) { if ((right.$ === 'RBNode_elm_builtin') && (right.a.$ === 'Red')) { var _v1 = right.a; var rK = right.b; var rV = right.c; var rLeft = right.d; var rRight = right.e; if ((left.$ === 'RBNode_elm_builtin') && (left.a.$ === 'Red')) { var _v3 = left.a; var lK = left.b; var lV = left.c; var lLeft = left.d; var lRight = left.e; return A5( $elm$core$Dict$RBNode_elm_builtin, $elm$core$Dict$Red, key, value, A5($elm$core$Dict$RBNode_elm_builtin, $elm$core$Dict$Black, lK, lV, lLeft, lRight), A5($elm$core$Dict$RBNode_elm_builtin, $elm$core$Dict$Black, rK, rV, rLeft, rRight)); } else { return A5( $elm$core$Dict$RBNode_elm_builtin, color, rK, rV, A5($elm$core$Dict$RBNode_elm_builtin, $elm$core$Dict$Red, key, value, left, rLeft), rRight); } } else { if ((((left.$ === 'RBNode_elm_builtin') && (left.a.$ === 'Red')) && (left.d.$ === 'RBNode_elm_builtin')) && (left.d.a.$ === 'Red')) { var _v5 = left.a; var lK = left.b; var lV = left.c; var _v6 = left.d; var _v7 = _v6.a; var llK = _v6.b; var llV = _v6.c; var llLeft = _v6.d; var llRight = _v6.e; var lRight = left.e; return A5( $elm$core$Dict$RBNode_elm_builtin, $elm$core$Dict$Red, lK, lV, A5($elm$core$Dict$RBNode_elm_builtin, $elm$core$Dict$Black, llK, llV, llLeft, llRight), A5($elm$core$Dict$RBNode_elm_builtin, $elm$core$Dict$Black, key, value, lRight, right)); } else { return A5($elm$core$Dict$RBNode_elm_builtin, color, key, value, left, right); } } }); var $elm$core$Dict$insertHelp = F3( function (key, value, dict) { if (dict.$ === 'RBEmpty_elm_builtin') { return A5($elm$core$Dict$RBNode_elm_builtin, $elm$core$Dict$Red, key, value, $elm$core$Dict$RBEmpty_elm_builtin, $elm$core$Dict$RBEmpty_elm_builtin); } else { var nColor = dict.a; var nKey = dict.b; var nValue = dict.c; var nLeft = dict.d; var nRight = dict.e; var _v1 = A2($elm$core$Basics$compare, key, nKey); switch (_v1.$) { case 'LT': return A5( $elm$core$Dict$balance, nColor, nKey, nValue, A3($elm$core$Dict$insertHelp, key, value, nLeft), nRight); case 'EQ': return A5($elm$core$Dict$RBNode_elm_builtin, nColor, nKey, value, nLeft, nRight); default: return A5( $elm$core$Dict$balance, nColor, nKey, nValue, nLeft, A3($elm$core$Dict$insertHelp, key, value, nRight)); } } }); var $elm$core$Dict$insert = F3( function (key, value, dict) { var _v0 = A3($elm$core$Dict$insertHelp, key, value, dict); if ((_v0.$ === 'RBNode_elm_builtin') && (_v0.a.$ === 'Red')) { var _v1 = _v0.a; var k = _v0.b; var v = _v0.c; var l = _v0.d; var r = _v0.e; return A5($elm$core$Dict$RBNode_elm_builtin, $elm$core$Dict$Black, k, v, l, r); } else { var x = _v0; return x; } }); var $elm$core$Dict$getMin = function (dict) { getMin: while (true) { if ((dict.$ === 'RBNode_elm_builtin') && (dict.d.$ === 'RBNode_elm_builtin')) { var left = dict.d; var $temp$dict = left; dict = $temp$dict; continue getMin; } else { return dict; } } }; var $elm$core$Dict$moveRedLeft = function (dict) { if (((dict.$ === 'RBNode_elm_builtin') && (dict.d.$ === 'RBNode_elm_builtin')) && (dict.e.$ === 'RBNode_elm_builtin')) { if ((dict.e.d.$ === 'RBNode_elm_builtin') && (dict.e.d.a.$ === 'Red')) { var clr = dict.a; var k = dict.b; var v = dict.c; var _v1 = dict.d; var lClr = _v1.a; var lK = _v1.b; var lV = _v1.c; var lLeft = _v1.d; var lRight = _v1.e; var _v2 = dict.e; var rClr = _v2.a; var rK = _v2.b; var rV = _v2.c; var rLeft = _v2.d; var _v3 = rLeft.a; var rlK = rLeft.b; var rlV = rLeft.c; var rlL = rLeft.d; var rlR = rLeft.e; var rRight = _v2.e; return A5( $elm$core$Dict$RBNode_elm_builtin, $elm$core$Dict$Red, rlK, rlV, A5( $elm$core$Dict$RBNode_elm_builtin, $elm$core$Dict$Black, k, v, A5($elm$core$Dict$RBNode_elm_builtin, $elm$core$Dict$Red, lK, lV, lLeft, lRight), rlL), A5($elm$core$Dict$RBNode_elm_builtin, $elm$core$Dict$Black, rK, rV, rlR, rRight)); } else { var clr = dict.a; var k = dict.b; var v = dict.c; var _v4 = dict.d; var lClr = _v4.a; var lK = _v4.b; var lV = _v4.c; var lLeft = _v4.d; var lRight = _v4.e; var _v5 = dict.e; var rClr = _v5.a; var rK = _v5.b; var rV = _v5.c; var rLeft = _v5.d; var rRight = _v5.e; if (clr.$ === 'Black') { return A5( $elm$core$Dict$RBNode_elm_builtin, $elm$core$Dict$Black, k, v, A5($elm$core$Dict$RBNode_elm_builtin, $elm$core$Dict$Red, lK, lV, lLeft, lRight), A5($elm$core$Dict$RBNode_elm_builtin, $elm$core$Dict$Red, rK, rV, rLeft, rRight)); } else { return A5( $elm$core$Dict$RBNode_elm_builtin, $elm$core$Dict$Black, k, v, A5($elm$core$Dict$RBNode_elm_builtin, $elm$core$Dict$Red, lK, lV, lLeft, lRight), A5($elm$core$Dict$RBNode_elm_builtin, $elm$core$Dict$Red, rK, rV, rLeft, rRight)); } } } else { return dict; } }; var $elm$core$Dict$moveRedRight = function (dict) { if (((dict.$ === 'RBNode_elm_builtin') && (dict.d.$ === 'RBNode_elm_builtin')) && (dict.e.$ === 'RBNode_elm_builtin')) { if ((dict.d.d.$ === 'RBNode_elm_builtin') && (dict.d.d.a.$ === 'Red')) { var clr = dict.a; var k = dict.b; var v = dict.c; var _v1 = dict.d; var lClr = _v1.a; var lK = _v1.b; var lV = _v1.c; var _v2 = _v1.d; var _v3 = _v2.a; var llK = _v2.b; var llV = _v2.c; var llLeft = _v2.d; var llRight = _v2.e; var lRight = _v1.e; var _v4 = dict.e; var rClr = _v4.a; var rK = _v4.b; var rV = _v4.c; var rLeft = _v4.d; var rRight = _v4.e; return A5( $elm$core$Dict$RBNode_elm_builtin, $elm$core$Dict$Red, lK, lV, A5($elm$core$Dict$RBNode_elm_builtin, $elm$core$Dict$Black, llK, llV, llLeft, llRight), A5( $elm$core$Dict$RBNode_elm_builtin, $elm$core$Dict$Black, k, v, lRight, A5($elm$core$Dict$RBNode_elm_builtin, $elm$core$Dict$Red, rK, rV, rLeft, rRight))); } else { var clr = dict.a; var k = dict.b; var v = dict.c; var _v5 = dict.d; var lClr = _v5.a; var lK = _v5.b; var lV = _v5.c; var lLeft = _v5.d; var lRight = _v5.e; var _v6 = dict.e; var rClr = _v6.a; var rK = _v6.b; var rV = _v6.c; var rLeft = _v6.d; var rRight = _v6.e; if (clr.$ === 'Black') { return A5( $elm$core$Dict$RBNode_elm_builtin, $elm$core$Dict$Black, k, v, A5($elm$core$Dict$RBNode_elm_builtin, $elm$core$Dict$Red, lK, lV, lLeft, lRight), A5($elm$core$Dict$RBNode_elm_builtin, $elm$core$Dict$Red, rK, rV, rLeft, rRight)); } else { return A5( $elm$core$Dict$RBNode_elm_builtin, $elm$core$Dict$Black, k, v, A5($elm$core$Dict$RBNode_elm_builtin, $elm$core$Dict$Red, lK, lV, lLeft, lRight), A5($elm$core$Dict$RBNode_elm_builtin, $elm$core$Dict$Red, rK, rV, rLeft, rRight)); } } } else { return dict; } }; var $elm$core$Dict$removeHelpPrepEQGT = F7( function (targetKey, dict, color, key, value, left, right) { if ((left.$ === 'RBNode_elm_builtin') && (left.a.$ === 'Red')) { var _v1 = left.a; var lK = left.b; var lV = left.c; var lLeft = left.d; var lRight = left.e; return A5( $elm$core$Dict$RBNode_elm_builtin, color, lK, lV, lLeft, A5($elm$core$Dict$RBNode_elm_builtin, $elm$core$Dict$Red, key, value, lRight, right)); } else { _v2$2: while (true) { if ((right.$ === 'RBNode_elm_builtin') && (right.a.$ === 'Black')) { if (right.d.$ === 'RBNode_elm_builtin') { if (right.d.a.$ === 'Black') { var _v3 = right.a; var _v4 = right.d; var _v5 = _v4.a; return $elm$core$Dict$moveRedRight(dict); } else { break _v2$2; } } else { var _v6 = right.a; var _v7 = right.d; return $elm$core$Dict$moveRedRight(dict); } } else { break _v2$2; } } return dict; } }); var $elm$core$Dict$removeMin = function (dict) { if ((dict.$ === 'RBNode_elm_builtin') && (dict.d.$ === 'RBNode_elm_builtin')) { var color = dict.a; var key = dict.b; var value = dict.c; var left = dict.d; var lColor = left.a; var lLeft = left.d; var right = dict.e; if (lColor.$ === 'Black') { if ((lLeft.$ === 'RBNode_elm_builtin') && (lLeft.a.$ === 'Red')) { var _v3 = lLeft.a; return A5( $elm$core$Dict$RBNode_elm_builtin, color, key, value, $elm$core$Dict$removeMin(left), right); } else { var _v4 = $elm$core$Dict$moveRedLeft(dict); if (_v4.$ === 'RBNode_elm_builtin') { var nColor = _v4.a; var nKey = _v4.b; var nValue = _v4.c; var nLeft = _v4.d; var nRight = _v4.e; return A5( $elm$core$Dict$balance, nColor, nKey, nValue, $elm$core$Dict$removeMin(nLeft), nRight); } else { return $elm$core$Dict$RBEmpty_elm_builtin; } } } else { return A5( $elm$core$Dict$RBNode_elm_builtin, color, key, value, $elm$core$Dict$removeMin(left), right); } } else { return $elm$core$Dict$RBEmpty_elm_builtin; } }; var $elm$core$Dict$removeHelp = F2( function (targetKey, dict) { if (dict.$ === 'RBEmpty_elm_builtin') { return $elm$core$Dict$RBEmpty_elm_builtin; } else { var color = dict.a; var key = dict.b; var value = dict.c; var left = dict.d; var right = dict.e; if (_Utils_cmp(targetKey, key) < 0) { if ((left.$ === 'RBNode_elm_builtin') && (left.a.$ === 'Black')) { var _v4 = left.a; var lLeft = left.d; if ((lLeft.$ === 'RBNode_elm_builtin') && (lLeft.a.$ === 'Red')) { var _v6 = lLeft.a; return A5( $elm$core$Dict$RBNode_elm_builtin, color, key, value, A2($elm$core$Dict$removeHelp, targetKey, left), right); } else { var _v7 = $elm$core$Dict$moveRedLeft(dict); if (_v7.$ === 'RBNode_elm_builtin') { var nColor = _v7.a; var nKey = _v7.b; var nValue = _v7.c; var nLeft = _v7.d; var nRight = _v7.e; return A5( $elm$core$Dict$balance, nColor, nKey, nValue, A2($elm$core$Dict$removeHelp, targetKey, nLeft), nRight); } else { return $elm$core$Dict$RBEmpty_elm_builtin; } } } else { return A5( $elm$core$Dict$RBNode_elm_builtin, color, key, value, A2($elm$core$Dict$removeHelp, targetKey, left), right); } } else { return A2( $elm$core$Dict$removeHelpEQGT, targetKey, A7($elm$core$Dict$removeHelpPrepEQGT, targetKey, dict, color, key, value, left, right)); } } }); var $elm$core$Dict$removeHelpEQGT = F2( function (targetKey, dict) { if (dict.$ === 'RBNode_elm_builtin') { var color = dict.a; var key = dict.b; var value = dict.c; var left = dict.d; var right = dict.e; if (_Utils_eq(targetKey, key)) { var _v1 = $elm$core$Dict$getMin(right); if (_v1.$ === 'RBNode_elm_builtin') { var minKey = _v1.b; var minValue = _v1.c; return A5( $elm$core$Dict$balance, color, minKey, minValue, left, $elm$core$Dict$removeMin(right)); } else { return $elm$core$Dict$RBEmpty_elm_builtin; } } else { return A5( $elm$core$Dict$balance, color, key, value, left, A2($elm$core$Dict$removeHelp, targetKey, right)); } } else { return $elm$core$Dict$RBEmpty_elm_builtin; } }); var $elm$core$Dict$remove = F2( function (key, dict) { var _v0 = A2($elm$core$Dict$removeHelp, key, dict); if ((_v0.$ === 'RBNode_elm_builtin') && (_v0.a.$ === 'Red')) { var _v1 = _v0.a; var k = _v0.b; var v = _v0.c; var l = _v0.d; var r = _v0.e; return A5($elm$core$Dict$RBNode_elm_builtin, $elm$core$Dict$Black, k, v, l, r); } else { var x = _v0; return x; } }); var $elm$core$Dict$update = F3( function (targetKey, alter, dictionary) { var _v0 = alter( A2($elm$core$Dict$get, targetKey, dictionary)); if (_v0.$ === 'Just') { var value = _v0.a; return A3($elm$core$Dict$insert, targetKey, value, dictionary); } else { return A2($elm$core$Dict$remove, targetKey, dictionary); } }); var $elm$core$Basics$composeR = F3( function (f, g, x) { return g( f(x)); }); var $elm$http$Http$expectStringResponse = F2( function (toMsg, toResult) { return A3( _Http_expect, '', $elm$core$Basics$identity, A2($elm$core$Basics$composeR, toResult, toMsg)); }); var $elm$core$Result$mapError = F2( function (f, result) { if (result.$ === 'Ok') { var v = result.a; return $elm$core$Result$Ok(v); } else { var e = result.a; return $elm$core$Result$Err( f(e)); } }); var $elm$http$Http$BadBody = function (a) { return {$: 'BadBody', a: a}; }; var $elm$http$Http$BadStatus = function (a) { return {$: 'BadStatus', a: a}; }; var $elm$http$Http$BadUrl = function (a) { return {$: 'BadUrl', a: a}; }; var $elm$http$Http$NetworkError = {$: 'NetworkError'}; var $elm$http$Http$Timeout = {$: 'Timeout'}; var $elm$http$Http$resolve = F2( function (toResult, response) { switch (response.$) { case 'BadUrl_': var url = response.a; return $elm$core$Result$Err( $elm$http$Http$BadUrl(url)); case 'Timeout_': return $elm$core$Result$Err($elm$http$Http$Timeout); case 'NetworkError_': return $elm$core$Result$Err($elm$http$Http$NetworkError); case 'BadStatus_': var metadata = response.a; return $elm$core$Result$Err( $elm$http$Http$BadStatus(metadata.statusCode)); default: var body = response.b; return A2( $elm$core$Result$mapError, $elm$http$Http$BadBody, toResult(body)); } }); var $elm$http$Http$expectJson = F2( function (toMsg, decoder) { return A2( $elm$http$Http$expectStringResponse, toMsg, $elm$http$Http$resolve( function (string) { return A2( $elm$core$Result$mapError, $elm$json$Json$Decode$errorToString, A2($elm$json$Json$Decode$decodeString, decoder, string)); })); }); var $elm$http$Http$emptyBody = _Http_emptyBody; var $elm$http$Http$Request = function (a) { return {$: 'Request', a: a}; }; var $elm$http$Http$State = F2( function (reqs, subs) { return {reqs: reqs, subs: subs}; }); var $elm$http$Http$init = $elm$core$Task$succeed( A2($elm$http$Http$State, $elm$core$Dict$empty, _List_Nil)); var $elm$core$Process$kill = _Scheduler_kill; var $elm$core$Process$spawn = _Scheduler_spawn; var $elm$http$Http$updateReqs = F3( function (router, cmds, reqs) { updateReqs: while (true) { if (!cmds.b) { return $elm$core$Task$succeed(reqs); } else { var cmd = cmds.a; var otherCmds = cmds.b; if (cmd.$ === 'Cancel') { var tracker = cmd.a; var _v2 = A2($elm$core$Dict$get, tracker, reqs); if (_v2.$ === 'Nothing') { var $temp$router = router, $temp$cmds = otherCmds, $temp$reqs = reqs; router = $temp$router; cmds = $temp$cmds; reqs = $temp$reqs; continue updateReqs; } else { var pid = _v2.a; return A2( $elm$core$Task$andThen, function (_v3) { return A3( $elm$http$Http$updateReqs, router, otherCmds, A2($elm$core$Dict$remove, tracker, reqs)); }, $elm$core$Process$kill(pid)); } } else { var req = cmd.a; return A2( $elm$core$Task$andThen, function (pid) { var _v4 = req.tracker; if (_v4.$ === 'Nothing') { return A3($elm$http$Http$updateReqs, router, otherCmds, reqs); } else { var tracker = _v4.a; return A3( $elm$http$Http$updateReqs, router, otherCmds, A3($elm$core$Dict$insert, tracker, pid, reqs)); } }, $elm$core$Process$spawn( A3( _Http_toTask, router, $elm$core$Platform$sendToApp(router), req))); } } } }); var $elm$http$Http$onEffects = F4( function (router, cmds, subs, state) { return A2( $elm$core$Task$andThen, function (reqs) { return $elm$core$Task$succeed( A2($elm$http$Http$State, reqs, subs)); }, A3($elm$http$Http$updateReqs, router, cmds, state.reqs)); }); var $elm$core$List$maybeCons = F3( function (f, mx, xs) { var _v0 = f(mx); if (_v0.$ === 'Just') { var x = _v0.a; return A2($elm$core$List$cons, x, xs); } else { return xs; } }); var $elm$core$List$filterMap = F2( function (f, xs) { return A3( $elm$core$List$foldr, $elm$core$List$maybeCons(f), _List_Nil, xs); }); var $elm$http$Http$maybeSend = F4( function (router, desiredTracker, progress, _v0) { var actualTracker = _v0.a; var toMsg = _v0.b; return _Utils_eq(desiredTracker, actualTracker) ? $elm$core$Maybe$Just( A2( $elm$core$Platform$sendToApp, router, toMsg(progress))) : $elm$core$Maybe$Nothing; }); var $elm$http$Http$onSelfMsg = F3( function (router, _v0, state) { var tracker = _v0.a; var progress = _v0.b; return A2( $elm$core$Task$andThen, function (_v1) { return $elm$core$Task$succeed(state); }, $elm$core$Task$sequence( A2( $elm$core$List$filterMap, A3($elm$http$Http$maybeSend, router, tracker, progress), state.subs))); }); var $elm$http$Http$Cancel = function (a) { return {$: 'Cancel', a: a}; }; var $elm$http$Http$cmdMap = F2( function (func, cmd) { if (cmd.$ === 'Cancel') { var tracker = cmd.a; return $elm$http$Http$Cancel(tracker); } else { var r = cmd.a; return $elm$http$Http$Request( { allowCookiesFromOtherDomains: r.allowCookiesFromOtherDomains, body: r.body, expect: A2(_Http_mapExpect, func, r.expect), headers: r.headers, method: r.method, timeout: r.timeout, tracker: r.tracker, url: r.url }); } }); var $elm$http$Http$MySub = F2( function (a, b) { return {$: 'MySub', a: a, b: b}; }); var $elm$http$Http$subMap = F2( function (func, _v0) { var tracker = _v0.a; var toMsg = _v0.b; return A2( $elm$http$Http$MySub, tracker, A2($elm$core$Basics$composeR, toMsg, func)); }); _Platform_effectManagers['Http'] = _Platform_createManager($elm$http$Http$init, $elm$http$Http$onEffects, $elm$http$Http$onSelfMsg, $elm$http$Http$cmdMap, $elm$http$Http$subMap); var $elm$http$Http$command = _Platform_leaf('Http'); var $elm$http$Http$subscription = _Platform_leaf('Http'); var $elm$http$Http$request = function (r) { return $elm$http$Http$command( $elm$http$Http$Request( {allowCookiesFromOtherDomains: false, body: r.body, expect: r.expect, headers: r.headers, method: r.method, timeout: r.timeout, tracker: r.tracker, url: r.url})); }; var $elm$http$Http$get = function (r) { return $elm$http$Http$request( {body: $elm$http$Http$emptyBody, expect: r.expect, headers: _List_Nil, method: 'GET', timeout: $elm$core$Maybe$Nothing, tracker: $elm$core$Maybe$Nothing, url: r.url}); }; var $author$project$Api$LinkList = F5( function (count, limit, page, links, pages) { return {count: count, limit: limit, links: links, page: page, pages: pages}; }); var $elm$json$Json$Decode$field = _Json_decodeField; var $elm$json$Json$Decode$at = F2( function (fields, decoder) { return A3($elm$core$List$foldr, $elm$json$Json$Decode$field, decoder, fields); }); var $elm$json$Json$Decode$int = _Json_decodeInt; var $author$project$Api$Link = function (id) { return function (name) { return function (shortUrl) { return function (url) { return function (timestamp) { return function (domain) { return function (filter_yaml) { return function (cookie_filter) { return function (hour_clickrate) { return function (filter_clickrate) { return function (safe_clickrate) { return function (save_click) { return function (cloak) { return {cloak: cloak, cookie_filter: cookie_filter, domain: domain, filter_clickrate: filter_clickrate, filter_yaml: filter_yaml, hour_clickrate: hour_clickrate, id: id, name: name, safe_clickrate: safe_clickrate, save_click: save_click, shortUrl: shortUrl, timestamp: timestamp, url: url}; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; var $elm$json$Json$Decode$bool = _Json_decodeBool; var $NoRedInk$elm_json_decode_pipeline$Json$Decode$Pipeline$custom = $elm$json$Json$Decode$map2($elm$core$Basics$apR); var $elm$json$Json$Decode$andThen = _Json_andThen; var $elm$json$Json$Decode$decodeValue = _Json_run; var $elm$json$Json$Decode$fail = _Json_fail; var $elm$json$Json$Decode$null = _Json_decodeNull; var $elm$json$Json$Decode$oneOf = _Json_oneOf; var $elm$json$Json$Decode$value = _Json_decodeValue; var $NoRedInk$elm_json_decode_pipeline$Json$Decode$Pipeline$optionalDecoder = F3( function (pathDecoder, valDecoder, fallback) { var nullOr = function (decoder) { return $elm$json$Json$Decode$oneOf( _List_fromArray( [ decoder, $elm$json$Json$Decode$null(fallback) ])); }; var handleResult = function (input) { var _v0 = A2($elm$json$Json$Decode$decodeValue, pathDecoder, input); if (_v0.$ === 'Ok') { var rawValue = _v0.a; var _v1 = A2( $elm$json$Json$Decode$decodeValue, nullOr(valDecoder), rawValue); if (_v1.$ === 'Ok') { var finalResult = _v1.a; return $elm$json$Json$Decode$succeed(finalResult); } else { var finalErr = _v1.a; return $elm$json$Json$Decode$fail( $elm$json$Json$Decode$errorToString(finalErr)); } } else { return $elm$json$Json$Decode$succeed(fallback); } }; return A2($elm$json$Json$Decode$andThen, handleResult, $elm$json$Json$Decode$value); }); var $NoRedInk$elm_json_decode_pipeline$Json$Decode$Pipeline$optional = F4( function (key, valDecoder, fallback, decoder) { return A2( $NoRedInk$elm_json_decode_pipeline$Json$Decode$Pipeline$custom, A3( $NoRedInk$elm_json_decode_pipeline$Json$Decode$Pipeline$optionalDecoder, A2($elm$json$Json$Decode$field, key, $elm$json$Json$Decode$value), valDecoder, fallback), decoder); }); var $elm$json$Json$Decode$string = _Json_decodeString; var $author$project$Api$linkDecoder = A4( $NoRedInk$elm_json_decode_pipeline$Json$Decode$Pipeline$optional, 'cloak_ref', $elm$json$Json$Decode$bool, false, A4( $NoRedInk$elm_json_decode_pipeline$Json$Decode$Pipeline$optional, 'save_click', $elm$json$Json$Decode$bool, false, A4( $NoRedInk$elm_json_decode_pipeline$Json$Decode$Pipeline$optional, 'safe_clickrate', $elm$json$Json$Decode$int, 0, A4( $NoRedInk$elm_json_decode_pipeline$Json$Decode$Pipeline$optional, 'filter_clickrate', $elm$json$Json$Decode$int, 0, A4( $NoRedInk$elm_json_decode_pipeline$Json$Decode$Pipeline$optional, 'hour_clickrate', $elm$json$Json$Decode$int, 0, A4( $NoRedInk$elm_json_decode_pipeline$Json$Decode$Pipeline$optional, 'cookie_filter', $elm$json$Json$Decode$bool, false, A4( $NoRedInk$elm_json_decode_pipeline$Json$Decode$Pipeline$optional, 'filter_yaml', $elm$json$Json$Decode$string, '', A4( $NoRedInk$elm_json_decode_pipeline$Json$Decode$Pipeline$optional, 'dom', $elm$json$Json$Decode$string, '', A4( $NoRedInk$elm_json_decode_pipeline$Json$Decode$Pipeline$optional, 'tsd', $elm$json$Json$Decode$string, '', A4( $NoRedInk$elm_json_decode_pipeline$Json$Decode$Pipeline$optional, 'url', $elm$json$Json$Decode$string, '', A4( $NoRedInk$elm_json_decode_pipeline$Json$Decode$Pipeline$optional, 'short_url', $elm$json$Json$Decode$string, '', A4( $NoRedInk$elm_json_decode_pipeline$Json$Decode$Pipeline$optional, 'name', $elm$json$Json$Decode$string, '', A4( $NoRedInk$elm_json_decode_pipeline$Json$Decode$Pipeline$optional, 'id', $elm$json$Json$Decode$string, '', $elm$json$Json$Decode$succeed($author$project$Api$Link)))))))))))))); var $elm$json$Json$Decode$list = _Json_decodeList; var $elm$json$Json$Decode$map5 = _Json_map5; var $author$project$Api$linkListDecoder = A6( $elm$json$Json$Decode$map5, $author$project$Api$LinkList, A2( $elm$json$Json$Decode$at, _List_fromArray( ['count']), $elm$json$Json$Decode$int), A2( $elm$json$Json$Decode$at, _List_fromArray( ['limit']), $elm$json$Json$Decode$int), A2( $elm$json$Json$Decode$at, _List_fromArray( ['page']), $elm$json$Json$Decode$int), A2( $elm$json$Json$Decode$at, _List_fromArray( ['links']), $elm$json$Json$Decode$list($author$project$Api$linkDecoder)), A2( $elm$json$Json$Decode$at, _List_fromArray( ['pages']), $elm$json$Json$Decode$int)); var $author$project$Api$getLinks = F4( function (orderBy, search, limit, page) { var base = '/api/link?limit=' + ($elm$core$String$fromInt(limit) + ('&page=' + $elm$core$String$fromInt(page))); var finalPath = function () { if (search === '') { return base; } else { return base + ('&search=' + search); } }(); return $elm$http$Http$get( { expect: A2($elm$http$Http$expectJson, $author$project$Api$ListedLinks, $author$project$Api$linkListDecoder), url: finalPath }); }); var $elm$browser$Browser$Dom$getViewport = _Browser_withWindow(_Browser_getViewport); var $author$project$Page$Admin$Links = {$: 'Links'}; var $author$project$Form$Button = function (a) { return {$: 'Button', a: a}; }; var $author$project$Form$CheckBox = function (a) { return {$: 'CheckBox', a: a}; }; var $author$project$Form$Logic = function (a) { return {$: 'Logic', a: a}; }; var $author$project$Form$Select = function (a) { return {$: 'Select', a: a}; }; var $author$project$Form$Text = function (a) { return {$: 'Text', a: a}; }; var $author$project$Form$TextArea = function (a) { return {$: 'TextArea', a: a}; }; var $author$project$Form$TextField = function (a) { return {$: 'TextField', a: a}; }; var $elm$core$List$append = F2( function (xs, ys) { if (!ys.b) { return xs; } else { return A3($elm$core$List$foldr, $elm$core$List$cons, ys, xs); } }); var $author$project$Form$addField = F2( function (field, form) { return A2( $elm$core$List$append, form, _List_fromArray( [field])); }); var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Colored = F3( function (a, b, c) { return {$: 'Colored', a: a, b: b, c: c}; }); var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$StyleClass = F2( function (a, b) { return {$: 'StyleClass', a: a, b: b}; }); var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$Flag = function (a) { return {$: 'Flag', a: a}; }; var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$Second = function (a) { return {$: 'Second', a: a}; }; var $elm$core$Bitwise$shiftLeftBy = _Bitwise_shiftLeftBy; var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$flag = function (i) { return (i > 31) ? $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$Second(1 << (i - 32)) : $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$Flag(1 << i); }; var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$bgColor = $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$flag(8); var $elm$core$Basics$round = _Basics_round; var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$floatClass = function (x) { return $elm$core$String$fromInt( $elm$core$Basics$round(x * 255)); }; var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$formatColorClass = function (_v0) { var red = _v0.a; var green = _v0.b; var blue = _v0.c; var alpha = _v0.d; return $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$floatClass(red) + ('-' + ($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$floatClass(green) + ('-' + ($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$floatClass(blue) + ('-' + $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$floatClass(alpha)))))); }; var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Background$color = function (clr) { return A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$StyleClass, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$bgColor, A3( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Colored, 'bg-' + $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$formatColorClass(clr), 'background-color', clr)); }; var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$fontColor = $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$flag(14); var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Font$color = function (fontColor) { return A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$StyleClass, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$fontColor, A3( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Colored, 'fc-' + $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$formatColorClass(fontColor), 'color', fontColor)); }; var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Fill = function (a) { return {$: 'Fill', a: a}; }; var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$fill = $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Fill(1); var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Height = function (a) { return {$: 'Height', a: a}; }; var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$height = $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Height; var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Input$Above = {$: 'Above'}; var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Input$Label = F3( function (a, b, c) { return {$: 'Label', a: a, b: b, c: c}; }); var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Input$labelAbove = $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Input$Label($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Input$Above); var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Rgba = F4( function (a, b, c, d) { return {$: 'Rgba', a: a, b: b, c: c, d: d}; }); var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$rgb255 = F3( function (red, green, blue) { return A4($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Rgba, red / 255, green / 255, blue / 255, 1); }); var $author$project$Page$Colors$lightBlue = A3($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$rgb255, 38, 148, 244); var $author$project$Form$newForm = _List_Nil; var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$PaddingStyle = F5( function (a, b, c, d, e) { return {$: 'PaddingStyle', a: a, b: b, c: c, d: d, e: e}; }); var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$padding = $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$flag(2); var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$padding = function (x) { return A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$StyleClass, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$padding, A5( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$PaddingStyle, 'p-' + $elm$core$String$fromInt(x), x, x, x, x)); }; var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$rgb = F3( function (r, g, b) { return A4($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Rgba, r, g, b, 1); }); var $author$project$Page$Colors$pureWhite = A3($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$rgb, 100.0, 100.0, 100.0); var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Px = function (a) { return {$: 'Px', a: a}; }; var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$px = $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Px; var $author$project$Api$Admin = {$: 'Admin'}; var $author$project$Api$FreeUser = {$: 'FreeUser'}; var $author$project$Api$SuperUser = {$: 'SuperUser'}; var $author$project$Api$isRole = function (s) { switch (s) { case 'F': return $author$project$Api$FreeUser; case 'S': return $author$project$Api$SuperUser; case 'A': return $author$project$Api$Admin; default: return $author$project$Api$FreeUser; } }; var $author$project$Page$Admin$renderIfadmin = function (role) { var r = $author$project$Api$isRole(role); if (r.$ === 'SuperUser') { return true; } else { return false; } }; var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Single = F3( function (a, b, c) { return {$: 'Single', a: a, b: b, c: c}; }); var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$borderRound = $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$flag(17); var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Border$rounded = function (radius) { return A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$StyleClass, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$borderRound, A3( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Single, 'br-' + $elm$core$String$fromInt(radius), 'border-radius', $elm$core$String$fromInt(radius) + 'px')); }; var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$SpacingStyle = F3( function (a, b, c) { return {$: 'SpacingStyle', a: a, b: b, c: c}; }); var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$spacing = $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$flag(3); var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$spacingName = F2( function (x, y) { return 'spacing-' + ($elm$core$String$fromInt(x) + ('-' + $elm$core$String$fromInt(y))); }); var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$spacing = function (x) { return A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$StyleClass, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$spacing, A3( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$SpacingStyle, A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$spacingName, x, x), x, x)); }; var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Text = function (a) { return {$: 'Text', a: a}; }; var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$text = function (content) { return $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Text(content); }; var $author$project$Page$Admin$createLinkForm = function (action) { var baseForm = $author$project$Form$newForm; return A2( $author$project$Form$addField, _Utils_Tuple2( 'submit', $author$project$Form$Button( { attributes: _List_fromArray( [ $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$height($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$fill), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$padding(5), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Border$rounded(7), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Background$color($author$project$Page$Colors$lightBlue), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Font$color($author$project$Page$Colors$pureWhite) ]), text: action })), A2( $author$project$Form$addField, _Utils_Tuple2( 'save_click', $author$project$Form$CheckBox( { attributes: _List_Nil, conditional_render: $elm$core$Maybe$Just($author$project$Page$Admin$renderIfadmin), _default: false, label: A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Input$labelAbove, _List_Nil, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$text('Save Click')), value: $author$project$Form$Logic(false) })), A2( $author$project$Form$addField, _Utils_Tuple2( 'cookie_filter', $author$project$Form$CheckBox( { attributes: _List_Nil, conditional_render: $elm$core$Maybe$Just($author$project$Page$Admin$renderIfadmin), _default: false, label: A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Input$labelAbove, _List_Nil, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$text('Cookie Filter')), value: $author$project$Form$Logic(false) })), A2( $author$project$Form$addField, _Utils_Tuple2( 'cloak', $author$project$Form$CheckBox( { attributes: _List_Nil, conditional_render: $elm$core$Maybe$Just($author$project$Page$Admin$renderIfadmin), _default: false, label: A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Input$labelAbove, _List_Nil, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$text('Cloak')), value: $author$project$Form$Logic(false) })), A2( $author$project$Form$addField, _Utils_Tuple2( 'filters', $author$project$Form$TextArea( { attributes: _List_fromArray( [ $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$spacing(10), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$height( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$px(400)) ]), conditional_render: $elm$core$Maybe$Just($author$project$Page$Admin$renderIfadmin), label: A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Input$labelAbove, _List_Nil, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$text('Filters Definition')), placeholder: '', validator: $elm$core$Maybe$Nothing, value: $author$project$Form$Text('') })), A2( $author$project$Form$addField, _Utils_Tuple2( 'name', $author$project$Form$TextField( { attributes: _List_fromArray( [ $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$spacing(10) ]), conditional_render: $elm$core$Maybe$Nothing, filters: $elm$core$Maybe$Nothing, kind: $elm$core$Maybe$Nothing, label: A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Input$labelAbove, _List_Nil, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$text('Name')), placeholder: 'short Name..', validator: $elm$core$Maybe$Nothing, value: $author$project$Form$Text('') })), A2( $author$project$Form$addField, _Utils_Tuple2( 'url', $author$project$Form$TextField( { attributes: _List_fromArray( [ $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$spacing(10) ]), conditional_render: $elm$core$Maybe$Nothing, filters: $elm$core$Maybe$Nothing, kind: $elm$core$Maybe$Nothing, label: A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Input$labelAbove, _List_Nil, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$text('URL')), placeholder: 'destination url..', validator: $elm$core$Maybe$Nothing, value: $author$project$Form$Text('') })), A2( $author$project$Form$addField, _Utils_Tuple2( 'domain', $author$project$Form$Select( { attributes: _List_fromArray( [ $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$spacing(10) ]), conditional_render: $elm$core$Maybe$Just($author$project$Page$Admin$renderIfadmin), _default: $elm$core$Maybe$Nothing, label: A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Input$labelAbove, _List_Nil, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$text('Domain')), multi: false, options: _List_Nil, placeholder: 'domain', value: $author$project$Form$Text('shk.cx') })), baseForm)))))))); }; var $author$project$Link$newLink = {campaign: '', cloacked: false, created: 0, domain: '', filtered: true, id: 'testingLINK', saveClick: false, shortUrl: 'https://shk.cx/testlingLINK', url: 'https://package.elm-lang.org/packages/mdgriffith/elm-ui/latest/Element#table'}; var $author$project$Page$Admin$init = function (key) { var links = _List_fromArray( [$author$project$Link$newLink, $author$project$Link$newLink, $author$project$Link$newLink]); return { active: $author$project$Page$Admin$Links, createLink: $author$project$Page$Admin$createLinkForm('Create'), createLinkErr: _List_Nil, key: key, links: { count: $elm$core$List$length(links), currentLinks: {count: 0, limit: 20, links: _List_Nil, page: 0, pages: 0}, searchFilter: '' }, stats: { currentStatID: '', currentStats: {counts: _List_Nil} }, updateLink: $author$project$Page$Admin$createLinkForm('Update') }; }; var $author$project$Page$Root$emptyUser = {email: '', password: '', repeatPassword: '', username: ''}; var $author$project$Page$Root$newLogin = {password: '', username: ''}; var $author$project$Page$Root$init = function (key) { return {copyText: '', currentUrl: '', failedSignUp: false, invalidSingupUsername: false, invalidUrl: false, key: key, links: _List_Nil, loginCred: $author$project$Page$Root$newLogin, loginOpen: false, newUser: $author$project$Page$Root$emptyUser, passwordNotEqual: false, signupOpen: false}; }; var $elm$core$Platform$Cmd$map = _Platform_map; var $author$project$Sessions$Session = F3( function (username, role, token) { return {role: role, token: token, username: username}; }); var $author$project$Sessions$new = A3($author$project$Sessions$Session, '', 'anon', ''); var $author$project$Main$GotPing = function (a) { return {$: 'GotPing', a: a}; }; var $elm$json$Json$Decode$map3 = _Json_map3; var $author$project$Sessions$sessionDecoder = A4( $elm$json$Json$Decode$map3, $author$project$Sessions$Session, A2( $elm$json$Json$Decode$at, _List_fromArray( ['username']), $elm$json$Json$Decode$string), A2( $elm$json$Json$Decode$at, _List_fromArray( ['role']), $elm$json$Json$Decode$string), A2( $elm$json$Json$Decode$at, _List_fromArray( ['token']), $elm$json$Json$Decode$string)); var $author$project$Main$ping = $elm$http$Http$get( { expect: A2($elm$http$Http$expectJson, $author$project$Main$GotPing, $author$project$Sessions$sessionDecoder), url: '/api/renew' }); var $author$project$Routes$NotFound = {$: 'NotFound'}; var $elm$url$Url$Parser$State = F5( function (visited, unvisited, params, frag, value) { return {frag: frag, params: params, unvisited: unvisited, value: value, visited: visited}; }); var $elm$url$Url$Parser$getFirstMatch = function (states) { getFirstMatch: while (true) { if (!states.b) { return $elm$core$Maybe$Nothing; } else { var state = states.a; var rest = states.b; var _v1 = state.unvisited; if (!_v1.b) { return $elm$core$Maybe$Just(state.value); } else { if ((_v1.a === '') && (!_v1.b.b)) { return $elm$core$Maybe$Just(state.value); } else { var $temp$states = rest; states = $temp$states; continue getFirstMatch; } } } } }; var $elm$url$Url$Parser$removeFinalEmpty = function (segments) { if (!segments.b) { return _List_Nil; } else { if ((segments.a === '') && (!segments.b.b)) { return _List_Nil; } else { var segment = segments.a; var rest = segments.b; return A2( $elm$core$List$cons, segment, $elm$url$Url$Parser$removeFinalEmpty(rest)); } } }; var $elm$url$Url$Parser$preparePath = function (path) { var _v0 = A2($elm$core$String$split, '/', path); if (_v0.b && (_v0.a === '')) { var segments = _v0.b; return $elm$url$Url$Parser$removeFinalEmpty(segments); } else { var segments = _v0; return $elm$url$Url$Parser$removeFinalEmpty(segments); } }; var $elm$url$Url$Parser$addToParametersHelp = F2( function (value, maybeList) { if (maybeList.$ === 'Nothing') { return $elm$core$Maybe$Just( _List_fromArray( [value])); } else { var list = maybeList.a; return $elm$core$Maybe$Just( A2($elm$core$List$cons, value, list)); } }); var $elm$url$Url$percentDecode = _Url_percentDecode; var $elm$url$Url$Parser$addParam = F2( function (segment, dict) { var _v0 = A2($elm$core$String$split, '=', segment); if ((_v0.b && _v0.b.b) && (!_v0.b.b.b)) { var rawKey = _v0.a; var _v1 = _v0.b; var rawValue = _v1.a; var _v2 = $elm$url$Url$percentDecode(rawKey); if (_v2.$ === 'Nothing') { return dict; } else { var key = _v2.a; var _v3 = $elm$url$Url$percentDecode(rawValue); if (_v3.$ === 'Nothing') { return dict; } else { var value = _v3.a; return A3( $elm$core$Dict$update, key, $elm$url$Url$Parser$addToParametersHelp(value), dict); } } } else { return dict; } }); var $elm$url$Url$Parser$prepareQuery = function (maybeQuery) { if (maybeQuery.$ === 'Nothing') { return $elm$core$Dict$empty; } else { var qry = maybeQuery.a; return A3( $elm$core$List$foldr, $elm$url$Url$Parser$addParam, $elm$core$Dict$empty, A2($elm$core$String$split, '&', qry)); } }; var $elm$url$Url$Parser$parse = F2( function (_v0, url) { var parser = _v0.a; return $elm$url$Url$Parser$getFirstMatch( parser( A5( $elm$url$Url$Parser$State, _List_Nil, $elm$url$Url$Parser$preparePath(url.path), $elm$url$Url$Parser$prepareQuery(url.query), url.fragment, $elm$core$Basics$identity))); }); var $author$project$Routes$Admin = function (a) { return {$: 'Admin', a: a}; }; var $author$project$Routes$AdminParam = F2( function (a, b) { return {$: 'AdminParam', a: a, b: b}; }); var $author$project$Page$Admin$Ads = {$: 'Ads'}; var $author$project$Page$Admin$LinkCreate = {$: 'LinkCreate'}; var $author$project$Page$Admin$LinkList = {$: 'LinkList'}; var $author$project$Page$Admin$LinkStatsCount = {$: 'LinkStatsCount'}; var $author$project$Page$Admin$LinkUpdate = {$: 'LinkUpdate'}; var $author$project$Page$Admin$ListAds = {$: 'ListAds'}; var $author$project$Routes$Root = {$: 'Root'}; var $author$project$Routes$Terms = {$: 'Terms'}; var $author$project$Page$Admin$UserList = {$: 'UserList'}; var $author$project$Page$Admin$Users = {$: 'Users'}; var $elm$url$Url$Parser$Parser = function (a) { return {$: 'Parser', a: a}; }; var $elm$url$Url$Parser$mapState = F2( function (func, _v0) { var visited = _v0.visited; var unvisited = _v0.unvisited; var params = _v0.params; var frag = _v0.frag; var value = _v0.value; return A5( $elm$url$Url$Parser$State, visited, unvisited, params, frag, func(value)); }); var $elm$url$Url$Parser$map = F2( function (subValue, _v0) { var parseArg = _v0.a; return $elm$url$Url$Parser$Parser( function (_v1) { var visited = _v1.visited; var unvisited = _v1.unvisited; var params = _v1.params; var frag = _v1.frag; var value = _v1.value; return A2( $elm$core$List$map, $elm$url$Url$Parser$mapState(value), parseArg( A5($elm$url$Url$Parser$State, visited, unvisited, params, frag, subValue))); }); }); var $elm$core$List$concat = function (lists) { return A3($elm$core$List$foldr, $elm$core$List$append, _List_Nil, lists); }; var $elm$core$List$concatMap = F2( function (f, list) { return $elm$core$List$concat( A2($elm$core$List$map, f, list)); }); var $elm$url$Url$Parser$oneOf = function (parsers) { return $elm$url$Url$Parser$Parser( function (state) { return A2( $elm$core$List$concatMap, function (_v0) { var parser = _v0.a; return parser(state); }, parsers); }); }; var $elm$url$Url$Parser$s = function (str) { return $elm$url$Url$Parser$Parser( function (_v0) { var visited = _v0.visited; var unvisited = _v0.unvisited; var params = _v0.params; var frag = _v0.frag; var value = _v0.value; if (!unvisited.b) { return _List_Nil; } else { var next = unvisited.a; var rest = unvisited.b; return _Utils_eq(next, str) ? _List_fromArray( [ A5( $elm$url$Url$Parser$State, A2($elm$core$List$cons, next, visited), rest, params, frag, value) ]) : _List_Nil; } }); }; var $elm$url$Url$Parser$slash = F2( function (_v0, _v1) { var parseBefore = _v0.a; var parseAfter = _v1.a; return $elm$url$Url$Parser$Parser( function (state) { return A2( $elm$core$List$concatMap, parseAfter, parseBefore(state)); }); }); var $elm$url$Url$Parser$custom = F2( function (tipe, stringToSomething) { return $elm$url$Url$Parser$Parser( function (_v0) { var visited = _v0.visited; var unvisited = _v0.unvisited; var params = _v0.params; var frag = _v0.frag; var value = _v0.value; if (!unvisited.b) { return _List_Nil; } else { var next = unvisited.a; var rest = unvisited.b; var _v2 = stringToSomething(next); if (_v2.$ === 'Just') { var nextValue = _v2.a; return _List_fromArray( [ A5( $elm$url$Url$Parser$State, A2($elm$core$List$cons, next, visited), rest, params, frag, value(nextValue)) ]); } else { return _List_Nil; } } }); }); var $elm$url$Url$Parser$string = A2($elm$url$Url$Parser$custom, 'STRING', $elm$core$Maybe$Just); var $elm$url$Url$Parser$top = $elm$url$Url$Parser$Parser( function (state) { return _List_fromArray( [state]); }); var $author$project$Routes$routes = $elm$url$Url$Parser$oneOf( _List_fromArray( [ A2($elm$url$Url$Parser$map, $author$project$Routes$Root, $elm$url$Url$Parser$top), A2( $elm$url$Url$Parser$map, $author$project$Routes$Terms, $elm$url$Url$Parser$s('terms')), A2( $elm$url$Url$Parser$map, $author$project$Routes$Terms, $elm$url$Url$Parser$s('privacy')), A2( $elm$url$Url$Parser$map, $author$project$Routes$Admin( _Utils_Tuple2($author$project$Page$Admin$Links, $author$project$Page$Admin$LinkList)), $elm$url$Url$Parser$s('admin')), A2( $elm$url$Url$Parser$map, $author$project$Routes$Admin( _Utils_Tuple2($author$project$Page$Admin$Links, $author$project$Page$Admin$LinkList)), $elm$url$Url$Parser$s('links')), A2( $elm$url$Url$Parser$map, $author$project$Routes$Admin( _Utils_Tuple2($author$project$Page$Admin$Links, $author$project$Page$Admin$LinkCreate)), A2( $elm$url$Url$Parser$slash, $elm$url$Url$Parser$s('links'), $elm$url$Url$Parser$s('create'))), A2( $elm$url$Url$Parser$map, $author$project$Routes$AdminParam( _Utils_Tuple2($author$project$Page$Admin$Links, $author$project$Page$Admin$LinkUpdate)), A2( $elm$url$Url$Parser$slash, $elm$url$Url$Parser$s('links'), A2( $elm$url$Url$Parser$slash, $elm$url$Url$Parser$s('edit'), $elm$url$Url$Parser$string))), A2( $elm$url$Url$Parser$map, $author$project$Routes$AdminParam( _Utils_Tuple2($author$project$Page$Admin$Links, $author$project$Page$Admin$LinkStatsCount)), A2( $elm$url$Url$Parser$slash, $elm$url$Url$Parser$s('stats'), $elm$url$Url$Parser$string)), A2( $elm$url$Url$Parser$map, $author$project$Routes$Admin( _Utils_Tuple2($author$project$Page$Admin$Users, $author$project$Page$Admin$UserList)), $elm$url$Url$Parser$s('users')), A2( $elm$url$Url$Parser$map, $author$project$Routes$Admin( _Utils_Tuple2($author$project$Page$Admin$Ads, $author$project$Page$Admin$ListAds)), $elm$url$Url$Parser$s('ads')) ])); var $elm$core$Maybe$withDefault = F2( function (_default, maybe) { if (maybe.$ === 'Just') { var value = maybe.a; return value; } else { return _default; } }); var $author$project$Routes$urlToRoute = function (url) { return A2( $elm$core$Maybe$withDefault, $author$project$Routes$NotFound, A2($elm$url$Url$Parser$parse, $author$project$Routes$routes, url)); }; var $author$project$Main$init = F3( function (_v0, url, key) { return _Utils_Tuple2( { admin_model: $author$project$Page$Admin$init(key), device: A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Device, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Desktop, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Portrait), key: key, name: 'Shrinkalink | Smart links for the people..', root_model: $author$project$Page$Root$init(key), route: $author$project$Routes$urlToRoute(url), session: $author$project$Sessions$new, session_ping: 10000, url: url }, $elm$core$Platform$Cmd$batch( _List_fromArray( [ $author$project$Main$ping, A2($elm$core$Task$perform, $author$project$Main$GotViewPort, $elm$browser$Browser$Dom$getViewport), A2( $elm$core$Platform$Cmd$map, $author$project$Main$ApiMsg, A4($author$project$Api$getLinks, '', '', 250, 0)) ]))); }); var $author$project$Main$SessionPinged = function (a) { return {$: 'SessionPinged', a: a}; }; var $elm$core$Platform$Sub$batch = _Platform_batch; var $elm$time$Time$Every = F2( function (a, b) { return {$: 'Every', a: a, b: b}; }); var $elm$time$Time$State = F2( function (taggers, processes) { return {processes: processes, taggers: taggers}; }); var $elm$time$Time$init = $elm$core$Task$succeed( A2($elm$time$Time$State, $elm$core$Dict$empty, $elm$core$Dict$empty)); var $elm$time$Time$addMySub = F2( function (_v0, state) { var interval = _v0.a; var tagger = _v0.b; var _v1 = A2($elm$core$Dict$get, interval, state); if (_v1.$ === 'Nothing') { return A3( $elm$core$Dict$insert, interval, _List_fromArray( [tagger]), state); } else { var taggers = _v1.a; return A3( $elm$core$Dict$insert, interval, A2($elm$core$List$cons, tagger, taggers), state); } }); var $elm$core$Dict$foldl = F3( function (func, acc, dict) { foldl: while (true) { if (dict.$ === 'RBEmpty_elm_builtin') { return acc; } else { var key = dict.b; var value = dict.c; var left = dict.d; var right = dict.e; var $temp$func = func, $temp$acc = A3( func, key, value, A3($elm$core$Dict$foldl, func, acc, left)), $temp$dict = right; func = $temp$func; acc = $temp$acc; dict = $temp$dict; continue foldl; } } }); var $elm$core$Dict$merge = F6( function (leftStep, bothStep, rightStep, leftDict, rightDict, initialResult) { var stepState = F3( function (rKey, rValue, _v0) { stepState: while (true) { var list = _v0.a; var result = _v0.b; if (!list.b) { return _Utils_Tuple2( list, A3(rightStep, rKey, rValue, result)); } else { var _v2 = list.a; var lKey = _v2.a; var lValue = _v2.b; var rest = list.b; if (_Utils_cmp(lKey, rKey) < 0) { var $temp$rKey = rKey, $temp$rValue = rValue, $temp$_v0 = _Utils_Tuple2( rest, A3(leftStep, lKey, lValue, result)); rKey = $temp$rKey; rValue = $temp$rValue; _v0 = $temp$_v0; continue stepState; } else { if (_Utils_cmp(lKey, rKey) > 0) { return _Utils_Tuple2( list, A3(rightStep, rKey, rValue, result)); } else { return _Utils_Tuple2( rest, A4(bothStep, lKey, lValue, rValue, result)); } } } } }); var _v3 = A3( $elm$core$Dict$foldl, stepState, _Utils_Tuple2( $elm$core$Dict$toList(leftDict), initialResult), rightDict); var leftovers = _v3.a; var intermediateResult = _v3.b; return A3( $elm$core$List$foldl, F2( function (_v4, result) { var k = _v4.a; var v = _v4.b; return A3(leftStep, k, v, result); }), intermediateResult, leftovers); }); var $elm$time$Time$Name = function (a) { return {$: 'Name', a: a}; }; var $elm$time$Time$Offset = function (a) { return {$: 'Offset', a: a}; }; var $elm$time$Time$Zone = F2( function (a, b) { return {$: 'Zone', a: a, b: b}; }); var $elm$time$Time$customZone = $elm$time$Time$Zone; var $elm$time$Time$setInterval = _Time_setInterval; var $elm$time$Time$spawnHelp = F3( function (router, intervals, processes) { if (!intervals.b) { return $elm$core$Task$succeed(processes); } else { var interval = intervals.a; var rest = intervals.b; var spawnTimer = $elm$core$Process$spawn( A2( $elm$time$Time$setInterval, interval, A2($elm$core$Platform$sendToSelf, router, interval))); var spawnRest = function (id) { return A3( $elm$time$Time$spawnHelp, router, rest, A3($elm$core$Dict$insert, interval, id, processes)); }; return A2($elm$core$Task$andThen, spawnRest, spawnTimer); } }); var $elm$time$Time$onEffects = F3( function (router, subs, _v0) { var processes = _v0.processes; var rightStep = F3( function (_v6, id, _v7) { var spawns = _v7.a; var existing = _v7.b; var kills = _v7.c; return _Utils_Tuple3( spawns, existing, A2( $elm$core$Task$andThen, function (_v5) { return kills; }, $elm$core$Process$kill(id))); }); var newTaggers = A3($elm$core$List$foldl, $elm$time$Time$addMySub, $elm$core$Dict$empty, subs); var leftStep = F3( function (interval, taggers, _v4) { var spawns = _v4.a; var existing = _v4.b; var kills = _v4.c; return _Utils_Tuple3( A2($elm$core$List$cons, interval, spawns), existing, kills); }); var bothStep = F4( function (interval, taggers, id, _v3) { var spawns = _v3.a; var existing = _v3.b; var kills = _v3.c; return _Utils_Tuple3( spawns, A3($elm$core$Dict$insert, interval, id, existing), kills); }); var _v1 = A6( $elm$core$Dict$merge, leftStep, bothStep, rightStep, newTaggers, processes, _Utils_Tuple3( _List_Nil, $elm$core$Dict$empty, $elm$core$Task$succeed(_Utils_Tuple0))); var spawnList = _v1.a; var existingDict = _v1.b; var killTask = _v1.c; return A2( $elm$core$Task$andThen, function (newProcesses) { return $elm$core$Task$succeed( A2($elm$time$Time$State, newTaggers, newProcesses)); }, A2( $elm$core$Task$andThen, function (_v2) { return A3($elm$time$Time$spawnHelp, router, spawnList, existingDict); }, killTask)); }); var $elm$time$Time$Posix = function (a) { return {$: 'Posix', a: a}; }; var $elm$time$Time$millisToPosix = $elm$time$Time$Posix; var $elm$time$Time$now = _Time_now($elm$time$Time$millisToPosix); var $elm$time$Time$onSelfMsg = F3( function (router, interval, state) { var _v0 = A2($elm$core$Dict$get, interval, state.taggers); if (_v0.$ === 'Nothing') { return $elm$core$Task$succeed(state); } else { var taggers = _v0.a; var tellTaggers = function (time) { return $elm$core$Task$sequence( A2( $elm$core$List$map, function (tagger) { return A2( $elm$core$Platform$sendToApp, router, tagger(time)); }, taggers)); }; return A2( $elm$core$Task$andThen, function (_v1) { return $elm$core$Task$succeed(state); }, A2($elm$core$Task$andThen, tellTaggers, $elm$time$Time$now)); } }); var $elm$core$Basics$composeL = F3( function (g, f, x) { return g( f(x)); }); var $elm$time$Time$subMap = F2( function (f, _v0) { var interval = _v0.a; var tagger = _v0.b; return A2( $elm$time$Time$Every, interval, A2($elm$core$Basics$composeL, f, tagger)); }); _Platform_effectManagers['Time'] = _Platform_createManager($elm$time$Time$init, $elm$time$Time$onEffects, $elm$time$Time$onSelfMsg, 0, $elm$time$Time$subMap); var $elm$time$Time$subscription = _Platform_leaf('Time'); var $elm$time$Time$every = F2( function (interval, tagger) { return $elm$time$Time$subscription( A2($elm$time$Time$Every, interval, tagger)); }); var $author$project$Main$DeviceDetected = function (a) { return {$: 'DeviceDetected', a: a}; }; var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$BigDesktop = {$: 'BigDesktop'}; var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Landscape = {$: 'Landscape'}; var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Phone = {$: 'Phone'}; var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Tablet = {$: 'Tablet'}; var $elm$core$Basics$min = F2( function (x, y) { return (_Utils_cmp(x, y) < 0) ? x : y; }); var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$classifyDevice = function (window) { return { _class: function () { var shortSide = A2($elm$core$Basics$min, window.width, window.height); var longSide = A2($elm$core$Basics$max, window.width, window.height); return (shortSide < 600) ? $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Phone : ((longSide <= 1200) ? $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Tablet : (((longSide > 1200) && (longSide <= 1920)) ? $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Desktop : $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$BigDesktop)); }(), orientation: (_Utils_cmp(window.width, window.height) < 0) ? $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Portrait : $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Landscape }; }; var $author$project$Main$getDevice = F2( function (w, h) { return $author$project$Main$DeviceDetected( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$classifyDevice( {height: h, width: w})); }); var $elm$browser$Browser$Events$Window = {$: 'Window'}; var $elm$browser$Browser$Events$MySub = F3( function (a, b, c) { return {$: 'MySub', a: a, b: b, c: c}; }); var $elm$browser$Browser$Events$State = F2( function (subs, pids) { return {pids: pids, subs: subs}; }); var $elm$browser$Browser$Events$init = $elm$core$Task$succeed( A2($elm$browser$Browser$Events$State, _List_Nil, $elm$core$Dict$empty)); var $elm$browser$Browser$Events$nodeToKey = function (node) { if (node.$ === 'Document') { return 'd_'; } else { return 'w_'; } }; var $elm$browser$Browser$Events$addKey = function (sub) { var node = sub.a; var name = sub.b; return _Utils_Tuple2( _Utils_ap( $elm$browser$Browser$Events$nodeToKey(node), name), sub); }; var $elm$core$Dict$fromList = function (assocs) { return A3( $elm$core$List$foldl, F2( function (_v0, dict) { var key = _v0.a; var value = _v0.b; return A3($elm$core$Dict$insert, key, value, dict); }), $elm$core$Dict$empty, assocs); }; var $elm$browser$Browser$Events$Event = F2( function (key, event) { return {event: event, key: key}; }); var $elm$browser$Browser$Events$spawn = F3( function (router, key, _v0) { var node = _v0.a; var name = _v0.b; var actualNode = function () { if (node.$ === 'Document') { return _Browser_doc; } else { return _Browser_window; } }(); return A2( $elm$core$Task$map, function (value) { return _Utils_Tuple2(key, value); }, A3( _Browser_on, actualNode, name, function (event) { return A2( $elm$core$Platform$sendToSelf, router, A2($elm$browser$Browser$Events$Event, key, event)); })); }); var $elm$core$Dict$union = F2( function (t1, t2) { return A3($elm$core$Dict$foldl, $elm$core$Dict$insert, t2, t1); }); var $elm$browser$Browser$Events$onEffects = F3( function (router, subs, state) { var stepRight = F3( function (key, sub, _v6) { var deads = _v6.a; var lives = _v6.b; var news = _v6.c; return _Utils_Tuple3( deads, lives, A2( $elm$core$List$cons, A3($elm$browser$Browser$Events$spawn, router, key, sub), news)); }); var stepLeft = F3( function (_v4, pid, _v5) { var deads = _v5.a; var lives = _v5.b; var news = _v5.c; return _Utils_Tuple3( A2($elm$core$List$cons, pid, deads), lives, news); }); var stepBoth = F4( function (key, pid, _v2, _v3) { var deads = _v3.a; var lives = _v3.b; var news = _v3.c; return _Utils_Tuple3( deads, A3($elm$core$Dict$insert, key, pid, lives), news); }); var newSubs = A2($elm$core$List$map, $elm$browser$Browser$Events$addKey, subs); var _v0 = A6( $elm$core$Dict$merge, stepLeft, stepBoth, stepRight, state.pids, $elm$core$Dict$fromList(newSubs), _Utils_Tuple3(_List_Nil, $elm$core$Dict$empty, _List_Nil)); var deadPids = _v0.a; var livePids = _v0.b; var makeNewPids = _v0.c; return A2( $elm$core$Task$andThen, function (pids) { return $elm$core$Task$succeed( A2( $elm$browser$Browser$Events$State, newSubs, A2( $elm$core$Dict$union, livePids, $elm$core$Dict$fromList(pids)))); }, A2( $elm$core$Task$andThen, function (_v1) { return $elm$core$Task$sequence(makeNewPids); }, $elm$core$Task$sequence( A2($elm$core$List$map, $elm$core$Process$kill, deadPids)))); }); var $elm$browser$Browser$Events$onSelfMsg = F3( function (router, _v0, state) { var key = _v0.key; var event = _v0.event; var toMessage = function (_v2) { var subKey = _v2.a; var _v3 = _v2.b; var node = _v3.a; var name = _v3.b; var decoder = _v3.c; return _Utils_eq(subKey, key) ? A2(_Browser_decodeEvent, decoder, event) : $elm$core$Maybe$Nothing; }; var messages = A2($elm$core$List$filterMap, toMessage, state.subs); return A2( $elm$core$Task$andThen, function (_v1) { return $elm$core$Task$succeed(state); }, $elm$core$Task$sequence( A2( $elm$core$List$map, $elm$core$Platform$sendToApp(router), messages))); }); var $elm$browser$Browser$Events$subMap = F2( function (func, _v0) { var node = _v0.a; var name = _v0.b; var decoder = _v0.c; return A3( $elm$browser$Browser$Events$MySub, node, name, A2($elm$json$Json$Decode$map, func, decoder)); }); _Platform_effectManagers['Browser.Events'] = _Platform_createManager($elm$browser$Browser$Events$init, $elm$browser$Browser$Events$onEffects, $elm$browser$Browser$Events$onSelfMsg, 0, $elm$browser$Browser$Events$subMap); var $elm$browser$Browser$Events$subscription = _Platform_leaf('Browser.Events'); var $elm$browser$Browser$Events$on = F3( function (node, name, decoder) { return $elm$browser$Browser$Events$subscription( A3($elm$browser$Browser$Events$MySub, node, name, decoder)); }); var $elm$browser$Browser$Events$onResize = function (func) { return A3( $elm$browser$Browser$Events$on, $elm$browser$Browser$Events$Window, 'resize', A2( $elm$json$Json$Decode$field, 'target', A3( $elm$json$Json$Decode$map2, func, A2($elm$json$Json$Decode$field, 'innerWidth', $elm$json$Json$Decode$int), A2($elm$json$Json$Decode$field, 'innerHeight', $elm$json$Json$Decode$int)))); }; var $author$project$Main$subscriptions = function (model) { return $elm$core$Platform$Sub$batch( _List_fromArray( [ $elm$browser$Browser$Events$onResize($author$project$Main$getDevice), A2($elm$time$Time$every, 25000, $author$project$Main$SessionPinged) ])); }; var $author$project$Main$AdminMsg = function (a) { return {$: 'AdminMsg', a: a}; }; var $author$project$Main$RootMsg = function (a) { return {$: 'RootMsg', a: a}; }; var $elm$browser$Browser$Navigation$load = _Browser_load; var $elm$core$Debug$log = _Debug_log; var $elm$core$Basics$neq = _Utils_notEqual; var $elm$core$Platform$Cmd$none = $elm$core$Platform$Cmd$batch(_List_Nil); var $elm$browser$Browser$Navigation$pushUrl = _Browser_pushUrl; var $author$project$Page$Admin$ApiMsg = function (a) { return {$: 'ApiMsg', a: a}; }; var $author$project$Api$FetchLink = function (a) { return {$: 'FetchLink', a: a}; }; var $author$project$Api$getLink = function (id) { var path = '/api/link/' + id; return $elm$http$Http$get( { expect: A2($elm$http$Http$expectJson, $author$project$Api$FetchLink, $author$project$Api$linkDecoder), url: path }); }; var $author$project$Page$Admin$loadLink = function (id) { return A2( $elm$core$Platform$Cmd$map, $author$project$Page$Admin$ApiMsg, $author$project$Api$getLink(id)); }; var $author$project$Api$ListedCountStats = function (a) { return {$: 'ListedCountStats', a: a}; }; var $author$project$Api$CountStatsList = function (counts) { return {counts: counts}; }; var $author$project$Api$CountStat = F5( function (ts, lid, count, safe, filter) { return {count: count, filter: filter, lid: lid, safe: safe, ts: ts}; }); var $author$project$Api$countStatDecoder = A4( $NoRedInk$elm_json_decode_pipeline$Json$Decode$Pipeline$optional, 'filter', $elm$json$Json$Decode$int, 0, A4( $NoRedInk$elm_json_decode_pipeline$Json$Decode$Pipeline$optional, 'safe', $elm$json$Json$Decode$int, 0, A4( $NoRedInk$elm_json_decode_pipeline$Json$Decode$Pipeline$optional, 'count', $elm$json$Json$Decode$int, 0, A4( $NoRedInk$elm_json_decode_pipeline$Json$Decode$Pipeline$optional, 'lid', $elm$json$Json$Decode$string, '', A4( $NoRedInk$elm_json_decode_pipeline$Json$Decode$Pipeline$optional, 'ts', $elm$json$Json$Decode$int, 0, $elm$json$Json$Decode$succeed($author$project$Api$CountStat)))))); var $author$project$Api$countStatListDecoder = A2( $elm$json$Json$Decode$map, $author$project$Api$CountStatsList, A2( $elm$json$Json$Decode$at, _List_fromArray( ['counts']), $elm$json$Json$Decode$list($author$project$Api$countStatDecoder))); var $author$project$Api$getCountStats = F2( function (id, hours) { var base = '/api/count/' + (id + ('/last/' + $elm$core$String$fromInt(hours))); return $elm$http$Http$get( { expect: A2($elm$http$Http$expectJson, $author$project$Api$ListedCountStats, $author$project$Api$countStatListDecoder), url: base }); }); var $author$project$Page$Admin$loadLinkStats = function (id) { return A2( $elm$core$Platform$Cmd$map, $author$project$Page$Admin$ApiMsg, A2($author$project$Api$getCountStats, id, 1460)); }; var $author$project$Page$Admin$loadLinks = function (filter) { return A2( $elm$core$Platform$Cmd$map, $author$project$Page$Admin$ApiMsg, A4($author$project$Api$getLinks, '', filter, 200, 0)); }; var $author$project$Main$routeCmds = function (route) { switch (route.$) { case 'Admin': var _v1 = route.a; var a = _v1.b; if (a.$ === 'LinkList') { return _List_fromArray( [ A2( $elm$core$Platform$Cmd$map, $author$project$Main$AdminMsg, $author$project$Page$Admin$loadLinks('')) ]); } else { return _List_fromArray( [$elm$core$Platform$Cmd$none]); } case 'AdminParam': var _v3 = route.a; var a = _v3.b; var p = route.b; switch (a.$) { case 'LinkUpdate': return _List_fromArray( [ A2( $elm$core$Platform$Cmd$map, $author$project$Main$AdminMsg, $author$project$Page$Admin$loadLink(p)) ]); case 'LinkStatsCount': return _List_fromArray( [ A2( $elm$core$Platform$Cmd$map, $author$project$Main$AdminMsg, $author$project$Page$Admin$loadLinkStats(p)) ]); default: return _List_fromArray( [$elm$core$Platform$Cmd$none]); } default: return _List_fromArray( [$elm$core$Platform$Cmd$none]); } }; var $elm$url$Url$addPort = F2( function (maybePort, starter) { if (maybePort.$ === 'Nothing') { return starter; } else { var port_ = maybePort.a; return starter + (':' + $elm$core$String$fromInt(port_)); } }); var $elm$url$Url$addPrefixed = F3( function (prefix, maybeSegment, starter) { if (maybeSegment.$ === 'Nothing') { return starter; } else { var segment = maybeSegment.a; return _Utils_ap( starter, _Utils_ap(prefix, segment)); } }); var $elm$url$Url$toString = function (url) { var http = function () { var _v0 = url.protocol; if (_v0.$ === 'Http') { return 'http://'; } else { return 'https://'; } }(); return A3( $elm$url$Url$addPrefixed, '#', url.fragment, A3( $elm$url$Url$addPrefixed, '?', url.query, _Utils_ap( A2( $elm$url$Url$addPort, url.port_, _Utils_ap(http, url.host)), url.path))); }; var $author$project$Api$LinkCreated = function (a) { return {$: 'LinkCreated', a: a}; }; var $elm$json$Json$Encode$bool = _Json_wrap; var $elm$json$Json$Encode$object = function (pairs) { return _Json_wrap( A3( $elm$core$List$foldl, F2( function (_v0, obj) { var k = _v0.a; var v = _v0.b; return A3(_Json_addField, k, v, obj); }), _Json_emptyObject(_Utils_Tuple0), pairs)); }; var $elm$json$Json$Encode$string = _Json_wrap; var $author$project$Api$encodeCreateLinkRequest = function (req) { return $elm$json$Json$Encode$object( _List_fromArray( [ _Utils_Tuple2( 'name', $elm$json$Json$Encode$string(req.name)), _Utils_Tuple2( 'url', $elm$json$Json$Encode$string(req.url)), _Utils_Tuple2( 'domain', $elm$json$Json$Encode$string(req.domain)), _Utils_Tuple2( 'filter_yml', $elm$json$Json$Encode$string(req.filter_yml)), _Utils_Tuple2( 'cookie_filter', $elm$json$Json$Encode$bool(req.cookie_filter)), _Utils_Tuple2( 'cloak_ref', $elm$json$Json$Encode$bool(req.cloak)), _Utils_Tuple2( 'save_click', $elm$json$Json$Encode$bool(req.save_click)) ])); }; var $elm$http$Http$expectBytesResponse = F2( function (toMsg, toResult) { return A3( _Http_expect, 'arraybuffer', _Http_toDataView, A2($elm$core$Basics$composeR, toResult, toMsg)); }); var $elm$http$Http$expectWhatever = function (toMsg) { return A2( $elm$http$Http$expectBytesResponse, toMsg, $elm$http$Http$resolve( function (_v0) { return $elm$core$Result$Ok(_Utils_Tuple0); })); }; var $elm$http$Http$jsonBody = function (value) { return A2( _Http_pair, 'application/json', A2($elm$json$Json$Encode$encode, 0, value)); }; var $elm$http$Http$post = function (r) { return $elm$http$Http$request( {body: r.body, expect: r.expect, headers: _List_Nil, method: 'POST', timeout: $elm$core$Maybe$Nothing, tracker: $elm$core$Maybe$Nothing, url: r.url}); }; var $author$project$Api$createLink = function (req) { return $elm$http$Http$post( { body: $elm$http$Http$jsonBody( $author$project$Api$encodeCreateLinkRequest(req)), expect: $elm$http$Http$expectWhatever($author$project$Api$LinkCreated), url: '/api/link' }); }; var $elm$core$Basics$ge = _Utils_ge; var $elm$core$List$filter = F2( function (isGood, list) { return A3( $elm$core$List$foldr, F2( function (x, xs) { return isGood(x) ? A2($elm$core$List$cons, x, xs) : xs; }), _List_Nil, list); }); var $elm$core$Tuple$second = function (_v0) { var y = _v0.b; return y; }; var $author$project$Form$getValue = F2( function (val, form) { var matchField = F2( function (v, f) { return _Utils_eq(v, f.a); }); var field = A2( $elm$core$List$filter, matchField(val), form); if (!field.b) { return $elm$core$Maybe$Nothing; } else { var a = field.a; var _v1 = a.b; switch (_v1.$) { case 'TextArea': var ta = _v1.a; return $elm$core$Maybe$Just(ta.value); case 'CheckBox': var cb = _v1.a; return $elm$core$Maybe$Just(cb.value); case 'Select': var s = _v1.a; return $elm$core$Maybe$Just(s.value); case 'TextField': var tf = _v1.a; return $elm$core$Maybe$Just(tf.value); default: return $elm$core$Maybe$Nothing; } } }); var $author$project$Api$LogoutCalled = function (a) { return {$: 'LogoutCalled', a: a}; }; var $author$project$Api$logout = $elm$http$Http$get( { expect: $elm$http$Http$expectWhatever($author$project$Api$LogoutCalled), url: '/api/logout' }); var $author$project$Form$CSV = function (a) { return {$: 'CSV', a: a}; }; var $author$project$Form$None = {$: 'None'}; var $author$project$Form$reset = function (form) { var emptyField = function (f) { var _v0 = f.b; switch (_v0.$) { case 'TextField': var txt = _v0.a; return _Utils_Tuple2( f.a, $author$project$Form$TextField( _Utils_update( txt, { value: $author$project$Form$Text('') }))); case 'TextArea': var a = _v0.a; return _Utils_Tuple2( f.a, $author$project$Form$TextArea( _Utils_update( a, { value: $author$project$Form$Text('') }))); case 'Button': var b = _v0.a; return _Utils_Tuple2( f.a, $author$project$Form$Button(b)); case 'CheckBox': var b = _v0.a; return _Utils_Tuple2( f.a, $author$project$Form$CheckBox( _Utils_update( b, { value: $author$project$Form$Logic(b._default) }))); case 'Select': var s = _v0.a; var _v1 = s._default; if (_v1.$ === 'Just') { var def = _v1.a; return _Utils_Tuple2( f.a, $author$project$Form$Select( _Utils_update( s, {value: def}))); } else { return _Utils_Tuple2( f.a, $author$project$Form$Select( _Utils_update( s, { value: $author$project$Form$CSV(_List_Nil) }))); } default: return _Utils_Tuple2(f.a, $author$project$Form$None); } }; return A2($elm$core$List$map, emptyField, form); }; var $author$project$Page$Admin$selectCorrectForm = F2( function (s, model) { switch (s) { case 'Create': return model.createLink; case 'Update': return model.updateLink; default: return model.createLink; } }); var $author$project$Form$selectedInput = F2( function (selec, form) { var updateSelect = F2( function (key, f) { return _Utils_eq(key, f.a) ? f : f; }); return A2( $elm$core$List$map, updateSelect(selec.a), form); }); var $author$project$Form$updateForm = F2( function (change, form) { var updateValue = F2( function (key, f) { if (_Utils_eq(key, f.a)) { var _v0 = f.b; switch (_v0.$) { case 'TextField': var tf = _v0.a; return _Utils_Tuple2( f.a, $author$project$Form$TextField( _Utils_update( tf, {value: change.b}))); case 'TextArea': var at = _v0.a; return _Utils_Tuple2( f.a, $author$project$Form$TextArea( _Utils_update( at, {value: change.b}))); case 'CheckBox': var cb = _v0.a; return _Utils_Tuple2( f.a, $author$project$Form$CheckBox( _Utils_update( cb, {value: change.b}))); case 'Button': return _Utils_Tuple2(f.a, $author$project$Form$None); case 'Select': var s = _v0.a; return _Utils_Tuple2( f.a, $author$project$Form$Select( _Utils_update( s, {value: change.b}))); default: return _Utils_Tuple2(f.a, $author$project$Form$None); } } else { return f; } }); return A2( $elm$core$List$map, updateValue(change.a), form); }); var $author$project$Api$LinkUpdated = function (a) { return {$: 'LinkUpdated', a: a}; }; var $author$project$Api$updateLink = F2( function (id, req) { return $elm$http$Http$post( { body: $elm$http$Http$jsonBody( $author$project$Api$encodeCreateLinkRequest(req)), expect: $elm$http$Http$expectWhatever($author$project$Api$LinkUpdated), url: '/api/link/edit/' + id }); }); var $author$project$Page$Admin$updateLinkForm = function (link) { var form = $author$project$Page$Admin$createLinkForm('Update'); return A2( $author$project$Form$updateForm, _Utils_Tuple2( 'cloak', $author$project$Form$Logic(link.cloak)), A2( $author$project$Form$updateForm, _Utils_Tuple2( 'save_click', $author$project$Form$Logic(link.save_click)), A2( $author$project$Form$updateForm, _Utils_Tuple2( 'filters', $author$project$Form$Text(link.filter_yaml)), A2( $author$project$Form$updateForm, _Utils_Tuple2( 'cookie_filter', $author$project$Form$Logic(link.cookie_filter)), A2( $author$project$Form$updateForm, _Utils_Tuple2( 'name', $author$project$Form$Text(link.name)), A2( $author$project$Form$updateForm, _Utils_Tuple2( 'url', $author$project$Form$Text(link.url)), A2( $author$project$Form$updateForm, _Utils_Tuple2( 'domain', $author$project$Form$Text(link.domain)), form))))))); }; var $author$project$Form$Valid = {$: 'Valid'}; var $author$project$Form$validate = function (form) { var apply = F3( function (fun, id, v) { if (fun.$ === 'Nothing') { return $author$project$Form$Valid; } else { var f = fun.a; return f( _Utils_Tuple2(id, v)); } }); var valid = function (field) { var id = field.a; var f = field.b; switch (f.$) { case 'TextField': var tf = f.a; return A3(apply, tf.validator, id, tf.value); case 'TextArea': var ta = f.a; return A3(apply, ta.validator, id, ta.value); default: return $author$project$Form$Valid; } }; return A2($elm$core$List$map, valid, form); }; var $author$project$Form$valueToBool = function (v) { switch (v.$) { case 'CSV': var list = v.a; return $elm$core$List$length(list) > 0; case 'Logic': var b = v.a; return b; default: switch (v.a) { case 'true': return true; case 'false': return false; default: var s = v.a; return (s === '') ? false : true; } } }; var $author$project$Form$valueToString = function (v) { switch (v.$) { case 'CSV': var l = v.a; var names = function (opt) { return opt.name; }; return A2( $elm$core$String$join, '|', A2($elm$core$List$map, names, l)); case 'Text': var s = v.a; return s; default: var b = v.a; return b ? 'true' : 'false'; } }; var $author$project$Page$Admin$update = F3( function (msg, session, model) { switch (msg.$) { case 'EditLinkClicked': var id = msg.a; return _Utils_Tuple2( model, A2($elm$browser$Browser$Navigation$pushUrl, model.key, '/links/edit/' + id)); case 'StatsLinkClicked': var id = msg.a; var sec = model.stats; var updated = _Utils_update( sec, {currentStatID: id}); return _Utils_Tuple2( _Utils_update( model, {stats: updated}), A2($elm$browser$Browser$Navigation$pushUrl, model.key, '/stats/' + id)); case 'CreateLinkClicked': return _Utils_Tuple2( model, A2($elm$browser$Browser$Navigation$pushUrl, model.key, '/links/create')); case 'StatsReloadLinkClicked': var id = msg.a; return _Utils_Tuple2( model, $author$project$Page$Admin$loadLinkStats(id)); case 'FormLink': var _v1 = msg.a; var form = _v1.a; var id = _v1.b; var s = msg.b; switch (s.$) { case 'ChangeFiltered': return _Utils_Tuple2(model, $elm$core$Platform$Cmd$none); case 'Selected': var selec = s.a; var f = A2($author$project$Page$Admin$selectCorrectForm, form, model); return _Utils_Tuple2( _Utils_update( model, { createLink: A2($author$project$Form$selectedInput, selec, f) }), $elm$core$Platform$Cmd$none); case 'Changed': var change = s.a; var f = A2($author$project$Page$Admin$selectCorrectForm, form, model); if (form === 'Update') { return _Utils_Tuple2( _Utils_update( model, { updateLink: A2($author$project$Form$updateForm, change, f) }), $elm$core$Platform$Cmd$none); } else { return _Utils_Tuple2( _Utils_update( model, { createLink: A2($author$project$Form$updateForm, change, f) }), $elm$core$Platform$Cmd$none); } default: var f = function () { if (form === 'Update') { return model.updateLink; } else { return model.createLink; } }(); var req = { cloak: $author$project$Form$valueToBool( A2( $elm$core$Maybe$withDefault, $author$project$Form$Logic(false), A2($author$project$Form$getValue, 'cloak', f))), cookie_filter: $author$project$Form$valueToBool( A2( $elm$core$Maybe$withDefault, $author$project$Form$Logic(false), A2($author$project$Form$getValue, 'cookie_filter', f))), domain: $author$project$Form$valueToString( A2( $elm$core$Maybe$withDefault, $author$project$Form$Text(''), A2($author$project$Form$getValue, 'domain', f))), filter_yml: $author$project$Form$valueToString( A2( $elm$core$Maybe$withDefault, $author$project$Form$Text(''), A2($author$project$Form$getValue, 'filters', f))), name: $author$project$Form$valueToString( A2( $elm$core$Maybe$withDefault, $author$project$Form$Text(''), A2($author$project$Form$getValue, 'name', f))), save_click: $author$project$Form$valueToBool( A2( $elm$core$Maybe$withDefault, $author$project$Form$Logic(false), A2($author$project$Form$getValue, 'save_click', f))), url: $author$project$Form$valueToString( A2( $elm$core$Maybe$withDefault, $author$project$Form$Text(''), A2($author$project$Form$getValue, 'url', f))) }; var err = $author$project$Form$validate( A2($author$project$Page$Admin$selectCorrectForm, form, model)); if (form === 'Update') { return _Utils_Tuple2( _Utils_update( model, {createLinkErr: err}), $elm$core$Platform$Cmd$batch( _List_fromArray( [ A2( $elm$core$Platform$Cmd$map, $author$project$Page$Admin$ApiMsg, A2($author$project$Api$updateLink, id, req)) ]))); } else { return _Utils_Tuple2( _Utils_update( model, {createLinkErr: err}), $elm$core$Platform$Cmd$batch( _List_fromArray( [ A2( $elm$core$Platform$Cmd$map, $author$project$Page$Admin$ApiMsg, $author$project$Api$createLink(req)) ]))); } } case 'Nop': return _Utils_Tuple2(model, $elm$core$Platform$Cmd$none); case 'ClickedLogout': return _Utils_Tuple2( model, A2($elm$core$Platform$Cmd$map, $author$project$Page$Admin$ApiMsg, $author$project$Api$logout)); case 'Searched': var s = msg.a; var old_links = model.links; var new_links = _Utils_update( old_links, {searchFilter: s}); if ($elm$core$String$length(new_links.searchFilter) >= 3) { return _Utils_Tuple2( _Utils_update( model, {links: new_links}), $elm$core$Platform$Cmd$batch( _List_fromArray( [ $author$project$Page$Admin$loadLinks(new_links.searchFilter) ]))); } else { var _v6 = $elm$core$String$length(new_links.searchFilter); if (!_v6) { return _Utils_Tuple2( _Utils_update( model, {links: new_links}), $elm$core$Platform$Cmd$batch( _List_fromArray( [ $author$project$Page$Admin$loadLinks('') ]))); } else { return _Utils_Tuple2( _Utils_update( model, {links: new_links}), $elm$core$Platform$Cmd$none); } } case 'LoadLinks': return _Utils_Tuple2( model, A2( $elm$core$Platform$Cmd$map, $author$project$Page$Admin$ApiMsg, A4($author$project$Api$getLinks, '', 'Test', 100, 0))); default: var api = msg.a; switch (api.$) { case 'SignupCalled': var res = api.a; if (res.$ === 'Ok') { return _Utils_Tuple2( model, A2($elm$browser$Browser$Navigation$pushUrl, model.key, '/admin')); } else { return _Utils_Tuple2( model, A2($elm$browser$Browser$Navigation$pushUrl, model.key, '/')); } case 'LoginCalled': return _Utils_Tuple2( model, A2($elm$browser$Browser$Navigation$pushUrl, model.key, '/admin')); case 'LogoutCalled': var res = api.a; if (res.$ === 'Ok') { return _Utils_Tuple2( model, A2($elm$browser$Browser$Navigation$pushUrl, model.key, '/')); } else { return _Utils_Tuple2( model, A2($elm$browser$Browser$Navigation$pushUrl, model.key, '/')); } case 'ListedLinks': var res = api.a; if (res.$ === 'Ok') { var list = res.a; var sec = model.links; var updated = _Utils_update( sec, {currentLinks: list}); return _Utils_Tuple2( _Utils_update( model, {links: updated}), $elm$core$Platform$Cmd$none); } else { return _Utils_Tuple2(model, $elm$core$Platform$Cmd$none); } case 'ListedCountStats': var res = api.a; if (res.$ === 'Ok') { var list = res.a; var sec = model.stats; var updated = _Utils_update( sec, {currentStats: list}); return _Utils_Tuple2( _Utils_update( model, {stats: updated}), $elm$core$Platform$Cmd$none); } else { return _Utils_Tuple2(model, $elm$core$Platform$Cmd$none); } case 'LinkUpdated': var res = api.a; if (res.$ === 'Ok') { var updateLinkReseted = $author$project$Form$reset(model.updateLink); return _Utils_Tuple2( _Utils_update( model, {updateLink: updateLinkReseted}), $elm$core$Platform$Cmd$batch( _List_fromArray( [ $author$project$Page$Admin$loadLinks(''), A2($elm$browser$Browser$Navigation$pushUrl, model.key, '/links') ]))); } else { return _Utils_Tuple2(model, $elm$core$Platform$Cmd$none); } case 'LinkCreated': var res = api.a; if (res.$ === 'Ok') { var createLinkReseted = $author$project$Form$reset(model.createLink); return _Utils_Tuple2( _Utils_update( model, {createLink: createLinkReseted}), $elm$core$Platform$Cmd$batch( _List_fromArray( [ $author$project$Page$Admin$loadLinks(''), A2($elm$browser$Browser$Navigation$pushUrl, model.key, '/links') ]))); } else { return _Utils_Tuple2(model, $elm$core$Platform$Cmd$none); } case 'FetchLink': var res = api.a; if (res.$ === 'Ok') { var link = res.a; var f = $author$project$Page$Admin$updateLinkForm(link); return _Utils_Tuple2( _Utils_update( model, {updateLink: f}), $elm$core$Platform$Cmd$none); } else { return _Utils_Tuple2(model, $elm$core$Platform$Cmd$none); } default: return _Utils_Tuple2(model, $elm$core$Platform$Cmd$none); } } }); var $author$project$Page$Root$ApiMsg = function (a) { return {$: 'ApiMsg', a: a}; }; var $author$project$Api$LinkShorted = function (a) { return {$: 'LinkShorted', a: a}; }; var $author$project$Api$encodeCutLinkRequest = function (req) { return $elm$json$Json$Encode$object( _List_fromArray( [ _Utils_Tuple2( 'domain', $elm$json$Json$Encode$string(req.domain)), _Utils_Tuple2( 'url', $elm$json$Json$Encode$string(req.url)), _Utils_Tuple2( 'id', $elm$json$Json$Encode$string(req.id)), _Utils_Tuple2( 'cid', $elm$json$Json$Encode$string(req.campaign)) ])); }; var $author$project$Api$ShortedLink = function (shortUrl) { return {shortUrl: shortUrl}; }; var $author$project$Api$shortedLinkDecoder = A2( $elm$json$Json$Decode$map, $author$project$Api$ShortedLink, A2( $elm$json$Json$Decode$at, _List_fromArray( ['short_url']), $elm$json$Json$Decode$string)); var $author$project$Api$cutLink = function (req) { var path = req.anon ? '/api/link/cut?anon=true' : '/api/link/cut'; return $elm$http$Http$post( { body: $elm$http$Http$jsonBody( $author$project$Api$encodeCutLinkRequest(req)), expect: A2($elm$http$Http$expectJson, $author$project$Api$LinkShorted, $author$project$Api$shortedLinkDecoder), url: path }); }; var $author$project$Api$SignupCalled = function (a) { return {$: 'SignupCalled', a: a}; }; var $author$project$Api$encodeSignUpRequest = function (req) { return $elm$json$Json$Encode$object( _List_fromArray( [ _Utils_Tuple2( 'username', $elm$json$Json$Encode$string(req.username)), _Utils_Tuple2( 'password', $elm$json$Json$Encode$string(req.password)), _Utils_Tuple2( 'role', $elm$json$Json$Encode$string(req.role)), _Utils_Tuple2( 'plan', $elm$json$Json$Encode$string(req.plan)) ])); }; var $author$project$Api$signUp = F2( function (username, password) { return $elm$http$Http$post( { body: $elm$http$Http$jsonBody( $author$project$Api$encodeSignUpRequest( {password: password, plan: 'F', role: 'R', username: username})), expect: A2($elm$http$Http$expectJson, $author$project$Api$SignupCalled, $author$project$Sessions$sessionDecoder), url: '/api/user' }); }); var $author$project$Page$Root$executeSignUP = function (user) { return A2( $elm$core$Platform$Cmd$map, $author$project$Page$Root$ApiMsg, A2($author$project$Api$signUp, user.username, user.password)); }; var $author$project$Api$LoginCalled = function (a) { return {$: 'LoginCalled', a: a}; }; var $author$project$Api$encodeLoginCredentials = function (cred) { return $elm$json$Json$Encode$object( _List_fromArray( [ _Utils_Tuple2( 'username', $elm$json$Json$Encode$string(cred.username)), _Utils_Tuple2( 'password', $elm$json$Json$Encode$string(cred.password)) ])); }; var $author$project$Api$login = F2( function (user, password) { return $elm$http$Http$post( { body: $elm$http$Http$jsonBody( $author$project$Api$encodeLoginCredentials( {password: password, username: user})), expect: A2($elm$http$Http$expectJson, $author$project$Api$LoginCalled, $author$project$Sessions$sessionDecoder), url: '/api/auth' }); }); var $author$project$Page$Root$newLink = F2( function (_short, url) { return {cloak: false, cookie_filter: false, domain: '', filter_clickrate: 0, filter_yaml: '', hour_clickrate: 0, id: '', name: '', safe_clickrate: 0, save_click: false, shortUrl: _short, timestamp: '', url: url}; }); var $author$project$Page$Root$update = F3( function (msg, session, model) { switch (msg.$) { case 'Nop': return _Utils_Tuple2(model, $elm$core$Platform$Cmd$none); case 'SignUpClicked': return _Utils_Tuple2( _Utils_update( model, {signupOpen: true}), A2($elm$browser$Browser$Navigation$pushUrl, model.key, '/')); case 'SignUpClosed': return _Utils_Tuple2( _Utils_update( model, {newUser: $author$project$Page$Root$emptyUser, passwordNotEqual: false, signupOpen: false}), $elm$core$Platform$Cmd$none); case 'GotSession': return _Utils_Tuple2( _Utils_update( model, {newUser: $author$project$Page$Root$emptyUser, signupOpen: false}), $elm$core$Platform$Cmd$none); case 'LogIn': return _Utils_Tuple2( model, A2( $elm$core$Platform$Cmd$map, $author$project$Page$Root$ApiMsg, A2($author$project$Api$login, model.loginCred.username, model.loginCred.password))); case 'LogInClicked': return _Utils_Tuple2( _Utils_update( model, {loginOpen: true}), A2($elm$browser$Browser$Navigation$pushUrl, model.key, '/')); case 'LogInClosed': return _Utils_Tuple2( _Utils_update( model, {loginCred: $author$project$Page$Root$newLogin, loginOpen: false}), $elm$core$Platform$Cmd$none); case 'UrlUpdated': var url = msg.a; return _Utils_Tuple2( _Utils_update( model, {currentUrl: url}), $elm$core$Platform$Cmd$none); case 'UrlShortened': return _Utils_Tuple2( model, A2( $elm$core$Platform$Cmd$map, $author$project$Page$Root$ApiMsg, $author$project$Api$cutLink( {anon: true, campaign: '', domain: 'shk.cx', id: '', url: model.currentUrl}))); case 'UserSignedUp': var user = msg.a; return _Utils_Tuple2( model, $author$project$Page$Root$executeSignUP(user)); case 'LogInUsername': var s = msg.a; var oldCred = model.loginCred; var currentCred = _Utils_update( oldCred, {username: s}); return _Utils_Tuple2( _Utils_update( model, {loginCred: currentCred}), $elm$core$Platform$Cmd$none); case 'LogInPassword': var s = msg.a; var oldCred = model.loginCred; var currentCred = _Utils_update( oldCred, {password: s}); return _Utils_Tuple2( _Utils_update( model, {loginCred: currentCred}), $elm$core$Platform$Cmd$none); case 'UsernameTyped': var s = msg.a; var oldUser = model.newUser; var currentUser = _Utils_update( oldUser, {username: s}); return _Utils_Tuple2( _Utils_update( model, {newUser: currentUser}), $elm$core$Platform$Cmd$none); case 'PasswordTyped': var s = msg.a; var oldUser = model.newUser; var currentUser = _Utils_update( oldUser, {password: s}); return _Utils_Tuple2( _Utils_update( model, {newUser: currentUser}), $elm$core$Platform$Cmd$none); case 'RepeatPasswordTyped': var s = msg.a; var oldUser = model.newUser; var currentUser = _Utils_update( oldUser, {repeatPassword: s}); return _Utils_Tuple2( _Utils_update( model, {newUser: currentUser}), $elm$core$Platform$Cmd$none); case 'PasswordNotEqual': return _Utils_Tuple2( _Utils_update( model, {passwordNotEqual: true}), $elm$core$Platform$Cmd$none); case 'InvalidUser': return _Utils_Tuple2( _Utils_update( model, {invalidSingupUsername: true}), $elm$core$Platform$Cmd$none); default: var apimsg = msg.a; switch (apimsg.$) { case 'LoginCalled': var res = apimsg.a; if (res.$ === 'Ok') { return _Utils_Tuple2( _Utils_update( model, {loginCred: $author$project$Page$Root$newLogin, loginOpen: false}), $elm$core$Platform$Cmd$batch( _List_fromArray( [ A2($elm$browser$Browser$Navigation$pushUrl, model.key, '/admin') ]))); } else { return _Utils_Tuple2(model, $elm$core$Platform$Cmd$none); } case 'SignupCalled': var res = apimsg.a; if (res.$ === 'Ok') { return _Utils_Tuple2( _Utils_update( model, {loginCred: $author$project$Page$Root$newLogin, loginOpen: false}), $elm$core$Platform$Cmd$batch( _List_fromArray( [ A2($elm$browser$Browser$Navigation$pushUrl, model.key, '/admin') ]))); } else { return _Utils_Tuple2(model, $elm$core$Platform$Cmd$none); } case 'LinkShorted': var res = apimsg.a; if (res.$ === 'Ok') { var l = res.a; return _Utils_Tuple2( _Utils_update( model, { currentUrl: '', links: _Utils_ap( _List_fromArray( [ A2($author$project$Page$Root$newLink, l.shortUrl, model.currentUrl) ]), model.links) }), $elm$core$Platform$Cmd$none); } else { return _Utils_Tuple2(model, $elm$core$Platform$Cmd$none); } default: return _Utils_Tuple2(model, $elm$core$Platform$Cmd$none); } } }); var $author$project$Main$update = F2( function (message, model) { var _v0 = A2($elm$core$Debug$log, 'msg', message); switch (_v0.$) { case 'ApiMsg': var msg = _v0.a; if (msg.$ === 'ListedLinks') { var listResp = msg.a; if (listResp.$ === 'Ok') { var list = listResp.a; var root_model = model.root_model; var admin_model = model.admin_model; var admin_links = admin_model.links; var m = _Utils_update( root_model, {links: list.links}); var ad_links = _Utils_update( admin_links, {currentLinks: list}); var a = _Utils_update( admin_model, {links: ad_links}); return _Utils_Tuple2( _Utils_update( model, {admin_model: a, root_model: m}), $elm$core$Platform$Cmd$none); } else { return _Utils_Tuple2(model, $elm$core$Platform$Cmd$none); } } else { return _Utils_Tuple2(model, $elm$core$Platform$Cmd$none); } case 'NoOp': return _Utils_Tuple2(model, $elm$core$Platform$Cmd$none); case 'GotViewPort': var v = _v0.a; return _Utils_Tuple2( _Utils_update( model, { device: $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$classifyDevice( { height: $elm$core$Basics$round(v.viewport.height), width: $elm$core$Basics$round(v.viewport.width) }) }), $elm$core$Platform$Cmd$none); case 'DeviceDetected': var device = _v0.a; return _Utils_Tuple2( _Utils_update( model, {device: device}), $elm$core$Platform$Cmd$none); case 'SessionPinged': var t = _v0.a; return _Utils_Tuple2(model, $author$project$Main$ping); case 'UrlChanged': var url = _v0.a; var route = A2( $elm$core$Maybe$withDefault, $author$project$Routes$NotFound, A2($elm$url$Url$Parser$parse, $author$project$Routes$routes, url)); return _Utils_Tuple2( _Utils_update( model, {route: route, url: url}), $elm$core$Platform$Cmd$batch( _Utils_ap( _List_fromArray( [$author$project$Main$ping]), $author$project$Main$routeCmds(route)))); case 'LinkClicked': var req = _v0.a; if (req.$ === 'Internal') { var url = req.a; var route = A2( $elm$core$Maybe$withDefault, $author$project$Routes$NotFound, A2($elm$url$Url$Parser$parse, $author$project$Routes$routes, url)); if (route.$ === 'Admin') { return _Utils_Tuple2( model, $elm$core$Platform$Cmd$batch( _Utils_ap( _List_fromArray( [ A2( $elm$browser$Browser$Navigation$pushUrl, model.key, $elm$url$Url$toString(url)) ]), $author$project$Main$routeCmds(route)))); } else { return _Utils_Tuple2( _Utils_update( model, {route: route, url: url}), A2( $elm$browser$Browser$Navigation$pushUrl, model.key, $elm$url$Url$toString(url))); } } else { var url = req.a; return _Utils_Tuple2( model, $elm$browser$Browser$Navigation$load(url)); } case 'GotPing': var res = _v0.a; if (res.$ === 'Ok') { var sess = res.a; var cmd = ((model.url.path === '/') && (sess.role !== 'N')) ? A2($elm$browser$Browser$Navigation$pushUrl, model.key, '/admin') : $elm$core$Platform$Cmd$none; return _Utils_Tuple2( _Utils_update( model, {session: sess}), cmd); } else { var cmd = (model.url.path !== '/') ? ((model.url.path === '/terms') ? $elm$core$Platform$Cmd$none : A2($elm$browser$Browser$Navigation$pushUrl, model.key, '/')) : $elm$core$Platform$Cmd$none; return _Utils_Tuple2( _Utils_update( model, {session: $author$project$Sessions$new}), cmd); } case 'RootMsg': var sub = _v0.a; var _v6 = A3($author$project$Page$Root$update, sub, model.session, model.root_model); var subModel = _v6.a; var subCmd = _v6.b; return _Utils_Tuple2( _Utils_update( model, {root_model: subModel}), A2($elm$core$Platform$Cmd$map, $author$project$Main$RootMsg, subCmd)); default: var sub = _v0.a; var _v7 = A3($author$project$Page$Admin$update, sub, model.session, model.admin_model); var subModel = _v7.a; var subCmd = _v7.b; return _Utils_Tuple2( _Utils_update( model, {admin_model: subModel}), A2($elm$core$Platform$Cmd$map, $author$project$Main$AdminMsg, subCmd)); } }); var $elm$virtual_dom$VirtualDom$map = _VirtualDom_map; var $elm$html$Html$map = $elm$virtual_dom$VirtualDom$map; var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$AlignX = function (a) { return {$: 'AlignX', a: a}; }; var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$CenterX = {$: 'CenterX'}; var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$centerX = $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$AlignX($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$CenterX); var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Unkeyed = function (a) { return {$: 'Unkeyed', a: a}; }; var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$AsColumn = {$: 'AsColumn'}; var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$asColumn = $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$AsColumn; var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes = {above: 'a', active: 'atv', alignBottom: 'ab', alignCenterX: 'cx', alignCenterY: 'cy', alignContainerBottom: 'acb', alignContainerCenterX: 'accx', alignContainerCenterY: 'accy', alignContainerRight: 'acr', alignLeft: 'al', alignRight: 'ar', alignTop: 'at', alignedHorizontally: 'ah', alignedVertically: 'av', any: 's', behind: 'bh', below: 'b', bold: 'w7', borderDashed: 'bd', borderDotted: 'bdt', borderNone: 'bn', borderSolid: 'bs', capturePointerEvents: 'cpe', clip: 'cp', clipX: 'cpx', clipY: 'cpy', column: 'c', container: 'ctr', contentBottom: 'cb', contentCenterX: 'ccx', contentCenterY: 'ccy', contentLeft: 'cl', contentRight: 'cr', contentTop: 'ct', cursorPointer: 'cptr', cursorText: 'ctxt', focus: 'fcs', focusedWithin: 'focus-within', fullSize: 'fs', grid: 'g', hasBehind: 'hbh', heightContent: 'hc', heightExact: 'he', heightFill: 'hf', heightFillPortion: 'hfp', hover: 'hv', imageContainer: 'ic', inFront: 'fr', inputMultiline: 'iml', inputMultilineFiller: 'imlf', inputMultilineParent: 'imlp', inputMultilineWrapper: 'implw', inputText: 'it', italic: 'i', link: 'lnk', nearby: 'nb', noTextSelection: 'notxt', onLeft: 'ol', onRight: 'or', opaque: 'oq', overflowHidden: 'oh', page: 'pg', paragraph: 'p', passPointerEvents: 'ppe', root: 'ui', row: 'r', scrollbars: 'sb', scrollbarsX: 'sbx', scrollbarsY: 'sby', seButton: 'sbt', single: 'e', sizeByCapital: 'cap', spaceEvenly: 'sev', strike: 'sk', text: 't', textCenter: 'tc', textExtraBold: 'w8', textExtraLight: 'w2', textHeavy: 'w9', textJustify: 'tj', textJustifyAll: 'tja', textLeft: 'tl', textLight: 'w3', textMedium: 'w5', textNormalWeight: 'w4', textRight: 'tr', textSemiBold: 'w6', textThin: 'w1', textUnitalicized: 'tun', transition: 'ts', transparent: 'clr', underline: 'u', widthContent: 'wc', widthExact: 'we', widthFill: 'wf', widthFillPortion: 'wfp', wrapped: 'wrp'}; var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Generic = {$: 'Generic'}; var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$div = $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Generic; var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$NoNearbyChildren = {$: 'NoNearbyChildren'}; var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$columnClass = $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.any + (' ' + $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.column); var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$gridClass = $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.any + (' ' + $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.grid); var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$pageClass = $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.any + (' ' + $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.page); var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$paragraphClass = $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.any + (' ' + $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.paragraph); var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$rowClass = $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.any + (' ' + $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.row); var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$singleClass = $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.any + (' ' + $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.single); var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$contextClasses = function (context) { switch (context.$) { case 'AsRow': return $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$rowClass; case 'AsColumn': return $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$columnClass; case 'AsEl': return $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$singleClass; case 'AsGrid': return $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$gridClass; case 'AsParagraph': return $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$paragraphClass; default: return $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$pageClass; } }; var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Keyed = function (a) { return {$: 'Keyed', a: a}; }; var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$NoStyleSheet = {$: 'NoStyleSheet'}; var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Styled = function (a) { return {$: 'Styled', a: a}; }; var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Unstyled = function (a) { return {$: 'Unstyled', a: a}; }; var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$addChildren = F2( function (existing, nearbyChildren) { switch (nearbyChildren.$) { case 'NoNearbyChildren': return existing; case 'ChildrenBehind': var behind = nearbyChildren.a; return _Utils_ap(behind, existing); case 'ChildrenInFront': var inFront = nearbyChildren.a; return _Utils_ap(existing, inFront); default: var behind = nearbyChildren.a; var inFront = nearbyChildren.b; return _Utils_ap( behind, _Utils_ap(existing, inFront)); } }); var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$addKeyedChildren = F3( function (key, existing, nearbyChildren) { switch (nearbyChildren.$) { case 'NoNearbyChildren': return existing; case 'ChildrenBehind': var behind = nearbyChildren.a; return _Utils_ap( A2( $elm$core$List$map, function (x) { return _Utils_Tuple2(key, x); }, behind), existing); case 'ChildrenInFront': var inFront = nearbyChildren.a; return _Utils_ap( existing, A2( $elm$core$List$map, function (x) { return _Utils_Tuple2(key, x); }, inFront)); default: var behind = nearbyChildren.a; var inFront = nearbyChildren.b; return _Utils_ap( A2( $elm$core$List$map, function (x) { return _Utils_Tuple2(key, x); }, behind), _Utils_ap( existing, A2( $elm$core$List$map, function (x) { return _Utils_Tuple2(key, x); }, inFront))); } }); var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$AsEl = {$: 'AsEl'}; var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$asEl = $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$AsEl; var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$AsParagraph = {$: 'AsParagraph'}; var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$asParagraph = $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$AsParagraph; var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$alignBottom = $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$flag(41); var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$alignRight = $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$flag(40); var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$centerX = $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$flag(42); var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$centerY = $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$flag(43); var $elm$html$Html$Attributes$stringProperty = F2( function (key, string) { return A2( _VirtualDom_property, key, $elm$json$Json$Encode$string(string)); }); var $elm$html$Html$Attributes$class = $elm$html$Html$Attributes$stringProperty('className'); var $elm$html$Html$div = _VirtualDom_node('div'); var $elm$core$Set$Set_elm_builtin = function (a) { return {$: 'Set_elm_builtin', a: a}; }; var $elm$core$Set$empty = $elm$core$Set$Set_elm_builtin($elm$core$Dict$empty); var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$lengthClassName = function (x) { switch (x.$) { case 'Px': var px = x.a; return $elm$core$String$fromInt(px) + 'px'; case 'Content': return 'auto'; case 'Fill': var i = x.a; return $elm$core$String$fromInt(i) + 'fr'; case 'Min': var min = x.a; var len = x.b; return 'min' + ($elm$core$String$fromInt(min) + $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$lengthClassName(len)); default: var max = x.a; var len = x.b; return 'max' + ($elm$core$String$fromInt(max) + $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$lengthClassName(len)); } }; var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$transformClass = function (transform) { switch (transform.$) { case 'Untransformed': return $elm$core$Maybe$Nothing; case 'Moved': var _v1 = transform.a; var x = _v1.a; var y = _v1.b; var z = _v1.c; return $elm$core$Maybe$Just( 'mv-' + ($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$floatClass(x) + ('-' + ($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$floatClass(y) + ('-' + $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$floatClass(z)))))); default: var _v2 = transform.a; var tx = _v2.a; var ty = _v2.b; var tz = _v2.c; var _v3 = transform.b; var sx = _v3.a; var sy = _v3.b; var sz = _v3.c; var _v4 = transform.c; var ox = _v4.a; var oy = _v4.b; var oz = _v4.c; var angle = transform.d; return $elm$core$Maybe$Just( 'tfrm-' + ($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$floatClass(tx) + ('-' + ($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$floatClass(ty) + ('-' + ($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$floatClass(tz) + ('-' + ($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$floatClass(sx) + ('-' + ($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$floatClass(sy) + ('-' + ($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$floatClass(sz) + ('-' + ($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$floatClass(ox) + ('-' + ($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$floatClass(oy) + ('-' + ($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$floatClass(oz) + ('-' + $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$floatClass(angle)))))))))))))))))))); } }; var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$getStyleName = function (style) { switch (style.$) { case 'Shadows': var name = style.a; return name; case 'Transparency': var name = style.a; var o = style.b; return name; case 'Style': var _class = style.a; return _class; case 'FontFamily': var name = style.a; return name; case 'FontSize': var i = style.a; return 'font-size-' + $elm$core$String$fromInt(i); case 'Single': var _class = style.a; return _class; case 'Colored': var _class = style.a; return _class; case 'SpacingStyle': var cls = style.a; var x = style.b; var y = style.c; return cls; case 'PaddingStyle': var cls = style.a; var top = style.b; var right = style.c; var bottom = style.d; var left = style.e; return cls; case 'BorderWidth': var cls = style.a; var top = style.b; var right = style.c; var bottom = style.d; var left = style.e; return cls; case 'GridTemplateStyle': var template = style.a; return 'grid-rows-' + (A2( $elm$core$String$join, '-', A2($elm$core$List$map, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$lengthClassName, template.rows)) + ('-cols-' + (A2( $elm$core$String$join, '-', A2($elm$core$List$map, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$lengthClassName, template.columns)) + ('-space-x-' + ($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$lengthClassName(template.spacing.a) + ('-space-y-' + $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$lengthClassName(template.spacing.b))))))); case 'GridPosition': var pos = style.a; return 'gp grid-pos-' + ($elm$core$String$fromInt(pos.row) + ('-' + ($elm$core$String$fromInt(pos.col) + ('-' + ($elm$core$String$fromInt(pos.width) + ('-' + $elm$core$String$fromInt(pos.height))))))); case 'PseudoSelector': var selector = style.a; var subStyle = style.b; var name = function () { switch (selector.$) { case 'Focus': return 'fs'; case 'Hover': return 'hv'; default: return 'act'; } }(); return A2( $elm$core$String$join, ' ', A2( $elm$core$List$map, function (sty) { var _v1 = $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$getStyleName(sty); if (_v1 === '') { return ''; } else { var styleName = _v1; return styleName + ('-' + name); } }, subStyle)); default: var x = style.a; return A2( $elm$core$Maybe$withDefault, '', $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$transformClass(x)); } }; var $elm$core$Set$insert = F2( function (key, _v0) { var dict = _v0.a; return $elm$core$Set$Set_elm_builtin( A3($elm$core$Dict$insert, key, _Utils_Tuple0, dict)); }); var $elm$core$Dict$member = F2( function (key, dict) { var _v0 = A2($elm$core$Dict$get, key, dict); if (_v0.$ === 'Just') { return true; } else { return false; } }); var $elm$core$Set$member = F2( function (key, _v0) { var dict = _v0.a; return A2($elm$core$Dict$member, key, dict); }); var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$reduceStyles = F2( function (style, nevermind) { var cache = nevermind.a; var existing = nevermind.b; var styleName = $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$getStyleName(style); return A2($elm$core$Set$member, styleName, cache) ? nevermind : _Utils_Tuple2( A2($elm$core$Set$insert, styleName, cache), A2($elm$core$List$cons, style, existing)); }); var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Property = F2( function (a, b) { return {$: 'Property', a: a, b: b}; }); var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Style = F2( function (a, b) { return {$: 'Style', a: a, b: b}; }); var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$dot = function (c) { return '.' + c; }; var $elm$core$String$fromFloat = _String_fromNumber; var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$formatColor = function (_v0) { var red = _v0.a; var green = _v0.b; var blue = _v0.c; var alpha = _v0.d; return 'rgba(' + ($elm$core$String$fromInt( $elm$core$Basics$round(red * 255)) + ((',' + $elm$core$String$fromInt( $elm$core$Basics$round(green * 255))) + ((',' + $elm$core$String$fromInt( $elm$core$Basics$round(blue * 255))) + (',' + ($elm$core$String$fromFloat(alpha) + ')'))))); }; var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$formatBoxShadow = function (shadow) { return A2( $elm$core$String$join, ' ', A2( $elm$core$List$filterMap, $elm$core$Basics$identity, _List_fromArray( [ shadow.inset ? $elm$core$Maybe$Just('inset') : $elm$core$Maybe$Nothing, $elm$core$Maybe$Just( $elm$core$String$fromFloat(shadow.offset.a) + 'px'), $elm$core$Maybe$Just( $elm$core$String$fromFloat(shadow.offset.b) + 'px'), $elm$core$Maybe$Just( $elm$core$String$fromFloat(shadow.blur) + 'px'), $elm$core$Maybe$Just( $elm$core$String$fromFloat(shadow.size) + 'px'), $elm$core$Maybe$Just( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$formatColor(shadow.color)) ]))); }; var $elm$core$Maybe$map = F2( function (f, maybe) { if (maybe.$ === 'Just') { var value = maybe.a; return $elm$core$Maybe$Just( f(value)); } else { return $elm$core$Maybe$Nothing; } }); var $elm$core$Tuple$mapFirst = F2( function (func, _v0) { var x = _v0.a; var y = _v0.b; return _Utils_Tuple2( func(x), y); }); var $elm$core$Tuple$mapSecond = F2( function (func, _v0) { var x = _v0.a; var y = _v0.b; return _Utils_Tuple2( x, func(y)); }); var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$renderFocusStyle = function (focus) { return _List_fromArray( [ A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Style, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$dot($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.focusedWithin) + ':focus-within', A2( $elm$core$List$filterMap, $elm$core$Basics$identity, _List_fromArray( [ A2( $elm$core$Maybe$map, function (color) { return A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Property, 'border-color', $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$formatColor(color)); }, focus.borderColor), A2( $elm$core$Maybe$map, function (color) { return A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Property, 'background-color', $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$formatColor(color)); }, focus.backgroundColor), A2( $elm$core$Maybe$map, function (shadow) { return A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Property, 'box-shadow', $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$formatBoxShadow( { blur: shadow.blur, color: shadow.color, inset: false, offset: A2( $elm$core$Tuple$mapSecond, $elm$core$Basics$toFloat, A2($elm$core$Tuple$mapFirst, $elm$core$Basics$toFloat, shadow.offset)), size: shadow.size })); }, focus.shadow), $elm$core$Maybe$Just( A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Property, 'outline', 'none')) ]))), A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Style, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$dot($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.any) + (':focus .focusable, ' + ($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$dot($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.any) + '.focusable:focus')), A2( $elm$core$List$filterMap, $elm$core$Basics$identity, _List_fromArray( [ A2( $elm$core$Maybe$map, function (color) { return A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Property, 'border-color', $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$formatColor(color)); }, focus.borderColor), A2( $elm$core$Maybe$map, function (color) { return A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Property, 'background-color', $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$formatColor(color)); }, focus.backgroundColor), A2( $elm$core$Maybe$map, function (shadow) { return A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Property, 'box-shadow', $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$formatBoxShadow( { blur: shadow.blur, color: shadow.color, inset: false, offset: A2( $elm$core$Tuple$mapSecond, $elm$core$Basics$toFloat, A2($elm$core$Tuple$mapFirst, $elm$core$Basics$toFloat, shadow.offset)), size: shadow.size })); }, focus.shadow), $elm$core$Maybe$Just( A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Property, 'outline', 'none')) ]))) ]); }; var $elm$virtual_dom$VirtualDom$node = function (tag) { return _VirtualDom_node( _VirtualDom_noScript(tag)); }; var $elm$virtual_dom$VirtualDom$property = F2( function (key, value) { return A2( _VirtualDom_property, _VirtualDom_noInnerHtmlOrFormAction(key), _VirtualDom_noJavaScriptOrHtmlUri(value)); }); var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Batch = function (a) { return {$: 'Batch', a: a}; }; var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Child = F2( function (a, b) { return {$: 'Child', a: a, b: b}; }); var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Class = F2( function (a, b) { return {$: 'Class', a: a, b: b}; }); var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Descriptor = F2( function (a, b) { return {$: 'Descriptor', a: a, b: b}; }); var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Left = {$: 'Left'}; var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop = F2( function (a, b) { return {$: 'Prop', a: a, b: b}; }); var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Right = {$: 'Right'}; var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Self = function (a) { return {$: 'Self', a: a}; }; var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Supports = F2( function (a, b) { return {$: 'Supports', a: a, b: b}; }); var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Content = function (a) { return {$: 'Content', a: a}; }; var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Bottom = {$: 'Bottom'}; var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$CenterX = {$: 'CenterX'}; var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$CenterY = {$: 'CenterY'}; var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Top = {$: 'Top'}; var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$alignments = _List_fromArray( [$mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Top, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Bottom, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Right, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Left, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$CenterX, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$CenterY]); var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$contentName = function (desc) { switch (desc.a.$) { case 'Top': var _v1 = desc.a; return $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$dot($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.contentTop); case 'Bottom': var _v2 = desc.a; return $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$dot($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.contentBottom); case 'Right': var _v3 = desc.a; return $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$dot($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.contentRight); case 'Left': var _v4 = desc.a; return $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$dot($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.contentLeft); case 'CenterX': var _v5 = desc.a; return $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$dot($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.contentCenterX); default: var _v6 = desc.a; return $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$dot($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.contentCenterY); } }; var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$selfName = function (desc) { switch (desc.a.$) { case 'Top': var _v1 = desc.a; return $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$dot($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.alignTop); case 'Bottom': var _v2 = desc.a; return $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$dot($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.alignBottom); case 'Right': var _v3 = desc.a; return $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$dot($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.alignRight); case 'Left': var _v4 = desc.a; return $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$dot($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.alignLeft); case 'CenterX': var _v5 = desc.a; return $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$dot($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.alignCenterX); default: var _v6 = desc.a; return $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$dot($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.alignCenterY); } }; var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$describeAlignment = function (values) { var createDescription = function (alignment) { var _v0 = values(alignment); var content = _v0.a; var indiv = _v0.b; return _List_fromArray( [ A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Descriptor, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$contentName( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Content(alignment)), content), A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Child, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$dot($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.any), _List_fromArray( [ A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Descriptor, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$selfName( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Self(alignment)), indiv) ])) ]); }; return $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Batch( A2($elm$core$List$concatMap, createDescription, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$alignments)); }; var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$elDescription = _List_fromArray( [ A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'display', 'flex'), A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'flex-direction', 'column'), A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'white-space', 'pre'), A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Descriptor, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$dot($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.hasBehind), _List_fromArray( [ A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'z-index', '0'), A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Child, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$dot($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.behind), _List_fromArray( [ A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'z-index', '-1') ])) ])), A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Descriptor, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$dot($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.seButton), _List_fromArray( [ A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Child, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$dot($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.text), _List_fromArray( [ A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Descriptor, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$dot($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.heightFill), _List_fromArray( [ A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'flex-grow', '0') ])), A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Descriptor, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$dot($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.widthFill), _List_fromArray( [ A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'align-self', 'auto !important') ])) ])) ])), A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Child, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$dot($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.heightContent), _List_fromArray( [ A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'height', 'auto') ])), A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Child, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$dot($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.heightFill), _List_fromArray( [ A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'flex-grow', '100000') ])), A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Child, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$dot($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.widthFill), _List_fromArray( [ A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'width', '100%') ])), A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Child, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$dot($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.widthFillPortion), _List_fromArray( [ A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'width', '100%') ])), A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Child, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$dot($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.widthContent), _List_fromArray( [ A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'align-self', 'flex-start') ])), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$describeAlignment( function (alignment) { switch (alignment.$) { case 'Top': return _Utils_Tuple2( _List_fromArray( [ A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'justify-content', 'flex-start') ]), _List_fromArray( [ A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'margin-bottom', 'auto !important'), A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'margin-top', '0 !important') ])); case 'Bottom': return _Utils_Tuple2( _List_fromArray( [ A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'justify-content', 'flex-end') ]), _List_fromArray( [ A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'margin-top', 'auto !important'), A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'margin-bottom', '0 !important') ])); case 'Right': return _Utils_Tuple2( _List_fromArray( [ A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'align-items', 'flex-end') ]), _List_fromArray( [ A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'align-self', 'flex-end') ])); case 'Left': return _Utils_Tuple2( _List_fromArray( [ A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'align-items', 'flex-start') ]), _List_fromArray( [ A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'align-self', 'flex-start') ])); case 'CenterX': return _Utils_Tuple2( _List_fromArray( [ A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'align-items', 'center') ]), _List_fromArray( [ A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'align-self', 'center') ])); default: return _Utils_Tuple2( _List_fromArray( [ A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Child, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$dot($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.any), _List_fromArray( [ A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'margin-top', 'auto'), A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'margin-bottom', 'auto') ])) ]), _List_fromArray( [ A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'margin-top', 'auto !important'), A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'margin-bottom', 'auto !important') ])); } }) ]); var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$gridAlignments = function (values) { var createDescription = function (alignment) { return _List_fromArray( [ A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Child, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$dot($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.any), _List_fromArray( [ A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Descriptor, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$selfName( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Self(alignment)), values(alignment)) ])) ]); }; return $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Batch( A2($elm$core$List$concatMap, createDescription, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$alignments)); }; var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Above = {$: 'Above'}; var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Behind = {$: 'Behind'}; var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Below = {$: 'Below'}; var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$OnLeft = {$: 'OnLeft'}; var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$OnRight = {$: 'OnRight'}; var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Within = {$: 'Within'}; var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$locations = function () { var loc = $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Above; var _v0 = function () { switch (loc.$) { case 'Above': return _Utils_Tuple0; case 'Below': return _Utils_Tuple0; case 'OnRight': return _Utils_Tuple0; case 'OnLeft': return _Utils_Tuple0; case 'Within': return _Utils_Tuple0; default: return _Utils_Tuple0; } }(); return _List_fromArray( [$mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Above, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Below, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$OnRight, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$OnLeft, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Within, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Behind]); }(); var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$baseSheet = _List_fromArray( [ A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Class, 'html,body', _List_fromArray( [ A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'height', '100%'), A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'padding', '0'), A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'margin', '0') ])), A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Class, _Utils_ap( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$dot($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.any), _Utils_ap( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$dot($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.single), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$dot($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.imageContainer))), _List_fromArray( [ A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'display', 'block') ])), A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Class, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$dot($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.any) + ':focus', _List_fromArray( [ A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'outline', 'none') ])), A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Class, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$dot($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.root), _List_fromArray( [ A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'width', '100%'), A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'height', 'auto'), A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'min-height', '100%'), A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'z-index', '0'), A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Descriptor, _Utils_ap( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$dot($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.any), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$dot($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.heightFill)), _List_fromArray( [ A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'height', '100%'), A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Child, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$dot($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.heightFill), _List_fromArray( [ A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'height', '100%') ])) ])), A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Child, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$dot($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.inFront), _List_fromArray( [ A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Descriptor, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$dot($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.nearby), _List_fromArray( [ A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'position', 'fixed') ])) ])) ])), A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Class, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$dot($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.nearby), _List_fromArray( [ A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'position', 'relative'), A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'border', 'none'), A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'display', 'flex'), A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'flex-direction', 'row'), A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'flex-basis', 'auto'), A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Descriptor, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$dot($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.single), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$elDescription), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Batch( function (fn) { return A2($elm$core$List$map, fn, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$locations); }( function (loc) { switch (loc.$) { case 'Above': return A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Descriptor, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$dot($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.above), _List_fromArray( [ A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'position', 'absolute'), A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'bottom', '100%'), A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'left', '0'), A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'width', '100%'), A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'z-index', '20'), A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'margin', '0 !important'), A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Child, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$dot($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.heightFill), _List_fromArray( [ A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'height', 'auto') ])), A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Child, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$dot($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.widthFill), _List_fromArray( [ A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'width', '100%') ])), A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'pointer-events', 'none'), A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Child, '*', _List_fromArray( [ A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'pointer-events', 'auto') ])) ])); case 'Below': return A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Descriptor, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$dot($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.below), _List_fromArray( [ A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'position', 'absolute'), A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'bottom', '0'), A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'left', '0'), A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'height', '0'), A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'width', '100%'), A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'z-index', '20'), A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'margin', '0 !important'), A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'pointer-events', 'none'), A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Child, '*', _List_fromArray( [ A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'pointer-events', 'auto') ])), A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Child, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$dot($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.heightFill), _List_fromArray( [ A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'height', 'auto') ])) ])); case 'OnRight': return A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Descriptor, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$dot($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.onRight), _List_fromArray( [ A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'position', 'absolute'), A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'left', '100%'), A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'top', '0'), A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'height', '100%'), A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'margin', '0 !important'), A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'z-index', '20'), A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'pointer-events', 'none'), A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Child, '*', _List_fromArray( [ A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'pointer-events', 'auto') ])) ])); case 'OnLeft': return A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Descriptor, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$dot($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.onLeft), _List_fromArray( [ A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'position', 'absolute'), A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'right', '100%'), A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'top', '0'), A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'height', '100%'), A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'margin', '0 !important'), A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'z-index', '20'), A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'pointer-events', 'none'), A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Child, '*', _List_fromArray( [ A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'pointer-events', 'auto') ])) ])); case 'Within': return A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Descriptor, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$dot($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.inFront), _List_fromArray( [ A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'position', 'absolute'), A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'width', '100%'), A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'height', '100%'), A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'left', '0'), A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'top', '0'), A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'margin', '0 !important'), A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'pointer-events', 'none'), A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Child, '*', _List_fromArray( [ A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'pointer-events', 'auto') ])) ])); default: return A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Descriptor, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$dot($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.behind), _List_fromArray( [ A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'position', 'absolute'), A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'width', '100%'), A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'height', '100%'), A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'left', '0'), A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'top', '0'), A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'margin', '0 !important'), A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'z-index', '0'), A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'pointer-events', 'none'), A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Child, '*', _List_fromArray( [ A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'pointer-events', 'auto') ])) ])); } })) ])), A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Class, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$dot($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.any), _List_fromArray( [ A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'position', 'relative'), A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'border', 'none'), A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'flex-shrink', '0'), A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'display', 'flex'), A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'flex-direction', 'row'), A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'flex-basis', 'auto'), A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'resize', 'none'), A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'font-feature-settings', 'inherit'), A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'box-sizing', 'border-box'), A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'margin', '0'), A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'padding', '0'), A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'border-width', '0'), A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'border-style', 'solid'), A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'font-size', 'inherit'), A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'color', 'inherit'), A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'font-family', 'inherit'), A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'line-height', '1'), A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'font-weight', 'inherit'), A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'text-decoration', 'none'), A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'font-style', 'inherit'), A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Descriptor, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$dot($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.wrapped), _List_fromArray( [ A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'flex-wrap', 'wrap') ])), A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Descriptor, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$dot($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.noTextSelection), _List_fromArray( [ A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, '-moz-user-select', 'none'), A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, '-webkit-user-select', 'none'), A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, '-ms-user-select', 'none'), A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'user-select', 'none') ])), A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Descriptor, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$dot($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.cursorPointer), _List_fromArray( [ A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'cursor', 'pointer') ])), A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Descriptor, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$dot($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.cursorText), _List_fromArray( [ A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'cursor', 'text') ])), A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Descriptor, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$dot($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.passPointerEvents), _List_fromArray( [ A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'pointer-events', 'none !important') ])), A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Descriptor, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$dot($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.capturePointerEvents), _List_fromArray( [ A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'pointer-events', 'auto !important') ])), A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Descriptor, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$dot($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.transparent), _List_fromArray( [ A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'opacity', '0') ])), A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Descriptor, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$dot($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.opaque), _List_fromArray( [ A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'opacity', '1') ])), A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Descriptor, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$dot( _Utils_ap($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.hover, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.transparent)) + ':hover', _List_fromArray( [ A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'opacity', '0') ])), A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Descriptor, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$dot( _Utils_ap($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.hover, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.opaque)) + ':hover', _List_fromArray( [ A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'opacity', '1') ])), A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Descriptor, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$dot( _Utils_ap($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.focus, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.transparent)) + ':focus', _List_fromArray( [ A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'opacity', '0') ])), A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Descriptor, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$dot( _Utils_ap($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.focus, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.opaque)) + ':focus', _List_fromArray( [ A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'opacity', '1') ])), A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Descriptor, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$dot( _Utils_ap($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.active, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.transparent)) + ':active', _List_fromArray( [ A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'opacity', '0') ])), A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Descriptor, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$dot( _Utils_ap($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.active, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.opaque)) + ':active', _List_fromArray( [ A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'opacity', '1') ])), A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Descriptor, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$dot($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.transition), _List_fromArray( [ A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'transition', A2( $elm$core$String$join, ', ', A2( $elm$core$List$map, function (x) { return x + ' 160ms'; }, _List_fromArray( ['transform', 'opacity', 'filter', 'background-color', 'color', 'font-size'])))) ])), A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Descriptor, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$dot($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.scrollbars), _List_fromArray( [ A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'overflow', 'auto'), A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'flex-shrink', '1') ])), A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Descriptor, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$dot($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.scrollbarsX), _List_fromArray( [ A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'overflow-x', 'auto'), A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Descriptor, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$dot($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.row), _List_fromArray( [ A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'flex-shrink', '1') ])) ])), A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Descriptor, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$dot($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.scrollbarsY), _List_fromArray( [ A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'overflow-y', 'auto'), A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Descriptor, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$dot($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.column), _List_fromArray( [ A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'flex-shrink', '1') ])), A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Descriptor, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$dot($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.single), _List_fromArray( [ A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'flex-shrink', '1') ])) ])), A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Descriptor, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$dot($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.clip), _List_fromArray( [ A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'overflow', 'hidden') ])), A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Descriptor, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$dot($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.clipX), _List_fromArray( [ A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'overflow-x', 'hidden') ])), A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Descriptor, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$dot($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.clipY), _List_fromArray( [ A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'overflow-y', 'hidden') ])), A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Descriptor, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$dot($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.widthContent), _List_fromArray( [ A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'width', 'auto') ])), A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Descriptor, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$dot($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.borderNone), _List_fromArray( [ A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'border-width', '0') ])), A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Descriptor, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$dot($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.borderDashed), _List_fromArray( [ A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'border-style', 'dashed') ])), A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Descriptor, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$dot($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.borderDotted), _List_fromArray( [ A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'border-style', 'dotted') ])), A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Descriptor, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$dot($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.borderSolid), _List_fromArray( [ A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'border-style', 'solid') ])), A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Descriptor, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$dot($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.text), _List_fromArray( [ A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'white-space', 'pre'), A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'display', 'inline-block') ])), A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Descriptor, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$dot($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.inputText), _List_fromArray( [ A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'line-height', '1.05'), A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'background', 'transparent') ])), A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Descriptor, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$dot($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.single), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$elDescription), A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Descriptor, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$dot($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.row), _List_fromArray( [ A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'display', 'flex'), A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'flex-direction', 'row'), A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Child, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$dot($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.any), _List_fromArray( [ A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'flex-basis', '0%'), A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Descriptor, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$dot($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.widthExact), _List_fromArray( [ A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'flex-basis', 'auto') ])), A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Descriptor, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$dot($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.link), _List_fromArray( [ A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'flex-basis', 'auto') ])) ])), A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Child, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$dot($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.heightFill), _List_fromArray( [ A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'align-self', 'stretch !important') ])), A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Child, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$dot($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.heightFillPortion), _List_fromArray( [ A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'align-self', 'stretch !important') ])), A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Child, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$dot($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.widthFill), _List_fromArray( [ A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'flex-grow', '100000') ])), A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Child, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$dot($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.container), _List_fromArray( [ A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'flex-grow', '0'), A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'flex-basis', 'auto'), A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'align-self', 'stretch') ])), A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Child, 'u:first-of-type.' + $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.alignContainerRight, _List_fromArray( [ A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'flex-grow', '1') ])), A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Child, 's:first-of-type.' + $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.alignContainerCenterX, _List_fromArray( [ A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'flex-grow', '1'), A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Child, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$dot($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.alignCenterX), _List_fromArray( [ A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'margin-left', 'auto !important') ])) ])), A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Child, 's:last-of-type.' + $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.alignContainerCenterX, _List_fromArray( [ A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'flex-grow', '1'), A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Child, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$dot($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.alignCenterX), _List_fromArray( [ A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'margin-right', 'auto !important') ])) ])), A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Child, 's:only-of-type.' + $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.alignContainerCenterX, _List_fromArray( [ A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'flex-grow', '1'), A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Child, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$dot($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.alignCenterY), _List_fromArray( [ A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'margin-top', 'auto !important'), A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'margin-bottom', 'auto !important') ])) ])), A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Child, 's:last-of-type.' + ($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.alignContainerCenterX + ' ~ u'), _List_fromArray( [ A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'flex-grow', '0') ])), A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Child, 'u:first-of-type.' + ($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.alignContainerRight + (' ~ s.' + $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.alignContainerCenterX)), _List_fromArray( [ A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'flex-grow', '0') ])), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$describeAlignment( function (alignment) { switch (alignment.$) { case 'Top': return _Utils_Tuple2( _List_fromArray( [ A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'align-items', 'flex-start') ]), _List_fromArray( [ A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'align-self', 'flex-start') ])); case 'Bottom': return _Utils_Tuple2( _List_fromArray( [ A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'align-items', 'flex-end') ]), _List_fromArray( [ A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'align-self', 'flex-end') ])); case 'Right': return _Utils_Tuple2( _List_fromArray( [ A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'justify-content', 'flex-end') ]), _List_Nil); case 'Left': return _Utils_Tuple2( _List_fromArray( [ A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'justify-content', 'flex-start') ]), _List_Nil); case 'CenterX': return _Utils_Tuple2( _List_fromArray( [ A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'justify-content', 'center') ]), _List_Nil); default: return _Utils_Tuple2( _List_fromArray( [ A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'align-items', 'center') ]), _List_fromArray( [ A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'align-self', 'center') ])); } }), A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Descriptor, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$dot($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.spaceEvenly), _List_fromArray( [ A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'justify-content', 'space-between') ])) ])), A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Descriptor, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$dot($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.column), _List_fromArray( [ A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'display', 'flex'), A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'flex-direction', 'column'), A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Child, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$dot($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.any), _List_fromArray( [ A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'flex-basis', '0%'), A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Descriptor, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$dot($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.heightExact), _List_fromArray( [ A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'flex-basis', 'auto') ])), A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Descriptor, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$dot($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.column), _List_fromArray( [ A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'flex-basis', 'auto') ])) ])), A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Child, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$dot($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.heightFill), _List_fromArray( [ A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'flex-grow', '100000') ])), A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Child, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$dot($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.widthFill), _List_fromArray( [ A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'width', '100%') ])), A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Child, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$dot($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.widthFillPortion), _List_fromArray( [ A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'width', '100%') ])), A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Child, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$dot($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.widthContent), _List_fromArray( [ A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'align-self', 'flex-start') ])), A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Child, 'u:first-of-type.' + $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.alignContainerBottom, _List_fromArray( [ A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'flex-grow', '1') ])), A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Child, 's:first-of-type.' + $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.alignContainerCenterY, _List_fromArray( [ A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'flex-grow', '1'), A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Child, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$dot($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.alignCenterY), _List_fromArray( [ A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'margin-top', 'auto !important'), A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'margin-bottom', '0 !important') ])) ])), A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Child, 's:last-of-type.' + $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.alignContainerCenterY, _List_fromArray( [ A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'flex-grow', '1'), A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Child, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$dot($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.alignCenterY), _List_fromArray( [ A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'margin-bottom', 'auto !important'), A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'margin-top', '0 !important') ])) ])), A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Child, 's:only-of-type.' + $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.alignContainerCenterY, _List_fromArray( [ A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'flex-grow', '1'), A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Child, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$dot($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.alignCenterY), _List_fromArray( [ A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'margin-top', 'auto !important'), A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'margin-bottom', 'auto !important') ])) ])), A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Child, 's:last-of-type.' + ($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.alignContainerCenterY + ' ~ u'), _List_fromArray( [ A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'flex-grow', '0') ])), A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Child, 'u:first-of-type.' + ($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.alignContainerBottom + (' ~ s.' + $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.alignContainerCenterY)), _List_fromArray( [ A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'flex-grow', '0') ])), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$describeAlignment( function (alignment) { switch (alignment.$) { case 'Top': return _Utils_Tuple2( _List_fromArray( [ A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'justify-content', 'flex-start') ]), _List_fromArray( [ A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'margin-bottom', 'auto') ])); case 'Bottom': return _Utils_Tuple2( _List_fromArray( [ A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'justify-content', 'flex-end') ]), _List_fromArray( [ A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'margin-top', 'auto') ])); case 'Right': return _Utils_Tuple2( _List_fromArray( [ A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'align-items', 'flex-end') ]), _List_fromArray( [ A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'align-self', 'flex-end') ])); case 'Left': return _Utils_Tuple2( _List_fromArray( [ A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'align-items', 'flex-start') ]), _List_fromArray( [ A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'align-self', 'flex-start') ])); case 'CenterX': return _Utils_Tuple2( _List_fromArray( [ A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'align-items', 'center') ]), _List_fromArray( [ A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'align-self', 'center') ])); default: return _Utils_Tuple2( _List_fromArray( [ A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'justify-content', 'center') ]), _List_Nil); } }), A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Child, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$dot($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.container), _List_fromArray( [ A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'flex-grow', '0'), A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'flex-basis', 'auto'), A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'width', '100%'), A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'align-self', 'stretch !important') ])), A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Descriptor, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$dot($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.spaceEvenly), _List_fromArray( [ A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'justify-content', 'space-between') ])) ])), A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Descriptor, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$dot($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.grid), _List_fromArray( [ A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'display', '-ms-grid'), A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Child, '.gp', _List_fromArray( [ A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Child, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$dot($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.any), _List_fromArray( [ A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'width', '100%') ])) ])), A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Supports, _Utils_Tuple2('display', 'grid'), _List_fromArray( [ _Utils_Tuple2('display', 'grid') ])), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$gridAlignments( function (alignment) { switch (alignment.$) { case 'Top': return _List_fromArray( [ A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'justify-content', 'flex-start') ]); case 'Bottom': return _List_fromArray( [ A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'justify-content', 'flex-end') ]); case 'Right': return _List_fromArray( [ A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'align-items', 'flex-end') ]); case 'Left': return _List_fromArray( [ A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'align-items', 'flex-start') ]); case 'CenterX': return _List_fromArray( [ A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'align-items', 'center') ]); default: return _List_fromArray( [ A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'justify-content', 'center') ]); } }) ])), A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Descriptor, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$dot($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.page), _List_fromArray( [ A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'display', 'block'), A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Child, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$dot($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.any + ':first-child'), _List_fromArray( [ A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'margin', '0 !important') ])), A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Child, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$dot( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.any + ($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$selfName( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Self($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Left)) + (':first-child + .' + $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.any))), _List_fromArray( [ A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'margin', '0 !important') ])), A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Child, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$dot( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.any + ($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$selfName( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Self($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Right)) + (':first-child + .' + $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.any))), _List_fromArray( [ A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'margin', '0 !important') ])), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$describeAlignment( function (alignment) { switch (alignment.$) { case 'Top': return _Utils_Tuple2(_List_Nil, _List_Nil); case 'Bottom': return _Utils_Tuple2(_List_Nil, _List_Nil); case 'Right': return _Utils_Tuple2( _List_Nil, _List_fromArray( [ A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'float', 'right'), A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Descriptor, '::after', _List_fromArray( [ A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'content', '\"\"'), A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'display', 'table'), A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'clear', 'both') ])) ])); case 'Left': return _Utils_Tuple2( _List_Nil, _List_fromArray( [ A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'float', 'left'), A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Descriptor, '::after', _List_fromArray( [ A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'content', '\"\"'), A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'display', 'table'), A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'clear', 'both') ])) ])); case 'CenterX': return _Utils_Tuple2(_List_Nil, _List_Nil); default: return _Utils_Tuple2(_List_Nil, _List_Nil); } }) ])), A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Descriptor, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$dot($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.inputMultiline), _List_fromArray( [ A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'white-space', 'pre-wrap'), A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'height', '100%'), A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'width', '100%'), A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'background-color', 'transparent') ])), A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Descriptor, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$dot($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.inputMultilineWrapper), _List_fromArray( [ A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Descriptor, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$dot($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.single), _List_fromArray( [ A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'flex-basis', 'auto') ])) ])), A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Descriptor, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$dot($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.inputMultilineParent), _List_fromArray( [ A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'white-space', 'pre-wrap'), A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'cursor', 'text'), A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Child, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$dot($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.inputMultilineFiller), _List_fromArray( [ A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'white-space', 'pre-wrap'), A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'color', 'transparent') ])) ])), A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Descriptor, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$dot($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.paragraph), _List_fromArray( [ A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'display', 'block'), A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'white-space', 'normal'), A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Descriptor, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$dot($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.hasBehind), _List_fromArray( [ A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'z-index', '0'), A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Child, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$dot($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.behind), _List_fromArray( [ A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'z-index', '-1') ])) ])), A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Child, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$dot($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.text), _List_fromArray( [ A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'display', 'inline'), A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'white-space', 'normal') ])), A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Child, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$dot($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.single), _List_fromArray( [ A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'display', 'inline'), A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'white-space', 'normal'), A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Descriptor, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$dot($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.inFront), _List_fromArray( [ A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'display', 'flex') ])), A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Descriptor, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$dot($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.behind), _List_fromArray( [ A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'display', 'flex') ])), A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Descriptor, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$dot($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.above), _List_fromArray( [ A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'display', 'flex') ])), A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Descriptor, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$dot($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.below), _List_fromArray( [ A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'display', 'flex') ])), A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Descriptor, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$dot($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.onRight), _List_fromArray( [ A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'display', 'flex') ])), A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Descriptor, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$dot($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.onLeft), _List_fromArray( [ A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'display', 'flex') ])), A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Child, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$dot($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.text), _List_fromArray( [ A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'display', 'inline'), A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'white-space', 'normal') ])), A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Child, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$dot($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.single), _List_fromArray( [ A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Child, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$dot($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.text), _List_fromArray( [ A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'display', 'inline'), A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'white-space', 'normal') ])) ])) ])), A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Child, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$dot($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.row), _List_fromArray( [ A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'display', 'inline-flex') ])), A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Child, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$dot($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.column), _List_fromArray( [ A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'display', 'inline-flex') ])), A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Child, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$dot($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.grid), _List_fromArray( [ A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'display', 'inline-grid') ])), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$describeAlignment( function (alignment) { switch (alignment.$) { case 'Top': return _Utils_Tuple2(_List_Nil, _List_Nil); case 'Bottom': return _Utils_Tuple2(_List_Nil, _List_Nil); case 'Right': return _Utils_Tuple2( _List_Nil, _List_fromArray( [ A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'float', 'right') ])); case 'Left': return _Utils_Tuple2( _List_Nil, _List_fromArray( [ A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'float', 'left') ])); case 'CenterX': return _Utils_Tuple2(_List_Nil, _List_Nil); default: return _Utils_Tuple2(_List_Nil, _List_Nil); } }) ])), A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Descriptor, '.hidden', _List_fromArray( [ A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'display', 'none') ])), A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Descriptor, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$dot($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.textThin), _List_fromArray( [ A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'font-weight', '100') ])), A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Descriptor, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$dot($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.textExtraLight), _List_fromArray( [ A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'font-weight', '200') ])), A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Descriptor, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$dot($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.textLight), _List_fromArray( [ A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'font-weight', '300') ])), A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Descriptor, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$dot($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.textNormalWeight), _List_fromArray( [ A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'font-weight', '400') ])), A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Descriptor, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$dot($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.textMedium), _List_fromArray( [ A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'font-weight', '500') ])), A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Descriptor, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$dot($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.textSemiBold), _List_fromArray( [ A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'font-weight', '600') ])), A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Descriptor, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$dot($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.bold), _List_fromArray( [ A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'font-weight', '700') ])), A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Descriptor, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$dot($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.textExtraBold), _List_fromArray( [ A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'font-weight', '800') ])), A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Descriptor, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$dot($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.textHeavy), _List_fromArray( [ A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'font-weight', '900') ])), A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Descriptor, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$dot($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.italic), _List_fromArray( [ A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'font-style', 'italic') ])), A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Descriptor, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$dot($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.strike), _List_fromArray( [ A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'text-decoration', 'line-through') ])), A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Descriptor, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$dot($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.underline), _List_fromArray( [ A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'text-decoration', 'underline'), A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'text-decoration-skip-ink', 'auto'), A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'text-decoration-skip', 'ink') ])), A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Descriptor, _Utils_ap( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$dot($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.underline), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$dot($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.strike)), _List_fromArray( [ A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'text-decoration', 'line-through underline'), A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'text-decoration-skip-ink', 'auto'), A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'text-decoration-skip', 'ink') ])), A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Descriptor, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$dot($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.textUnitalicized), _List_fromArray( [ A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'font-style', 'normal') ])), A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Descriptor, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$dot($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.textJustify), _List_fromArray( [ A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'text-align', 'justify') ])), A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Descriptor, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$dot($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.textJustifyAll), _List_fromArray( [ A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'text-align', 'justify-all') ])), A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Descriptor, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$dot($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.textCenter), _List_fromArray( [ A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'text-align', 'center') ])), A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Descriptor, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$dot($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.textRight), _List_fromArray( [ A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'text-align', 'right') ])), A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Descriptor, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$dot($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.textLeft), _List_fromArray( [ A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'text-align', 'left') ])), A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Descriptor, '.modal', _List_fromArray( [ A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'position', 'fixed'), A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'left', '0'), A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'top', '0'), A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'width', '100%'), A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'height', '100%'), A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'pointer-events', 'none') ])) ])) ]); var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$fontVariant = function (_var) { return _List_fromArray( [ A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Class, '.v-' + _var, _List_fromArray( [ A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'font-feature-settings', '\"' + (_var + '\"')) ])), A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Class, '.v-' + (_var + '-off'), _List_fromArray( [ A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'font-feature-settings', '\"' + (_var + '\" 0')) ])) ]); }; var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$commonValues = $elm$core$List$concat( _List_fromArray( [ A2( $elm$core$List$map, function (x) { return A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Class, '.border-' + $elm$core$String$fromInt(x), _List_fromArray( [ A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'border-width', $elm$core$String$fromInt(x) + 'px') ])); }, A2($elm$core$List$range, 0, 6)), A2( $elm$core$List$map, function (i) { return A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Class, '.font-size-' + $elm$core$String$fromInt(i), _List_fromArray( [ A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'font-size', $elm$core$String$fromInt(i) + 'px') ])); }, A2($elm$core$List$range, 8, 32)), A2( $elm$core$List$map, function (i) { return A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Class, '.p-' + $elm$core$String$fromInt(i), _List_fromArray( [ A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'padding', $elm$core$String$fromInt(i) + 'px') ])); }, A2($elm$core$List$range, 0, 24)), _List_fromArray( [ A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Class, '.v-smcp', _List_fromArray( [ A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'font-variant', 'small-caps') ])), A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Class, '.v-smcp-off', _List_fromArray( [ A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'font-variant', 'normal') ])) ]), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$fontVariant('zero'), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$fontVariant('onum'), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$fontVariant('liga'), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$fontVariant('dlig'), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$fontVariant('ordn'), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$fontVariant('tnum'), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$fontVariant('afrc'), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$fontVariant('frac') ])); var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$explainer = '\n.explain {\n border: 6px solid rgb(174, 121, 15) !important;\n}\n.explain > .' + ($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.any + (' {\n border: 4px dashed rgb(0, 151, 167) !important;\n}\n\n.ctr {\n border: none !important;\n}\n.explain > .ctr > .' + ($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.any + ' {\n border: 4px dashed rgb(0, 151, 167) !important;\n}\n\n'))); var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$inputTextReset = '\ninput[type="search"],\ninput[type="search"]::-webkit-search-decoration,\ninput[type="search"]::-webkit-search-cancel-button,\ninput[type="search"]::-webkit-search-results-button,\ninput[type="search"]::-webkit-search-results-decoration {\n -webkit-appearance:none;\n}\n'; var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$sliderReset = '\ninput[type=range] {\n -webkit-appearance: none; \n background: transparent;\n position:absolute;\n left:0;\n top:0;\n z-index:10;\n width: 100%;\n outline: dashed 1px;\n height: 100%;\n opacity: 0;\n}\n'; var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$thumbReset = '\ninput[type=range]::-webkit-slider-thumb {\n -webkit-appearance: none;\n opacity: 0.5;\n width: 80px;\n height: 80px;\n background-color: black;\n border:none;\n border-radius: 5px;\n}\ninput[type=range]::-moz-range-thumb {\n opacity: 0.5;\n width: 80px;\n height: 80px;\n background-color: black;\n border:none;\n border-radius: 5px;\n}\ninput[type=range]::-ms-thumb {\n opacity: 0.5;\n width: 80px;\n height: 80px;\n background-color: black;\n border:none;\n border-radius: 5px;\n}\ninput[type=range][orient=vertical]{\n writing-mode: bt-lr; /* IE */\n -webkit-appearance: slider-vertical; /* WebKit */\n}\n'; var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$trackReset = '\ninput[type=range]::-moz-range-track {\n background: transparent;\n cursor: pointer;\n}\ninput[type=range]::-ms-track {\n background: transparent;\n cursor: pointer;\n}\ninput[type=range]::-webkit-slider-runnable-track {\n background: transparent;\n cursor: pointer;\n}\n'; var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$overrides = '@media screen and (-ms-high-contrast: active), (-ms-high-contrast: none) {' + ($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$dot($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.any) + ($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$dot($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.row) + (' > ' + ($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$dot($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.any) + (' { flex-basis: auto !important; } ' + ($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$dot($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.any) + ($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$dot($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.row) + (' > ' + ($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$dot($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.any) + ($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$dot($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.container) + (' { flex-basis: auto !important; }}' + ($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$inputTextReset + ($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$sliderReset + ($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$trackReset + ($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$thumbReset + $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$explainer))))))))))))))); var $elm$core$String$concat = function (strings) { return A2($elm$core$String$join, '', strings); }; var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Intermediate = function (a) { return {$: 'Intermediate', a: a}; }; var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$emptyIntermediate = F2( function (selector, closing) { return $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Intermediate( {closing: closing, others: _List_Nil, props: _List_Nil, selector: selector}); }); var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$renderRules = F2( function (_v0, rulesToRender) { var parent = _v0.a; var generateIntermediates = F2( function (rule, rendered) { switch (rule.$) { case 'Prop': var name = rule.a; var val = rule.b; return _Utils_update( rendered, { props: A2( $elm$core$List$cons, _Utils_Tuple2(name, val), rendered.props) }); case 'Supports': var _v2 = rule.a; var prop = _v2.a; var value = _v2.b; var props = rule.b; return _Utils_update( rendered, { others: A2( $elm$core$List$cons, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Intermediate( {closing: '\n}', others: _List_Nil, props: props, selector: '@supports (' + (prop + (':' + (value + (') {' + parent.selector))))}), rendered.others) }); case 'Adjacent': var selector = rule.a; var adjRules = rule.b; return _Utils_update( rendered, { others: A2( $elm$core$List$cons, A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$renderRules, A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$emptyIntermediate, parent.selector + (' + ' + selector), ''), adjRules), rendered.others) }); case 'Child': var child = rule.a; var childRules = rule.b; return _Utils_update( rendered, { others: A2( $elm$core$List$cons, A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$renderRules, A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$emptyIntermediate, parent.selector + (' > ' + child), ''), childRules), rendered.others) }); case 'Descriptor': var descriptor = rule.a; var descriptorRules = rule.b; return _Utils_update( rendered, { others: A2( $elm$core$List$cons, A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$renderRules, A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$emptyIntermediate, _Utils_ap(parent.selector, descriptor), ''), descriptorRules), rendered.others) }); default: var batched = rule.a; return _Utils_update( rendered, { others: A2( $elm$core$List$cons, A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$renderRules, A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$emptyIntermediate, parent.selector, ''), batched), rendered.others) }); } }); return $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Intermediate( A3($elm$core$List$foldr, generateIntermediates, parent, rulesToRender)); }); var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$renderCompact = function (styleClasses) { var renderValues = function (values) { return $elm$core$String$concat( A2( $elm$core$List$map, function (_v3) { var x = _v3.a; var y = _v3.b; return x + (':' + (y + ';')); }, values)); }; var renderClass = function (rule) { var _v2 = rule.props; if (!_v2.b) { return ''; } else { return rule.selector + ('{' + (renderValues(rule.props) + (rule.closing + '}'))); } }; var renderIntermediate = function (_v0) { var rule = _v0.a; return _Utils_ap( renderClass(rule), $elm$core$String$concat( A2($elm$core$List$map, renderIntermediate, rule.others))); }; return $elm$core$String$concat( A2( $elm$core$List$map, renderIntermediate, A3( $elm$core$List$foldr, F2( function (_v1, existing) { var name = _v1.a; var styleRules = _v1.b; return A2( $elm$core$List$cons, A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$renderRules, A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$emptyIntermediate, name, ''), styleRules), existing); }), _List_Nil, styleClasses))); }; var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$rules = _Utils_ap( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$overrides, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$renderCompact( _Utils_ap($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$baseSheet, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$commonValues))); var $elm$virtual_dom$VirtualDom$text = _VirtualDom_text; var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$staticRoot = function (opts) { var _v0 = opts.mode; switch (_v0.$) { case 'Layout': return A3( $elm$virtual_dom$VirtualDom$node, 'div', _List_Nil, _List_fromArray( [ A3( $elm$virtual_dom$VirtualDom$node, 'style', _List_Nil, _List_fromArray( [ $elm$virtual_dom$VirtualDom$text($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$rules) ])) ])); case 'NoStaticStyleSheet': return $elm$virtual_dom$VirtualDom$text(''); default: return A3( $elm$virtual_dom$VirtualDom$node, 'elm-ui-static-rules', _List_fromArray( [ A2( $elm$virtual_dom$VirtualDom$property, 'rules', $elm$json$Json$Encode$string($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$rules)) ]), _List_Nil); } }; var $elm$json$Json$Encode$list = F2( function (func, entries) { return _Json_wrap( A3( $elm$core$List$foldl, _Json_addEntry(func), _Json_emptyArray(_Utils_Tuple0), entries)); }); var $elm$core$List$any = F2( function (isOkay, list) { any: while (true) { if (!list.b) { return false; } else { var x = list.a; var xs = list.b; if (isOkay(x)) { return true; } else { var $temp$isOkay = isOkay, $temp$list = xs; isOkay = $temp$isOkay; list = $temp$list; continue any; } } } }); var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$fontName = function (font) { switch (font.$) { case 'Serif': return 'serif'; case 'SansSerif': return 'sans-serif'; case 'Monospace': return 'monospace'; case 'Typeface': var name = font.a; return '\"' + (name + '\"'); case 'ImportFont': var name = font.a; var url = font.b; return '\"' + (name + '\"'); default: var name = font.a.name; return '\"' + (name + '\"'); } }; var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$isSmallCaps = function (_var) { switch (_var.$) { case 'VariantActive': var name = _var.a; return name === 'smcp'; case 'VariantOff': var name = _var.a; return false; default: var name = _var.a; var index = _var.b; return (name === 'smcp') && (index === 1); } }; var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$hasSmallCaps = function (typeface) { if (typeface.$ === 'FontWith') { var font = typeface.a; return A2($elm$core$List$any, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$isSmallCaps, font.variants); } else { return false; } }; var $elm$core$Basics$negate = function (n) { return -n; }; var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$renderProps = F3( function (force, _v0, existing) { var key = _v0.a; var val = _v0.b; return force ? (existing + ('\n ' + (key + (': ' + (val + ' !important;'))))) : (existing + ('\n ' + (key + (': ' + (val + ';'))))); }); var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$renderStyle = F4( function (options, maybePseudo, selector, props) { if (maybePseudo.$ === 'Nothing') { return _List_fromArray( [ selector + ('{' + (A3( $elm$core$List$foldl, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$renderProps(false), '', props) + '\n}')) ]); } else { var pseudo = maybePseudo.a; switch (pseudo.$) { case 'Hover': var _v2 = options.hover; switch (_v2.$) { case 'NoHover': return _List_Nil; case 'ForceHover': return _List_fromArray( [ selector + ('-hv {' + (A3( $elm$core$List$foldl, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$renderProps(true), '', props) + '\n}')) ]); default: return _List_fromArray( [ selector + ('-hv:hover {' + (A3( $elm$core$List$foldl, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$renderProps(false), '', props) + '\n}')) ]); } case 'Focus': var renderedProps = A3( $elm$core$List$foldl, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$renderProps(false), '', props); return _List_fromArray( [selector + ('-fs:focus {' + (renderedProps + '\n}')), '.' + ($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.any + (':focus ~ ' + (selector + ('-fs:not(.focus) {' + (renderedProps + '\n}'))))), '.' + ($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.any + (':focus ' + (selector + ('-fs {' + (renderedProps + '\n}'))))), selector + ('-fs:focus-within {' + (renderedProps + '\n}')), '.focusable-parent:focus ~ ' + ('.' + ($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.any + (' ' + (selector + ('-fs {' + (renderedProps + '\n}'))))))]); default: return _List_fromArray( [ selector + ('-act:active {' + (A3( $elm$core$List$foldl, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$renderProps(false), '', props) + '\n}')) ]); } } }); var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$renderVariant = function (_var) { switch (_var.$) { case 'VariantActive': var name = _var.a; return '\"' + (name + '\"'); case 'VariantOff': var name = _var.a; return '\"' + (name + '\" 0'); default: var name = _var.a; var index = _var.b; return '\"' + (name + ('\" ' + $elm$core$String$fromInt(index))); } }; var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$renderVariants = function (typeface) { if (typeface.$ === 'FontWith') { var font = typeface.a; return $elm$core$Maybe$Just( A2( $elm$core$String$join, ', ', A2($elm$core$List$map, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$renderVariant, font.variants))); } else { return $elm$core$Maybe$Nothing; } }; var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$transformValue = function (transform) { switch (transform.$) { case 'Untransformed': return $elm$core$Maybe$Nothing; case 'Moved': var _v1 = transform.a; var x = _v1.a; var y = _v1.b; var z = _v1.c; return $elm$core$Maybe$Just( 'translate3d(' + ($elm$core$String$fromFloat(x) + ('px, ' + ($elm$core$String$fromFloat(y) + ('px, ' + ($elm$core$String$fromFloat(z) + 'px)')))))); default: var _v2 = transform.a; var tx = _v2.a; var ty = _v2.b; var tz = _v2.c; var _v3 = transform.b; var sx = _v3.a; var sy = _v3.b; var sz = _v3.c; var _v4 = transform.c; var ox = _v4.a; var oy = _v4.b; var oz = _v4.c; var angle = transform.d; var translate = 'translate3d(' + ($elm$core$String$fromFloat(tx) + ('px, ' + ($elm$core$String$fromFloat(ty) + ('px, ' + ($elm$core$String$fromFloat(tz) + 'px)'))))); var scale = 'scale3d(' + ($elm$core$String$fromFloat(sx) + (', ' + ($elm$core$String$fromFloat(sy) + (', ' + ($elm$core$String$fromFloat(sz) + ')'))))); var rotate = 'rotate3d(' + ($elm$core$String$fromFloat(ox) + (', ' + ($elm$core$String$fromFloat(oy) + (', ' + ($elm$core$String$fromFloat(oz) + (', ' + ($elm$core$String$fromFloat(angle) + 'rad)'))))))); return $elm$core$Maybe$Just(translate + (' ' + (scale + (' ' + rotate)))); } }; var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$renderStyleRule = F3( function (options, rule, maybePseudo) { switch (rule.$) { case 'Style': var selector = rule.a; var props = rule.b; return A4($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$renderStyle, options, maybePseudo, selector, props); case 'Shadows': var name = rule.a; var prop = rule.b; return A4( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$renderStyle, options, maybePseudo, '.' + name, _List_fromArray( [ A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Property, 'box-shadow', prop) ])); case 'Transparency': var name = rule.a; var transparency = rule.b; var opacity = A2( $elm$core$Basics$max, 0, A2($elm$core$Basics$min, 1, 1 - transparency)); return A4( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$renderStyle, options, maybePseudo, '.' + name, _List_fromArray( [ A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Property, 'opacity', $elm$core$String$fromFloat(opacity)) ])); case 'FontSize': var i = rule.a; return A4( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$renderStyle, options, maybePseudo, '.font-size-' + $elm$core$String$fromInt(i), _List_fromArray( [ A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Property, 'font-size', $elm$core$String$fromInt(i) + 'px') ])); case 'FontFamily': var name = rule.a; var typefaces = rule.b; var features = A2( $elm$core$String$join, ', ', A2($elm$core$List$filterMap, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$renderVariants, typefaces)); var families = _List_fromArray( [ A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Property, 'font-family', A2( $elm$core$String$join, ', ', A2($elm$core$List$map, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$fontName, typefaces))), A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Property, 'font-feature-settings', features), A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Property, 'font-variant', A2($elm$core$List$any, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$hasSmallCaps, typefaces) ? 'small-caps' : 'normal') ]); return A4($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$renderStyle, options, maybePseudo, '.' + name, families); case 'Single': var _class = rule.a; var prop = rule.b; var val = rule.c; return A4( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$renderStyle, options, maybePseudo, '.' + _class, _List_fromArray( [ A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Property, prop, val) ])); case 'Colored': var _class = rule.a; var prop = rule.b; var color = rule.c; return A4( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$renderStyle, options, maybePseudo, '.' + _class, _List_fromArray( [ A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Property, prop, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$formatColor(color)) ])); case 'SpacingStyle': var cls = rule.a; var x = rule.b; var y = rule.c; var yPx = $elm$core$String$fromInt(y) + 'px'; var xPx = $elm$core$String$fromInt(x) + 'px'; var single = '.' + $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.single; var row = '.' + $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.row; var wrappedRow = '.' + ($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.wrapped + row); var right = '.' + $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.alignRight; var paragraph = '.' + $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.paragraph; var page = '.' + $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.page; var left = '.' + $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.alignLeft; var halfY = $elm$core$String$fromFloat(y / 2) + 'px'; var halfX = $elm$core$String$fromFloat(x / 2) + 'px'; var column = '.' + $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.column; var _class = '.' + cls; var any = '.' + $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.any; return $elm$core$List$concat( _List_fromArray( [ A4( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$renderStyle, options, maybePseudo, _class + (row + (' > ' + (any + (' + ' + any)))), _List_fromArray( [ A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Property, 'margin-left', xPx) ])), A4( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$renderStyle, options, maybePseudo, _class + (wrappedRow + (' > ' + any)), _List_fromArray( [ A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Property, 'margin', halfY + (' ' + halfX)) ])), A4( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$renderStyle, options, maybePseudo, _class + (column + (' > ' + (any + (' + ' + any)))), _List_fromArray( [ A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Property, 'margin-top', yPx) ])), A4( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$renderStyle, options, maybePseudo, _class + (page + (' > ' + (any + (' + ' + any)))), _List_fromArray( [ A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Property, 'margin-top', yPx) ])), A4( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$renderStyle, options, maybePseudo, _class + (page + (' > ' + left)), _List_fromArray( [ A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Property, 'margin-right', xPx) ])), A4( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$renderStyle, options, maybePseudo, _class + (page + (' > ' + right)), _List_fromArray( [ A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Property, 'margin-left', xPx) ])), A4( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$renderStyle, options, maybePseudo, _Utils_ap(_class, paragraph), _List_fromArray( [ A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Property, 'line-height', 'calc(1em + ' + ($elm$core$String$fromInt(y) + 'px)')) ])), A4( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$renderStyle, options, maybePseudo, 'textarea' + (any + _class), _List_fromArray( [ A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Property, 'line-height', 'calc(1em + ' + ($elm$core$String$fromInt(y) + 'px)')), A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Property, 'height', 'calc(100% + ' + ($elm$core$String$fromInt(y) + 'px)')) ])), A4( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$renderStyle, options, maybePseudo, _class + (paragraph + (' > ' + left)), _List_fromArray( [ A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Property, 'margin-right', xPx) ])), A4( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$renderStyle, options, maybePseudo, _class + (paragraph + (' > ' + right)), _List_fromArray( [ A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Property, 'margin-left', xPx) ])), A4( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$renderStyle, options, maybePseudo, _class + (paragraph + '::after'), _List_fromArray( [ A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Property, 'content', '\'\''), A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Property, 'display', 'block'), A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Property, 'height', '0'), A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Property, 'width', '0'), A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Property, 'margin-top', $elm$core$String$fromInt((-1) * ((y / 2) | 0)) + 'px') ])), A4( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$renderStyle, options, maybePseudo, _class + (paragraph + '::before'), _List_fromArray( [ A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Property, 'content', '\'\''), A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Property, 'display', 'block'), A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Property, 'height', '0'), A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Property, 'width', '0'), A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Property, 'margin-bottom', $elm$core$String$fromInt((-1) * ((y / 2) | 0)) + 'px') ])) ])); case 'PaddingStyle': var cls = rule.a; var top = rule.b; var right = rule.c; var bottom = rule.d; var left = rule.e; var _class = '.' + cls; return A4( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$renderStyle, options, maybePseudo, _class, _List_fromArray( [ A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Property, 'padding', $elm$core$String$fromInt(top) + ('px ' + ($elm$core$String$fromInt(right) + ('px ' + ($elm$core$String$fromInt(bottom) + ('px ' + ($elm$core$String$fromInt(left) + 'px'))))))) ])); case 'BorderWidth': var cls = rule.a; var top = rule.b; var right = rule.c; var bottom = rule.d; var left = rule.e; var _class = '.' + cls; return A4( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$renderStyle, options, maybePseudo, _class, _List_fromArray( [ A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Property, 'border-width', $elm$core$String$fromInt(top) + ('px ' + ($elm$core$String$fromInt(right) + ('px ' + ($elm$core$String$fromInt(bottom) + ('px ' + ($elm$core$String$fromInt(left) + 'px'))))))) ])); case 'GridTemplateStyle': var template = rule.a; var toGridLengthHelper = F3( function (minimum, maximum, x) { toGridLengthHelper: while (true) { switch (x.$) { case 'Px': var px = x.a; return $elm$core$String$fromInt(px) + 'px'; case 'Content': var _v2 = _Utils_Tuple2(minimum, maximum); if (_v2.a.$ === 'Nothing') { if (_v2.b.$ === 'Nothing') { var _v3 = _v2.a; var _v4 = _v2.b; return 'max-content'; } else { var _v6 = _v2.a; var maxSize = _v2.b.a; return 'minmax(max-content, ' + ($elm$core$String$fromInt(maxSize) + 'px)'); } } else { if (_v2.b.$ === 'Nothing') { var minSize = _v2.a.a; var _v5 = _v2.b; return 'minmax(' + ($elm$core$String$fromInt(minSize) + ('px, ' + 'max-content)')); } else { var minSize = _v2.a.a; var maxSize = _v2.b.a; return 'minmax(' + ($elm$core$String$fromInt(minSize) + ('px, ' + ($elm$core$String$fromInt(maxSize) + 'px)'))); } } case 'Fill': var i = x.a; var _v7 = _Utils_Tuple2(minimum, maximum); if (_v7.a.$ === 'Nothing') { if (_v7.b.$ === 'Nothing') { var _v8 = _v7.a; var _v9 = _v7.b; return $elm$core$String$fromInt(i) + 'fr'; } else { var _v11 = _v7.a; var maxSize = _v7.b.a; return 'minmax(max-content, ' + ($elm$core$String$fromInt(maxSize) + 'px)'); } } else { if (_v7.b.$ === 'Nothing') { var minSize = _v7.a.a; var _v10 = _v7.b; return 'minmax(' + ($elm$core$String$fromInt(minSize) + ('px, ' + ($elm$core$String$fromInt(i) + ('fr' + 'fr)')))); } else { var minSize = _v7.a.a; var maxSize = _v7.b.a; return 'minmax(' + ($elm$core$String$fromInt(minSize) + ('px, ' + ($elm$core$String$fromInt(maxSize) + 'px)'))); } } case 'Min': var m = x.a; var len = x.b; var $temp$minimum = $elm$core$Maybe$Just(m), $temp$maximum = maximum, $temp$x = len; minimum = $temp$minimum; maximum = $temp$maximum; x = $temp$x; continue toGridLengthHelper; default: var m = x.a; var len = x.b; var $temp$minimum = minimum, $temp$maximum = $elm$core$Maybe$Just(m), $temp$x = len; minimum = $temp$minimum; maximum = $temp$maximum; x = $temp$x; continue toGridLengthHelper; } } }); var toGridLength = function (x) { return A3(toGridLengthHelper, $elm$core$Maybe$Nothing, $elm$core$Maybe$Nothing, x); }; var xSpacing = toGridLength(template.spacing.a); var ySpacing = toGridLength(template.spacing.b); var rows = function (x) { return 'grid-template-rows: ' + (x + ';'); }( A2( $elm$core$String$join, ' ', A2($elm$core$List$map, toGridLength, template.rows))); var msRows = function (x) { return '-ms-grid-rows: ' + (x + ';'); }( A2( $elm$core$String$join, ySpacing, A2($elm$core$List$map, toGridLength, template.columns))); var msColumns = function (x) { return '-ms-grid-columns: ' + (x + ';'); }( A2( $elm$core$String$join, ySpacing, A2($elm$core$List$map, toGridLength, template.columns))); var gapY = 'grid-row-gap:' + (toGridLength(template.spacing.b) + ';'); var gapX = 'grid-column-gap:' + (toGridLength(template.spacing.a) + ';'); var columns = function (x) { return 'grid-template-columns: ' + (x + ';'); }( A2( $elm$core$String$join, ' ', A2($elm$core$List$map, toGridLength, template.columns))); var _class = '.grid-rows-' + (A2( $elm$core$String$join, '-', A2($elm$core$List$map, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$lengthClassName, template.rows)) + ('-cols-' + (A2( $elm$core$String$join, '-', A2($elm$core$List$map, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$lengthClassName, template.columns)) + ('-space-x-' + ($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$lengthClassName(template.spacing.a) + ('-space-y-' + $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$lengthClassName(template.spacing.b))))))); var modernGrid = _class + ('{' + (columns + (rows + (gapX + (gapY + '}'))))); var supports = '@supports (display:grid) {' + (modernGrid + '}'); var base = _class + ('{' + (msColumns + (msRows + '}'))); return _List_fromArray( [base, supports]); case 'GridPosition': var position = rule.a; var msPosition = A2( $elm$core$String$join, ' ', _List_fromArray( [ '-ms-grid-row: ' + ($elm$core$String$fromInt(position.row) + ';'), '-ms-grid-row-span: ' + ($elm$core$String$fromInt(position.height) + ';'), '-ms-grid-column: ' + ($elm$core$String$fromInt(position.col) + ';'), '-ms-grid-column-span: ' + ($elm$core$String$fromInt(position.width) + ';') ])); var modernPosition = A2( $elm$core$String$join, ' ', _List_fromArray( [ 'grid-row: ' + ($elm$core$String$fromInt(position.row) + (' / ' + ($elm$core$String$fromInt(position.row + position.height) + ';'))), 'grid-column: ' + ($elm$core$String$fromInt(position.col) + (' / ' + ($elm$core$String$fromInt(position.col + position.width) + ';'))) ])); var _class = '.grid-pos-' + ($elm$core$String$fromInt(position.row) + ('-' + ($elm$core$String$fromInt(position.col) + ('-' + ($elm$core$String$fromInt(position.width) + ('-' + $elm$core$String$fromInt(position.height))))))); var modernGrid = _class + ('{' + (modernPosition + '}')); var supports = '@supports (display:grid) {' + (modernGrid + '}'); var base = _class + ('{' + (msPosition + '}')); return _List_fromArray( [base, supports]); case 'PseudoSelector': var _class = rule.a; var styles = rule.b; var renderPseudoRule = function (style) { return A3( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$renderStyleRule, options, style, $elm$core$Maybe$Just(_class)); }; return A2($elm$core$List$concatMap, renderPseudoRule, styles); default: var transform = rule.a; var val = $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$transformValue(transform); var _class = $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$transformClass(transform); var _v12 = _Utils_Tuple2(_class, val); if ((_v12.a.$ === 'Just') && (_v12.b.$ === 'Just')) { var cls = _v12.a.a; var v = _v12.b.a; return A4( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$renderStyle, options, maybePseudo, '.' + cls, _List_fromArray( [ A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Property, 'transform', v) ])); } else { return _List_Nil; } } }); var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$encodeStyles = F2( function (options, stylesheet) { return $elm$json$Json$Encode$object( A2( $elm$core$List$map, function (style) { var styled = A3($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$renderStyleRule, options, style, $elm$core$Maybe$Nothing); return _Utils_Tuple2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$getStyleName(style), A2($elm$json$Json$Encode$list, $elm$json$Json$Encode$string, styled)); }, stylesheet)); }); var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$bracket = F2( function (selector, rules) { var renderPair = function (_v0) { var name = _v0.a; var val = _v0.b; return name + (': ' + (val + ';')); }; return selector + (' {' + (A2( $elm$core$String$join, '', A2($elm$core$List$map, renderPair, rules)) + '}')); }); var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$fontRule = F3( function (name, modifier, _v0) { var parentAdj = _v0.a; var textAdjustment = _v0.b; return _List_fromArray( [ A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$bracket, '.' + (name + ('.' + (modifier + (', ' + ('.' + (name + (' .' + modifier))))))), parentAdj), A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$bracket, '.' + (name + ('.' + (modifier + ('> .' + ($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.text + (', .' + (name + (' .' + (modifier + (' > .' + $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.text)))))))))), textAdjustment) ]); }); var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$renderFontAdjustmentRule = F3( function (fontToAdjust, _v0, otherFontName) { var full = _v0.a; var capital = _v0.b; var name = _Utils_eq(fontToAdjust, otherFontName) ? fontToAdjust : (otherFontName + (' .' + fontToAdjust)); return A2( $elm$core$String$join, ' ', _Utils_ap( A3($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$fontRule, name, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.sizeByCapital, capital), A3($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$fontRule, name, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.fullSize, full))); }); var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$renderNullAdjustmentRule = F2( function (fontToAdjust, otherFontName) { var name = _Utils_eq(fontToAdjust, otherFontName) ? fontToAdjust : (otherFontName + (' .' + fontToAdjust)); return A2( $elm$core$String$join, ' ', _List_fromArray( [ A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$bracket, '.' + (name + ('.' + ($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.sizeByCapital + (', ' + ('.' + (name + (' .' + $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.sizeByCapital))))))), _List_fromArray( [ _Utils_Tuple2('line-height', '1') ])), A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$bracket, '.' + (name + ('.' + ($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.sizeByCapital + ('> .' + ($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.text + (', .' + (name + (' .' + ($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.sizeByCapital + (' > .' + $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.text)))))))))), _List_fromArray( [ _Utils_Tuple2('vertical-align', '0'), _Utils_Tuple2('line-height', '1') ])) ])); }); var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$adjust = F3( function (size, height, vertical) { return {height: height / size, size: size, vertical: vertical}; }); var $elm$core$List$maximum = function (list) { if (list.b) { var x = list.a; var xs = list.b; return $elm$core$Maybe$Just( A3($elm$core$List$foldl, $elm$core$Basics$max, x, xs)); } else { return $elm$core$Maybe$Nothing; } }; var $elm$core$List$minimum = function (list) { if (list.b) { var x = list.a; var xs = list.b; return $elm$core$Maybe$Just( A3($elm$core$List$foldl, $elm$core$Basics$min, x, xs)); } else { return $elm$core$Maybe$Nothing; } }; var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$convertAdjustment = function (adjustment) { var lines = _List_fromArray( [adjustment.capital, adjustment.baseline, adjustment.descender, adjustment.lowercase]); var lineHeight = 1.5; var normalDescender = (lineHeight - 1) / 2; var oldMiddle = lineHeight / 2; var descender = A2( $elm$core$Maybe$withDefault, adjustment.descender, $elm$core$List$minimum(lines)); var newBaseline = A2( $elm$core$Maybe$withDefault, adjustment.baseline, $elm$core$List$minimum( A2( $elm$core$List$filter, function (x) { return !_Utils_eq(x, descender); }, lines))); var base = lineHeight; var ascender = A2( $elm$core$Maybe$withDefault, adjustment.capital, $elm$core$List$maximum(lines)); var capitalSize = 1 / (ascender - newBaseline); var capitalVertical = 1 - ascender; var fullSize = 1 / (ascender - descender); var fullVertical = 1 - ascender; var newCapitalMiddle = ((ascender - newBaseline) / 2) + newBaseline; var newFullMiddle = ((ascender - descender) / 2) + descender; return { capital: A3($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$adjust, capitalSize, ascender - newBaseline, capitalVertical), full: A3($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$adjust, fullSize, ascender - descender, fullVertical) }; }; var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$fontAdjustmentRules = function (converted) { return _Utils_Tuple2( _List_fromArray( [ _Utils_Tuple2('display', 'block') ]), _List_fromArray( [ _Utils_Tuple2('display', 'inline-block'), _Utils_Tuple2( 'line-height', $elm$core$String$fromFloat(converted.height)), _Utils_Tuple2( 'vertical-align', $elm$core$String$fromFloat(converted.vertical) + 'em'), _Utils_Tuple2( 'font-size', $elm$core$String$fromFloat(converted.size) + 'em') ])); }; var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$typefaceAdjustment = function (typefaces) { return A3( $elm$core$List$foldl, F2( function (face, found) { if (found.$ === 'Nothing') { if (face.$ === 'FontWith') { var _with = face.a; var _v2 = _with.adjustment; if (_v2.$ === 'Nothing') { return found; } else { var adjustment = _v2.a; return $elm$core$Maybe$Just( _Utils_Tuple2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$fontAdjustmentRules( function ($) { return $.full; }( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$convertAdjustment(adjustment))), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$fontAdjustmentRules( function ($) { return $.capital; }( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$convertAdjustment(adjustment))))); } } else { return found; } } else { return found; } }), $elm$core$Maybe$Nothing, typefaces); }; var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$renderTopLevelValues = function (rules) { var withImport = function (font) { if (font.$ === 'ImportFont') { var url = font.b; return $elm$core$Maybe$Just('@import url(\'' + (url + '\');')); } else { return $elm$core$Maybe$Nothing; } }; var fontImports = function (_v2) { var name = _v2.a; var typefaces = _v2.b; var imports = A2( $elm$core$String$join, '\n', A2($elm$core$List$filterMap, withImport, typefaces)); return imports; }; var allNames = A2($elm$core$List$map, $elm$core$Tuple$first, rules); var fontAdjustments = function (_v1) { var name = _v1.a; var typefaces = _v1.b; var _v0 = $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$typefaceAdjustment(typefaces); if (_v0.$ === 'Nothing') { return A2( $elm$core$String$join, '', A2( $elm$core$List$map, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$renderNullAdjustmentRule(name), allNames)); } else { var adjustment = _v0.a; return A2( $elm$core$String$join, '', A2( $elm$core$List$map, A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$renderFontAdjustmentRule, name, adjustment), allNames)); } }; return _Utils_ap( A2( $elm$core$String$join, '\n', A2($elm$core$List$map, fontImports, rules)), A2( $elm$core$String$join, '\n', A2($elm$core$List$map, fontAdjustments, rules))); }; var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$topLevelValue = function (rule) { if (rule.$ === 'FontFamily') { var name = rule.a; var typefaces = rule.b; return $elm$core$Maybe$Just( _Utils_Tuple2(name, typefaces)); } else { return $elm$core$Maybe$Nothing; } }; var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$toStyleSheetString = F2( function (options, stylesheet) { var combine = F2( function (style, rendered) { return { rules: _Utils_ap( rendered.rules, A3($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$renderStyleRule, options, style, $elm$core$Maybe$Nothing)), topLevel: function () { var _v1 = $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$topLevelValue(style); if (_v1.$ === 'Nothing') { return rendered.topLevel; } else { var topLevel = _v1.a; return A2($elm$core$List$cons, topLevel, rendered.topLevel); } }() }; }); var _v0 = A3( $elm$core$List$foldl, combine, {rules: _List_Nil, topLevel: _List_Nil}, stylesheet); var topLevel = _v0.topLevel; var rules = _v0.rules; return _Utils_ap( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$renderTopLevelValues(topLevel), $elm$core$String$concat(rules)); }); var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$toStyleSheet = F2( function (options, styleSheet) { var _v0 = options.mode; switch (_v0.$) { case 'Layout': return A3( $elm$virtual_dom$VirtualDom$node, 'div', _List_Nil, _List_fromArray( [ A3( $elm$virtual_dom$VirtualDom$node, 'style', _List_Nil, _List_fromArray( [ $elm$virtual_dom$VirtualDom$text( A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$toStyleSheetString, options, styleSheet)) ])) ])); case 'NoStaticStyleSheet': return A3( $elm$virtual_dom$VirtualDom$node, 'div', _List_Nil, _List_fromArray( [ A3( $elm$virtual_dom$VirtualDom$node, 'style', _List_Nil, _List_fromArray( [ $elm$virtual_dom$VirtualDom$text( A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$toStyleSheetString, options, styleSheet)) ])) ])); default: return A3( $elm$virtual_dom$VirtualDom$node, 'elm-ui-rules', _List_fromArray( [ A2( $elm$virtual_dom$VirtualDom$property, 'rules', A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$encodeStyles, options, styleSheet)) ]), _List_Nil); } }); var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$embedKeyed = F4( function (_static, opts, styles, children) { var dynamicStyleSheet = A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$toStyleSheet, opts, A3( $elm$core$List$foldl, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$reduceStyles, _Utils_Tuple2( $elm$core$Set$empty, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$renderFocusStyle(opts.focus)), styles).b); return _static ? A2( $elm$core$List$cons, _Utils_Tuple2( 'static-stylesheet', $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$staticRoot(opts)), A2( $elm$core$List$cons, _Utils_Tuple2('dynamic-stylesheet', dynamicStyleSheet), children)) : A2( $elm$core$List$cons, _Utils_Tuple2('dynamic-stylesheet', dynamicStyleSheet), children); }); var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$embedWith = F4( function (_static, opts, styles, children) { var dynamicStyleSheet = A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$toStyleSheet, opts, A3( $elm$core$List$foldl, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$reduceStyles, _Utils_Tuple2( $elm$core$Set$empty, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$renderFocusStyle(opts.focus)), styles).b); return _static ? A2( $elm$core$List$cons, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$staticRoot(opts), A2($elm$core$List$cons, dynamicStyleSheet, children)) : A2($elm$core$List$cons, dynamicStyleSheet, children); }); var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$heightBetween = $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$flag(45); var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$heightFill = $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$flag(37); var $elm$virtual_dom$VirtualDom$keyedNode = function (tag) { return _VirtualDom_keyedNode( _VirtualDom_noScript(tag)); }; var $elm$core$Basics$not = _Basics_not; var $elm$html$Html$p = _VirtualDom_node('p'); var $elm$core$Bitwise$and = _Bitwise_and; var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$present = F2( function (myFlag, _v0) { var fieldOne = _v0.a; var fieldTwo = _v0.b; if (myFlag.$ === 'Flag') { var first = myFlag.a; return _Utils_eq(first & fieldOne, first); } else { var second = myFlag.a; return _Utils_eq(second & fieldTwo, second); } }); var $elm$html$Html$s = _VirtualDom_node('s'); var $elm$html$Html$u = _VirtualDom_node('u'); var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$widthBetween = $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$flag(44); var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$widthFill = $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$flag(39); var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$finalizeNode = F6( function (has, node, attributes, children, embedMode, parentContext) { var createNode = F2( function (nodeName, attrs) { if (children.$ === 'Keyed') { var keyed = children.a; return A3( $elm$virtual_dom$VirtualDom$keyedNode, nodeName, attrs, function () { switch (embedMode.$) { case 'NoStyleSheet': return keyed; case 'OnlyDynamic': var opts = embedMode.a; var styles = embedMode.b; return A4($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$embedKeyed, false, opts, styles, keyed); default: var opts = embedMode.a; var styles = embedMode.b; return A4($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$embedKeyed, true, opts, styles, keyed); } }()); } else { var unkeyed = children.a; return A2( function () { switch (nodeName) { case 'div': return $elm$html$Html$div; case 'p': return $elm$html$Html$p; default: return $elm$virtual_dom$VirtualDom$node(nodeName); } }(), attrs, function () { switch (embedMode.$) { case 'NoStyleSheet': return unkeyed; case 'OnlyDynamic': var opts = embedMode.a; var styles = embedMode.b; return A4($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$embedWith, false, opts, styles, unkeyed); default: var opts = embedMode.a; var styles = embedMode.b; return A4($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$embedWith, true, opts, styles, unkeyed); } }()); } }); var html = function () { switch (node.$) { case 'Generic': return A2(createNode, 'div', attributes); case 'NodeName': var nodeName = node.a; return A2(createNode, nodeName, attributes); default: var nodeName = node.a; var internal = node.b; return A3( $elm$virtual_dom$VirtualDom$node, nodeName, attributes, _List_fromArray( [ A2( createNode, internal, _List_fromArray( [ $elm$html$Html$Attributes$class($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.any + (' ' + $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.single)) ])) ])); } }(); switch (parentContext.$) { case 'AsRow': return (A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$present, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$widthFill, has) && (!A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$present, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$widthBetween, has))) ? html : (A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$present, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$alignRight, has) ? A2( $elm$html$Html$u, _List_fromArray( [ $elm$html$Html$Attributes$class( A2( $elm$core$String$join, ' ', _List_fromArray( [$mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.any, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.single, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.container, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.contentCenterY, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.alignContainerRight]))) ]), _List_fromArray( [html])) : (A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$present, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$centerX, has) ? A2( $elm$html$Html$s, _List_fromArray( [ $elm$html$Html$Attributes$class( A2( $elm$core$String$join, ' ', _List_fromArray( [$mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.any, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.single, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.container, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.contentCenterY, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.alignContainerCenterX]))) ]), _List_fromArray( [html])) : html)); case 'AsColumn': return (A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$present, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$heightFill, has) && (!A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$present, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$heightBetween, has))) ? html : (A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$present, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$centerY, has) ? A2( $elm$html$Html$s, _List_fromArray( [ $elm$html$Html$Attributes$class( A2( $elm$core$String$join, ' ', _List_fromArray( [$mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.any, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.single, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.container, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.alignContainerCenterY]))) ]), _List_fromArray( [html])) : (A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$present, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$alignBottom, has) ? A2( $elm$html$Html$u, _List_fromArray( [ $elm$html$Html$Attributes$class( A2( $elm$core$String$join, ' ', _List_fromArray( [$mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.any, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.single, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.container, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.alignContainerBottom]))) ]), _List_fromArray( [html])) : html)); default: return html; } }); var $elm$core$List$isEmpty = function (xs) { if (!xs.b) { return true; } else { return false; } }; var $elm$html$Html$text = $elm$virtual_dom$VirtualDom$text; var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$textElementClasses = $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.any + (' ' + ($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.text + (' ' + ($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.widthContent + (' ' + $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.heightContent))))); var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$textElement = function (str) { return A2( $elm$html$Html$div, _List_fromArray( [ $elm$html$Html$Attributes$class($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$textElementClasses) ]), _List_fromArray( [ $elm$html$Html$text(str) ])); }; var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$textElementFillClasses = $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.any + (' ' + ($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.text + (' ' + ($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.widthFill + (' ' + $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.heightFill))))); var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$textElementFill = function (str) { return A2( $elm$html$Html$div, _List_fromArray( [ $elm$html$Html$Attributes$class($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$textElementFillClasses) ]), _List_fromArray( [ $elm$html$Html$text(str) ])); }; var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$createElement = F3( function (context, children, rendered) { var gatherKeyed = F2( function (_v8, _v9) { var key = _v8.a; var child = _v8.b; var htmls = _v9.a; var existingStyles = _v9.b; switch (child.$) { case 'Unstyled': var html = child.a; return _Utils_eq(context, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$asParagraph) ? _Utils_Tuple2( A2( $elm$core$List$cons, _Utils_Tuple2( key, html(context)), htmls), existingStyles) : _Utils_Tuple2( A2( $elm$core$List$cons, _Utils_Tuple2( key, html(context)), htmls), existingStyles); case 'Styled': var styled = child.a; return _Utils_eq(context, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$asParagraph) ? _Utils_Tuple2( A2( $elm$core$List$cons, _Utils_Tuple2( key, A2(styled.html, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$NoStyleSheet, context)), htmls), $elm$core$List$isEmpty(existingStyles) ? styled.styles : _Utils_ap(styled.styles, existingStyles)) : _Utils_Tuple2( A2( $elm$core$List$cons, _Utils_Tuple2( key, A2(styled.html, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$NoStyleSheet, context)), htmls), $elm$core$List$isEmpty(existingStyles) ? styled.styles : _Utils_ap(styled.styles, existingStyles)); case 'Text': var str = child.a; return _Utils_Tuple2( A2( $elm$core$List$cons, _Utils_Tuple2( key, _Utils_eq(context, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$asEl) ? $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$textElementFill(str) : $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$textElement(str)), htmls), existingStyles); default: return _Utils_Tuple2(htmls, existingStyles); } }); var gather = F2( function (child, _v6) { var htmls = _v6.a; var existingStyles = _v6.b; switch (child.$) { case 'Unstyled': var html = child.a; return _Utils_eq(context, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$asParagraph) ? _Utils_Tuple2( A2( $elm$core$List$cons, html(context), htmls), existingStyles) : _Utils_Tuple2( A2( $elm$core$List$cons, html(context), htmls), existingStyles); case 'Styled': var styled = child.a; return _Utils_eq(context, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$asParagraph) ? _Utils_Tuple2( A2( $elm$core$List$cons, A2(styled.html, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$NoStyleSheet, context), htmls), $elm$core$List$isEmpty(existingStyles) ? styled.styles : _Utils_ap(styled.styles, existingStyles)) : _Utils_Tuple2( A2( $elm$core$List$cons, A2(styled.html, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$NoStyleSheet, context), htmls), $elm$core$List$isEmpty(existingStyles) ? styled.styles : _Utils_ap(styled.styles, existingStyles)); case 'Text': var str = child.a; return _Utils_Tuple2( A2( $elm$core$List$cons, _Utils_eq(context, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$asEl) ? $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$textElementFill(str) : $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$textElement(str), htmls), existingStyles); default: return _Utils_Tuple2(htmls, existingStyles); } }); if (children.$ === 'Keyed') { var keyedChildren = children.a; var _v1 = A3( $elm$core$List$foldr, gatherKeyed, _Utils_Tuple2(_List_Nil, _List_Nil), keyedChildren); var keyed = _v1.a; var styles = _v1.b; var newStyles = $elm$core$List$isEmpty(styles) ? rendered.styles : _Utils_ap(rendered.styles, styles); if (!newStyles.b) { return $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Unstyled( A5( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$finalizeNode, rendered.has, rendered.node, rendered.attributes, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Keyed( A3($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$addKeyedChildren, 'nearby-element-pls', keyed, rendered.children)), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$NoStyleSheet)); } else { var allStyles = newStyles; return $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Styled( { html: A4( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$finalizeNode, rendered.has, rendered.node, rendered.attributes, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Keyed( A3($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$addKeyedChildren, 'nearby-element-pls', keyed, rendered.children))), styles: allStyles }); } } else { var unkeyedChildren = children.a; var _v3 = A3( $elm$core$List$foldr, gather, _Utils_Tuple2(_List_Nil, _List_Nil), unkeyedChildren); var unkeyed = _v3.a; var styles = _v3.b; var newStyles = $elm$core$List$isEmpty(styles) ? rendered.styles : _Utils_ap(rendered.styles, styles); if (!newStyles.b) { return $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Unstyled( A5( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$finalizeNode, rendered.has, rendered.node, rendered.attributes, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Unkeyed( A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$addChildren, unkeyed, rendered.children)), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$NoStyleSheet)); } else { var allStyles = newStyles; return $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Styled( { html: A4( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$finalizeNode, rendered.has, rendered.node, rendered.attributes, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Unkeyed( A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$addChildren, unkeyed, rendered.children))), styles: allStyles }); } } }); var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Transform = function (a) { return {$: 'Transform', a: a}; }; var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$Field = F2( function (a, b) { return {$: 'Field', a: a, b: b}; }); var $elm$core$Bitwise$or = _Bitwise_or; var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$add = F2( function (myFlag, _v0) { var one = _v0.a; var two = _v0.b; if (myFlag.$ === 'Flag') { var first = myFlag.a; return A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$Field, first | one, two); } else { var second = myFlag.a; return A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$Field, one, second | two); } }); var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$ChildrenBehind = function (a) { return {$: 'ChildrenBehind', a: a}; }; var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$ChildrenBehindAndInFront = F2( function (a, b) { return {$: 'ChildrenBehindAndInFront', a: a, b: b}; }); var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$ChildrenInFront = function (a) { return {$: 'ChildrenInFront', a: a}; }; var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$nearbyElement = F2( function (location, elem) { return A2( $elm$html$Html$div, _List_fromArray( [ $elm$html$Html$Attributes$class( function () { switch (location.$) { case 'Above': return A2( $elm$core$String$join, ' ', _List_fromArray( [$mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.nearby, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.single, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.above])); case 'Below': return A2( $elm$core$String$join, ' ', _List_fromArray( [$mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.nearby, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.single, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.below])); case 'OnRight': return A2( $elm$core$String$join, ' ', _List_fromArray( [$mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.nearby, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.single, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.onRight])); case 'OnLeft': return A2( $elm$core$String$join, ' ', _List_fromArray( [$mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.nearby, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.single, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.onLeft])); case 'InFront': return A2( $elm$core$String$join, ' ', _List_fromArray( [$mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.nearby, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.single, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.inFront])); default: return A2( $elm$core$String$join, ' ', _List_fromArray( [$mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.nearby, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.single, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.behind])); } }()) ]), _List_fromArray( [ function () { switch (elem.$) { case 'Empty': return $elm$virtual_dom$VirtualDom$text(''); case 'Text': var str = elem.a; return $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$textElement(str); case 'Unstyled': var html = elem.a; return html($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$asEl); default: var styled = elem.a; return A2(styled.html, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$NoStyleSheet, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$asEl); } }() ])); }); var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$addNearbyElement = F3( function (location, elem, existing) { var nearby = A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$nearbyElement, location, elem); switch (existing.$) { case 'NoNearbyChildren': if (location.$ === 'Behind') { return $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$ChildrenBehind( _List_fromArray( [nearby])); } else { return $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$ChildrenInFront( _List_fromArray( [nearby])); } case 'ChildrenBehind': var existingBehind = existing.a; if (location.$ === 'Behind') { return $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$ChildrenBehind( A2($elm$core$List$cons, nearby, existingBehind)); } else { return A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$ChildrenBehindAndInFront, existingBehind, _List_fromArray( [nearby])); } case 'ChildrenInFront': var existingInFront = existing.a; if (location.$ === 'Behind') { return A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$ChildrenBehindAndInFront, _List_fromArray( [nearby]), existingInFront); } else { return $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$ChildrenInFront( A2($elm$core$List$cons, nearby, existingInFront)); } default: var existingBehind = existing.a; var existingInFront = existing.b; if (location.$ === 'Behind') { return A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$ChildrenBehindAndInFront, A2($elm$core$List$cons, nearby, existingBehind), existingInFront); } else { return A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$ChildrenBehindAndInFront, existingBehind, A2($elm$core$List$cons, nearby, existingInFront)); } } }); var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Embedded = F2( function (a, b) { return {$: 'Embedded', a: a, b: b}; }); var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$NodeName = function (a) { return {$: 'NodeName', a: a}; }; var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$addNodeName = F2( function (newNode, old) { switch (old.$) { case 'Generic': return $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$NodeName(newNode); case 'NodeName': var name = old.a; return A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Embedded, name, newNode); default: var x = old.a; var y = old.b; return A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Embedded, x, y); } }); var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$alignXName = function (align) { switch (align.$) { case 'Left': return $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.alignedHorizontally + (' ' + $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.alignLeft); case 'Right': return $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.alignedHorizontally + (' ' + $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.alignRight); default: return $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.alignedHorizontally + (' ' + $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.alignCenterX); } }; var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$alignYName = function (align) { switch (align.$) { case 'Top': return $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.alignedVertically + (' ' + $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.alignTop); case 'Bottom': return $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.alignedVertically + (' ' + $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.alignBottom); default: return $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.alignedVertically + (' ' + $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.alignCenterY); } }; var $elm$virtual_dom$VirtualDom$attribute = F2( function (key, value) { return A2( _VirtualDom_attribute, _VirtualDom_noOnOrFormAction(key), _VirtualDom_noJavaScriptOrHtmlUri(value)); }); var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$FullTransform = F4( function (a, b, c, d) { return {$: 'FullTransform', a: a, b: b, c: c, d: d}; }); var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Moved = function (a) { return {$: 'Moved', a: a}; }; var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$composeTransformation = F2( function (transform, component) { switch (transform.$) { case 'Untransformed': switch (component.$) { case 'MoveX': var x = component.a; return $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Moved( _Utils_Tuple3(x, 0, 0)); case 'MoveY': var y = component.a; return $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Moved( _Utils_Tuple3(0, y, 0)); case 'MoveZ': var z = component.a; return $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Moved( _Utils_Tuple3(0, 0, z)); case 'MoveXYZ': var xyz = component.a; return $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Moved(xyz); case 'Rotate': var xyz = component.a; var angle = component.b; return A4( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$FullTransform, _Utils_Tuple3(0, 0, 0), _Utils_Tuple3(1, 1, 1), xyz, angle); default: var xyz = component.a; return A4( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$FullTransform, _Utils_Tuple3(0, 0, 0), xyz, _Utils_Tuple3(0, 0, 1), 0); } case 'Moved': var moved = transform.a; var x = moved.a; var y = moved.b; var z = moved.c; switch (component.$) { case 'MoveX': var newX = component.a; return $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Moved( _Utils_Tuple3(newX, y, z)); case 'MoveY': var newY = component.a; return $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Moved( _Utils_Tuple3(x, newY, z)); case 'MoveZ': var newZ = component.a; return $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Moved( _Utils_Tuple3(x, y, newZ)); case 'MoveXYZ': var xyz = component.a; return $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Moved(xyz); case 'Rotate': var xyz = component.a; var angle = component.b; return A4( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$FullTransform, moved, _Utils_Tuple3(1, 1, 1), xyz, angle); default: var scale = component.a; return A4( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$FullTransform, moved, scale, _Utils_Tuple3(0, 0, 1), 0); } default: var moved = transform.a; var x = moved.a; var y = moved.b; var z = moved.c; var scaled = transform.b; var origin = transform.c; var angle = transform.d; switch (component.$) { case 'MoveX': var newX = component.a; return A4( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$FullTransform, _Utils_Tuple3(newX, y, z), scaled, origin, angle); case 'MoveY': var newY = component.a; return A4( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$FullTransform, _Utils_Tuple3(x, newY, z), scaled, origin, angle); case 'MoveZ': var newZ = component.a; return A4( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$FullTransform, _Utils_Tuple3(x, y, newZ), scaled, origin, angle); case 'MoveXYZ': var newMove = component.a; return A4($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$FullTransform, newMove, scaled, origin, angle); case 'Rotate': var newOrigin = component.a; var newAngle = component.b; return A4($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$FullTransform, moved, scaled, newOrigin, newAngle); default: var newScale = component.a; return A4($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$FullTransform, moved, newScale, origin, angle); } } }); var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$height = $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$flag(7); var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$heightContent = $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$flag(36); var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$merge = F2( function (_v0, _v1) { var one = _v0.a; var two = _v0.b; var three = _v1.a; var four = _v1.b; return A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$Field, one | three, two | four); }); var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$none = A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$Field, 0, 0); var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$renderHeight = function (h) { switch (h.$) { case 'Px': var px = h.a; var val = $elm$core$String$fromInt(px); var name = 'height-px-' + val; return _Utils_Tuple3( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$none, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.heightExact + (' ' + name), _List_fromArray( [ A3($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Single, name, 'height', val + 'px') ])); case 'Content': return _Utils_Tuple3( A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$add, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$heightContent, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$none), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.heightContent, _List_Nil); case 'Fill': var portion = h.a; return (portion === 1) ? _Utils_Tuple3( A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$add, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$heightFill, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$none), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.heightFill, _List_Nil) : _Utils_Tuple3( A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$add, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$heightFill, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$none), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.heightFillPortion + (' height-fill-' + $elm$core$String$fromInt(portion)), _List_fromArray( [ A3( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Single, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.any + ('.' + ($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.column + (' > ' + $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$dot( 'height-fill-' + $elm$core$String$fromInt(portion))))), 'flex-grow', $elm$core$String$fromInt(portion * 100000)) ])); case 'Min': var minSize = h.a; var len = h.b; var cls = 'min-height-' + $elm$core$String$fromInt(minSize); var style = A3( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Single, cls, 'min-height', $elm$core$String$fromInt(minSize) + 'px'); var _v1 = $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$renderHeight(len); var newFlag = _v1.a; var newAttrs = _v1.b; var newStyle = _v1.c; return _Utils_Tuple3( A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$add, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$heightBetween, newFlag), cls + (' ' + newAttrs), A2($elm$core$List$cons, style, newStyle)); default: var maxSize = h.a; var len = h.b; var cls = 'max-height-' + $elm$core$String$fromInt(maxSize); var style = A3( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Single, cls, 'max-height', $elm$core$String$fromInt(maxSize) + 'px'); var _v2 = $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$renderHeight(len); var newFlag = _v2.a; var newAttrs = _v2.b; var newStyle = _v2.c; return _Utils_Tuple3( A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$add, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$heightBetween, newFlag), cls + (' ' + newAttrs), A2($elm$core$List$cons, style, newStyle)); } }; var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$widthContent = $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$flag(38); var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$renderWidth = function (w) { switch (w.$) { case 'Px': var px = w.a; return _Utils_Tuple3( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$none, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.widthExact + (' width-px-' + $elm$core$String$fromInt(px)), _List_fromArray( [ A3( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Single, 'width-px-' + $elm$core$String$fromInt(px), 'width', $elm$core$String$fromInt(px) + 'px') ])); case 'Content': return _Utils_Tuple3( A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$add, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$widthContent, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$none), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.widthContent, _List_Nil); case 'Fill': var portion = w.a; return (portion === 1) ? _Utils_Tuple3( A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$add, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$widthFill, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$none), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.widthFill, _List_Nil) : _Utils_Tuple3( A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$add, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$widthFill, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$none), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.widthFillPortion + (' width-fill-' + $elm$core$String$fromInt(portion)), _List_fromArray( [ A3( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Single, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.any + ('.' + ($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.row + (' > ' + $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$dot( 'width-fill-' + $elm$core$String$fromInt(portion))))), 'flex-grow', $elm$core$String$fromInt(portion * 100000)) ])); case 'Min': var minSize = w.a; var len = w.b; var cls = 'min-width-' + $elm$core$String$fromInt(minSize); var style = A3( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Single, cls, 'min-width', $elm$core$String$fromInt(minSize) + 'px'); var _v1 = $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$renderWidth(len); var newFlag = _v1.a; var newAttrs = _v1.b; var newStyle = _v1.c; return _Utils_Tuple3( A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$add, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$widthBetween, newFlag), cls + (' ' + newAttrs), A2($elm$core$List$cons, style, newStyle)); default: var maxSize = w.a; var len = w.b; var cls = 'max-width-' + $elm$core$String$fromInt(maxSize); var style = A3( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Single, cls, 'max-width', $elm$core$String$fromInt(maxSize) + 'px'); var _v2 = $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$renderWidth(len); var newFlag = _v2.a; var newAttrs = _v2.b; var newStyle = _v2.c; return _Utils_Tuple3( A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$add, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$widthBetween, newFlag), cls + (' ' + newAttrs), A2($elm$core$List$cons, style, newStyle)); } }; var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$borderWidth = $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$flag(27); var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$skippable = F2( function (flag, style) { if (_Utils_eq(flag, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$borderWidth)) { if (style.$ === 'Single') { var val = style.c; switch (val) { case '0px': return true; case '1px': return true; case '2px': return true; case '3px': return true; case '4px': return true; case '5px': return true; case '6px': return true; default: return false; } } else { return false; } } else { switch (style.$) { case 'FontSize': var i = style.a; return (i >= 8) && (i <= 32); case 'PaddingStyle': var name = style.a; var t = style.b; var r = style.c; var b = style.d; var l = style.e; return _Utils_eq(t, b) && (_Utils_eq(t, r) && (_Utils_eq(t, l) && ((t >= 0) && (t <= 24)))); default: return false; } } }); var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$width = $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$flag(6); var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$xAlign = $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$flag(30); var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$yAlign = $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$flag(29); var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$gatherAttrRecursive = F8( function (classes, node, has, transform, styles, attrs, children, elementAttrs) { gatherAttrRecursive: while (true) { if (!elementAttrs.b) { var _v1 = $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$transformClass(transform); if (_v1.$ === 'Nothing') { return { attributes: A2( $elm$core$List$cons, $elm$html$Html$Attributes$class(classes), attrs), children: children, has: has, node: node, styles: styles }; } else { var _class = _v1.a; return { attributes: A2( $elm$core$List$cons, $elm$html$Html$Attributes$class(classes + (' ' + _class)), attrs), children: children, has: has, node: node, styles: A2( $elm$core$List$cons, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Transform(transform), styles) }; } } else { var attribute = elementAttrs.a; var remaining = elementAttrs.b; switch (attribute.$) { case 'NoAttribute': var $temp$classes = classes, $temp$node = node, $temp$has = has, $temp$transform = transform, $temp$styles = styles, $temp$attrs = attrs, $temp$children = children, $temp$elementAttrs = remaining; classes = $temp$classes; node = $temp$node; has = $temp$has; transform = $temp$transform; styles = $temp$styles; attrs = $temp$attrs; children = $temp$children; elementAttrs = $temp$elementAttrs; continue gatherAttrRecursive; case 'Class': var flag = attribute.a; var exactClassName = attribute.b; if (A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$present, flag, has)) { var $temp$classes = classes, $temp$node = node, $temp$has = has, $temp$transform = transform, $temp$styles = styles, $temp$attrs = attrs, $temp$children = children, $temp$elementAttrs = remaining; classes = $temp$classes; node = $temp$node; has = $temp$has; transform = $temp$transform; styles = $temp$styles; attrs = $temp$attrs; children = $temp$children; elementAttrs = $temp$elementAttrs; continue gatherAttrRecursive; } else { var $temp$classes = exactClassName + (' ' + classes), $temp$node = node, $temp$has = A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$add, flag, has), $temp$transform = transform, $temp$styles = styles, $temp$attrs = attrs, $temp$children = children, $temp$elementAttrs = remaining; classes = $temp$classes; node = $temp$node; has = $temp$has; transform = $temp$transform; styles = $temp$styles; attrs = $temp$attrs; children = $temp$children; elementAttrs = $temp$elementAttrs; continue gatherAttrRecursive; } case 'Attr': var actualAttribute = attribute.a; var $temp$classes = classes, $temp$node = node, $temp$has = has, $temp$transform = transform, $temp$styles = styles, $temp$attrs = A2($elm$core$List$cons, actualAttribute, attrs), $temp$children = children, $temp$elementAttrs = remaining; classes = $temp$classes; node = $temp$node; has = $temp$has; transform = $temp$transform; styles = $temp$styles; attrs = $temp$attrs; children = $temp$children; elementAttrs = $temp$elementAttrs; continue gatherAttrRecursive; case 'StyleClass': var flag = attribute.a; var style = attribute.b; if (A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$present, flag, has)) { var $temp$classes = classes, $temp$node = node, $temp$has = has, $temp$transform = transform, $temp$styles = styles, $temp$attrs = attrs, $temp$children = children, $temp$elementAttrs = remaining; classes = $temp$classes; node = $temp$node; has = $temp$has; transform = $temp$transform; styles = $temp$styles; attrs = $temp$attrs; children = $temp$children; elementAttrs = $temp$elementAttrs; continue gatherAttrRecursive; } else { if (A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$skippable, flag, style)) { var $temp$classes = $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$getStyleName(style) + (' ' + classes), $temp$node = node, $temp$has = A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$add, flag, has), $temp$transform = transform, $temp$styles = styles, $temp$attrs = attrs, $temp$children = children, $temp$elementAttrs = remaining; classes = $temp$classes; node = $temp$node; has = $temp$has; transform = $temp$transform; styles = $temp$styles; attrs = $temp$attrs; children = $temp$children; elementAttrs = $temp$elementAttrs; continue gatherAttrRecursive; } else { var $temp$classes = $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$getStyleName(style) + (' ' + classes), $temp$node = node, $temp$has = A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$add, flag, has), $temp$transform = transform, $temp$styles = A2($elm$core$List$cons, style, styles), $temp$attrs = attrs, $temp$children = children, $temp$elementAttrs = remaining; classes = $temp$classes; node = $temp$node; has = $temp$has; transform = $temp$transform; styles = $temp$styles; attrs = $temp$attrs; children = $temp$children; elementAttrs = $temp$elementAttrs; continue gatherAttrRecursive; } } case 'TransformComponent': var flag = attribute.a; var component = attribute.b; var $temp$classes = classes, $temp$node = node, $temp$has = A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$add, flag, has), $temp$transform = A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$composeTransformation, transform, component), $temp$styles = styles, $temp$attrs = attrs, $temp$children = children, $temp$elementAttrs = remaining; classes = $temp$classes; node = $temp$node; has = $temp$has; transform = $temp$transform; styles = $temp$styles; attrs = $temp$attrs; children = $temp$children; elementAttrs = $temp$elementAttrs; continue gatherAttrRecursive; case 'Width': var width = attribute.a; if (A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$present, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$width, has)) { var $temp$classes = classes, $temp$node = node, $temp$has = has, $temp$transform = transform, $temp$styles = styles, $temp$attrs = attrs, $temp$children = children, $temp$elementAttrs = remaining; classes = $temp$classes; node = $temp$node; has = $temp$has; transform = $temp$transform; styles = $temp$styles; attrs = $temp$attrs; children = $temp$children; elementAttrs = $temp$elementAttrs; continue gatherAttrRecursive; } else { switch (width.$) { case 'Px': var px = width.a; var $temp$classes = ($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.widthExact + (' width-px-' + $elm$core$String$fromInt(px))) + (' ' + classes), $temp$node = node, $temp$has = A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$add, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$width, has), $temp$transform = transform, $temp$styles = A2( $elm$core$List$cons, A3( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Single, 'width-px-' + $elm$core$String$fromInt(px), 'width', $elm$core$String$fromInt(px) + 'px'), styles), $temp$attrs = attrs, $temp$children = children, $temp$elementAttrs = remaining; classes = $temp$classes; node = $temp$node; has = $temp$has; transform = $temp$transform; styles = $temp$styles; attrs = $temp$attrs; children = $temp$children; elementAttrs = $temp$elementAttrs; continue gatherAttrRecursive; case 'Content': var $temp$classes = classes + (' ' + $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.widthContent), $temp$node = node, $temp$has = A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$add, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$widthContent, A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$add, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$width, has)), $temp$transform = transform, $temp$styles = styles, $temp$attrs = attrs, $temp$children = children, $temp$elementAttrs = remaining; classes = $temp$classes; node = $temp$node; has = $temp$has; transform = $temp$transform; styles = $temp$styles; attrs = $temp$attrs; children = $temp$children; elementAttrs = $temp$elementAttrs; continue gatherAttrRecursive; case 'Fill': var portion = width.a; if (portion === 1) { var $temp$classes = classes + (' ' + $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.widthFill), $temp$node = node, $temp$has = A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$add, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$widthFill, A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$add, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$width, has)), $temp$transform = transform, $temp$styles = styles, $temp$attrs = attrs, $temp$children = children, $temp$elementAttrs = remaining; classes = $temp$classes; node = $temp$node; has = $temp$has; transform = $temp$transform; styles = $temp$styles; attrs = $temp$attrs; children = $temp$children; elementAttrs = $temp$elementAttrs; continue gatherAttrRecursive; } else { var $temp$classes = classes + (' ' + ($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.widthFillPortion + (' width-fill-' + $elm$core$String$fromInt(portion)))), $temp$node = node, $temp$has = A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$add, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$widthFill, A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$add, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$width, has)), $temp$transform = transform, $temp$styles = A2( $elm$core$List$cons, A3( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Single, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.any + ('.' + ($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.row + (' > ' + $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$dot( 'width-fill-' + $elm$core$String$fromInt(portion))))), 'flex-grow', $elm$core$String$fromInt(portion * 100000)), styles), $temp$attrs = attrs, $temp$children = children, $temp$elementAttrs = remaining; classes = $temp$classes; node = $temp$node; has = $temp$has; transform = $temp$transform; styles = $temp$styles; attrs = $temp$attrs; children = $temp$children; elementAttrs = $temp$elementAttrs; continue gatherAttrRecursive; } default: var _v4 = $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$renderWidth(width); var addToFlags = _v4.a; var newClass = _v4.b; var newStyles = _v4.c; var $temp$classes = classes + (' ' + newClass), $temp$node = node, $temp$has = A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$merge, addToFlags, A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$add, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$width, has)), $temp$transform = transform, $temp$styles = _Utils_ap(newStyles, styles), $temp$attrs = attrs, $temp$children = children, $temp$elementAttrs = remaining; classes = $temp$classes; node = $temp$node; has = $temp$has; transform = $temp$transform; styles = $temp$styles; attrs = $temp$attrs; children = $temp$children; elementAttrs = $temp$elementAttrs; continue gatherAttrRecursive; } } case 'Height': var height = attribute.a; if (A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$present, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$height, has)) { var $temp$classes = classes, $temp$node = node, $temp$has = has, $temp$transform = transform, $temp$styles = styles, $temp$attrs = attrs, $temp$children = children, $temp$elementAttrs = remaining; classes = $temp$classes; node = $temp$node; has = $temp$has; transform = $temp$transform; styles = $temp$styles; attrs = $temp$attrs; children = $temp$children; elementAttrs = $temp$elementAttrs; continue gatherAttrRecursive; } else { switch (height.$) { case 'Px': var px = height.a; var val = $elm$core$String$fromInt(px) + 'px'; var name = 'height-px-' + val; var $temp$classes = $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.heightExact + (' ' + (name + (' ' + classes))), $temp$node = node, $temp$has = A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$add, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$height, has), $temp$transform = transform, $temp$styles = A2( $elm$core$List$cons, A3($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Single, name, 'height ', val), styles), $temp$attrs = attrs, $temp$children = children, $temp$elementAttrs = remaining; classes = $temp$classes; node = $temp$node; has = $temp$has; transform = $temp$transform; styles = $temp$styles; attrs = $temp$attrs; children = $temp$children; elementAttrs = $temp$elementAttrs; continue gatherAttrRecursive; case 'Content': var $temp$classes = $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.heightContent + (' ' + classes), $temp$node = node, $temp$has = A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$add, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$heightContent, A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$add, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$height, has)), $temp$transform = transform, $temp$styles = styles, $temp$attrs = attrs, $temp$children = children, $temp$elementAttrs = remaining; classes = $temp$classes; node = $temp$node; has = $temp$has; transform = $temp$transform; styles = $temp$styles; attrs = $temp$attrs; children = $temp$children; elementAttrs = $temp$elementAttrs; continue gatherAttrRecursive; case 'Fill': var portion = height.a; if (portion === 1) { var $temp$classes = $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.heightFill + (' ' + classes), $temp$node = node, $temp$has = A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$add, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$heightFill, A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$add, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$height, has)), $temp$transform = transform, $temp$styles = styles, $temp$attrs = attrs, $temp$children = children, $temp$elementAttrs = remaining; classes = $temp$classes; node = $temp$node; has = $temp$has; transform = $temp$transform; styles = $temp$styles; attrs = $temp$attrs; children = $temp$children; elementAttrs = $temp$elementAttrs; continue gatherAttrRecursive; } else { var $temp$classes = classes + (' ' + ($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.heightFillPortion + (' height-fill-' + $elm$core$String$fromInt(portion)))), $temp$node = node, $temp$has = A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$add, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$heightFill, A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$add, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$height, has)), $temp$transform = transform, $temp$styles = A2( $elm$core$List$cons, A3( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Single, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.any + ('.' + ($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.column + (' > ' + $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$dot( 'height-fill-' + $elm$core$String$fromInt(portion))))), 'flex-grow', $elm$core$String$fromInt(portion * 100000)), styles), $temp$attrs = attrs, $temp$children = children, $temp$elementAttrs = remaining; classes = $temp$classes; node = $temp$node; has = $temp$has; transform = $temp$transform; styles = $temp$styles; attrs = $temp$attrs; children = $temp$children; elementAttrs = $temp$elementAttrs; continue gatherAttrRecursive; } default: var _v6 = $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$renderHeight(height); var addToFlags = _v6.a; var newClass = _v6.b; var newStyles = _v6.c; var $temp$classes = classes + (' ' + newClass), $temp$node = node, $temp$has = A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$merge, addToFlags, A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$add, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$height, has)), $temp$transform = transform, $temp$styles = _Utils_ap(newStyles, styles), $temp$attrs = attrs, $temp$children = children, $temp$elementAttrs = remaining; classes = $temp$classes; node = $temp$node; has = $temp$has; transform = $temp$transform; styles = $temp$styles; attrs = $temp$attrs; children = $temp$children; elementAttrs = $temp$elementAttrs; continue gatherAttrRecursive; } } case 'Describe': var description = attribute.a; switch (description.$) { case 'Main': var $temp$classes = classes, $temp$node = A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$addNodeName, 'main', node), $temp$has = has, $temp$transform = transform, $temp$styles = styles, $temp$attrs = attrs, $temp$children = children, $temp$elementAttrs = remaining; classes = $temp$classes; node = $temp$node; has = $temp$has; transform = $temp$transform; styles = $temp$styles; attrs = $temp$attrs; children = $temp$children; elementAttrs = $temp$elementAttrs; continue gatherAttrRecursive; case 'Navigation': var $temp$classes = classes, $temp$node = A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$addNodeName, 'nav', node), $temp$has = has, $temp$transform = transform, $temp$styles = styles, $temp$attrs = attrs, $temp$children = children, $temp$elementAttrs = remaining; classes = $temp$classes; node = $temp$node; has = $temp$has; transform = $temp$transform; styles = $temp$styles; attrs = $temp$attrs; children = $temp$children; elementAttrs = $temp$elementAttrs; continue gatherAttrRecursive; case 'ContentInfo': var $temp$classes = classes, $temp$node = A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$addNodeName, 'footer', node), $temp$has = has, $temp$transform = transform, $temp$styles = styles, $temp$attrs = attrs, $temp$children = children, $temp$elementAttrs = remaining; classes = $temp$classes; node = $temp$node; has = $temp$has; transform = $temp$transform; styles = $temp$styles; attrs = $temp$attrs; children = $temp$children; elementAttrs = $temp$elementAttrs; continue gatherAttrRecursive; case 'Complementary': var $temp$classes = classes, $temp$node = A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$addNodeName, 'aside', node), $temp$has = has, $temp$transform = transform, $temp$styles = styles, $temp$attrs = attrs, $temp$children = children, $temp$elementAttrs = remaining; classes = $temp$classes; node = $temp$node; has = $temp$has; transform = $temp$transform; styles = $temp$styles; attrs = $temp$attrs; children = $temp$children; elementAttrs = $temp$elementAttrs; continue gatherAttrRecursive; case 'Heading': var i = description.a; if (i <= 1) { var $temp$classes = classes, $temp$node = A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$addNodeName, 'h1', node), $temp$has = has, $temp$transform = transform, $temp$styles = styles, $temp$attrs = attrs, $temp$children = children, $temp$elementAttrs = remaining; classes = $temp$classes; node = $temp$node; has = $temp$has; transform = $temp$transform; styles = $temp$styles; attrs = $temp$attrs; children = $temp$children; elementAttrs = $temp$elementAttrs; continue gatherAttrRecursive; } else { if (i < 7) { var $temp$classes = classes, $temp$node = A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$addNodeName, 'h' + $elm$core$String$fromInt(i), node), $temp$has = has, $temp$transform = transform, $temp$styles = styles, $temp$attrs = attrs, $temp$children = children, $temp$elementAttrs = remaining; classes = $temp$classes; node = $temp$node; has = $temp$has; transform = $temp$transform; styles = $temp$styles; attrs = $temp$attrs; children = $temp$children; elementAttrs = $temp$elementAttrs; continue gatherAttrRecursive; } else { var $temp$classes = classes, $temp$node = A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$addNodeName, 'h6', node), $temp$has = has, $temp$transform = transform, $temp$styles = styles, $temp$attrs = attrs, $temp$children = children, $temp$elementAttrs = remaining; classes = $temp$classes; node = $temp$node; has = $temp$has; transform = $temp$transform; styles = $temp$styles; attrs = $temp$attrs; children = $temp$children; elementAttrs = $temp$elementAttrs; continue gatherAttrRecursive; } } case 'Paragraph': var $temp$classes = classes, $temp$node = node, $temp$has = has, $temp$transform = transform, $temp$styles = styles, $temp$attrs = attrs, $temp$children = children, $temp$elementAttrs = remaining; classes = $temp$classes; node = $temp$node; has = $temp$has; transform = $temp$transform; styles = $temp$styles; attrs = $temp$attrs; children = $temp$children; elementAttrs = $temp$elementAttrs; continue gatherAttrRecursive; case 'Button': var $temp$classes = classes, $temp$node = node, $temp$has = has, $temp$transform = transform, $temp$styles = styles, $temp$attrs = A2( $elm$core$List$cons, A2($elm$virtual_dom$VirtualDom$attribute, 'role', 'button'), attrs), $temp$children = children, $temp$elementAttrs = remaining; classes = $temp$classes; node = $temp$node; has = $temp$has; transform = $temp$transform; styles = $temp$styles; attrs = $temp$attrs; children = $temp$children; elementAttrs = $temp$elementAttrs; continue gatherAttrRecursive; case 'Label': var label = description.a; var $temp$classes = classes, $temp$node = node, $temp$has = has, $temp$transform = transform, $temp$styles = styles, $temp$attrs = A2( $elm$core$List$cons, A2($elm$virtual_dom$VirtualDom$attribute, 'aria-label', label), attrs), $temp$children = children, $temp$elementAttrs = remaining; classes = $temp$classes; node = $temp$node; has = $temp$has; transform = $temp$transform; styles = $temp$styles; attrs = $temp$attrs; children = $temp$children; elementAttrs = $temp$elementAttrs; continue gatherAttrRecursive; case 'LivePolite': var $temp$classes = classes, $temp$node = node, $temp$has = has, $temp$transform = transform, $temp$styles = styles, $temp$attrs = A2( $elm$core$List$cons, A2($elm$virtual_dom$VirtualDom$attribute, 'aria-live', 'polite'), attrs), $temp$children = children, $temp$elementAttrs = remaining; classes = $temp$classes; node = $temp$node; has = $temp$has; transform = $temp$transform; styles = $temp$styles; attrs = $temp$attrs; children = $temp$children; elementAttrs = $temp$elementAttrs; continue gatherAttrRecursive; default: var $temp$classes = classes, $temp$node = node, $temp$has = has, $temp$transform = transform, $temp$styles = styles, $temp$attrs = A2( $elm$core$List$cons, A2($elm$virtual_dom$VirtualDom$attribute, 'aria-live', 'assertive'), attrs), $temp$children = children, $temp$elementAttrs = remaining; classes = $temp$classes; node = $temp$node; has = $temp$has; transform = $temp$transform; styles = $temp$styles; attrs = $temp$attrs; children = $temp$children; elementAttrs = $temp$elementAttrs; continue gatherAttrRecursive; } case 'Nearby': var location = attribute.a; var elem = attribute.b; var newStyles = function () { switch (elem.$) { case 'Empty': return styles; case 'Text': var str = elem.a; return styles; case 'Unstyled': var html = elem.a; return styles; default: var styled = elem.a; return _Utils_ap(styles, styled.styles); } }(); var $temp$classes = classes, $temp$node = node, $temp$has = has, $temp$transform = transform, $temp$styles = newStyles, $temp$attrs = attrs, $temp$children = A3($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$addNearbyElement, location, elem, children), $temp$elementAttrs = remaining; classes = $temp$classes; node = $temp$node; has = $temp$has; transform = $temp$transform; styles = $temp$styles; attrs = $temp$attrs; children = $temp$children; elementAttrs = $temp$elementAttrs; continue gatherAttrRecursive; case 'AlignX': var x = attribute.a; if (A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$present, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$xAlign, has)) { var $temp$classes = classes, $temp$node = node, $temp$has = has, $temp$transform = transform, $temp$styles = styles, $temp$attrs = attrs, $temp$children = children, $temp$elementAttrs = remaining; classes = $temp$classes; node = $temp$node; has = $temp$has; transform = $temp$transform; styles = $temp$styles; attrs = $temp$attrs; children = $temp$children; elementAttrs = $temp$elementAttrs; continue gatherAttrRecursive; } else { var $temp$classes = $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$alignXName(x) + (' ' + classes), $temp$node = node, $temp$has = function (flags) { switch (x.$) { case 'CenterX': return A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$add, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$centerX, flags); case 'Right': return A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$add, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$alignRight, flags); default: return flags; } }( A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$add, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$xAlign, has)), $temp$transform = transform, $temp$styles = styles, $temp$attrs = attrs, $temp$children = children, $temp$elementAttrs = remaining; classes = $temp$classes; node = $temp$node; has = $temp$has; transform = $temp$transform; styles = $temp$styles; attrs = $temp$attrs; children = $temp$children; elementAttrs = $temp$elementAttrs; continue gatherAttrRecursive; } default: var y = attribute.a; if (A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$present, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$yAlign, has)) { var $temp$classes = classes, $temp$node = node, $temp$has = has, $temp$transform = transform, $temp$styles = styles, $temp$attrs = attrs, $temp$children = children, $temp$elementAttrs = remaining; classes = $temp$classes; node = $temp$node; has = $temp$has; transform = $temp$transform; styles = $temp$styles; attrs = $temp$attrs; children = $temp$children; elementAttrs = $temp$elementAttrs; continue gatherAttrRecursive; } else { var $temp$classes = $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$alignYName(y) + (' ' + classes), $temp$node = node, $temp$has = function (flags) { switch (y.$) { case 'CenterY': return A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$add, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$centerY, flags); case 'Bottom': return A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$add, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$alignBottom, flags); default: return flags; } }( A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$add, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$yAlign, has)), $temp$transform = transform, $temp$styles = styles, $temp$attrs = attrs, $temp$children = children, $temp$elementAttrs = remaining; classes = $temp$classes; node = $temp$node; has = $temp$has; transform = $temp$transform; styles = $temp$styles; attrs = $temp$attrs; children = $temp$children; elementAttrs = $temp$elementAttrs; continue gatherAttrRecursive; } } } } }); var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Untransformed = {$: 'Untransformed'}; var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$untransformed = $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Untransformed; var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$element = F4( function (context, node, attributes, children) { return A3( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$createElement, context, children, A8( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$gatherAttrRecursive, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$contextClasses(context), node, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$none, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$untransformed, _List_Nil, _List_Nil, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$NoNearbyChildren, $elm$core$List$reverse(attributes))); }); var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Attr = function (a) { return {$: 'Attr', a: a}; }; var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$htmlClass = function (cls) { return $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Attr( $elm$html$Html$Attributes$class(cls)); }; var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Content = {$: 'Content'}; var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$shrink = $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Content; var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Width = function (a) { return {$: 'Width', a: a}; }; var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$width = $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Width; var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$column = F2( function (attrs, children) { return A4( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$element, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$asColumn, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$div, A2( $elm$core$List$cons, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$htmlClass($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.contentTop + (' ' + $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.contentLeft)), A2( $elm$core$List$cons, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$height($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$shrink), A2( $elm$core$List$cons, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$width($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$shrink), attrs))), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Unkeyed(children)); }); var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$OnlyDynamic = F2( function (a, b) { return {$: 'OnlyDynamic', a: a, b: b}; }); var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$StaticRootAndDynamic = F2( function (a, b) { return {$: 'StaticRootAndDynamic', a: a, b: b}; }); var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$AllowHover = {$: 'AllowHover'}; var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Layout = {$: 'Layout'}; var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$focusDefaultStyle = { backgroundColor: $elm$core$Maybe$Nothing, borderColor: $elm$core$Maybe$Nothing, shadow: $elm$core$Maybe$Just( { blur: 0, color: A4($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Rgba, 155 / 255, 203 / 255, 1, 1), offset: _Utils_Tuple2(0, 0), size: 3 }) }; var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$optionsToRecord = function (options) { var combine = F2( function (opt, record) { switch (opt.$) { case 'HoverOption': var hoverable = opt.a; var _v4 = record.hover; if (_v4.$ === 'Nothing') { return _Utils_update( record, { hover: $elm$core$Maybe$Just(hoverable) }); } else { return record; } case 'FocusStyleOption': var focusStyle = opt.a; var _v5 = record.focus; if (_v5.$ === 'Nothing') { return _Utils_update( record, { focus: $elm$core$Maybe$Just(focusStyle) }); } else { return record; } default: var renderMode = opt.a; var _v6 = record.mode; if (_v6.$ === 'Nothing') { return _Utils_update( record, { mode: $elm$core$Maybe$Just(renderMode) }); } else { return record; } } }); var andFinally = function (record) { return { focus: function () { var _v0 = record.focus; if (_v0.$ === 'Nothing') { return $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$focusDefaultStyle; } else { var focusable = _v0.a; return focusable; } }(), hover: function () { var _v1 = record.hover; if (_v1.$ === 'Nothing') { return $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$AllowHover; } else { var hoverable = _v1.a; return hoverable; } }(), mode: function () { var _v2 = record.mode; if (_v2.$ === 'Nothing') { return $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Layout; } else { var actualMode = _v2.a; return actualMode; } }() }; }; return andFinally( A3( $elm$core$List$foldr, combine, {focus: $elm$core$Maybe$Nothing, hover: $elm$core$Maybe$Nothing, mode: $elm$core$Maybe$Nothing}, options)); }; var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$toHtml = F2( function (mode, el) { switch (el.$) { case 'Unstyled': var html = el.a; return html($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$asEl); case 'Styled': var styles = el.a.styles; var html = el.a.html; return A2( html, mode(styles), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$asEl); case 'Text': var text = el.a; return $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$textElement(text); default: return $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$textElement(''); } }); var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$renderRoot = F3( function (optionList, attributes, child) { var options = $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$optionsToRecord(optionList); var embedStyle = function () { var _v0 = options.mode; if (_v0.$ === 'NoStaticStyleSheet') { return $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$OnlyDynamic(options); } else { return $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$StaticRootAndDynamic(options); } }(); return A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$toHtml, embedStyle, A4( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$element, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$asEl, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$div, attributes, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Unkeyed( _List_fromArray( [child])))); }); var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$FontFamily = F2( function (a, b) { return {$: 'FontFamily', a: a, b: b}; }); var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$FontSize = function (a) { return {$: 'FontSize', a: a}; }; var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$SansSerif = {$: 'SansSerif'}; var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Typeface = function (a) { return {$: 'Typeface', a: a}; }; var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$fontFamily = $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$flag(5); var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$fontSize = $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$flag(4); var $elm$core$String$toLower = _String_toLower; var $elm$core$String$words = _String_words; var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$renderFontClassName = F2( function (font, current) { return _Utils_ap( current, function () { switch (font.$) { case 'Serif': return 'serif'; case 'SansSerif': return 'sans-serif'; case 'Monospace': return 'monospace'; case 'Typeface': var name = font.a; return A2( $elm$core$String$join, '-', $elm$core$String$words( $elm$core$String$toLower(name))); case 'ImportFont': var name = font.a; var url = font.b; return A2( $elm$core$String$join, '-', $elm$core$String$words( $elm$core$String$toLower(name))); default: var name = font.a.name; return A2( $elm$core$String$join, '-', $elm$core$String$words( $elm$core$String$toLower(name))); } }()); }); var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$rootStyle = function () { var families = _List_fromArray( [ $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Typeface('Open Sans'), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Typeface('Helvetica'), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Typeface('Verdana'), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$SansSerif ]); return _List_fromArray( [ A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$StyleClass, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$bgColor, A3( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Colored, 'bg-' + $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$formatColorClass( A4($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Rgba, 1, 1, 1, 0)), 'background-color', A4($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Rgba, 1, 1, 1, 0))), A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$StyleClass, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$fontColor, A3( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Colored, 'fc-' + $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$formatColorClass( A4($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Rgba, 0, 0, 0, 1)), 'color', A4($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Rgba, 0, 0, 0, 1))), A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$StyleClass, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$fontSize, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$FontSize(20)), A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$StyleClass, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$fontFamily, A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$FontFamily, A3($elm$core$List$foldl, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$renderFontClassName, 'font-', families), families)) ]); }(); var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$layoutWith = F3( function (_v0, attrs, child) { var options = _v0.options; return A3( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$renderRoot, options, A2( $elm$core$List$cons, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$htmlClass( A2( $elm$core$String$join, ' ', _List_fromArray( [$mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.root, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.any, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.single]))), _Utils_ap($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$rootStyle, attrs)), child); }); var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$layout = $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$layoutWith( {options: _List_Nil}); var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Describe = function (a) { return {$: 'Describe', a: a}; }; var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Paragraph = {$: 'Paragraph'}; var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$paragraph = F2( function (attrs, children) { return A4( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$element, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$asParagraph, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$div, A2( $elm$core$List$cons, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Describe($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Paragraph), A2( $elm$core$List$cons, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$width($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$fill), A2( $elm$core$List$cons, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$spacing(5), attrs))), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Unkeyed(children)); }); var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Right = {$: 'Right'}; var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$alignRight = $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$AlignX($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Right); var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$borderColor = $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$flag(28); var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Border$color = function (clr) { return A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$StyleClass, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$borderColor, A3( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Colored, 'bc-' + $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$formatColorClass(clr), 'border-color', clr)); }; var $author$project$Page$Colors$darkBlue = A3($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$rgb255, 17, 60, 112); var $author$project$Page$Root$edges = {bottom: 0, left: 0, right: 0, top: 0}; var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$el = F2( function (attrs, child) { return A4( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$element, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$asEl, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$div, A2( $elm$core$List$cons, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$width($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$shrink), A2( $elm$core$List$cons, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$height($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$shrink), attrs)), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Unkeyed( _List_fromArray( [child]))); }); var $author$project$Page$Colors$gray = A3($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$rgb255, 204, 204, 204); var $elm$html$Html$Attributes$href = function (url) { return A2( $elm$html$Html$Attributes$stringProperty, 'href', _VirtualDom_noJavaScriptUri(url)); }; var $elm$html$Html$Attributes$rel = _VirtualDom_attribute('rel'); var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$link = F2( function (attrs, _v0) { var url = _v0.url; var label = _v0.label; return A4( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$element, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$asEl, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$NodeName('a'), A2( $elm$core$List$cons, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Attr( $elm$html$Html$Attributes$href(url)), A2( $elm$core$List$cons, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Attr( $elm$html$Html$Attributes$rel('noopener noreferrer')), A2( $elm$core$List$cons, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$width($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$shrink), A2( $elm$core$List$cons, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$height($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$shrink), A2( $elm$core$List$cons, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$htmlClass($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.contentCenterX + (' ' + ($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.contentCenterY + (' ' + $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.link)))), attrs))))), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Unkeyed( _List_fromArray( [label]))); }); var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$AsRow = {$: 'AsRow'}; var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$asRow = $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$AsRow; var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$row = F2( function (attrs, children) { return A4( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$element, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$asRow, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$div, A2( $elm$core$List$cons, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$htmlClass($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.contentLeft + (' ' + $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.contentCenterY)), A2( $elm$core$List$cons, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$width($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$shrink), A2( $elm$core$List$cons, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$height($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$shrink), attrs))), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Unkeyed(children)); }); var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Font$size = function (i) { return A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$StyleClass, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$fontSize, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$FontSize(i)); }; var $author$project$Page$Colors$white = A3($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$rgb, 94.5224, 99.7466, 108.0371); var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$BorderWidth = F5( function (a, b, c, d, e) { return {$: 'BorderWidth', a: a, b: b, c: c, d: d, e: e}; }); var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Border$width = function (v) { return A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$StyleClass, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$borderWidth, A5( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$BorderWidth, 'b-' + $elm$core$String$fromInt(v), v, v, v, v)); }; var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Border$widthXY = F2( function (x, y) { return A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$StyleClass, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$borderWidth, A5( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$BorderWidth, 'b-' + ($elm$core$String$fromInt(x) + ('-' + $elm$core$String$fromInt(y))), y, x, y, x)); }); var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Border$widthEach = function (_v0) { var bottom = _v0.bottom; var top = _v0.top; var left = _v0.left; var right = _v0.right; return (_Utils_eq(top, bottom) && _Utils_eq(left, right)) ? (_Utils_eq(top, right) ? $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Border$width(top) : A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Border$widthXY, left, top)) : A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$StyleClass, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$borderWidth, A5( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$BorderWidth, 'b-' + ($elm$core$String$fromInt(top) + ('-' + ($elm$core$String$fromInt(right) + ('-' + ($elm$core$String$fromInt(bottom) + ('-' + $elm$core$String$fromInt(left))))))), top, right, bottom, left)); }; var $author$project$Page$Root$renderFooter = F2( function (model, session) { return A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$row, _List_fromArray( [ $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$height( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$px(77)), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$width($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$fill), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Border$widthEach( _Utils_update( $author$project$Page$Root$edges, {top: 2})), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Border$color($author$project$Page$Colors$gray), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Background$color($author$project$Page$Colors$white), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Font$color($author$project$Page$Colors$darkBlue), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Font$size(14), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$padding(20) ]), _List_fromArray( [ A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$el, _List_Nil, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$text('Shrinkalink - 2020')), A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$el, _List_fromArray( [$mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$alignRight]), A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$link, _List_Nil, { label: $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$text('Terms & Conditions | Privacy Policy.'), url: '/terms' })) ])); }); var $elm$html$Html$Attributes$alt = $elm$html$Html$Attributes$stringProperty('alt'); var $elm$html$Html$Attributes$src = function (url) { return A2( $elm$html$Html$Attributes$stringProperty, 'src', _VirtualDom_noJavaScriptOrHtmlUri(url)); }; var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$image = F2( function (attrs, _v0) { var src = _v0.src; var description = _v0.description; var imageAttributes = A2( $elm$core$List$filter, function (a) { switch (a.$) { case 'Width': return true; case 'Height': return true; default: return false; } }, attrs); return A4( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$element, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$asEl, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$div, A2( $elm$core$List$cons, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$htmlClass($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.imageContainer), attrs), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Unkeyed( _List_fromArray( [ A4( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$element, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$asEl, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$NodeName('img'), _Utils_ap( _List_fromArray( [ $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Attr( $elm$html$Html$Attributes$src(src)), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Attr( $elm$html$Html$Attributes$alt(description)) ]), imageAttributes), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Unkeyed(_List_Nil)) ]))); }); var $author$project$Page$Root$LogInClicked = {$: 'LogInClicked'}; var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Button = {$: 'Button'}; var $elm$html$Html$Attributes$boolProperty = F2( function (key, bool) { return A2( _VirtualDom_property, key, $elm$json$Json$Encode$bool(bool)); }); var $elm$html$Html$Attributes$disabled = $elm$html$Html$Attributes$boolProperty('disabled'); var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$NoAttribute = {$: 'NoAttribute'}; var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Input$hasFocusStyle = function (attr) { if (((attr.$ === 'StyleClass') && (attr.b.$ === 'PseudoSelector')) && (attr.b.a.$ === 'Focus')) { var _v1 = attr.b; var _v2 = _v1.a; return true; } else { return false; } }; var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Input$focusDefault = function (attrs) { return A2($elm$core$List$any, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Input$hasFocusStyle, attrs) ? $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$NoAttribute : $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$htmlClass('focusable'); }; var $elm$virtual_dom$VirtualDom$Normal = function (a) { return {$: 'Normal', a: a}; }; var $elm$virtual_dom$VirtualDom$on = _VirtualDom_on; var $elm$html$Html$Events$on = F2( function (event, decoder) { return A2( $elm$virtual_dom$VirtualDom$on, event, $elm$virtual_dom$VirtualDom$Normal(decoder)); }); var $elm$html$Html$Events$onClick = function (msg) { return A2( $elm$html$Html$Events$on, 'click', $elm$json$Json$Decode$succeed(msg)); }; var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Events$onClick = A2($elm$core$Basics$composeL, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Attr, $elm$html$Html$Events$onClick); var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Input$enter = 'Enter'; var $elm$virtual_dom$VirtualDom$MayPreventDefault = function (a) { return {$: 'MayPreventDefault', a: a}; }; var $elm$html$Html$Events$preventDefaultOn = F2( function (event, decoder) { return A2( $elm$virtual_dom$VirtualDom$on, event, $elm$virtual_dom$VirtualDom$MayPreventDefault(decoder)); }); var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Input$onKey = F2( function (desiredCode, msg) { var decode = function (code) { return _Utils_eq(code, desiredCode) ? $elm$json$Json$Decode$succeed(msg) : $elm$json$Json$Decode$fail('Not the enter key'); }; var isKey = A2( $elm$json$Json$Decode$andThen, decode, A2($elm$json$Json$Decode$field, 'key', $elm$json$Json$Decode$string)); return $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Attr( A2( $elm$html$Html$Events$preventDefaultOn, 'keyup', A2( $elm$json$Json$Decode$map, function (fired) { return _Utils_Tuple2(fired, true); }, isKey))); }); var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Input$onEnter = function (msg) { return A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Input$onKey, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Input$enter, msg); }; var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Class = F2( function (a, b) { return {$: 'Class', a: a, b: b}; }); var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$cursor = $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$flag(21); var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$pointer = A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Class, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$cursor, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.cursorPointer); var $elm$html$Html$Attributes$tabindex = function (n) { return A2( _VirtualDom_attribute, 'tabIndex', $elm$core$String$fromInt(n)); }; var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Input$button = F2( function (attrs, _v0) { var onPress = _v0.onPress; var label = _v0.label; return A4( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$element, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$asEl, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$div, A2( $elm$core$List$cons, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$width($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$shrink), A2( $elm$core$List$cons, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$height($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$shrink), A2( $elm$core$List$cons, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$htmlClass($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.contentCenterX + (' ' + ($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.contentCenterY + (' ' + ($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.seButton + (' ' + $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.noTextSelection)))))), A2( $elm$core$List$cons, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$pointer, A2( $elm$core$List$cons, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Input$focusDefault(attrs), A2( $elm$core$List$cons, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Describe($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Button), A2( $elm$core$List$cons, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Attr( $elm$html$Html$Attributes$tabindex(0)), function () { if (onPress.$ === 'Nothing') { return A2( $elm$core$List$cons, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Attr( $elm$html$Html$Attributes$disabled(true)), attrs); } else { var msg = onPress.a; return A2( $elm$core$List$cons, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Events$onClick(msg), A2( $elm$core$List$cons, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Input$onEnter(msg), attrs)); } }()))))))), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Unkeyed( _List_fromArray( [label]))); }); var $author$project$Page$Root$buttonEdges = {bottomLeft: 0, bottomRight: 0, topLeft: 0, topRight: 0}; var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$fontAlignment = $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$flag(12); var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Font$center = A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Class, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$fontAlignment, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.textCenter); var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Border$roundEach = function (_v0) { var topLeft = _v0.topLeft; var topRight = _v0.topRight; var bottomLeft = _v0.bottomLeft; var bottomRight = _v0.bottomRight; return A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$StyleClass, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$borderRound, A3( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Single, 'br-' + ($elm$core$String$fromInt(topLeft) + ('-' + ($elm$core$String$fromInt(topRight) + ($elm$core$String$fromInt(bottomLeft) + ('-' + $elm$core$String$fromInt(bottomRight)))))), 'border-radius', $elm$core$String$fromInt(topLeft) + ('px ' + ($elm$core$String$fromInt(topRight) + ('px ' + ($elm$core$String$fromInt(bottomRight) + ('px ' + ($elm$core$String$fromInt(bottomLeft) + 'px')))))))); }; var $author$project$Page$Colors$turquesa = A3($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$rgb255, 102, 255, 255); var $author$project$Page$Root$logInButton = F2( function (key, model) { return A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Input$button, _List_fromArray( [ $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Background$color($author$project$Page$Colors$turquesa), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Font$color($author$project$Page$Colors$darkBlue), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$width( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$px(130)), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$height( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$px(40)), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Border$roundEach( _Utils_update( $author$project$Page$Root$buttonEdges, {bottomLeft: 5, topLeft: 5, topRight: 5})), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Font$center ]), { label: $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$text('LOG IN'), onPress: $elm$core$Maybe$Just($author$project$Page$Root$LogInClicked) }); }); var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Max = F2( function (a, b) { return {$: 'Max', a: a, b: b}; }); var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$maximum = F2( function (i, l) { return A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Max, i, l); }); var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Min = F2( function (a, b) { return {$: 'Min', a: a, b: b}; }); var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$minimum = F2( function (i, l) { return A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Min, i, l); }); var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$paddingName = F4( function (top, right, bottom, left) { return 'pad-' + ($elm$core$String$fromInt(top) + ('-' + ($elm$core$String$fromInt(right) + ('-' + ($elm$core$String$fromInt(bottom) + ('-' + $elm$core$String$fromInt(left))))))); }); var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$paddingEach = function (_v0) { var top = _v0.top; var right = _v0.right; var bottom = _v0.bottom; var left = _v0.left; return (_Utils_eq(top, right) && (_Utils_eq(top, bottom) && _Utils_eq(top, left))) ? A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$StyleClass, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$padding, A5( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$PaddingStyle, 'p-' + $elm$core$String$fromInt(top), top, top, top, top)) : A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$StyleClass, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$padding, A5( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$PaddingStyle, A4($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$paddingName, top, right, bottom, left), top, right, bottom, left)); }; var $author$project$Page$Root$SignUpClicked = {$: 'SignUpClicked'}; var $author$project$Page$Root$signInButton = A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Input$button, _List_fromArray( [ $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Font$color($author$project$Page$Colors$turquesa) ]), { label: $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$text('Sign Up'), onPress: $elm$core$Maybe$Just($author$project$Page$Root$SignUpClicked) }); var $author$project$Page$Root$renderHeader = F3( function (key, model, session) { return A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$row, _List_fromArray( [ $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$width($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$fill), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Background$color($author$project$Page$Colors$lightBlue), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$height( A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$minimum, 60, A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$maximum, 120, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$fill))), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$spacing(30), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$paddingEach( _Utils_update( $author$project$Page$Root$edges, {bottom: 20, left: 35, right: 35, top: 20})), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Border$widthEach( _Utils_update( $author$project$Page$Root$edges, {bottom: 1})), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Border$color($author$project$Page$Colors$white) ]), _List_fromArray( [ A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$link, _List_Nil, { label: A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$image, _List_fromArray( [ $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$height( A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$minimum, 40, A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$maximum, 72, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$fill))), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$width( A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$minimum, 170, A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$maximum, 208, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$fill))) ]), {description: 'shrinkalink', src: 'static/img/b_logo.png'}), url: '/' }), A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$el, _List_fromArray( [$mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$alignRight]), A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$row, _List_fromArray( [ $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Font$size(13), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$spacing(30) ]), _List_fromArray( [ $author$project$Page$Root$signInButton, A2($author$project$Page$Root$logInButton, key, model) ]))) ])); }); var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$AsTextColumn = {$: 'AsTextColumn'}; var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$asTextColumn = $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$AsTextColumn; var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$textColumn = F2( function (attrs, children) { return A4( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$element, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$asTextColumn, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$div, A2( $elm$core$List$cons, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$width( A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$maximum, 750, A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$minimum, 500, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$fill))), attrs), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Unkeyed(children)); }); var $author$project$Page$Root$renderPrivacy = F3( function (key, model, sess) { return A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$layout, _List_fromArray( [ $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$width($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$fill) ]), A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$column, _List_fromArray( [ $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$width($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$fill), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$spacing(30) ]), _List_fromArray( [ A3($author$project$Page$Root$renderHeader, key, model, sess), A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$textColumn, _List_fromArray( [ $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$centerX, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$spacing(30) ]), _List_fromArray( [ A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$paragraph, _List_Nil, _List_fromArray( [ $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$text('DATA PROTECTION') ])), A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$paragraph, _List_Nil, _List_fromArray( [ $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$text('1. The User agrees to disclose and/or make available to SOFTDEV the IP addresses or cookies, or tools that facilitate the Tracking of the Advertiser´s final customers. SOFTDEV will only accept data provided by the User that is essential for the operation of SL and its Tracking, always ensuring its protection thereof and giving proper compliance with the legislation on data protection.') ])), A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$paragraph, _List_Nil, _List_fromArray( [ $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$text('2. The User acknowledges that it is the controller of the data that is disclosed and/or made available to SOFTDEV, and acknowledges that SOFTDEV will process the data as a separate and independent controller. In no event will the parties process the data as joint controllers. ') ])), A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$paragraph, _List_Nil, _List_fromArray( [ $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$text('3. SOFTDEV and the User shall each be individually and separately responsible for complying with the obligations that apply under Applicable Data Protection Law. Without limitation to the foregoing, SL and the User shall each maintain a publicly-accessible privacy policy on their website that satisfies the transparency disclosure requirements of Applicable Data Protection Law.\n') ])), A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$paragraph, _List_Nil, _List_fromArray( [ $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$text('4. The User and SOFTDEV shall each implement appropriate technical and organisational measures to protect any personal data from accidental or unlawful destruction, loss, alteration, unauthorised disclosure of or access to the personal data.\n') ])), A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$paragraph, _List_Nil, _List_fromArray( [ $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$text('5. The User agrees that by clicking and accepting this Agreement, it is also agreeing to comply with all the Applicable Data Protection Laws that could affect SL.') ])), A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$paragraph, _List_Nil, _List_fromArray( [ $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$text('6. Both Parties agree to provide reasonable assistance to each other as necessary in order to enable each party to comply with any data access requests (whether in relation to Personal Data, rectification, restrictions on Processing, erasure or portability or any other right) and to respond to any other queries or complaints that the other party may have in accordance with the Applicable Data Protection Law.') ])), A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$paragraph, _List_Nil, _List_fromArray( [ $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$text('7. The User acknowledges that SOFTDEV may use cookies, IP addresses and/or similar tools to ensure the correct functioning of the Redirection, and to be able to provide its services. The User must ensure that appropriate notice and consent mechanisms are in place so that SOFTDEV can use those tools lawfully in order to provide its services under this Agreement.') ])), A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$paragraph, _List_Nil, _List_fromArray( [ $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$text('8. SOFTDEV and the User agree to follow and act on the principles of data processing that inspire data protection laws, as well as require the following of these principles by those who operate with them. These principles are: limited use; data quality and relevance; processing data limited to contractual purposes; transparency; security and confidentiality; guaranteeing the right to access, rectify, restrict, erase or to portability or any other right granted under the current legislation.') ])), A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$paragraph, _List_Nil, _List_fromArray( [ $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$text('9. SOFTDEV has the right to collect and use personal and professional data from the User that is necessary to approve their participation in SL. SOFTDEV may collect, process and use the data requested in its registry, as well as that data obtained in the course of its participation in SL. SOFTDEV may also use the data provided by the User to contact it by email, always in relation to its participation in SL, in order to provide the User with news that may contain important information, for example, changes in the conditions of certain SOFTDEV Link Creation Services and similar.\n The User has the possibility to exercise its rights of access, rectification, cancellation and opposition regarding their personal data in person at SOFTDEV FZE´s DPD offices Creative Towers, Fujairah, United Arab Emirates, telephone +44 20 3287 5998. The User will be required to provide a valid ID. They can also contact the office via mail to Creative Towers, Fujairah, United Arab Emirates. Users may obtain certain information about their data through the usual channels of contact or sending an email to info@softdev.ae') ])) ])), A2($author$project$Page$Root$renderFooter, model, sess) ]))); }); var $author$project$Page$Admin$FormLink = F2( function (a, b) { return {$: 'FormLink', a: a, b: b}; }); var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Empty = {$: 'Empty'}; var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$map = F2( function (fn, el) { switch (el.$) { case 'Styled': var styled = el.a; return $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Styled( { html: F2( function (add, context) { return A2( $elm$virtual_dom$VirtualDom$map, fn, A2(styled.html, add, context)); }), styles: styled.styles }); case 'Unstyled': var html = el.a; return $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Unstyled( A2( $elm$core$Basics$composeL, $elm$virtual_dom$VirtualDom$map(fn), html)); case 'Text': var str = el.a; return $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Text(str); default: return $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Empty; } }); var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$map = $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$map; var $author$project$Form$Submited = {$: 'Submited'}; var $author$project$Form$Changed = function (a) { return {$: 'Changed', a: a}; }; var $author$project$Form$areaChange = F2( function (id, val) { return $author$project$Form$Changed( _Utils_Tuple2( id, $author$project$Form$Text(val))); }); var $author$project$Form$boxChecked = F2( function (id, status) { return $author$project$Form$Changed( _Utils_Tuple2( id, $author$project$Form$Logic(status))); }); var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Left = {$: 'Left'}; var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$alignLeft = $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$AlignX($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Left); var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$LivePolite = {$: 'LivePolite'}; var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Region$announce = $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Describe($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$LivePolite); var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Input$applyLabel = F3( function (attrs, label, input) { if (label.$ === 'HiddenLabel') { var labelText = label.a; return A4( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$element, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$asColumn, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$NodeName('label'), attrs, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Unkeyed( _List_fromArray( [input]))); } else { var position = label.a; var labelAttrs = label.b; var labelChild = label.c; var labelElement = A4( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$element, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$asEl, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$div, labelAttrs, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Unkeyed( _List_fromArray( [labelChild]))); switch (position.$) { case 'Above': return A4( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$element, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$asColumn, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$NodeName('label'), attrs, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Unkeyed( _List_fromArray( [labelElement, input]))); case 'Below': return A4( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$element, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$asColumn, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$NodeName('label'), attrs, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Unkeyed( _List_fromArray( [input, labelElement]))); case 'OnRight': return A4( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$element, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$asRow, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$NodeName('label'), attrs, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Unkeyed( _List_fromArray( [input, labelElement]))); default: return A4( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$element, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$asRow, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$NodeName('label'), attrs, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Unkeyed( _List_fromArray( [labelElement, input]))); } } }); var $elm$html$Html$Attributes$attribute = $elm$virtual_dom$VirtualDom$attribute; var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$AlignY = function (a) { return {$: 'AlignY', a: a}; }; var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$CenterY = {$: 'CenterY'}; var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$centerY = $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$AlignY($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$CenterY); var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Label = function (a) { return {$: 'Label', a: a}; }; var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Input$hiddenLabelAttribute = function (label) { if (label.$ === 'HiddenLabel') { var textLabel = label.a; return $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Describe( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Label(textLabel)); } else { return $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$NoAttribute; } }; var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Input$isHiddenLabel = function (label) { if (label.$ === 'HiddenLabel') { return true; } else { return false; } }; var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Input$onKeyLookup = function (lookup) { var decode = function (code) { var _v0 = lookup(code); if (_v0.$ === 'Nothing') { return $elm$json$Json$Decode$fail('No key matched'); } else { var msg = _v0.a; return $elm$json$Json$Decode$succeed(msg); } }; var isKey = A2( $elm$json$Json$Decode$andThen, decode, A2($elm$json$Json$Decode$field, 'key', $elm$json$Json$Decode$string)); return $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Attr( A2($elm$html$Html$Events$on, 'keyup', isKey)); }; var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Input$space = ' '; var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Input$tabindex = A2($elm$core$Basics$composeL, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Attr, $elm$html$Html$Attributes$tabindex); var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Input$checkbox = F2( function (attrs, _v0) { var label = _v0.label; var icon = _v0.icon; var checked = _v0.checked; var onChange = _v0.onChange; var attributes = _Utils_ap( _List_fromArray( [ $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Input$isHiddenLabel(label) ? $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$NoAttribute : $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$spacing(6), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Attr( $elm$html$Html$Events$onClick( onChange(!checked))), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Region$announce, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Input$onKeyLookup( function (code) { return _Utils_eq(code, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Input$enter) ? $elm$core$Maybe$Just( onChange(!checked)) : (_Utils_eq(code, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Input$space) ? $elm$core$Maybe$Just( onChange(!checked)) : $elm$core$Maybe$Nothing); }), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Input$tabindex(0), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$pointer, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$alignLeft, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$width($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$fill) ]), attrs); return A3( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Input$applyLabel, attributes, label, A4( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$element, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$asEl, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$div, _List_fromArray( [ $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Attr( A2($elm$html$Html$Attributes$attribute, 'role', 'checkbox')), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Attr( A2( $elm$html$Html$Attributes$attribute, 'aria-checked', checked ? 'true' : 'false')), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Input$hiddenLabelAttribute(label), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$centerY, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$height($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$fill), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$width($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$shrink) ]), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Unkeyed( _List_fromArray( [ icon(checked) ])))); }); var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Input$TextInputNode = function (a) { return {$: 'TextInputNode', a: a}; }; var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Input$TextArea = {$: 'TextArea'}; var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Input$autofill = A2( $elm$core$Basics$composeL, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Attr, $elm$html$Html$Attributes$attribute('autocomplete')); var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Behind = {$: 'Behind'}; var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Nearby = F2( function (a, b) { return {$: 'Nearby', a: a, b: b}; }); var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$createNearby = F2( function (loc, element) { if (element.$ === 'Empty') { return $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$NoAttribute; } else { return A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Nearby, loc, element); } }); var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$behindContent = function (element) { return A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$createNearby, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Behind, element); }; var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$MoveY = function (a) { return {$: 'MoveY', a: a}; }; var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$TransformComponent = F2( function (a, b) { return {$: 'TransformComponent', a: a, b: b}; }); var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$moveY = $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$flag(26); var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$moveUp = function (y) { return A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$TransformComponent, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$moveY, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$MoveY(-y)); }; var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Input$calcMoveToCompensateForPadding = function (attrs) { var gatherSpacing = F2( function (attr, found) { if ((attr.$ === 'StyleClass') && (attr.b.$ === 'SpacingStyle')) { var _v2 = attr.b; var x = _v2.b; var y = _v2.c; if (found.$ === 'Nothing') { return $elm$core$Maybe$Just(y); } else { return found; } } else { return found; } }); var _v0 = A3($elm$core$List$foldr, gatherSpacing, $elm$core$Maybe$Nothing, attrs); if (_v0.$ === 'Nothing') { return $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$NoAttribute; } else { var vSpace = _v0.a; return $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$moveUp( $elm$core$Basics$floor(vSpace / 2)); } }; var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$overflow = $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$flag(20); var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$clip = A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Class, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$overflow, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.clip); var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Input$darkGrey = A3($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$rgb, 186 / 255, 189 / 255, 182 / 255); var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$paddingXY = F2( function (x, y) { return _Utils_eq(x, y) ? A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$StyleClass, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$padding, A5( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$PaddingStyle, 'p-' + $elm$core$String$fromInt(x), x, x, x, x)) : A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$StyleClass, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$padding, A5( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$PaddingStyle, 'p-' + ($elm$core$String$fromInt(x) + ('-' + $elm$core$String$fromInt(y))), y, x, y, x)); }); var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Input$defaultTextPadding = A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$paddingXY, 12, 12); var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Input$white = A3($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$rgb, 1, 1, 1); var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Input$defaultTextBoxStyle = _List_fromArray( [ $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Input$defaultTextPadding, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Border$rounded(3), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Border$color($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Input$darkGrey), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Background$color($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Input$white), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Border$width(1), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$spacing(5), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$width($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$fill), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$height($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$shrink) ]); var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Input$getHeight = function (attr) { if (attr.$ === 'Height') { var h = attr.a; return $elm$core$Maybe$Just(h); } else { return $elm$core$Maybe$Nothing; } }; var $elm$core$List$head = function (list) { if (list.b) { var x = list.a; var xs = list.b; return $elm$core$Maybe$Just(x); } else { return $elm$core$Maybe$Nothing; } }; var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$InFront = {$: 'InFront'}; var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$inFront = function (element) { return A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$createNearby, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$InFront, element); }; var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Input$isConstrained = function (len) { isConstrained: while (true) { switch (len.$) { case 'Content': return false; case 'Px': return true; case 'Fill': return true; case 'Min': var l = len.b; var $temp$len = l; len = $temp$len; continue isConstrained; default: var l = len.b; return true; } } }; var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Input$isStacked = function (label) { if (label.$ === 'Label') { var loc = label.a; switch (loc.$) { case 'OnRight': return false; case 'OnLeft': return false; case 'Above': return true; default: return true; } } else { return true; } }; var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Input$negateBox = function (box) { return {bottom: -box.bottom, left: -box.left, right: -box.right, top: -box.top}; }; var $elm$html$Html$Events$alwaysStop = function (x) { return _Utils_Tuple2(x, true); }; var $elm$virtual_dom$VirtualDom$MayStopPropagation = function (a) { return {$: 'MayStopPropagation', a: a}; }; var $elm$html$Html$Events$stopPropagationOn = F2( function (event, decoder) { return A2( $elm$virtual_dom$VirtualDom$on, event, $elm$virtual_dom$VirtualDom$MayStopPropagation(decoder)); }); var $elm$html$Html$Events$targetValue = A2( $elm$json$Json$Decode$at, _List_fromArray( ['target', 'value']), $elm$json$Json$Decode$string); var $elm$html$Html$Events$onInput = function (tagger) { return A2( $elm$html$Html$Events$stopPropagationOn, 'input', A2( $elm$json$Json$Decode$map, $elm$html$Html$Events$alwaysStop, A2($elm$json$Json$Decode$map, tagger, $elm$html$Html$Events$targetValue))); }; var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$htmlAttribute = $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Attr; var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Input$isFill = function (len) { isFill: while (true) { switch (len.$) { case 'Fill': return true; case 'Content': return false; case 'Px': return false; case 'Min': var l = len.b; var $temp$len = l; len = $temp$len; continue isFill; default: var l = len.b; var $temp$len = l; len = $temp$len; continue isFill; } } }; var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Input$isPixel = function (len) { isPixel: while (true) { switch (len.$) { case 'Content': return false; case 'Px': return true; case 'Fill': return false; case 'Min': var l = len.b; var $temp$len = l; len = $temp$len; continue isPixel; default: var l = len.b; var $temp$len = l; len = $temp$len; continue isPixel; } } }; var $elm$virtual_dom$VirtualDom$style = _VirtualDom_style; var $elm$html$Html$Attributes$style = $elm$virtual_dom$VirtualDom$style; var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Input$redistributeOver = F4( function (isMultiline, stacked, attr, els) { switch (attr.$) { case 'Nearby': return _Utils_update( els, { parent: A2($elm$core$List$cons, attr, els.parent) }); case 'Width': var width = attr.a; return $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Input$isFill(width) ? _Utils_update( els, { fullParent: A2($elm$core$List$cons, attr, els.fullParent), input: A2($elm$core$List$cons, attr, els.input), parent: A2($elm$core$List$cons, attr, els.parent) }) : (stacked ? _Utils_update( els, { fullParent: A2($elm$core$List$cons, attr, els.fullParent) }) : _Utils_update( els, { parent: A2($elm$core$List$cons, attr, els.parent) })); case 'Height': var height = attr.a; return (!stacked) ? _Utils_update( els, { fullParent: A2($elm$core$List$cons, attr, els.fullParent), parent: A2($elm$core$List$cons, attr, els.parent) }) : ($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Input$isFill(height) ? _Utils_update( els, { fullParent: A2($elm$core$List$cons, attr, els.fullParent), parent: A2($elm$core$List$cons, attr, els.parent) }) : ($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Input$isPixel(height) ? _Utils_update( els, { parent: A2($elm$core$List$cons, attr, els.parent) }) : _Utils_update( els, { parent: A2($elm$core$List$cons, attr, els.parent) }))); case 'AlignX': return _Utils_update( els, { fullParent: A2($elm$core$List$cons, attr, els.fullParent) }); case 'AlignY': return _Utils_update( els, { fullParent: A2($elm$core$List$cons, attr, els.fullParent) }); case 'StyleClass': switch (attr.b.$) { case 'SpacingStyle': var _v1 = attr.b; return _Utils_update( els, { fullParent: A2($elm$core$List$cons, attr, els.fullParent), input: A2($elm$core$List$cons, attr, els.input), parent: A2($elm$core$List$cons, attr, els.parent), wrapper: A2($elm$core$List$cons, attr, els.wrapper) }); case 'PaddingStyle': var cls = attr.a; var _v2 = attr.b; var pad = _v2.a; var t = _v2.b; var r = _v2.c; var b = _v2.d; var l = _v2.e; if (isMultiline) { return _Utils_update( els, { cover: A2($elm$core$List$cons, attr, els.cover), parent: A2($elm$core$List$cons, attr, els.parent) }); } else { var reducedVerticalPadding = $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$paddingEach( { bottom: b - A2($elm$core$Basics$min, t, b), left: l, right: r, top: t - A2($elm$core$Basics$min, t, b) }); var newLineHeight = $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$htmlAttribute( A2( $elm$html$Html$Attributes$style, 'line-height', 'calc(1.0em + ' + ($elm$core$String$fromInt( 2 * A2($elm$core$Basics$min, t, b)) + 'px)'))); var newHeight = $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$htmlAttribute( A2( $elm$html$Html$Attributes$style, 'height', 'calc(1.0em + ' + ($elm$core$String$fromInt( 2 * A2($elm$core$Basics$min, t, b)) + 'px)'))); return _Utils_update( els, { cover: A2($elm$core$List$cons, attr, els.cover), input: A2( $elm$core$List$cons, newHeight, A2($elm$core$List$cons, newLineHeight, els.input)), parent: A2($elm$core$List$cons, reducedVerticalPadding, els.parent) }); } case 'BorderWidth': var _v3 = attr.b; return _Utils_update( els, { cover: A2($elm$core$List$cons, attr, els.cover), parent: A2($elm$core$List$cons, attr, els.parent) }); case 'Transform': return _Utils_update( els, { cover: A2($elm$core$List$cons, attr, els.cover), parent: A2($elm$core$List$cons, attr, els.parent) }); case 'FontSize': return _Utils_update( els, { fullParent: A2($elm$core$List$cons, attr, els.fullParent) }); case 'FontFamily': var _v4 = attr.b; return _Utils_update( els, { fullParent: A2($elm$core$List$cons, attr, els.fullParent) }); default: var flag = attr.a; var cls = attr.b; return _Utils_update( els, { parent: A2($elm$core$List$cons, attr, els.parent) }); } case 'NoAttribute': return els; case 'Attr': var a = attr.a; return _Utils_update( els, { input: A2($elm$core$List$cons, attr, els.input) }); case 'Describe': return _Utils_update( els, { input: A2($elm$core$List$cons, attr, els.input) }); case 'Class': return _Utils_update( els, { parent: A2($elm$core$List$cons, attr, els.parent) }); default: return _Utils_update( els, { input: A2($elm$core$List$cons, attr, els.input) }); } }); var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Input$redistribute = F3( function (isMultiline, stacked, attrs) { return function (redist) { return { cover: $elm$core$List$reverse(redist.cover), fullParent: $elm$core$List$reverse(redist.fullParent), input: $elm$core$List$reverse(redist.input), parent: $elm$core$List$reverse(redist.parent), wrapper: $elm$core$List$reverse(redist.wrapper) }; }( A3( $elm$core$List$foldl, A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Input$redistributeOver, isMultiline, stacked), {cover: _List_Nil, fullParent: _List_Nil, input: _List_Nil, parent: _List_Nil, wrapper: _List_Nil}, attrs)); }); var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Input$renderBox = function (_v0) { var top = _v0.top; var right = _v0.right; var bottom = _v0.bottom; var left = _v0.left; return $elm$core$String$fromInt(top) + ('px ' + ($elm$core$String$fromInt(right) + ('px ' + ($elm$core$String$fromInt(bottom) + ('px ' + ($elm$core$String$fromInt(left) + 'px')))))); }; var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Transparency = F2( function (a, b) { return {$: 'Transparency', a: a, b: b}; }); var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$transparency = $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$flag(0); var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$alpha = function (o) { var transparency = function (x) { return 1 - x; }( A2( $elm$core$Basics$min, 1.0, A2($elm$core$Basics$max, 0.0, o))); return A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$StyleClass, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$transparency, A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Transparency, 'transparency-' + $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$floatClass(transparency), transparency)); }; var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Input$charcoal = A3($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$rgb, 136 / 255, 138 / 255, 133 / 255); var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$rgba = $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Rgba; var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Input$renderPlaceholder = F3( function (_v0, forPlaceholder, on) { var placeholderAttrs = _v0.a; var placeholderEl = _v0.b; return A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$el, _Utils_ap( forPlaceholder, _Utils_ap( _List_fromArray( [ $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Font$color($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Input$charcoal), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$htmlClass($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.noTextSelection + (' ' + $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.passPointerEvents)), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$clip, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Border$color( A4($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$rgba, 0, 0, 0, 0)), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Background$color( A4($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$rgba, 0, 0, 0, 0)), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$height($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$fill), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$width($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$fill), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$alpha( on ? 1 : 0) ]), placeholderAttrs)), placeholderEl); }); var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$scrollbarY = A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Class, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$overflow, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.scrollbarsY); var $elm$html$Html$span = _VirtualDom_node('span'); var $elm$html$Html$Attributes$spellcheck = $elm$html$Html$Attributes$boolProperty('spellcheck'); var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Input$spellcheck = A2($elm$core$Basics$composeL, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Attr, $elm$html$Html$Attributes$spellcheck); var $elm$html$Html$Attributes$type_ = $elm$html$Html$Attributes$stringProperty('type'); var $elm$core$Basics$always = F2( function (a, _v0) { return a; }); var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$unstyled = A2($elm$core$Basics$composeL, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Unstyled, $elm$core$Basics$always); var $elm$html$Html$Attributes$value = $elm$html$Html$Attributes$stringProperty('value'); var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Input$value = A2($elm$core$Basics$composeL, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Attr, $elm$html$Html$Attributes$value); var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Input$textHelper = F3( function (textInput, attrs, textOptions) { var withDefaults = _Utils_ap($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Input$defaultTextBoxStyle, attrs); var redistributed = A3( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Input$redistribute, _Utils_eq(textInput.type_, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Input$TextArea), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Input$isStacked(textOptions.label), withDefaults); var onlySpacing = function (attr) { if ((attr.$ === 'StyleClass') && (attr.b.$ === 'SpacingStyle')) { var _v9 = attr.b; return true; } else { return false; } }; var heightConstrained = function () { var _v7 = textInput.type_; if (_v7.$ === 'TextInputNode') { var inputType = _v7.a; return false; } else { return A2( $elm$core$Maybe$withDefault, false, A2( $elm$core$Maybe$map, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Input$isConstrained, $elm$core$List$head( $elm$core$List$reverse( A2($elm$core$List$filterMap, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Input$getHeight, withDefaults))))); } }(); var getPadding = function (attr) { if ((attr.$ === 'StyleClass') && (attr.b.$ === 'PaddingStyle')) { var cls = attr.a; var _v6 = attr.b; var pad = _v6.a; var t = _v6.b; var r = _v6.c; var b = _v6.d; var l = _v6.e; return $elm$core$Maybe$Just( { bottom: A2( $elm$core$Basics$max, 0, $elm$core$Basics$floor(b - 3)), left: A2( $elm$core$Basics$max, 0, $elm$core$Basics$floor(l - 3)), right: A2( $elm$core$Basics$max, 0, $elm$core$Basics$floor(r - 3)), top: A2( $elm$core$Basics$max, 0, $elm$core$Basics$floor(t - 3)) }); } else { return $elm$core$Maybe$Nothing; } }; var parentPadding = A2( $elm$core$Maybe$withDefault, {bottom: 0, left: 0, right: 0, top: 0}, $elm$core$List$head( $elm$core$List$reverse( A2($elm$core$List$filterMap, getPadding, withDefaults)))); var inputElement = A4( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$element, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$asEl, function () { var _v3 = textInput.type_; if (_v3.$ === 'TextInputNode') { var inputType = _v3.a; return $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$NodeName('input'); } else { return $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$NodeName('textarea'); } }(), _Utils_ap( function () { var _v4 = textInput.type_; if (_v4.$ === 'TextInputNode') { var inputType = _v4.a; return _List_fromArray( [ $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Attr( $elm$html$Html$Attributes$type_(inputType)), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$htmlClass($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.inputText) ]); } else { return _List_fromArray( [ $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$clip, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$height($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$fill), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$htmlClass($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.inputMultiline), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Input$calcMoveToCompensateForPadding(withDefaults), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$paddingEach(parentPadding), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Attr( A2( $elm$html$Html$Attributes$style, 'margin', $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Input$renderBox( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Input$negateBox(parentPadding)))), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Attr( A2($elm$html$Html$Attributes$style, 'box-sizing', 'content-box')) ]); } }(), _Utils_ap( _List_fromArray( [ $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Input$value(textOptions.text), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Attr( $elm$html$Html$Events$onInput(textOptions.onChange)), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Input$hiddenLabelAttribute(textOptions.label), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Input$spellcheck(textInput.spellchecked), A2( $elm$core$Maybe$withDefault, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$NoAttribute, A2($elm$core$Maybe$map, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Input$autofill, textInput.autofill)) ]), redistributed.input)), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Unkeyed(_List_Nil)); var wrappedInput = function () { var _v0 = textInput.type_; if (_v0.$ === 'TextArea') { return A4( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$element, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$asEl, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$div, _Utils_ap( (heightConstrained ? $elm$core$List$cons($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$scrollbarY) : $elm$core$Basics$identity)( _List_fromArray( [ $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$width($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$fill), A2($elm$core$List$any, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Input$hasFocusStyle, withDefaults) ? $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$NoAttribute : $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$htmlClass($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.focusedWithin), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$htmlClass($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.inputMultilineWrapper) ])), redistributed.parent), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Unkeyed( _List_fromArray( [ A4( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$element, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$asParagraph, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$div, A2( $elm$core$List$cons, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$width($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$fill), A2( $elm$core$List$cons, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$height($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$fill), A2( $elm$core$List$cons, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$inFront(inputElement), A2( $elm$core$List$cons, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$htmlClass($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.inputMultilineParent), redistributed.wrapper)))), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Unkeyed( function () { if (textOptions.text === '') { var _v1 = textOptions.placeholder; if (_v1.$ === 'Nothing') { return _List_fromArray( [ $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$text('\u00A0') ]); } else { var place = _v1.a; return _List_fromArray( [ A3($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Input$renderPlaceholder, place, _List_Nil, textOptions.text === '') ]); } } else { return _List_fromArray( [ $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$unstyled( A2( $elm$html$Html$span, _List_fromArray( [ $elm$html$Html$Attributes$class($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.inputMultilineFiller) ]), _List_fromArray( [ $elm$html$Html$text(textOptions.text + '\u00A0') ]))) ]); } }())) ]))); } else { var inputType = _v0.a; return A4( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$element, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$asEl, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$div, A2( $elm$core$List$cons, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$width($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$fill), A2( $elm$core$List$cons, A2($elm$core$List$any, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Input$hasFocusStyle, withDefaults) ? $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$NoAttribute : $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$htmlClass($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.focusedWithin), $elm$core$List$concat( _List_fromArray( [ redistributed.parent, function () { var _v2 = textOptions.placeholder; if (_v2.$ === 'Nothing') { return _List_Nil; } else { var place = _v2.a; return _List_fromArray( [ $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$behindContent( A3($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Input$renderPlaceholder, place, redistributed.cover, textOptions.text === '')) ]); } }() ])))), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Unkeyed( _List_fromArray( [inputElement]))); } }(); return A3( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Input$applyLabel, A2( $elm$core$List$cons, A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Class, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$cursor, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.cursorText), A2( $elm$core$List$cons, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Input$isHiddenLabel(textOptions.label) ? $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$NoAttribute : $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$spacing(5), A2($elm$core$List$cons, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Region$announce, redistributed.fullParent))), textOptions.label, wrappedInput); }); var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Input$currentPassword = F2( function (attrs, pass) { return A3( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Input$textHelper, { autofill: $elm$core$Maybe$Just('current-password'), spellchecked: false, type_: $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Input$TextInputNode( pass.show ? 'text' : 'password') }, attrs, {label: pass.label, onChange: pass.onChange, placeholder: pass.placeholder, text: pass.text}); }); var $elm$core$Basics$pi = _Basics_pi; var $elm$core$Basics$degrees = function (angleInDegrees) { return (angleInDegrees * $elm$core$Basics$pi) / 180; }; var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$none = $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Empty; var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Rotate = F2( function (a, b) { return {$: 'Rotate', a: a, b: b}; }); var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$rotate = $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$flag(24); var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$rotate = function (angle) { return A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$TransformComponent, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$rotate, A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Rotate, _Utils_Tuple3(0, 0, 1), angle)); }; var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$boxShadowClass = function (shadow) { return $elm$core$String$concat( _List_fromArray( [ shadow.inset ? 'box-inset' : 'box-', $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$floatClass(shadow.offset.a) + 'px', $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$floatClass(shadow.offset.b) + 'px', $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$floatClass(shadow.blur) + 'px', $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$floatClass(shadow.size) + 'px', $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$formatColorClass(shadow.color) ])); }; var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$shadows = $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$flag(19); var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Border$shadow = function (almostShade) { var shade = {blur: almostShade.blur, color: almostShade.color, inset: false, offset: almostShade.offset, size: almostShade.size}; return A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$StyleClass, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$shadows, A3( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Single, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$boxShadowClass(shade), 'box-shadow', $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$formatBoxShadow(shade))); }; var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Input$defaultCheckbox = function (checked) { return A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$el, _List_fromArray( [ $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$htmlClass('focusable'), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$width( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$px(14)), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$height( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$px(14)), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Font$color($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Input$white), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$centerY, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Font$size(9), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Font$center, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Border$rounded(3), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Border$color( checked ? A3($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$rgb, 59 / 255, 153 / 255, 252 / 255) : A3($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$rgb, 211 / 255, 211 / 255, 211 / 255)), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Border$shadow( { blur: 1, color: checked ? A4($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$rgba, 238 / 255, 238 / 255, 238 / 255, 0) : A3($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$rgb, 238 / 255, 238 / 255, 238 / 255), offset: _Utils_Tuple2(0, 0), size: 1 }), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Background$color( checked ? A3($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$rgb, 59 / 255, 153 / 255, 252 / 255) : $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Input$white), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Border$width( checked ? 0 : 1) ]), checked ? A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$el, _List_fromArray( [ $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Border$color($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Input$white), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$height( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$px(6)), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$width( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$px(9)), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$rotate( $elm$core$Basics$degrees(-45)), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$centerX, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$centerY, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$moveUp(1), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Border$widthEach( {bottom: 2, left: 2, right: 0, top: 0}) ]), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$none) : $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$none); }; var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Input$email = $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Input$textHelper( { autofill: $elm$core$Maybe$Just('email'), spellchecked: false, type_: $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Input$TextInputNode('email') }); var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Input$multiline = F2( function (attrs, multi) { return A3( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Input$textHelper, {autofill: $elm$core$Maybe$Nothing, spellchecked: multi.spellcheck, type_: $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Input$TextArea}, attrs, {label: multi.label, onChange: multi.onChange, placeholder: multi.placeholder, text: multi.text}); }); var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Input$newPassword = F2( function (attrs, pass) { return A3( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Input$textHelper, { autofill: $elm$core$Maybe$Just('new-password'), spellchecked: false, type_: $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Input$TextInputNode( pass.show ? 'text' : 'password') }, attrs, {label: pass.label, onChange: pass.onChange, placeholder: pass.placeholder, text: pass.text}); }); var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Input$Placeholder = F2( function (a, b) { return {$: 'Placeholder', a: a, b: b}; }); var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Input$placeholder = $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Input$Placeholder; var $author$project$Form$renderOpt = F2( function (val, cond) { if (cond.$ === 'Just') { var c = cond.a; return c(val); } else { return true; } }); var $author$project$Form$selectChange = F2( function (id, val) { return $author$project$Form$Changed( _Utils_Tuple2( id, $author$project$Form$Text(val))); }); var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Input$text = $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Input$textHelper( { autofill: $elm$core$Maybe$Nothing, spellchecked: false, type_: $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Input$TextInputNode('text') }); var $author$project$Form$ChangeFiltered = {$: 'ChangeFiltered'}; var $author$project$Form$filterVal = F2( function (val, filters) { filterVal: while (true) { if (!filters.b) { return $elm$core$Maybe$Just(val); } else { var hd = filters.a; var t = filters.b; var _v1 = hd(val); if (_v1.$ === 'Just') { var s = _v1.a; var $temp$val = s, $temp$filters = t; val = $temp$val; filters = $temp$filters; continue filterVal; } else { return $elm$core$Maybe$Nothing; } } } }); var $author$project$Form$textChange = F3( function (id, filters, s) { var res = function () { if (filters.$ === 'Just') { var fil = filters.a; return A2($author$project$Form$filterVal, s, fil); } else { return $elm$core$Maybe$Just(s); } }(); if (res.$ === 'Just') { var val = res.a; return $author$project$Form$Changed( _Utils_Tuple2( id, $author$project$Form$Text(val))); } else { return $author$project$Form$ChangeFiltered; } }); var $author$project$Form$renderField = F2( function (cond, f) { var id = f.a; var condVal = function () { if (cond.$ === 'Just') { var s = cond.a; return s; } else { return ''; } }(); var _v0 = f.b; switch (_v0.$) { case 'Select': var s = _v0.a; return A2($author$project$Form$renderOpt, condVal, s.conditional_render) ? A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Input$text, s.attributes, { label: s.label, onChange: $author$project$Form$selectChange(id), placeholder: $elm$core$Maybe$Just( A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Input$placeholder, _List_Nil, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$text(s.placeholder))), text: $author$project$Form$valueToString(s.value) }) : $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$none; case 'TextField': var i = _v0.a; if (A2($author$project$Form$renderOpt, condVal, i.conditional_render)) { var _v1 = i.kind; if (_v1.$ === 'Nothing') { return A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Input$text, i.attributes, { label: i.label, onChange: A2($author$project$Form$textChange, id, i.filters), placeholder: $elm$core$Maybe$Just( A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Input$placeholder, _List_Nil, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$text(i.placeholder))), text: $author$project$Form$valueToString(i.value) }); } else { var k = _v1.a; switch (k.$) { case 'Email': return A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Input$email, i.attributes, { label: i.label, onChange: A2($author$project$Form$textChange, id, i.filters), placeholder: $elm$core$Maybe$Just( A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Input$placeholder, _List_Nil, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$text(i.placeholder))), text: $author$project$Form$valueToString(i.value) }); case 'Username': return A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Input$text, i.attributes, { label: i.label, onChange: A2($author$project$Form$textChange, id, i.filters), placeholder: $elm$core$Maybe$Just( A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Input$placeholder, _List_Nil, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$text(i.placeholder))), text: $author$project$Form$valueToString(i.value) }); case 'NewPassword': return A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Input$newPassword, i.attributes, { label: i.label, onChange: A2($author$project$Form$textChange, id, i.filters), placeholder: $elm$core$Maybe$Just( A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Input$placeholder, _List_Nil, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$text(i.placeholder))), show: false, text: $author$project$Form$valueToString(i.value) }); default: return A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Input$currentPassword, i.attributes, { label: i.label, onChange: A2($author$project$Form$textChange, id, i.filters), placeholder: $elm$core$Maybe$Just( A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Input$placeholder, _List_Nil, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$text(i.placeholder))), show: false, text: $author$project$Form$valueToString(i.value) }); } } } else { return $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$none; } case 'Button': var b = _v0.a; return A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Input$button, b.attributes, { label: $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$text(b.text), onPress: $elm$core$Maybe$Just($author$project$Form$Submited) }); case 'TextArea': var a = _v0.a; return A2($author$project$Form$renderOpt, condVal, a.conditional_render) ? A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Input$multiline, a.attributes, { label: a.label, onChange: $author$project$Form$areaChange(id), placeholder: $elm$core$Maybe$Nothing, spellcheck: true, text: $author$project$Form$valueToString(a.value) }) : $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$none; case 'CheckBox': var cb = _v0.a; return A2($author$project$Form$renderOpt, condVal, cb.conditional_render) ? A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Input$checkbox, cb.attributes, { checked: $author$project$Form$valueToBool(cb.value), icon: $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Input$defaultCheckbox, label: cb.label, onChange: $author$project$Form$boxChecked(id) }) : $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$none; default: return $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$none; } }); var $author$project$Form$render = F3( function (atr, cond, f) { return _List_fromArray( [ A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$column, atr, A2( $elm$core$List$map, $author$project$Form$renderField(cond), f)) ]); }); var $author$project$Form$renderErr = function (err) { if (err.$ === 'Valid') { return $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$none; } else { var _v1 = err.a; var k = _v1.a; var msg = _v1.b; return $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$text(k + (' is not valid: ' + msg)); } }; var $author$project$Page$Admin$renderLinkCreate = F2( function (model, session) { var role = session.role; return A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$column, _List_fromArray( [ $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$width($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$fill), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$padding(40) ]), A2( $elm$core$List$map, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$map( $author$project$Page$Admin$FormLink( _Utils_Tuple2('Create', ''))), _Utils_ap( A3( $author$project$Form$render, _List_fromArray( [ $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$width($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$fill), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$spacing(10) ]), $elm$core$Maybe$Just(role), model.createLink), A2($elm$core$List$map, $author$project$Form$renderErr, model.createLinkErr)))); }); var $author$project$Page$Admin$CreateLinkClicked = {$: 'CreateLinkClicked'}; var $author$project$Page$Admin$EditLinkClicked = function (a) { return {$: 'EditLinkClicked', a: a}; }; var $author$project$Page$Admin$StatsLinkClicked = function (a) { return {$: 'StatsLinkClicked', a: a}; }; var $author$project$Page$Admin$buttonEdges = {bottomLeft: 0, bottomRight: 0, topLeft: 0, topRight: 0}; var $author$project$Page$Admin$actionButton = F3( function (text, msg, color) { return A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Input$button, _List_fromArray( [ $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$padding(10), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Background$color(color), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Border$roundEach( _Utils_update( $author$project$Page$Admin$buttonEdges, {bottomLeft: 5, topLeft: 5, topRight: 5})), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Font$color($author$project$Page$Colors$white) ]), { label: $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$text(text), onPress: $elm$core$Maybe$Just(msg) }); }); var $author$project$Page$Admin$edges = {bottom: 0, left: 0, right: 0, top: 0}; var $author$project$Page$Colors$lightBlack = A3($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$rgb255, 45, 46, 45); var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$html = $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$unstyled; var $author$project$Page$Admin$overFlowText = function (txt) { return $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$html( A2( $elm$html$Html$div, _List_fromArray( [ A2($elm$html$Html$Attributes$style, 'overflow', 'hidden') ]), _List_fromArray( [ $elm$html$Html$text(txt) ]))); }; var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Input$HiddenLabel = function (a) { return {$: 'HiddenLabel', a: a}; }; var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Input$labelHidden = $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Input$HiddenLabel; var $author$project$Page$Admin$Searched = function (a) { return {$: 'Searched', a: a}; }; var $author$project$Page$Admin$makeSearch = function (s) { return $author$project$Page$Admin$Searched(s); }; var $author$project$Page$Admin$searchInput = function (model) { return A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Input$text, _List_fromArray( [ $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$alignRight, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$width( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$px(350)) ]), { label: $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Input$labelHidden('Search'), onChange: $author$project$Page$Admin$makeSearch, placeholder: $elm$core$Maybe$Just( A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Input$placeholder, _List_Nil, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$text('Search...'))), text: model.links.searchFilter }); }; var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$InternalColumn = function (a) { return {$: 'InternalColumn', a: a}; }; var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$GridPosition = function (a) { return {$: 'GridPosition', a: a}; }; var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$GridTemplateStyle = function (a) { return {$: 'GridTemplateStyle', a: a}; }; var $elm$core$List$all = F2( function (isOkay, list) { return !A2( $elm$core$List$any, A2($elm$core$Basics$composeL, $elm$core$Basics$not, isOkay), list); }); var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$AsGrid = {$: 'AsGrid'}; var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$asGrid = $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$AsGrid; var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$getSpacing = F2( function (attrs, _default) { return A2( $elm$core$Maybe$withDefault, _default, A3( $elm$core$List$foldr, F2( function (attr, acc) { if (acc.$ === 'Just') { var x = acc.a; return $elm$core$Maybe$Just(x); } else { if ((attr.$ === 'StyleClass') && (attr.b.$ === 'SpacingStyle')) { var _v2 = attr.b; var x = _v2.b; var y = _v2.c; return $elm$core$Maybe$Just( _Utils_Tuple2(x, y)); } else { return $elm$core$Maybe$Nothing; } } }), $elm$core$Maybe$Nothing, attrs)); }); var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$gridPosition = $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$flag(35); var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$gridTemplate = $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$flag(34); var $elm$core$List$repeatHelp = F3( function (result, n, value) { repeatHelp: while (true) { if (n <= 0) { return result; } else { var $temp$result = A2($elm$core$List$cons, value, result), $temp$n = n - 1, $temp$value = value; result = $temp$result; n = $temp$n; value = $temp$value; continue repeatHelp; } } }); var $elm$core$List$repeat = F2( function (n, value) { return A3($elm$core$List$repeatHelp, _List_Nil, n, value); }); var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$tableHelper = F2( function (attrs, config) { var onGrid = F3( function (rowLevel, columnLevel, elem) { return A4( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$element, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$asEl, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$div, _List_fromArray( [ A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$StyleClass, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$gridPosition, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$GridPosition( {col: columnLevel, height: 1, row: rowLevel, width: 1})) ]), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Unkeyed( _List_fromArray( [elem]))); }); var columnWidth = function (col) { if (col.$ === 'InternalIndexedColumn') { var colConfig = col.a; return colConfig.width; } else { var colConfig = col.a; return colConfig.width; } }; var columnHeader = function (col) { if (col.$ === 'InternalIndexedColumn') { var colConfig = col.a; return colConfig.header; } else { var colConfig = col.a; return colConfig.header; } }; var maybeHeaders = function (headers) { return A2( $elm$core$List$all, $elm$core$Basics$eq($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Empty), headers) ? $elm$core$Maybe$Nothing : $elm$core$Maybe$Just( A2( $elm$core$List$indexedMap, F2( function (col, header) { return A3(onGrid, 1, col + 1, header); }), headers)); }( A2($elm$core$List$map, columnHeader, config.columns)); var add = F3( function (cell, columnConfig, cursor) { if (columnConfig.$ === 'InternalIndexedColumn') { var col = columnConfig.a; return _Utils_update( cursor, { column: cursor.column + 1, elements: A2( $elm$core$List$cons, A3( onGrid, cursor.row, cursor.column, A2( col.view, _Utils_eq(maybeHeaders, $elm$core$Maybe$Nothing) ? (cursor.row - 1) : (cursor.row - 2), cell)), cursor.elements) }); } else { var col = columnConfig.a; return { column: cursor.column + 1, elements: A2( $elm$core$List$cons, A3( onGrid, cursor.row, cursor.column, col.view(cell)), cursor.elements), row: cursor.row }; } }); var build = F3( function (columns, rowData, cursor) { var newCursor = A3( $elm$core$List$foldl, add(rowData), cursor, columns); return {column: 1, elements: newCursor.elements, row: cursor.row + 1}; }); var children = A3( $elm$core$List$foldl, build(config.columns), { column: 1, elements: _List_Nil, row: _Utils_eq(maybeHeaders, $elm$core$Maybe$Nothing) ? 1 : 2 }, config.data); var _v0 = A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$getSpacing, attrs, _Utils_Tuple2(0, 0)); var sX = _v0.a; var sY = _v0.b; var template = A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$StyleClass, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$gridTemplate, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$GridTemplateStyle( { columns: A2($elm$core$List$map, columnWidth, config.columns), rows: A2( $elm$core$List$repeat, $elm$core$List$length(config.data), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Content), spacing: _Utils_Tuple2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$px(sX), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$px(sY)) })); return A4( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$element, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$asGrid, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$div, A2( $elm$core$List$cons, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$width($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$fill), A2($elm$core$List$cons, template, attrs)), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Unkeyed( function () { if (maybeHeaders.$ === 'Nothing') { return children.elements; } else { var renderedHeaders = maybeHeaders.a; return _Utils_ap( renderedHeaders, $elm$core$List$reverse(children.elements)); } }())); }); var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$table = F2( function (attrs, config) { return A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$tableHelper, attrs, { columns: A2($elm$core$List$map, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$InternalColumn, config.columns), data: config.data }); }); var $author$project$Page$Colors$tableGray = A3($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$rgb255, 228, 229, 228); var $author$project$Page$Admin$renderLinkList = F2( function (model, session) { var rowStyle = _Utils_ap( _List_fromArray( [ $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$padding(15), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$height($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$fill), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Border$widthEach( _Utils_update( $author$project$Page$Admin$edges, {top: 1})), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Font$size(16), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Border$color($author$project$Page$Colors$tableGray), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Font$color($author$project$Page$Colors$lightBlack), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$alignRight, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$width($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$fill) ]), _List_fromArray( [ $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$htmlAttribute( A2($elm$html$Html$Attributes$style, 'overflow', 'hidden')) ])); var headerStyle = _List_fromArray( [ $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$padding(10), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$height($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$fill), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Font$size(17) ]); var table = A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$table, _List_fromArray( [ $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Border$width(1), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Background$color($author$project$Page$Colors$pureWhite), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Border$color($author$project$Page$Colors$tableGray), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Border$rounded(5), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$width($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$fill) ]), { columns: _List_fromArray( [ { header: A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$el, _Utils_ap( headerStyle, _List_fromArray( [ $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$width( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$px(50)) ])), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$text('ID')), view: function (link) { return A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$el, rowStyle, $author$project$Page$Admin$overFlowText(link.id)); }, width: $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$px(100) }, { header: A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$el, _Utils_ap( headerStyle, _List_fromArray( [ $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$width( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$px(50)) ])), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$text('Name')), view: function (link) { return A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$el, rowStyle, $author$project$Page$Admin$overFlowText(link.name)); }, width: $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$px(100) }, { header: A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$el, _Utils_ap( headerStyle, _List_fromArray( [ $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$width( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$px(50)) ])), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$text('Created')), view: function (link) { return A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$el, rowStyle, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$text(link.timestamp)); }, width: $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$px(150) }, { header: A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$el, headerStyle, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$text('Shorted')), view: function (link) { return A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$el, rowStyle, $author$project$Page$Admin$overFlowText(link.shortUrl)); }, width: $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$fill }, { header: A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$el, headerStyle, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$text('URL')), view: function (link) { return A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$el, rowStyle, $author$project$Page$Admin$overFlowText(link.url)); }, width: $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$px(200) }, { header: A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$el, headerStyle, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$text('Hour Rate')), view: function (link) { return A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$el, rowStyle, $author$project$Page$Admin$overFlowText( $elm$core$String$fromInt(link.hour_clickrate))); }, width: $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$px(200) }, { header: A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$el, headerStyle, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$text('Safe Hour Rate')), view: function (link) { return A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$el, rowStyle, $author$project$Page$Admin$overFlowText( $elm$core$String$fromInt(link.safe_clickrate))); }, width: $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$px(200) }, { header: A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$el, headerStyle, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$text('Filter Hour Rate')), view: function (link) { return A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$el, rowStyle, $author$project$Page$Admin$overFlowText( $elm$core$String$fromInt(link.filter_clickrate))); }, width: $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$px(200) }, { header: A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$el, headerStyle, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$text('Actions')), view: function (link) { return A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$el, _Utils_ap( rowStyle, _List_fromArray( [$mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$alignRight])), A3( $author$project$Page$Admin$actionButton, 'Edit', $author$project$Page$Admin$EditLinkClicked(link.domain + ('_' + link.id)), $author$project$Page$Colors$darkBlue)); }, width: $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$fill }, { header: A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$el, headerStyle, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$text('Stats')), view: function (link) { return A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$el, _Utils_ap( rowStyle, _List_fromArray( [$mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$alignRight])), A3( $author$project$Page$Admin$actionButton, 'Stats', $author$project$Page$Admin$StatsLinkClicked(link.domain + ('_' + link.id)), $author$project$Page$Colors$darkBlue)); }, width: $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$fill } ]), data: model.links.currentLinks.links }); var actions = A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$row, _List_fromArray( [ $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$spacing(10), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$width($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$fill) ]), _List_fromArray( [ A3($author$project$Page$Admin$actionButton, 'Create Link', $author$project$Page$Admin$CreateLinkClicked, $author$project$Page$Colors$lightBlue), $author$project$Page$Admin$searchInput(model) ])); return A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$column, _List_fromArray( [ $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$spacing(25), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$width($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$fill), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Background$color($author$project$Page$Colors$white), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$padding(20) ]), _List_fromArray( [actions, table])); }); var $author$project$Page$Admin$StatsReloadLinkClicked = function (a) { return {$: 'StatsReloadLinkClicked', a: a}; }; var $elm$html$Html$Attributes$target = $elm$html$Html$Attributes$stringProperty('target'); var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$newTabLink = F2( function (attrs, _v0) { var url = _v0.url; var label = _v0.label; return A4( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$element, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$asEl, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$NodeName('a'), A2( $elm$core$List$cons, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Attr( $elm$html$Html$Attributes$href(url)), A2( $elm$core$List$cons, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Attr( $elm$html$Html$Attributes$rel('noopener noreferrer')), A2( $elm$core$List$cons, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Attr( $elm$html$Html$Attributes$target('_blank')), A2( $elm$core$List$cons, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$width($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$shrink), A2( $elm$core$List$cons, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$height($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$shrink), A2( $elm$core$List$cons, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$htmlClass($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.contentCenterX + (' ' + ($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.contentCenterY + (' ' + $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.link)))), attrs)))))), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Unkeyed( _List_fromArray( [label]))); }); var $elm$time$Time$flooredDiv = F2( function (numerator, denominator) { return $elm$core$Basics$floor(numerator / denominator); }); var $elm$time$Time$posixToMillis = function (_v0) { var millis = _v0.a; return millis; }; var $elm$time$Time$toAdjustedMinutesHelp = F3( function (defaultOffset, posixMinutes, eras) { toAdjustedMinutesHelp: while (true) { if (!eras.b) { return posixMinutes + defaultOffset; } else { var era = eras.a; var olderEras = eras.b; if (_Utils_cmp(era.start, posixMinutes) < 0) { return posixMinutes + era.offset; } else { var $temp$defaultOffset = defaultOffset, $temp$posixMinutes = posixMinutes, $temp$eras = olderEras; defaultOffset = $temp$defaultOffset; posixMinutes = $temp$posixMinutes; eras = $temp$eras; continue toAdjustedMinutesHelp; } } } }); var $elm$time$Time$toAdjustedMinutes = F2( function (_v0, time) { var defaultOffset = _v0.a; var eras = _v0.b; return A3( $elm$time$Time$toAdjustedMinutesHelp, defaultOffset, A2( $elm$time$Time$flooredDiv, $elm$time$Time$posixToMillis(time), 60000), eras); }); var $elm$time$Time$toCivil = function (minutes) { var rawDay = A2($elm$time$Time$flooredDiv, minutes, 60 * 24) + 719468; var era = (((rawDay >= 0) ? rawDay : (rawDay - 146096)) / 146097) | 0; var dayOfEra = rawDay - (era * 146097); var yearOfEra = ((((dayOfEra - ((dayOfEra / 1460) | 0)) + ((dayOfEra / 36524) | 0)) - ((dayOfEra / 146096) | 0)) / 365) | 0; var dayOfYear = dayOfEra - (((365 * yearOfEra) + ((yearOfEra / 4) | 0)) - ((yearOfEra / 100) | 0)); var mp = (((5 * dayOfYear) + 2) / 153) | 0; var month = mp + ((mp < 10) ? 3 : (-9)); var year = yearOfEra + (era * 400); return { day: (dayOfYear - ((((153 * mp) + 2) / 5) | 0)) + 1, month: month, year: year + ((month <= 2) ? 1 : 0) }; }; var $elm$time$Time$toDay = F2( function (zone, time) { return $elm$time$Time$toCivil( A2($elm$time$Time$toAdjustedMinutes, zone, time)).day; }); var $elm$core$Basics$modBy = _Basics_modBy; var $elm$time$Time$toHour = F2( function (zone, time) { return A2( $elm$core$Basics$modBy, 24, A2( $elm$time$Time$flooredDiv, A2($elm$time$Time$toAdjustedMinutes, zone, time), 60)); }); var $author$project$Page$Admin$toIntMonth = function (month) { switch (month.$) { case 'Jan': return 1; case 'Feb': return 2; case 'Mar': return 3; case 'Apr': return 4; case 'May': return 5; case 'Jun': return 6; case 'Jul': return 7; case 'Aug': return 8; case 'Sep': return 9; case 'Oct': return 10; case 'Nov': return 11; default: return 12; } }; var $elm$time$Time$Apr = {$: 'Apr'}; var $elm$time$Time$Aug = {$: 'Aug'}; var $elm$time$Time$Dec = {$: 'Dec'}; var $elm$time$Time$Feb = {$: 'Feb'}; var $elm$time$Time$Jan = {$: 'Jan'}; var $elm$time$Time$Jul = {$: 'Jul'}; var $elm$time$Time$Jun = {$: 'Jun'}; var $elm$time$Time$Mar = {$: 'Mar'}; var $elm$time$Time$May = {$: 'May'}; var $elm$time$Time$Nov = {$: 'Nov'}; var $elm$time$Time$Oct = {$: 'Oct'}; var $elm$time$Time$Sep = {$: 'Sep'}; var $elm$time$Time$toMonth = F2( function (zone, time) { var _v0 = $elm$time$Time$toCivil( A2($elm$time$Time$toAdjustedMinutes, zone, time)).month; switch (_v0) { case 1: return $elm$time$Time$Jan; case 2: return $elm$time$Time$Feb; case 3: return $elm$time$Time$Mar; case 4: return $elm$time$Time$Apr; case 5: return $elm$time$Time$May; case 6: return $elm$time$Time$Jun; case 7: return $elm$time$Time$Jul; case 8: return $elm$time$Time$Aug; case 9: return $elm$time$Time$Sep; case 10: return $elm$time$Time$Oct; case 11: return $elm$time$Time$Nov; default: return $elm$time$Time$Dec; } }); var $elm$time$Time$toYear = F2( function (zone, time) { return $elm$time$Time$toCivil( A2($elm$time$Time$toAdjustedMinutes, zone, time)).year; }); var $elm$time$Time$utc = A2($elm$time$Time$Zone, 0, _List_Nil); var $author$project$Page$Admin$renderPosix = function (t) { return $elm$core$String$fromInt( A2($elm$time$Time$toYear, $elm$time$Time$utc, t)) + ('-' + ($elm$core$String$fromInt( $author$project$Page$Admin$toIntMonth( A2($elm$time$Time$toMonth, $elm$time$Time$utc, t))) + ('-' + ($elm$core$String$fromInt( A2($elm$time$Time$toDay, $elm$time$Time$utc, t)) + (' | ' + $elm$core$String$fromInt( A2($elm$time$Time$toHour, $elm$time$Time$utc, t))))))); }; var $author$project$Page$Admin$renderLinkStats = F3( function (id, model, session) { var role = session.role; var rowStyle = _Utils_ap( _List_fromArray( [ $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$padding(15), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$height($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$fill), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Border$widthEach( _Utils_update( $author$project$Page$Admin$edges, {top: 1})), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Font$size(16), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Border$color($author$project$Page$Colors$tableGray), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Font$color($author$project$Page$Colors$lightBlack), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$alignRight, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$width($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$fill) ]), _List_fromArray( [ $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$htmlAttribute( A2($elm$html$Html$Attributes$style, 'overflow', 'hidden')) ])); var headerStyle = _List_fromArray( [ $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$padding(10), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$height($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$fill), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Font$size(17) ]); var actions = A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$row, _List_fromArray( [ $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$spacing(10), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$width($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$fill) ]), _List_fromArray( [ A3( $author$project$Page$Admin$actionButton, 'Reload', $author$project$Page$Admin$StatsReloadLinkClicked(model.stats.currentStatID), $author$project$Page$Colors$lightBlue) ])); var table = A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$table, _List_Nil, { columns: _List_fromArray( [ { header: A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$el, _Utils_ap( headerStyle, _List_fromArray( [ $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$width( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$px(300)) ])), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$text('Date')), view: function (c) { return A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$el, rowStyle, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$text( $author$project$Page$Admin$renderPosix( $elm$time$Time$millisToPosix(c.ts * 1000)))); }, width: $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$px(250) }, { header: A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$el, _Utils_ap( headerStyle, _List_fromArray( [ $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$width( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$px(50)) ])), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$text('Count')), view: function (c) { return A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$el, rowStyle, $author$project$Page$Admin$overFlowText( $elm$core$String$fromInt(c.count))); }, width: $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$px(100) }, { header: A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$el, _Utils_ap( headerStyle, _List_fromArray( [ $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$width( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$px(50)) ])), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$text('Safe')), view: function (c) { return A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$el, rowStyle, $author$project$Page$Admin$overFlowText( $elm$core$String$fromInt(c.safe))); }, width: $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$px(100) }, { header: A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$el, _Utils_ap( headerStyle, _List_fromArray( [ $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$width( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$px(50)) ])), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$text('Filtered')), view: function (c) { return A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$el, rowStyle, $author$project$Page$Admin$overFlowText( $elm$core$String$fromInt(c.filter))); }, width: $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$px(100) }, { header: A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$el, _Utils_ap( headerStyle, _List_fromArray( [ $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$width( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$px(50)) ])), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$text('Download')), view: function (c) { return A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$newTabLink, rowStyle, { label: $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$text('Get'), url: '/api/raw_clicks/' + ($elm$core$String$fromInt(c.ts) + ('/' + model.stats.currentStatID)) }); }, width: $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$px(100) } ]), data: model.stats.currentStats.counts }); return A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$column, _List_fromArray( [ $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$spacing(25), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$width($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$fill), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Background$color($author$project$Page$Colors$white), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$padding(20) ]), _List_fromArray( [actions, table])); }); var $author$project$Page$Admin$renderLinkUpdate = F3( function (id, model, session) { var role = session.role; return A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$column, _List_fromArray( [ $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$width($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$fill), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$padding(40) ]), A2( $elm$core$List$map, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$map( $author$project$Page$Admin$FormLink( _Utils_Tuple2('Update', id))), _Utils_ap( A3( $author$project$Form$render, _List_fromArray( [ $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$width($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$fill), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$spacing(10) ]), $elm$core$Maybe$Just(role), model.updateLink), A2($elm$core$List$map, $author$project$Form$renderErr, model.createLinkErr)))); }); var $author$project$Page$Admin$renderData = F5( function (menu, action, model, session, param) { if (menu.$ === 'Links') { switch (action.$) { case 'LinkList': return A2($author$project$Page$Admin$renderLinkList, model, session); case 'LinkCreate': return A2($author$project$Page$Admin$renderLinkCreate, model, session); case 'LinkUpdate': return A3($author$project$Page$Admin$renderLinkUpdate, param, model, session); case 'LinkStatsCount': return A3($author$project$Page$Admin$renderLinkStats, param, model, session); default: return A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$row, _List_Nil, _List_fromArray( [ $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$text('Invalid action') ])); } } else { return A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$row, _List_Nil, _List_fromArray( [ $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$text('not found') ])); } }); var $author$project$Page$Admin$adminLogo = A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$image, _List_fromArray( [ $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$height( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$px(30)), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$width( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$px(100)) ]), {description: 'shrinkalink', src: '/static/img/b_logo.png'}); var $author$project$Page$Admin$ClickedLogout = {$: 'ClickedLogout'}; var $elm$html$Html$i = _VirtualDom_node('i'); var $author$project$Page$Icons$logoutIcon = A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$row, _List_fromArray( [ $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$padding(10), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$spacing(20), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$width($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$fill) ]), _List_fromArray( [ A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$el, _List_Nil, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$html( A2( $elm$html$Html$i, _List_fromArray( [ $elm$html$Html$Attributes$class('fas fa-sign-out-alt') ]), _List_Nil))) ])); var $author$project$Page$Admin$logoutButton = A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Input$button, _List_fromArray( [ $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$alignRight, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Background$color($author$project$Page$Colors$darkBlue), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Border$rounded(5), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Font$color($author$project$Page$Colors$white), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Font$size(14) ]), { label: $author$project$Page$Icons$logoutIcon, onPress: $elm$core$Maybe$Just($author$project$Page$Admin$ClickedLogout) }); var $author$project$Page$Admin$isMenu = function (m) { switch (m.$) { case 'Links': return 'Links'; case 'Stats': return 'Stats'; case 'Tracking': return 'Tracking'; case 'Campaigns': return 'Campaigns'; case 'Users': return 'Users'; default: return 'Ads'; } }; var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Hover = {$: 'Hover'}; var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$PseudoSelector = F2( function (a, b) { return {$: 'PseudoSelector', a: a, b: b}; }); var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$hover = $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$flag(33); var $elm$virtual_dom$VirtualDom$mapAttribute = _VirtualDom_mapAttribute; var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$mapAttrFromStyle = F2( function (fn, attr) { switch (attr.$) { case 'NoAttribute': return $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$NoAttribute; case 'Describe': var description = attr.a; return $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Describe(description); case 'AlignX': var x = attr.a; return $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$AlignX(x); case 'AlignY': var y = attr.a; return $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$AlignY(y); case 'Width': var x = attr.a; return $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Width(x); case 'Height': var x = attr.a; return $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Height(x); case 'Class': var x = attr.a; var y = attr.b; return A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Class, x, y); case 'StyleClass': var flag = attr.a; var style = attr.b; return A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$StyleClass, flag, style); case 'Nearby': var location = attr.a; var elem = attr.b; return A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Nearby, location, A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$map, fn, elem)); case 'Attr': var htmlAttr = attr.a; return $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Attr( A2($elm$virtual_dom$VirtualDom$mapAttribute, fn, htmlAttr)); default: var fl = attr.a; var trans = attr.b; return A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$TransformComponent, fl, trans); } }); var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$removeNever = function (style) { return A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$mapAttrFromStyle, $elm$core$Basics$never, style); }; var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$unwrapDecsHelper = F2( function (attr, _v0) { var styles = _v0.a; var trans = _v0.b; var _v1 = $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$removeNever(attr); switch (_v1.$) { case 'StyleClass': var style = _v1.b; return _Utils_Tuple2( A2($elm$core$List$cons, style, styles), trans); case 'TransformComponent': var flag = _v1.a; var component = _v1.b; return _Utils_Tuple2( styles, A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$composeTransformation, trans, component)); default: return _Utils_Tuple2(styles, trans); } }); var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$unwrapDecorations = function (attrs) { var _v0 = A3( $elm$core$List$foldl, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$unwrapDecsHelper, _Utils_Tuple2(_List_Nil, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Untransformed), attrs); var styles = _v0.a; var transform = _v0.b; return A2( $elm$core$List$cons, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Transform(transform), styles); }; var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$mouseOver = function (decs) { return A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$StyleClass, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$hover, A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$PseudoSelector, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Hover, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$unwrapDecorations(decs))); }; var $author$project$Page$Admin$menuButton = F2( function (menu, text) { var style = _List_fromArray( [ $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$height($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$fill), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$padding(5), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Border$rounded(7), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$mouseOver( _List_fromArray( [ $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Font$color($author$project$Page$Colors$gray), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Background$color($author$project$Page$Colors$lightBlue) ])) ]); var link = A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$link, _List_Nil, { label: $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$text(text), url: '/' + $elm$core$String$toLower(text) }); var button = _Utils_eq( $author$project$Page$Admin$isMenu(menu), text) ? A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$el, _Utils_ap( style, _List_fromArray( [ $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Font$color($author$project$Page$Colors$lightBlue) ])), link) : A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$el, _Utils_ap( style, _List_fromArray( [ $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Font$color($author$project$Page$Colors$pureWhite) ])), link); return button; }); var $author$project$Page$Admin$renderMenu = F2( function (menu, role) { var style = _List_fromArray( [ $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$spacing(22), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Font$size(17), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Font$color($author$project$Page$Colors$pureWhite) ]); var sections = function () { switch (role.$) { case 'SuperUser': return A2( $elm$core$List$map, $author$project$Page$Admin$isMenu, _List_fromArray( [$author$project$Page$Admin$Links])); case 'FreeUser': return A2( $elm$core$List$map, $author$project$Page$Admin$isMenu, _List_fromArray( [$author$project$Page$Admin$Links])); default: return A2( $elm$core$List$map, $author$project$Page$Admin$isMenu, _List_fromArray( [$author$project$Page$Admin$Links])); } }(); return _List_fromArray( [ A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$row, style, A2( $elm$core$List$map, $author$project$Page$Admin$menuButton(menu), sections)) ]); }); var $author$project$Page$Admin$renderHeader = F6( function (device, key, currentMenu, model, session, param) { return A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$row, _List_fromArray( [ $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Background$color($author$project$Page$Colors$darkBlue), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$width($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$fill), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$spacing(40), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$height( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$px(45)), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$paddingEach( _Utils_update( $author$project$Page$Admin$edges, {left: 15})) ]), _Utils_ap( _List_fromArray( [$author$project$Page$Admin$adminLogo]), _Utils_ap( A2( $author$project$Page$Admin$renderMenu, currentMenu, $author$project$Api$isRole(session.role)), _List_fromArray( [ A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$el, _List_fromArray( [ $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Font$size(16), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Font$color($author$project$Page$Colors$pureWhite), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$alignRight ]), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$text(session.username)), $author$project$Page$Admin$logoutButton ])))); }); var $author$project$Page$Admin$renderContainer = F7( function (device, key, menu, action, model, param, session) { return A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$column, _List_fromArray( [ $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$width($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$fill), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$height($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$fill), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Background$color($author$project$Page$Colors$white) ]), _List_fromArray( [ A6($author$project$Page$Admin$renderHeader, device, key, menu, model, param, session), A5($author$project$Page$Admin$renderData, menu, action, model, param, session) ])); }); var $author$project$Page$Admin$render = F7( function (device, key, menu, action, model, param, session) { return A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$layout, _List_Nil, A7($author$project$Page$Admin$renderContainer, device, key, menu, action, model, param, session)); }); var $author$project$Page$Admin$view = F7( function (device, key, menu, action, model, param, session) { return A7($author$project$Page$Admin$render, device, key, menu, action, model, param, session); }); var $author$project$Page$Root$LogIn = {$: 'LogIn'}; var $author$project$Page$Root$LogInClosed = {$: 'LogInClosed'}; var $author$project$Page$Root$LogInPassword = function (a) { return {$: 'LogInPassword', a: a}; }; var $author$project$Page$Colors$black = A3($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$rgb255, 0, 0, 0); var $author$project$Page$Root$LogInUsername = function (a) { return {$: 'LogInUsername', a: a}; }; var $author$project$Page$Root$Nop = {$: 'Nop'}; var $elm$regex$Regex$Match = F4( function (match, index, number, submatches) { return {index: index, match: match, number: number, submatches: submatches}; }); var $elm$regex$Regex$contains = _Regex_contains; var $elm$regex$Regex$fromStringWith = _Regex_fromStringWith; var $elm$regex$Regex$fromString = function (string) { return A2( $elm$regex$Regex$fromStringWith, {caseInsensitive: false, multiline: false}, string); }; var $elm$regex$Regex$never = _Regex_never; var $author$project$Page$Root$checkLoginUsername = function (s) { var usernameRegex = A2( $elm$core$Maybe$withDefault, $elm$regex$Regex$never, $elm$regex$Regex$fromString('^[0-9a-zA-Z_]{1,20}$')); var _v0 = A2($elm$regex$Regex$contains, usernameRegex, s); if (_v0) { return $author$project$Page$Root$LogInUsername( $elm$core$String$toLower(s)); } else { if (s === '') { return $author$project$Page$Root$LogInUsername( $elm$core$String$toLower('')); } else { return $author$project$Page$Root$Nop; } } }; var $author$project$Page$Icons$closeIcon = function (msg) { return A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$row, _List_fromArray( [ $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$padding(10), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$spacing(20), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$width($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$fill) ]), _List_fromArray( [ A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$el, _List_fromArray( [ $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$pointer, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Events$onClick(msg) ]), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$html( A2( $elm$html$Html$i, _List_fromArray( [ $elm$html$Html$Attributes$class('fas fa-times') ]), _List_Nil))) ])); }; var $author$project$Page$Root$transparentLayer = F2( function (color, factor) { return A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$column, _List_fromArray( [ $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$alpha(factor), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$width($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$fill), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$height($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$fill), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Background$color(color) ]), _List_Nil); }); var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Input$username = $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Input$textHelper( { autofill: $elm$core$Maybe$Just('username'), spellchecked: false, type_: $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Input$TextInputNode('text') }); var $author$project$Page$Root$loginMenu = F2( function (device, model) { var menu = function () { var _v0 = model.loginOpen; if (_v0) { return A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$column, _List_fromArray( [ $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$centerX, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$width($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$fill), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$height($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$fill), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$behindContent( A2($author$project$Page$Root$transparentLayer, $author$project$Page$Colors$white, 0.7)), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$paddingEach( _Utils_update( $author$project$Page$Root$edges, {top: 100})) ]), _List_fromArray( [ A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$column, _List_fromArray( [ $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$width( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$px(350)), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Background$color($author$project$Page$Colors$pureWhite), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Border$shadow( { blur: 20.0, color: $author$project$Page$Colors$black, offset: _Utils_Tuple2(1.0, 1.0), size: 3.0 }), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$height( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$px(420)), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$centerX, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Font$color($author$project$Page$Colors$darkBlue), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Font$size(16), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$paddingEach( _Utils_update( $author$project$Page$Root$edges, {left: 40, right: 40, top: 60})), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$inFront( A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$el, _List_fromArray( [$mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$alignRight]), $author$project$Page$Icons$closeIcon($author$project$Page$Root$LogInClosed))), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$spacing(20) ]), _List_fromArray( [ A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$image, _List_fromArray( [ $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$centerX, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$height( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$px(80)), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$width( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$px(220)) ]), {description: 'shrinkalink', src: 'static/img/logo_blue.png'}), A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Input$username, _List_Nil, { label: A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Input$labelAbove, _List_Nil, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$text('Username')), onChange: $author$project$Page$Root$checkLoginUsername, placeholder: $elm$core$Maybe$Just( A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Input$placeholder, _List_fromArray( [ $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Font$color($author$project$Page$Colors$gray) ]), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$text('Username..'))), text: model.loginCred.username }), A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Input$newPassword, _List_Nil, { label: A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Input$labelAbove, _List_Nil, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$text('Repeat Password')), onChange: function (_new) { return $author$project$Page$Root$LogInPassword(_new); }, placeholder: $elm$core$Maybe$Just( A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Input$placeholder, _List_fromArray( [ $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Font$color($author$project$Page$Colors$gray) ]), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$text('Password..'))), show: false, text: model.loginCred.password }), A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Input$button, _List_fromArray( [ $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$centerX, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$padding(15), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Background$color($author$project$Page$Colors$lightBlue), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Border$roundEach( _Utils_update( $author$project$Page$Root$buttonEdges, {bottomLeft: 5, topLeft: 5, topRight: 5})), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Font$color($author$project$Page$Colors$white) ]), { label: $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$text('Log in'), onPress: $elm$core$Maybe$Just($author$project$Page$Root$LogIn) }) ])) ])); } else { return $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$none; } }(); return menu; }); var $author$project$Page$Root$promo = F4( function (src, desc, tittle, text) { return A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$column, _List_fromArray( [ $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$spacing(7), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$height( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$px(400)), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$width( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$px(250)) ]), _List_fromArray( [ A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$el, _List_fromArray( [ $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Background$color($author$project$Page$Colors$white), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$padding(10), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$height( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$px(150)), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$width($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$fill) ]), A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$image, _List_fromArray( [$mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$centerX, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$centerY]), {description: desc, src: src})), A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$el, _List_fromArray( [ $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Font$size(23), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Font$color($author$project$Page$Colors$darkBlue), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$alignLeft ]), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$text(tittle)), A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$paragraph, _List_fromArray( [ $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Font$size(12), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$spacing(10) ]), _List_fromArray( [ $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$text(text) ])) ])); }); var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Padding = F5( function (a, b, c, d, e) { return {$: 'Padding', a: a, b: b, c: c, d: d, e: e}; }); var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Spaced = F3( function (a, b, c) { return {$: 'Spaced', a: a, b: b, c: c}; }); var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$extractSpacingAndPadding = function (attrs) { return A3( $elm$core$List$foldr, F2( function (attr, _v0) { var pad = _v0.a; var spacing = _v0.b; return _Utils_Tuple2( function () { if (pad.$ === 'Just') { var x = pad.a; return pad; } else { if ((attr.$ === 'StyleClass') && (attr.b.$ === 'PaddingStyle')) { var _v3 = attr.b; var name = _v3.a; var t = _v3.b; var r = _v3.c; var b = _v3.d; var l = _v3.e; return $elm$core$Maybe$Just( A5($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Padding, name, t, r, b, l)); } else { return $elm$core$Maybe$Nothing; } } }(), function () { if (spacing.$ === 'Just') { var x = spacing.a; return spacing; } else { if ((attr.$ === 'StyleClass') && (attr.b.$ === 'SpacingStyle')) { var _v6 = attr.b; var name = _v6.a; var x = _v6.b; var y = _v6.c; return $elm$core$Maybe$Just( A3($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Spaced, name, x, y)); } else { return $elm$core$Maybe$Nothing; } } }()); }), _Utils_Tuple2($elm$core$Maybe$Nothing, $elm$core$Maybe$Nothing), attrs); }; var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$wrappedRow = F2( function (attrs, children) { var _v0 = $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$extractSpacingAndPadding(attrs); var padded = _v0.a; var spaced = _v0.b; if (spaced.$ === 'Nothing') { return A4( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$element, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$asRow, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$div, A2( $elm$core$List$cons, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$htmlClass($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.contentLeft + (' ' + ($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.contentCenterY + (' ' + $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.wrapped)))), A2( $elm$core$List$cons, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$width($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$shrink), A2( $elm$core$List$cons, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$height($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$shrink), attrs))), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Unkeyed(children)); } else { var _v2 = spaced.a; var spaceName = _v2.a; var x = _v2.b; var y = _v2.c; var newPadding = function () { if (padded.$ === 'Just') { var _v5 = padded.a; var name = _v5.a; var t = _v5.b; var r = _v5.c; var b = _v5.d; var l = _v5.e; return ((_Utils_cmp(r, (x / 2) | 0) > -1) && (_Utils_cmp(b, (y / 2) | 0) > -1)) ? $elm$core$Maybe$Just( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$paddingEach( {bottom: b - ((y / 2) | 0), left: l - ((x / 2) | 0), right: r - ((x / 2) | 0), top: t - ((y / 2) | 0)})) : $elm$core$Maybe$Nothing; } else { return $elm$core$Maybe$Nothing; } }(); if (newPadding.$ === 'Just') { var pad = newPadding.a; return A4( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$element, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$asRow, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$div, A2( $elm$core$List$cons, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$htmlClass($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.contentLeft + (' ' + ($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.contentCenterY + (' ' + $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.wrapped)))), A2( $elm$core$List$cons, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$width($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$shrink), A2( $elm$core$List$cons, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$height($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$shrink), _Utils_ap( attrs, _List_fromArray( [pad]))))), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Unkeyed(children)); } else { var halfY = -(y / 2); var halfX = -(x / 2); return A4( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$element, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$asEl, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$div, attrs, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Unkeyed( _List_fromArray( [ A4( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$element, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$asRow, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$div, A2( $elm$core$List$cons, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$htmlClass($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.contentLeft + (' ' + ($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.contentCenterY + (' ' + $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.wrapped)))), A2( $elm$core$List$cons, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Attr( A2( $elm$html$Html$Attributes$style, 'margin', $elm$core$String$fromFloat(halfY) + ('px' + (' ' + ($elm$core$String$fromFloat(halfX) + 'px'))))), A2( $elm$core$List$cons, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Attr( A2( $elm$html$Html$Attributes$style, 'width', 'calc(100% + ' + ($elm$core$String$fromInt(x) + 'px)'))), A2( $elm$core$List$cons, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Attr( A2( $elm$html$Html$Attributes$style, 'height', 'calc(100% + ' + ($elm$core$String$fromInt(y) + 'px)'))), A2( $elm$core$List$cons, A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$StyleClass, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$spacing, A3($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$SpacingStyle, spaceName, x, y)), _List_Nil))))), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Unkeyed(children)) ]))); } } }); var $author$project$Page$Root$renderPromotion = F3( function (device, model, session) { var style = function () { var _v1 = device._class; if (_v1.$ === 'Phone') { return _List_fromArray( [ $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$width($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$fill) ]); } else { return _List_fromArray( [ $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$width($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$fill), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$padding(100), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$spacing(30) ]); } }(); var func = function () { var _v0 = A2($elm$core$Debug$log, 'device', device._class); if (_v0.$ === 'Phone') { return $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$column; } else { return $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$wrappedRow; } }(); return A2( func, style, _List_fromArray( [ A4($author$project$Page$Root$promo, 'static/img/custom.png', 'custom_url', 'Custom URLs', 'Build custom branded links to improve convertion rate. Add your domains to our redirect to an even more custom experience.'), A4($author$project$Page$Root$promo, 'static/img/smart_link.png', 'smart_link', 'Smart Links', 'Smart links helps you protect your brand, and redirect users to the right content every time. You can choose all kind of filters and rules to decide final landing page on the fly. From geolocation filters, device , time/date, etc..'), A4($author$project$Page$Root$promo, 'static/img/stats.png', 'tracking_stats', 'Analytics and Reports', 'Group links into campaigns and help us track your success. We build accurates reports from your traffic. Also track using 3rd party apps using our postback system or API.'), A4($author$project$Page$Root$promo, 'static/img/blacklist.png', 'black_list', 'Blacklist Traffic', 'Protect your site from bots and abuse users. Realtime blacklisting by using the rules you want to block from cheating affiliates to scrapers.') ])); }); var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$fontWeight = $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$flag(13); var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Font$bold = A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Class, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$fontWeight, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.bold); var $author$project$Page$Root$overFlowText = function (txt) { return $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$html( A2( $elm$html$Html$div, _List_fromArray( [ A2($elm$html$Html$Attributes$style, 'overflow', 'hidden') ]), _List_fromArray( [ $elm$html$Html$text(txt) ]))); }; var $elm$html$Html$button = _VirtualDom_node('button'); var $elm$html$Html$Attributes$id = $elm$html$Html$Attributes$stringProperty('id'); var $author$project$Page$Root$renderUrlCopy = function (url) { return $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$html( A2( $elm$html$Html$button, _List_fromArray( [ $elm$html$Html$Attributes$id('copy_btn'), $elm$html$Html$Attributes$class('copy_btn'), A2($elm$html$Html$Attributes$attribute, 'data-clipboard-text', url) ]), _List_fromArray( [ $elm$html$Html$text('COPY LINK') ]))); }; var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Font$underline = $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$htmlClass($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.underline); var $author$project$Page$Root$renderLink = function (link) { return A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$row, _List_fromArray( [ $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$width($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$fill), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$padding(5), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$spacing(50), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Font$color($author$project$Page$Colors$pureWhite), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Border$widthEach( _Utils_update( $author$project$Page$Root$edges, {bottom: 1})) ]), _List_fromArray( [ A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$el, _List_fromArray( [ $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$width( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$px(350)) ]), $author$project$Page$Root$overFlowText(link.url)), A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$link, _List_fromArray( [$mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Font$underline]), { label: $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$text(link.shortUrl), url: link.shortUrl }), A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$el, _List_fromArray( [$mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$alignRight]), $author$project$Page$Root$renderUrlCopy(link.shortUrl)) ])); }; var $author$project$Page$Root$renderLinkList = F3( function (key, model, session) { return A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$column, _List_fromArray( [ $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$width( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$px(950)) ]), A2($elm$core$List$map, $author$project$Page$Root$renderLink, model.links)); }); var $author$project$Page$Root$UrlUpdated = function (a) { return {$: 'UrlUpdated', a: a}; }; var $author$project$Page$Root$UrlShortened = {$: 'UrlShortened'}; var $author$project$Page$Root$shortenButton = A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Input$button, _List_fromArray( [ $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$paddingEach( _Utils_update( $author$project$Page$Root$edges, {bottom: 17, left: 40, right: 40, top: 17})), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Font$color($author$project$Page$Colors$white), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Background$color($author$project$Page$Colors$lightBlue), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Border$roundEach( _Utils_update( $author$project$Page$Root$buttonEdges, {bottomLeft: 5, topLeft: 5, topRight: 5})) ]), { label: $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$text('SHORTEN'), onPress: $elm$core$Maybe$Just($author$project$Page$Root$UrlShortened) }); var $author$project$Page$Root$renderUrlInput = F3( function (key, model, session) { return A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$row, _List_fromArray( [ $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$spacing(10), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$centerY, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$width( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$px(950)), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$height( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$px(40)) ]), _List_fromArray( [ A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Input$text, _List_fromArray( [ $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$width($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$fill) ]), { label: $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Input$labelHidden('URL'), onChange: function (_new) { return $author$project$Page$Root$UrlUpdated(_new); }, placeholder: $elm$core$Maybe$Just( A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Input$placeholder, _List_fromArray( [ $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Font$color($author$project$Page$Colors$gray) ]), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$text('Copy your long URL here..'))), text: model.currentUrl }), $author$project$Page$Root$shortenButton ])); }); var $author$project$Page$Root$renderUrlShortener = F3( function (key, model, session) { return A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$column, _List_fromArray( [ $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$width($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$fill), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Background$color($author$project$Page$Colors$darkBlue), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$height($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$fill) ]), _List_fromArray( [ A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$column, _List_fromArray( [ $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$centerX, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$centerY, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$spacing(30), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$width( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$px(950)), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$padding(45) ]), _List_fromArray( [ A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$el, _List_fromArray( [ $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Font$bold, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Font$size(46), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Font$color($author$project$Page$Colors$pureWhite) ]), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$text('Take control, make your links smart!')), A3($author$project$Page$Root$renderUrlInput, key, model, session), A3($author$project$Page$Root$renderLinkList, key, model, session) ])) ])); }); var $author$project$Page$Root$PasswordTyped = function (a) { return {$: 'PasswordTyped', a: a}; }; var $author$project$Page$Root$RepeatPasswordTyped = function (a) { return {$: 'RepeatPasswordTyped', a: a}; }; var $author$project$Page$Root$SignUpClosed = {$: 'SignUpClosed'}; var $author$project$Page$Root$UsernameTyped = function (a) { return {$: 'UsernameTyped', a: a}; }; var $author$project$Page$Root$checkUsername = function (s) { var usernameRegex = A2( $elm$core$Maybe$withDefault, $elm$regex$Regex$never, $elm$regex$Regex$fromString('^[0-9a-zA-Z_]{1,20}$')); var _v0 = A2($elm$regex$Regex$contains, usernameRegex, s); if (_v0) { return $author$project$Page$Root$UsernameTyped( $elm$core$String$toLower(s)); } else { if (s === '') { return $author$project$Page$Root$UsernameTyped( $elm$core$String$toLower('')); } else { return $author$project$Page$Root$Nop; } } }; var $author$project$Page$Root$PasswordNotEqual = {$: 'PasswordNotEqual'}; var $author$project$Page$Root$UserSignedUp = function (a) { return {$: 'UserSignedUp', a: a}; }; var $author$project$Page$Root$signupUser = function (user) { var equalPass = _Utils_eq(user.password, user.repeatPassword); if (equalPass) { return $elm$core$Maybe$Just( $author$project$Page$Root$UserSignedUp(user)); } else { return $elm$core$Maybe$Just($author$project$Page$Root$PasswordNotEqual); } }; var $author$project$Page$Root$creatUserButton = function (user) { return A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Input$button, _List_fromArray( [ $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$centerX, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$padding(15), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Background$color($author$project$Page$Colors$lightBlue), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Font$color($author$project$Page$Colors$white) ]), { label: $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$text('Create User'), onPress: $author$project$Page$Root$signupUser(user) }); }; var $author$project$Page$Colors$red = A3($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$rgb255, 255, 38, 0); var $author$project$Page$Root$signUpMenu = F2( function (device, model) { var usernameError = function () { var _v3 = model.invalidSingupUsername; if (_v3) { return A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$el, _List_fromArray( [ $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Font$color($author$project$Page$Colors$red) ]), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$text('Invalid username.')); } else { return $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$none; } }(); var passwordError = function () { var _v2 = model.passwordNotEqual; if (_v2) { return A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$el, _List_fromArray( [ $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Font$color($author$project$Page$Colors$red) ]), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$text('Both password should be equal')); } else { return $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$none; } }(); var modalWidth = function () { var _v1 = device._class; if (_v1.$ === 'Phone') { return $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$fill; } else { return $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$px(400); } }(); var menu = function () { var _v0 = model.signupOpen; if (_v0) { return A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$column, _List_fromArray( [ $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$centerX, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$width($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$fill), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$height($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$fill), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$behindContent( A2($author$project$Page$Root$transparentLayer, $author$project$Page$Colors$white, 0.7)), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$paddingEach( _Utils_update( $author$project$Page$Root$edges, {top: 100})) ]), _List_fromArray( [ A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$column, _List_fromArray( [ $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$width(modalWidth), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Background$color($author$project$Page$Colors$pureWhite), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Border$shadow( { blur: 20.0, color: $author$project$Page$Colors$black, offset: _Utils_Tuple2(1.0, 1.0), size: 3.0 }), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$height( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$px(520)), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$centerX, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Font$color($author$project$Page$Colors$darkBlue), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Font$size(16), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$paddingEach( _Utils_update( $author$project$Page$Root$edges, {left: 40, right: 40, top: 60})), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$inFront( A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$el, _List_fromArray( [$mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$alignRight]), $author$project$Page$Icons$closeIcon($author$project$Page$Root$SignUpClosed))), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$spacing(20) ]), _List_fromArray( [ A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$image, _List_fromArray( [ $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$centerX, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$height( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$px(80)), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$width( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$px(220)) ]), {description: 'shrinkalink', src: 'static/img/logo_blue.png'}), A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Input$username, _List_Nil, { label: A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Input$labelAbove, _List_Nil, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$text('Username')), onChange: $author$project$Page$Root$checkUsername, placeholder: $elm$core$Maybe$Just( A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Input$placeholder, _List_fromArray( [ $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Font$color($author$project$Page$Colors$gray) ]), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$text('Enter a cool username..'))), text: model.newUser.username }), usernameError, A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Input$newPassword, _List_Nil, { label: A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Input$labelAbove, _List_Nil, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$text('New Password')), onChange: function (_new) { return $author$project$Page$Root$PasswordTyped(_new); }, placeholder: $elm$core$Maybe$Just( A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Input$placeholder, _List_fromArray( [ $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Font$color($author$project$Page$Colors$gray) ]), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$text('Enter a secure password..'))), show: false, text: model.newUser.password }), A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Input$newPassword, _List_Nil, { label: A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Input$labelAbove, _List_Nil, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$text('Repeat Password')), onChange: function (_new) { return $author$project$Page$Root$RepeatPasswordTyped(_new); }, placeholder: $elm$core$Maybe$Just( A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Input$placeholder, _List_fromArray( [ $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Font$color($author$project$Page$Colors$gray) ]), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$text('Repeat the password..'))), show: false, text: model.newUser.repeatPassword }), passwordError, $author$project$Page$Root$creatUserButton(model.newUser) ])) ])); } else { return $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$none; } }(); return menu; }); var $author$project$Page$Root$renderContainer = F4( function (device, key, model, session) { return A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$column, _List_fromArray( [ $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$inFront( A2($author$project$Page$Root$signUpMenu, device, model)), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$inFront( A2($author$project$Page$Root$loginMenu, device, model)), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$height($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$fill), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$width($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$fill), $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Background$color($author$project$Page$Colors$white) ]), _List_fromArray( [ A3($author$project$Page$Root$renderHeader, key, model, session), A3($author$project$Page$Root$renderUrlShortener, key, model, session), A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$el, _List_fromArray( [$mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$centerX]), A3($author$project$Page$Root$renderPromotion, device, model, session)), A2($author$project$Page$Root$renderFooter, model, session) ])); }); var $author$project$Page$Root$render = F4( function (device, key, model, session) { return A2( $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$layout, _List_Nil, A4($author$project$Page$Root$renderContainer, device, key, model, session)); }); var $author$project$Page$Root$view = F4( function (device, key, model, session) { return A4($author$project$Page$Root$render, device, key, model, session); }); var $author$project$Routes$viewNotFound = function (s) { return A2( $elm$html$Html$p, _List_Nil, _List_fromArray( [ $elm$html$Html$text('Page not found:' + s) ])); }; var $author$project$Main$view = function (model) { var title = model.name; var body = function () { var _v0 = model.route; switch (_v0.$) { case 'NotFound': return $author$project$Routes$viewNotFound( $elm$url$Url$toString(model.url)); case 'Root': return A2( $elm$html$Html$map, $author$project$Main$RootMsg, A4($author$project$Page$Root$view, model.device, model.key, model.root_model, model.session)); case 'Admin': var _v1 = _v0.a; var menu = _v1.a; var action = _v1.b; return A2( $elm$html$Html$map, $author$project$Main$AdminMsg, A7($author$project$Page$Admin$view, model.device, model.key, menu, action, model.admin_model, model.session, '')); case 'AdminParam': var _v2 = _v0.a; var menu = _v2.a; var action = _v2.b; var s = _v0.b; return A2( $elm$html$Html$map, $author$project$Main$AdminMsg, A7($author$project$Page$Admin$view, model.device, model.key, menu, action, model.admin_model, model.session, s)); default: return A2( $elm$html$Html$map, $author$project$Main$RootMsg, A3($author$project$Page$Root$renderPrivacy, model.key, model.root_model, model.session)); } }(); return { body: _List_fromArray( [body]), title: title }; }; var $author$project$Main$main = $elm$browser$Browser$application( {init: $author$project$Main$init, onUrlChange: $author$project$Main$UrlChanged, onUrlRequest: $author$project$Main$LinkClicked, subscriptions: $author$project$Main$subscriptions, update: $author$project$Main$update, view: $author$project$Main$view}); _Platform_export({'Main':{'init':$author$project$Main$main( $elm$json$Json$Decode$succeed(_Utils_Tuple0))(0)}});}(this));